From ff41e4203b4ee273bb320bfc86b6240e87db97be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "klaus.schauer" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 17:56:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] 98_ModbusElsnerWS: custom commands functions added, new
reading weekday
git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
fhem/FHEM/ | 466 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 406 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index 3bb4e210f..4868fccd5 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
+use Time::Local;
use DevIo;
sub ModbusElsnerWS_Initialize($);
@@ -41,6 +42,24 @@ my %ModbusElsnerWS_DeviceInfo = (
+# trigger values for down and up commands
+my %customCmdTrigger = ('dayNight' => ['night', 'day'],
+ 'isRaining' => ['no', 'yes'],
+ 'isStormy' => ['no', 'yes'],
+ 'isSunny' => ['yes', 'no'],
+ 'isSunnyEast' => ['yes', 'no'],
+ 'isSunnySouth' => ['yes', 'no'],
+ 'isSunnyWest' => ['yes', 'no'],
+ 'isWindy' => ['no', 'yes']);
+my %customCmdPeriod =(once => -1,
+ threeTimes => -3,
+ 3 => 3,
+ 10 => 10,
+ 180 => 180,
+ 600 => 600);
+my %specials;
+my @weekday = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
sub ModbusElsnerWS_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
LoadModule "Modbus";
@@ -49,22 +68,29 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Initialize($) {
$hash->{deviceInfo} = \%ModbusElsnerWS_DeviceInfo; # defines properties of the device like defaults and supported function codes
ModbusLD_Initialize($hash); # Generic function of the Modbus module does the rest
- $hash->{DefFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Define";
- $hash->{UndefFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Undef";
- $hash->{DeleteFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Delete";
- $hash->{SetFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Set";
- $hash->{GetFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Get";
- $hash->{NotifyFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Notify";
+ $hash->{DefFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Define";
+ $hash->{UndefFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Undef";
+ $hash->{DeleteFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Delete";
+ $hash->{SetFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Set";
+ $hash->{GetFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Get";
+ $hash->{NotifyFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Notify";
$hash->{ModbusReadingsFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Eval";
- $hash->{AttrFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Attr";
- $hash->{AttrList} .= ' ' .
- #$hash->{ObjAttrList} . ' ' . $hash->{DevAttrList}.
- ' brightnessDayNight brightnessDayNightDelay' .
- ' brightnessSunny brightnessSunnySouth brightnessSunnyWest brightnessSunnyEast' .
- ' brightnessSunnyDelay brightnessSunnySouthDelay brightnessSunnyWestDelay brightnessSunnyEastDelay' .
- ' poll-.* polldelay-.* timeEvent:no,yes updateGlobalAttr:no,yes' .
- ' windSpeedWindy windSpeedStormy windSpeedWindyDelay windSpeedStormyDelay ' .
- $readingFnAttributes;
+ $hash->{AttrFn} = "ModbusElsnerWS_Attr";
+ $hash->{AttrList} .= ' ' .
+ #$hash->{ObjAttrList} . ' ' . $hash->{DevAttrList}.
+ ' brightnessDayNight brightnessDayNightDelay' .
+ ' brightnessSunny brightnessSunnySouth brightnessSunnyWest brightnessSunnyEast' .
+ ' brightnessSunnyDelay brightnessSunnySouthDelay brightnessSunnyWestDelay brightnessSunnyEastDelay' .
+ ' customCmdAlarmOff:textField-long customCmdAlarmOn:textField-long' .
+ ' customCmdDown:textField-long customCmdDownPeriod:select,' . join(",", sort keys %customCmdPeriod) .
+ ' customCmdDownTrigger:multiple-strict,' . join(",", sort keys %customCmdTrigger) .
+ ' customCmdPriority:select,down,up' .
+ ' customCmdUp:textField-long customCmdUpPeriod:select,' . join(",", sort keys %customCmdPeriod) .
+ ' customCmdUpTrigger:multiple-strict,' . join(",", sort keys %customCmdTrigger) .
+ ' signOfLife:select,off,on signOfLifeInterval:slider,1,1,15' .
+ ' poll-.* polldelay-.* timeEvent:select,no,yes updateGlobalAttr:select,no,yes' .
+ ' windSpeedWindy windSpeedStormy windSpeedWindyDelay windSpeedStormyDelay ' .
+ $readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{parseParams} = 1;
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "55-";
@@ -173,7 +199,7 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ctrl = 1;
my ($temperature, $sunSouth, $sunWest, $sunEast, $brightness, $windSpeed, $gps, $isRaining, $date, $time, $sunAzimuth, $sunElevation, $latitude, $longitude) = split(' ', $readingVal);
- my ($windAvg2min, $windGust10min, $windGustCurrent, $windPeak10min);
+ my ($twilightFlag, $weekday, $windAvg2min, $windGust10min, $windGustCurrent, $windPeak10min) = ('', '', '', '', '', '');
if ($hash->{INTERVAL} =~ m/^1$/) {
$hash->{helper}{wind}{windSpeedNumArrayElements} = ModubusElsnerWS_updateArrayElement($hash, 'windSpeed', $windSpeed, 'wind', 600);
my ($windAvg10min, $windSpeedMin10min, $windSpeedMax10min) = ModubusElsnerWS_SMA($hash, 'windSpeed', $windSpeed, 'windAvg10min', 'windSpeedMax10min', 'windSpeedMin10min', 'wind', 600);
@@ -186,6 +212,10 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
$hash->{helper}{wind}{windGustNumArrayElements} = ModubusElsnerWS_updateArrayElement($hash, 'windGust', $windGust20s, 'wind', 600);
my ($windGustAvg10min, $windGustMin10min, $windGustMax10min) = ModubusElsnerWS_SMA($hash, 'windGust', $windGust20s, 'windGustAvg10min', 'windGustMax10min', 'windGustMin10min', 'wind', 600);
$windGust10min = $windGustMax10min >= 5.144 ? $windGustMax10min : $windAvg2min;
+ $windAvg2min = sprintf("%0.1f", $windAvg2min);
+ $windGust10min = sprintf("%0.1f", $windGust10min);
+ $windGustCurrent = sprintf("%0.1f", $windGustCurrent);
+ $windPeak10min = sprintf("%0.1f", $windPeak10min);
my @sunlight = ($sunSouth, $sunWest, $sunEast);
my ($sunMin, $sunMax) = (sort {$a <=> $b} @sunlight)[0,-1];
@@ -195,6 +225,7 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
$brightness = ($sunMax > 0) ? $sunMax : $brightness;
$temperature = ModbusElsnerWS_readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature", $temperature, 0.025, undef, "%0.1f");
+ $twilightFlag = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "dayNight", $brightness, "brightnessDayNight", "brightnessDayNightDelay", 10, 20, 600, 600, 'night', 'day');
$sunSouth = ModbusElsnerWS_readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sunSouth", $sunSouth, 0.1, 0.7, "%d");
$sunWest = ModbusElsnerWS_readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sunWest", $sunWest, 0.1, 0.7, "%d");
$sunEast = ModbusElsnerWS_readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "sunEast", $sunEast, 0.1, 0.7, "%d");
@@ -205,49 +236,66 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
while($windSpeed > $windStrength[$windStrength] && $windStrength < @windStrength) {
$windStrength ++;
+ my $isSunny = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunny", $brightness, "brightnessSunny", "brightnessSunnyDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes');
+ my $isSunnySouth = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnySouth", $sunSouth, "brightnessSunnySouth", "brightnessSunnySouthDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes');
+ my $isSunnyWest = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyWest", $sunWest, "brightnessSunnyWest", "brightnessSunnyWestDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes');
+ my $isSunnyEast = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyEast", $sunEast, "brightnessSunnyEast", "brightnessSunnyEastDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes');
+ my $isStormy = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isStormy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedStormy", "windSpeedStormyDelay", 13.9, 17.2, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes');
+ my $isWindy = ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isWindy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedWindy", "windSpeedWindyDelay", 1.6, 3.4, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes');
if ($hash->{INTERVAL} =~ m/^1$/ && (!exists($hash->{helper}{timer}{lastUpdate}) || $hash->{helper}{timer}{lastUpdate} < gettimeofday() - 60)) {
# update every 60 sec
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windAvg2min", sprintf("%0.1f", $windAvg2min));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windGust10min", sprintf("%0.1f", $windGust10min));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windGustCurrent", sprintf("%0.1f", $windGustCurrent));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windPeak10min", sprintf("%0.1f", $windPeak10min));
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windAvg2min", $windAvg2min);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windGust10min", $windGust10min);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windGustCurrent", $windGustCurrent);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windPeak10min", $windPeak10min);
$hash->{helper}{timer}{lastUpdate} = gettimeofday();
if (exists $hash->{helper}{timer}{heartbeat}) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isRaining", $isRaining);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "windStrength", $windStrength);
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "dayNight", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "dayNight", $brightness, "brightnessDayNight", "brightnessDayNightDelay", 10, 20, 600, 600, 'night', 'day'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunny", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunny", $brightness, "brightnessSunny", "brightnessSunnyDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnySouth", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnySouth", $sunSouth, "brightnessSunnySouth", "brightnessSunnySouthDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnyWest", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyWest", $sunWest, "brightnessSunnyWest", "brightnessSunnyWestDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnyEast", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyEast", $sunEast, "brightnessSunnyEast", "brightnessSunnyEastDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isStormy", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isStormy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedStormy", "windSpeedStormyDelay", 13.9, 17.2, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isWindy", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isWindy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedWindy", "windSpeedWindyDelay", 1.6, 3.4, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes'));
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "dayNight", $twilightFlag);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunny", $isSunny);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnySouth", $isSunnySouth);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnyWest", $isSunnyWest);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isSunnyEast", $isSunnyEast);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isStormy", $isStormy);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "isWindy", $isWindy);
} else {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isRaining", $isRaining);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "windStrength", $windStrength);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "dayNight", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "dayNight", $brightness, "dayNightSwitch", "dayNightSwitchDelay", 10, 20, 600, 600, 'night', 'day'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunny", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunny", $brightness, "brightnessSunny", "brightnessSunnyDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnySouth", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnySouth", $sunSouth, "brightnessSunnySouth", "brightnessSunnySouthDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnyWest", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyWest", $sunWest, "brightnessSunnyWest", "brightnessSunnyWestDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnyEast", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isSunnyEast", $sunEast, "brightnessSunnyEast", "brightnessSunnyEastDelay", 20000, 40000, 120, 30, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isStormy", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isStormy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedStormy", "windSpeedStormyDelay", 13.9, 17.2, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes'));
- readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isWindy", ModbusElsnerWS_swayCtrl($hash, "isWindy", $windSpeed, "windSpeedWindy", "windSpeedWindyDelay", 1.6, 3.4, 60, 3, 'no', 'yes'));
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunny", $isSunny);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnySouth", $isSunnySouth);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnyWest", $isSunnyWest);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isSunnyEast", $isSunnyEast);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isStormy", $isStormy);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "isWindy", $isWindy);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", "T: " . $temperature .
" B: " . $brightness .
" W: " . $windSpeed .
" IR: " . $isRaining);
+ my $hemisphere = $latitude < 0 ? "south" : "north";
+ my $timeZone = 'UTC';
+ my $twilight = '';
if ($gps == 1) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "date", $date);
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "timeZone", 'UTC');
+ my ($year, $month, $day) = split('-', $date);
+ my $timeUTC = timegm(0, 0, 0, $day, $month - 1, $year);
+ $weekday = (localtime $timeUTC)[6];
+ $weekday = $weekday[$weekday];
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "weekday", $weekday);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "timeZone", $timeZone);
$hash->{GPS_TIME} = $time;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "sunAzimuth", $sunAzimuth);
- my $twilight = ($sunElevation + 12) / 18 * 100;
+ $twilight = ($sunElevation + 12) / 18 * 100;
$twilight = 0 if ($twilight < 0);
$twilight = 100 if ($twilight > 100);
+ $twilight = int($twilight);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "sunElevation", $sunElevation);
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "twilight", int($twilight));
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "twilight", $twilight);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "longitude", $longitude);
if (AttrVal($name, "updateGlobalAttr", 'no') eq 'yes') {
$attr{global}{longitude} = $longitude;
@@ -256,7 +304,7 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
if (AttrVal($name, "updateGlobalAttr", 'no') eq 'yes') {
$attr{global}{latitude} = $latitude;
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "hemisphere", $latitude < 0 ? "south" : "north");
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "hemisphere", $hemisphere);
} else {
delete $hash->{GPS_TIME};
readingsDelete($hash, 'date');
@@ -268,23 +316,187 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Eval($$$) {
readingsDelete($hash, 'time');
readingsDelete($hash, 'timeZone');
readingsDelete($hash, 'twilight');
+ readingsDelete($hash, 'weekday');
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'time', $hash->{GPS_TIME}, AttrVal($name, 'timeEvent', 'no') eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0) if (exists $hash->{GPS_TIME});
- readingsDelete($hash, 'alarm');
- RemoveInternalTimer($hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}) if(exists $hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm});
- @{$hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}} = ($hash, 'alarm', 'dead_sensor', 1, 5, 0);
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL} * 1.5, 'ModbusElsnerWS_readingsSingleUpdate', $hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}, 0);
+ # custom command exec
+ %specials = ("%NAME" => $name,
+ "%TYPE" => $hash->{TYPE},
+ "%BRIGHTNESS" => $brightness,
+ "%DATE" => $date,
+ "%DAYNIGHT" => $twilightFlag,
+ "%HEMISPHERE" => $hemisphere,
+ "%ISRAINING" => $isRaining,
+ "%ISSTORMY" => $isStormy,
+ "%ISSUNNY" => $isSunny,
+ "%ISSUNNYEAST" => $isSunnyEast,
+ "%ISSUNNYSOUTH" => $isSunnySouth,
+ "%ISSUNNYWEST" => $isSunnyWest,
+ "%ISWINDY" => $isWindy,
+ "%LATITUDE" => $latitude,
+ "%LONGITUDE" => $longitude,
+ "%SUNAZIMUTH" => $sunAzimuth,
+ "%SUNEAST" => $sunEast,
+ "%SUNELAVATION" => $sunElevation,
+ "%SUNSOUTH" => $sunSouth,
+ "%SUNWEST" => $sunWest,
+ "%TEMPERATURE" => $temperature,
+ "%TIME" => $time,
+ "%TIMEZONE" => $timeZone,
+ "%TWILIGHT" => $twilight,
+ "%WEEKDAY" => $weekday,
+ "%WINDAVG2MIN" => $windAvg2min,
+ "%WINDGUST10MIN" => $windGust10min,
+ "%WINDGUSTCURRNT" => $windGustCurrent,
+ "%WINDPEAK10MIN" => $windPeak10min,
+ "%WINDSPEED" => $windSpeed,
+ "%WINDSTENGTH" => $windStrength);
+ my $customCmdDown = AttrVal($name, "customCmdDown", undef);
+ my $customCmdDownPeriod = AttrVal($name, "customCmdDownPeriod", 'once');
+ my $customCmdDownTrigger = AttrVal($name, 'customCmdDownTrigger', undef);
+ my $customCmdUp = AttrVal($name, "customCmdUp", undef);
+ my $customCmdUpPeriod = AttrVal($name, "customCmdUpPeriod", 'once');
+ my $customCmdUpTrigger = AttrVal($name, 'customCmdUpTrigger', undef);
+ if (defined ReadingsVal($name, 'alarm', undef)) {
+ my $customCmdAlarmOff = AttrVal($name, 'customCmdAlarmOff', undef);
+ if (defined $customCmdAlarmOff) {
+ $hash->{helper}{customCmdAlarmOff}{do} = 1;
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDo($hash, 'customCmdAlarmOff', $customCmdAlarmOff, 'once');
+ }
+ readingsDelete($hash, 'alarm');
+ }
+ delete $hash->{helper}{customCmdAlarmOff};
+ if (AttrVal($name, "signOfLife", 'on') eq 'on') {
+ RemoveInternalTimer($hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}) if(exists $hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm});
+ @{$hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}} = ($hash, 'alarm', 'dead_sensor', 1, 5, 0);
+ my $signOfLifeInterval = AttrVal($name, 'signOfLifeInterval', 3);
+ $signOfLifeInterval = $hash->{INTERVAL} if ($signOfLifeInterval < $hash->{INTERVAL});
+ InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $signOfLifeInterval + 0.5, 'ModbusElsnerWS_AlarmOn', $hash->{helper}{timer}{alarm}, 0);
+ }
if (!exists $hash->{helper}{timer}{heartbeat}) {
@{$hash->{helper}{timer}{heartbeat}} = ($hash, 'heartbeat');
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 600, 'ModbusElsnerWS_cdmClearTimer', $hash->{helper}{timer}{heartbeat}, 0);
#Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "ModbusElsnerWS $hash->{NAME} ModbusElsnerWS_readingsBulkUpdate heartbeat executed.";
+ if (defined($customCmdDown) || defined($customCmdUp)) {
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDoTrigger($hash, 'customCmdDown', $customCmdDown, AttrVal($name, 'customCmdDownTrigger', undef), 0);
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDoTrigger($hash, 'customCmdUp', $customCmdUp, AttrVal($name, 'customCmdUpTrigger', undef), 1);
+ if (exists($hash->{helper}{customCmdDown}{do}) && exists($hash->{helper}{customCmdUp}{do})) {
+ if (AttrVal($name, 'customCmdPriority', 'up') eq 'up') {
+ # up command has prority
+ delete $hash->{helper}{customCmdDown} if (defined $customCmdDownTrigger);
+ } else {
+ # down command has prority
+ delete $hash->{helper}{customCmdUp} if (defined $customCmdUpTrigger);
+ }
+ }
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDo($hash, 'customCmdDown', $customCmdDown, $customCmdDownPeriod);
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDo($hash, 'customCmdUp', $customCmdUp, $customCmdUpPeriod);
+ }
#Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "ModbusElsnerWS_Eval $hash->{NAME} $readingName = $readingVal received";
return $ctrl;
+sub ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDoTrigger($$$$$) {
+ # set do trigger
+ my ($hash, $customCmdName, $customCmdVal, $customCmdTrigger, $element) = @_;
+ my $readingName;
+ if (defined($customCmdVal)) {
+ if (defined $customCmdTrigger) {
+ for (split(',', $customCmdTrigger)) {
+ $readingName = "%" . uc($_);
+ #Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "ModbusElsnerWS $hash->{NAME} $customCmdName Reading: $_ = " . $specials{$readingName} . " <=> " . $customCmdTrigger{$_}[$element];
+ if ($customCmdTrigger{$_}[$element] eq $specials{$readingName}) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do} = 1;
+ last;
+ } else {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ }
+ }
+ # reset trigger
+ if (!exists $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do}) {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName};
+ }
+ } else {
+ # custom command always executed
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} = -1;
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period} = -1;
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do} = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # no custom command
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName};
+ }
+ return;
+sub ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDo($$$$) {
+ my ($hash, $customCmdName, $customCmd, $customCmdPeriod) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ #Log3 $name, 3, "ModbusElsnerWS $name $customCmdName do: $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do} Count: $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count}";
+ #Log3 $name, 3, "ModbusElsnerWS $name $customCmdName Count: $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} Period: $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period} <> $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod}";
+ if (exists $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do}) {
+ if (!exists($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period}) || $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period} != $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod}) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Period} = $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod};
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} = $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod};
+ }
+ #Log3 $name, 3, "ModbusElsnerWS $name $customCmdName Count: $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count}";
+ if ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} < -1) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} ++;
+ } elsif ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} == -1) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} = 0;
+ } elsif ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} == 0) {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ } elsif ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} == $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod}) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} --;
+ } elsif ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} > 1) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} --;
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ } elsif ($hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} == 1) {
+ $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{Count} = $customCmdPeriod{$customCmdPeriod};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ } else {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do};
+ }
+ if (exists $hash->{helper}{$customCmdName}{do}) {
+ $customCmd = EvalSpecials($customCmd, %specials);
+ my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, $customCmd);
+ Log3 $name, 2, "ModbusElsnerWS $name $customCmdName ERROR: $ret" if($ret);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub ModbusElsnerWS_AlarmOn($) {
+ my ($readingParam) = @_;
+ my ($hash, $readingName, $readingVal, $ctrl, $log, $clear) = @$readingParam;
+ if (defined $hash) {
+ my $customCmdAlarmOn = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'customCmdAlarmOn', undef);
+ if (defined $customCmdAlarmOn) {
+ $hash->{helper}{customCmdAlarmOn}{do} = 1;
+ ModbusElsnerWS_CustomCmdDo($hash, 'customCmdAlarmOn', $customCmdAlarmOn, 'once');
+ delete $hash->{helper}{customCmdAlarmOn};
+ }
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingName, $readingVal, $ctrl) ;
+ Log3 $hash->{NAME}, $log, " ModbusElsnerWS " . $hash->{NAME} . " EVENT $readingName: $readingVal" if ($log);
+ }
+ return;
sub ModbusElsnerWS_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@@ -292,7 +504,27 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Attr(@) {
return undef if (!$init_done);
my $err;
- if ($attrName =~ m/^brightness(DayNight|Sunny).*$/) {
+ if ($attrName =~ m/^.*Delay$/) {
+ my ($attrVal0, $attrVal1) = split(':', $attrVal);
+ if (!defined $attrVal1) {
+ if (!defined $attrVal0) {
+ } elsif ($attrVal0 !~ m/^[+]?\d+$/ || $attrVal0 + 0 > 3600) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ }
+ } elsif ($attrVal1 !~ m/^[+]?\d+$/ || $attrVal1 + 0 > 3600) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ } else {
+ if (!defined $attrVal0) {
+ } elsif ($attrVal0 !~ m/^[+]?\d+$/ || $attrVal0 + 0 > 3600) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($attrName =~ m/^brightness(DayNight|Sunny).*$/) {
if (!defined $attrVal) {
} else {
@@ -314,6 +546,39 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Attr(@) {
+ } elsif ($attrName =~ m/^customCmd(Down|Up)Period$/) {
+ my $attrValStr = join("|", keys %customCmdPeriod);
+ if (!defined $attrVal) {
+ } elsif ($attrVal !~ m/^($attrValStr)$/) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ }
+ } elsif ($attrName =~ m/^customCmd(Down|Up)Trigger$/) {
+ my $attrValStr = join("|", keys %customCmdTrigger);
+ if (defined $attrVal) {
+ for (split(',', $attrVal)) {
+ if ($_ !~ m/^($attrValStr)$/) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($attrName eq "signOfLife") {
+ if (!defined $attrVal) {
+ } elsif ($attrVal !~ m/^off|on$/) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ }
+ } elsif ($attrName eq "signOfLifeInterval") {
+ if (!defined $attrVal) {
+ } elsif ($attrVal !~ m/^\d+$/ || $attrVal + 0 < 1 || $attrVal + 0 > 15) {
+ $err = "attribute-value [$attrName] = $attrVal wrong";
+ CommandDeleteAttr(undef, "$name $attrName");
+ }
} elsif ($attrName eq "timeEvent") {
if (!defined $attrVal) {
@@ -622,7 +887,7 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Delete($$) {
It read the modbus holding registers for the different values and process
them in a periodic interval. It evaluates the received weather data and based on adjustable thresholds and delay
times it generates up/down signals for blinds according to wind, rain and sun. This way blinds can be pilot-controlled
- and protected against thunderstorms. The GPS function of the sensor provides the current values of the date, time,
+ and protected against thunderstorms. The GPS function of the sensor provides the current values of the date, time, weekday,
sun azimuth, sun elevation, longitude and latitude.
As an alternative to the module for the Elsner Modbus sensors, sensors with the manufacturer-specific serial
RS485 protocol can also be used. The ElsnerWS module is available for this purpose. EnOcean profiles
@@ -641,6 +906,11 @@ sub ModbusElsnerWS_Delete($$) {