######################################################################################################################## # $Id$ ######################################################################################################################### # 00_DecisionTree.pm # # (c) 2023 # # This script is part of fhem. # # Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with fhem. If not, see . # ######################################################################################################################### # # Leerzeichen entfernen: sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 00_DecisionTree.pm # ######################################################################################################################### package FHEM::DecisionTree; ## no critic 'package' use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export); # wird für den Import der FHEM Funktionen aus der fhem.pl benötigt use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval' eval "use FHEM::Utility::CTZ qw(:all);1;" or my $ctzAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval' use Encode; use Color; use utf8; use HttpUtils; eval "use JSON;1;" or my $jsonabs = 'JSON'; ## no critic 'eval' # Debian: sudo apt-get install libjson-perl eval "use Algorithm::DecisionTree;1;" or my $aidtabs = 'Algorithm::DecisionTree'; ## no critic 'eval' use FHEM::SynoModules::SMUtils qw( evaljson getClHash delClHash moduleVersion trim ); # Hilfsroutinen Modul use Data::Dumper; use Blocking; use Storable qw(dclone freeze thaw nstore store retrieve); use MIME::Base64; no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch'; # Run before module compilation BEGIN { # Import from main:: GP_Import( qw( attr asyncOutput AnalyzePerlCommand AnalyzeCommandChain AttrVal AttrNum BlockingCall BlockingKill CommandAttr CommandGet CommandSet CommandSetReading data defs delFromDevAttrList delFromAttrList devspec2array deviceEvents DoTrigger Debug fhemTimeLocal fhemTimeGm fhem FileWrite FileRead FileDelete FmtTime FmtDateTime FW_makeImage getKeyValue HttpUtils_NonblockingGet init_done InternalTimer IsDisabled Log Log3 modules parseParams readingsSingleUpdate readingsBulkUpdate readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged readingsBeginUpdate readingsDelete readingsEndUpdate ReadingsNum ReadingsTimestamp ReadingsVal RemoveInternalTimer readingFnAttributes setKeyValue sortTopicNum FW_cmd FW_directNotify FW_ME FW_subdir FW_room FW_detail FW_wname ) ); # Export to main context with different name # my $pkg = caller(0); # my $main = $pkg; # $main =~ s/^(?:.+::)?([^:]+)$/main::$1\_/g; # foreach (@_) { # *{ $main . $_ } = *{ $pkg . '::' . $_ }; # } GP_Export( qw( Initialize pageAsHtml NexthoursVal ) ); } # Versions History intern my %vNotesIntern = ( "0.1.0" => "14.10.2023 initial Version " ); ## Konstanten ############### my $aitrained = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DecisionTree_tra_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Trainingsdaten (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) my $airaw = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DecisionTree_raw_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Input Daten = Raw Trainigsdaten my $aitrblto = 7200; # KI Training BlockingCall Timeout my $aibcthhld = 0.2; # Schwelle der KI Trainigszeit ab der BlockingCall benutzt wird my $aistdudef = 1095; # default Haltezeit KI Raw Daten (Tage) ################################################################ # Init Fn ################################################################ sub Initialize { my $hash = shift; my $fwd = join ",", devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=STATE=Initialized"); $hash->{DefFn} = \&Define; $hash->{UndefFn} = \&Undef; $hash->{GetFn} = \&Get; $hash->{SetFn} = \&Set; $hash->{DeleteFn} = \&Delete; $hash->{FW_summaryFn} = \&FwFn; $hash->{FW_detailFn} = \&FwFn; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = \&Shutdown; $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = \&DbLogSplit; $hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr; $hash->{NotifyFn} = \&Notify; $hash->{AttrList} = "". $readingFnAttributes; # $hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "" # }; eval { FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) }; ## no critic 'eval' return; } ############################################################### # DecisionTree Define ############################################################### sub Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split(/\s+/x, $def); return "Error: Perl module ".$jsonabs." is missing. Install it on Debian with: sudo apt-get install libjson-perl" if($jsonabs); return "Error: Perl module ".$aidtabs." is missing. Install it on Debian with: cpanm Algorithm::DecisionTree" if($aidtabs); # my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; # $hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT} = 1 if($modMetaAbsent); # Modul Meta.pm nicht vorhanden # my $params = { # hash => $hash, # name => $hash->{NAME}, # type => $hash->{TYPE}, # notes => \%vNotesIntern, # }; # $params->{file} = $aitrained.$name; # AI Cache File einlesen wenn vorhanden # $params->{cachename} = 'aitrained'; # _readCacheFile ($params); # $params->{file} = $airaw.$name; # AI Rawdaten File einlesen wenn vorhanden # $params->{cachename} = 'airaw'; # _readCacheFile ($params); return; } ################################################################ # Cachefile lesen ################################################################ sub _readCacheFile { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; my $file = $paref->{file}; my $cachename = $paref->{cachename}; if ($cachename eq 'aitrained') { my ($err, $dtree) = fileRetrieve ($file); if (!$err && $dtree) { my $valid = $dtree->isa('AI::DecisionTree'); if ($valid) { $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{aitrained} = $dtree; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrainstate} = 'ok'; Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } } return; } if ($cachename eq 'airaw') { my ($err, $data) = fileRetrieve ($file); if (!$err && $data) { $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw} = $data; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate} = 'ok'; Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } return; } my ($error, @content) = FileRead ($file); if(!$error) { my $json = join "", @content; my ($success) = evaljson ($hash, $json); if($success) { $data{$hash->{TYPE}}{$name}{$cachename} = decode_json ($json); Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } else { Log3($name, 2, qq{$name - WARNING - The content of file "$file" is not readable and may be corrupt}); } } return; } ################################################################ # Funktion um mit Storable eine Struktur in ein File # zu schreiben ################################################################ sub fileStore { my $obj = shift; my $file = shift; my $err; my $ret = eval { nstore ($obj, $file) }; if (!$ret || $@) { $err = $@ ? $@ : 'I/O problems or other internal error'; } return $err; } ################################################################ # Funktion um mit Storable eine Struktur aus einem File # zu lesen ################################################################ sub fileRetrieve { my $file = shift; my ($err, $obj); if (-e $file) { eval { $obj = retrieve ($file) }; if (!$obj || $@) { $err = $@ ? $@ : 'I/O error while reading'; } } return ($err, $obj); } ############################################################### # DecisionTree Set ############################################################### sub Set { my ($hash, @a) = @_; return "\"set X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 ); my $name = shift @a; my $opt = shift @a; my @args = @a; my $arg = join " ", map { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/\s//xg; $p; } @a; ## no critic 'Map blocks' my $prop = shift @a; my $prop1 = shift @a; my $prop2 = shift @a; return if(IsDisabled($name)); my ($setlist); $setlist .= "aiDecTree:addInstances,addRawData,train "; return "$setlist"; } ############################################################### # Getter aiDecTree ############################################################### sub _getaiDecTree { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $arg = $paref->{arg} // return; my $ret; if($arg eq 'aiRawData') { $ret = listDataPool ($hash, 'aiRawData'); } if($arg eq 'aiRuleStrings') { $ret = __getaiRuleStrings ($hash); } $ret .= lineFromSpaces ($ret, 5); return $ret; } ################################################################ # Gibt eine Liste von Zeichenketten zurück, die den AI # Entscheidungsbaum in Form von Regeln beschreiben ################################################################ sub __getaiRuleStrings { ## no critic "not used" my $hash = shift; return 'the AI usage is not prepared' if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash)); my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'aitrained', undef); if (!$dtree) { return 'AI trained object is missed'; } my $rs = 'no rules delivered'; my @rsl; eval { @rsl = $dtree->rule_statements() } or do { return $@; }; if (@rsl) { my $l = scalar @rsl; $rs = "Number of rules: ".$l.""; $rs .= "\n\n"; $rs .= join "\n", @rsl; } return $rs; } ################################################################ sub Attr { my $cmd = shift; my $name = shift; my $aName = shift; my $aVal = shift; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my ($do,$val); # $cmd can be "del" or "set" # $name is device name # aName and aVal are Attribute name and value if($aName eq 'disable') { if($cmd eq 'set') { $do = $aVal ? 1 : 0; } $do = 0 if($cmd eq 'del'); $val = ($do == 1 ? 'disabled' : 'initialized'); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $val, evt => 1} ); } my $params = { hash => $hash, name => $name, type => $hash->{TYPE}, cmd => $cmd, aName => $aName, aVal => $aVal }; return; } ################################################################ # Daten in File wegschreiben ################################################################ sub writeCacheToFile { my $hash = shift; my $cachename = shift; my $file = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my @data; my ($error, $err, $lw); if ($cachename eq 'aitrained') { my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'aitrained', ''); return if(ref $dtree ne 'AI::DecisionTree'); $error = fileStore ($dtree, $file); if ($error) { $err = qq{ERROR while writing AI data to file "$file": $error}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } $lw = gettimeofday(); $hash->{LCACHEFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime($lw)." File: $file"; singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => "wrote cachefile $cachename successfully", evt => 1} ); return; } if ($cachename eq 'airaw') { my $data = AiRawdataVal ($hash, '', '', ''); if ($data) { $error = fileStore ($data, $file); } if ($error) { $err = qq{ERROR while writing AI data to file "$file": $error}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } $lw = gettimeofday(); $hash->{LCACHEFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime($lw)." File: $file"; singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => "wrote cachefile $cachename successfully", evt => 1} ); return; } if ($cachename eq 'plantconfig') { @data = _savePlantConfig ($hash); return 'Plant configuration is empty, no data where written' if(!@data); } else { return if(!$data{$type}{$name}{$cachename}); my $json = encode_json ($data{$type}{$name}{$cachename}); push @data, $json; } $error = FileWrite ($file, @data); if ($error) { $err = qq{ERROR writing cache file "$file": $error}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } $lw = gettimeofday(); $hash->{LCACHEFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime($lw)." File: $file"; singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => "wrote cachefile $cachename successfully", evt => 1} ); return; } ################################################################ # Voraussetzungen zur Nutzung der KI prüfen, Status setzen # und Prüfungsergebnis (0/1) zurückgeben ################################################################ sub isPrepared4AI { my $hash = shift; my $full = shift // q{}; # wenn true -> auch Auswertung ob on_.*_ai gesetzt ist my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name); my $err; if(!isDWDUsed ($hash)) { $err = qq(The selected DecisionTree model cannot use AI support); } elsif ($aidtabs) { $err = qq(The Perl module AI::DecisionTree is missing. Please install it with e.g. "sudo apt-get install libai-decisiontree-perl" for AI support); } elsif ($full && $acu !~ /ai/xs) { $err = 'The setting of pvCorrectionFactor_Auto does not contain AI support'; } if ($err) { $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aicanuse} = $err; return 0; } $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aicanuse} = 'ok'; return 1; } ################################################################################################### # Wert AI::DecisionTree Objects zurückliefern # Usage: # AiDetreeVal ($hash, key, $def) # # key: object - das AI Object # aitrained - AI trainierte Daten # airaw - Rohdaten für AI Input = Raw Trainigsdaten # # $def: Defaultwert # ################################################################################################### sub AiDetreeVal { my $hash = shift; my $key = shift; my $def = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; if (defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree} && defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{$key}) { return $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{$key}; } return $def; } ################################################################ # AI Instanz für die abgeschlossene Stunde hinzufügen ################################################################ sub _addHourAiRawdata { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $chour = $paref->{chour}; my $daref = $paref->{daref}; for my $h (1..23) { next if(!$chour || $h > $chour); my $rho = sprintf "%02d", $h; my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".signaldone_".$rho, ""); next if($sr eq "done"); $paref->{ood} = 1; $paref->{rho} = $rho; aiAddRawData ($paref); # Raw Daten für AI hinzufügen und sichern delete $paref->{ood}; delete $paref->{rho}; push @$daref, ".signaldone_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."<>done"; } return; } ############################################################### # Eintritt in den KI Train Prozess normal/Blocking ############################################################### sub manageTrain { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; delete $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING} if(defined $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid} && $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid} =~ /DEAD/xs); if (defined $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid}) { Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - another AI Training with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid}" is already running ... start Training aborted}); return; } $paref->{block} = 1; $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING} = BlockingCall ( "FHEM::DecisionTree::aiTrain", $paref, "FHEM::DecisionTree::finishTrain", $aitrblto, "FHEM::DecisionTree::abortTrain", $hash ); if (defined $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}) { $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{loglevel} = 3; # Forum https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,77057.msg689918.html#msg689918 debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Training BlockingCall PID "$hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid}" with Timeout "$aitrblto" started}); } return; } ############################################################### # Restaufgaben nach Update ############################################################### sub finishTrain { my $serial = decode_base64 (shift); my $paref = eval { thaw ($serial) }; # Deserialisierung my $name = $paref->{name}; my $hash = $defs{$name}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; delete($hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}) if(defined $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}); my $aicanuse = $paref->{aicanuse}; my $aiinitstate = $paref->{aiinitstate}; my $aitrainstate = $paref->{aitrainstate}; my $runTimeTrainAI = $paref->{runTimeTrainAI}; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aicanuse} = $aicanuse if(defined $aicanuse); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiinitstate} = $aiinitstate if(defined $aiinitstate); $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{runTimeTrainAI} = $runTimeTrainAI if(defined $runTimeTrainAI); # !! in Circular speichern um zu persistieren, setTimeTracking speichert zunächst in Current !! if ($aitrainstate eq 'ok') { _readCacheFile ({ hash => $hash, name => $name, type => $type, file => $aitrained.$name, cachename => 'aitrained' } ); } return; } #################################################################################################### # Abbruchroutine BlockingCall Timeout #################################################################################################### sub abortTrain { my $hash = shift; my $cause = shift // "Timeout: process terminated"; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name -> BlockingCall $hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{fn} pid:$hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}{pid} aborted: $cause"); delete($hash->{HELPER}{AIBLOCKRUNNING}); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrainstate} = 'Traing (Child) process timed out'; return; } ################################################################ # KI Instanz(en) aus Raw Daten Hash # $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw} hinzufügen ################################################################ sub aiAddInstance { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; my $taa = $paref->{taa}; # do train after add return if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash)); my $err; my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef); if (!$dtree) { $err = aiInit ($paref); return if($err); $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef); } for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}}) { next if(!$idx); my $pvrl = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvrl', undef); next if(!defined $pvrl); my $hod = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'hod', undef); next if(!defined $hod); my $rad1h = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'rad1h', 0); next if($rad1h <= 0); my $temp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'temp', 20); my $wcc = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wcc', 0); my $wrp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wrp', 0); eval { $dtree->add_instance (attributes => { rad1h => $rad1h, temp => $temp, wcc => $wcc, wrp => $wrp, hod => $hod }, result => $pvrl ) } or do { Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - aiAddInstance ERROR: $@"); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiaddistate} = $@; return; }; debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Instance added - hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, pvrl: $pvrl, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $wrp, temp: $temp}); } $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{object} = $dtree; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiaddistate} = 'ok'; if ($taa) { manageTrain ($paref); } return; } ################################################################ # KI trainieren ################################################################ sub aiTrain { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; my $block = $paref->{block} // 0; my $serial; if (!isPrepared4AI ($hash)) { my $err = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', ''); $serial = encode_base64 (Serialize ( {name => $name, aicanuse => $err} ), ""); $block ? return ($serial) : return \&finishTrain ($serial); } my $cst = [gettimeofday]; # Zyklus-Startzeit my $err; my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef); if (!$dtree) { $err = aiInit ($paref); if ($err) { $serial = encode_base64 (Serialize ( {name => $name, aiinitstate => $err} ), ""); $block ? return ($serial) : return \&finishTrain ($serial); } $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef); } eval { $dtree->train } or do { Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - aiTrain ERROR: $@"); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrainstate} = $@; $serial = encode_base64 (Serialize ( {name => $name, aitrainstate => $@} ), ""); $block ? return ($serial) : return \&finishTrain ($serial); }; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{aitrained} = $dtree; $err = writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'aitrained', $aitrained.$name); if (!$err) { debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{AI trained: }.Dumper $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{aitrained}); debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI trained and saved data into file: }.$aitrained.$name); debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{Training instances and their associated information where purged from the AI object}); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrainstate} = 'ok'; } setTimeTracking ($hash, $cst, 'runTimeTrainAI'); # Zyklus-Laufzeit ermitteln $serial = encode_base64 (Serialize ( {name => $name, aitrainstate => CurrentVal ($hash, 'aitrainstate', ''), runTimeTrainAI => CurrentVal ($hash, 'runTimeTrainAI', '') } ) , ""); delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{runTimeTrainAI}; $block ? return ($serial) : return \&finishTrain ($serial); return; } ################################################################ # AI Ergebnis für ermitteln ################################################################ sub aiGetResult { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; my $hod = $paref->{hod}; my $nhidx = $paref->{nhidx}; return 'the AI usage is not prepared' if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash, 'full')); my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'aitrained', undef); if (!$dtree) { return 'AI trained object is missed'; } my $rad1h = NexthoursVal ($hash, $nhidx, "rad1h", 0); return "no rad1h for hod: $hod" if($rad1h <= 0); my $wcc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $nhidx, "cloudcover", 0); my $wrp = NexthoursVal ($hash, $nhidx, "rainprob", 0); my $temp = NexthoursVal ($hash, $nhidx, "temp", 20); my $tbin = temp2bin ($temp); my $cbin = cloud2bin ($wcc); my $rbin = rain2bin ($wrp); my $pvaifc; eval { $pvaifc = $dtree->get_result (attributes => { rad1h => $rad1h, temp => $tbin, wcc => $cbin, wrp => $rbin, hod => $hod } ); }; if ($@) { Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - aiGetResult ERROR: $@"); return $@; } if (defined $pvaifc) { debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{result AI: pvaifc: $pvaifc (hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin)}); return ('', $pvaifc); } return 'no decition delivered'; } ################################################################ # KI initialisieren ################################################################ sub aiInit { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; if (!isPrepared4AI ($hash)) { my $err = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', ''); debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', $err); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiinitstate} = $err; return $err; } my $dtree = new AI::DecisionTree ( verbose => 0, noise_mode => 'pick_best' ); $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{object} = $dtree; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiinitstate} = 'ok'; Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - AI::DecisionTree initialized"); return; } ################################################################ # Daten der Raw Datensammlung hinzufügen ################################################################ sub aiAddRawData { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; my $ood = $paref->{ood} // 0; # only one (current) day my $rho = $paref->{rho}; # only this hour of day delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate}; my ($err, $dosave); for my $pvd (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}}) { next if(!$pvd); if ($ood) { next if($pvd ne $paref->{day}); } for my $hod (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$pvd}}) { next if(!$hod || $hod eq '99' || ($rho && $hod ne $rho)); my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'rad1h', undef); next if(!$rad1h || $rad1h <= 0); my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'pvrl', undef); next if(!$pvrl || $pvrl <= 0); my $ridx = _aiMakeIdxRaw ($pvd, $hod); my $temp = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'temp', 20); my $wcc = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'wcc', 0); my $wrp = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'wrp', 0); my $tbin = temp2bin ($temp); my $cbin = cloud2bin ($wcc); my $rbin = rain2bin ($wrp); $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{rad1h} = $rad1h; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{temp} = $tbin; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{wcc} = $cbin; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{wrp} = $rbin; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{hod} = $hod; $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{pvrl} = $pvrl; $dosave = 1; debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Raw data added - idx: $ridx, day: $pvd, hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, pvrl: $pvrl, wcc: $cbin, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin}); } } if ($dosave) { $err = writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'airaw', $airaw.$name); if (!$err) { $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate} = 'ok'; debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI raw data saved into file: }.$airaw.$name); } } return; } ################################################################ # Daten aus Raw Datensammlung löschen welche die maximale # Haltezeit (Tage) überschritten haben ################################################################ sub aiDelRawData { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; if (!keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}}) { return; } my $hd = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlAIdataStorageDuration', $aistdudef); # Haltezeit KI Raw Daten (Tage) my $ht = time - ($hd * 86400); my $day = strftime "%d", localtime($ht); my $didx = _aiMakeIdxRaw ($day, '00', $ht); # Daten mit idx <= $didx löschen debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Raw delete data equal or less than index >$didx<}); delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate}; my ($err, $dosave); for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}}) { next if(!$idx || $idx > $didx); delete $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$idx}; $dosave = 1; debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Raw data deleted - idx: $idx}); } if ($dosave) { $err = writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'airaw', $airaw.$name); if (!$err) { $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate} = 'ok'; debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI raw data saved into file: }.$airaw.$name); } } return; } ################################################################ # den Index für AI raw Daten erzeugen ################################################################ sub _aiMakeIdxRaw { my $day = shift; my $hod = shift; my $t = shift // time; my $ridx = strftime "%Y%m", localtime($t); $ridx .= $day.$hod; return $ridx; } ################################################################################################### # Wert AI Raw Data zurückliefern # Usage: # AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, $key, $def) # AiRawdataVal ($hash, '', '', $def) -> den gesamten Hash airaw lesen # # $idx: - Index # $key: rad1h - Strahlungsdaten # temp - Temeperatur als Bin # wcc - Bewölkung als Bin # wrp - Regenwert als Bin # hod - Stunde des Tages # pvrl - reale PV Erzeugung # # $def: Defaultwert # ################################################################################################### sub AiRawdataVal { my $hash = shift; my $idx = shift; my $key = shift; my $def = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; if (!$idx && !$key) { if (defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}) { return $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}; } } if (defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw} && defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$idx} && defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$idx}{$key}) { return $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$idx}{$key}; } return $def; } 1; =pod =item summary Visualization of solar predictions for PV systems and Consumer control =item summary_DE Visualisierung von solaren Vorhersagen für PV Anlagen und Verbrauchersteuerung =begin html


=end html =begin html_DE


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