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00_SIGNALduino.pm: Updated to version 3.5.5

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27956 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
sidey79 2023-09-12 20:20:43 +00:00
parent 12affd16ff
commit fefd03b3bd

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $Id$
# v3.5.4 - https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/tree/master
# v3.5.5 - https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/tree/master
# The module is inspired by the FHEMduino project and modified in serval ways for processing the incoming messages
# see http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/SIGNALDuino
# It was modified also to provide support for raw message handling which can be send from the SIGNALduino
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Storable qw(dclone);
#use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare('v3.5.4');
use FHEM::Core::Utils::Math;
#use version 0.77; our $VERSION = version->declare('v3.5.5');
my $missingModulSIGNALduino = ' ';
@ -37,11 +38,11 @@ use List::Util qw(first);
#$| = 1; #Puffern abschalten, Hilfreich fuer PEARL WARNINGS Search
#use Math::Round qw();
use constant {
SDUINO_VERSION => '3.5.4', # Datum wird automatisch bei jedem pull request aktualisiert
SDUINO_VERSION => '3.5.5', # Datum wird automatisch bei jedem pull request aktualisiert
SDUINO_INIT_WAIT_XQ => 1.5, # wait disable device
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ my %matchListSIGNALduino = (
'14:Dooya' => '^P16#[A-Fa-f0-9]+',
'15:SOMFY' => '^Ys[0-9A-F]+',
'16:SD_WS_Maverick' => '^P47#[A-Fa-f0-9]+',
'17:SD_UT' => '^P(?:14|20|24|26|29|30|34|46|56|68|69|76|78|81|83|86|90|91|91.1|92|93|95|97|99|104|105|114|118|121)#.*', # universal - more devices with different protocols
'17:SD_UT' => '^P(?:14|20|24|26|29|30|34|46|56|68|69|76|78|81|83|86|90|91|91.1|92|93|95|97|99|104|105|114|118|121|127|128)#.*', # universal - more devices with different protocols
'18:FLAMINGO' => '^P13\.?1?#[A-Fa-f0-9]+', # Flamingo Smoke
'19:CUL_WS' => '^K[A-Fa-f0-9]{5,}',
'20:Revolt' => '^r[A-Fa-f0-9]{22}',
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Initialize {
.' doubleMsgCheck_IDs'
.' eventlogging:0,1'
.' flashCommand'
.' hardware:ESP32,ESP32cc1101,ESP8266,ESP8266cc1101,MAPLEMINI_F103CB,MAPLEMINI_F103CBcc1101,nano328,nanoCC1101,miniculCC1101,promini,radinoCC1101'
.' hardware:esp32s,esp32cc1101,esp8266s,esp8266cc1101,MAPLEMINI_F103CBs,MAPLEMINI_F103CBcc1101,nano328,nanoCC1101,miniculCC1101,promini8cc1101,promini16cc1101,promini8s,promini16s,radinoCC1101'
.' hexFile'
.' initCommands'
.' longids'
@ -389,11 +390,6 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Define {
my $name = $a[0];
if (!exists &round)
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Define, Signalduino can't be activated (sub round not found). Please update Fhem via update command";
return ;
my $dev = $a[2];
#Debug "dev: $dev" if ($debug);
@ -644,7 +640,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_RemoveLaCrossePair {
############################# package main, test exists
sub SIGNALduino_Set($$@) {
sub SIGNALduino_Set {
my ($hash,$name, @a) = @_;
return "\"set SIGNALduino\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1);
@ -843,14 +839,14 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Set_sendMsg {
return "$hash->{NAME}: sendmsg, unknown protocol: $protocol" if (!$hash->{protocolObject}->protocolExists($protocol));
$repeats //= 1 ;
if (InternalVal($hash->{NAME},'cc1101_available',0))
if ( InternalVal($hash->{NAME},'cc1101_available',0) == 1 )
my $f=$hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($protocol,'frequency');
if ( defined $f ) {
$frequency = q[F=].$hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($protocol,'frequency'). q[;]
$frequency //= $hash->{protocolObject}->checkProperty($protocol,'frequency',q{});
if ( length $frequency > 0 ) {
$frequency = q[F=].$frequency.q[;];
$frequency //= q{};
} else { $frequency = q{}; }
my %signalHash;
my %patternHash;
my $pattern='';
@ -861,7 +857,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Set_sendMsg {
if (defined($hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($protocol,'format')) && $hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($protocol,'format') eq 'manchester')
$clock += $_ for( @{$hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($protocol,'clockrange')} );
$clock = round($clock/2,0);
$clock = FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round($clock/2,0);
my $intro;
my $outro;
@ -1007,9 +1003,8 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Set_LaCrossePairForSec {
############################# package main, test exists
sub SIGNALduino_Get($@) {
sub SIGNALduino_Get {
my ($hash,$name, @a) = @_;
#my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return "\"get SIGNALduino\" needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 1);
@ -1219,7 +1214,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_CheckccConfResponse {
if ($msg2 !~ /Modulation:\sASK\/OOK/) {
$msg2 .= ", Syncmod: ".$syncmod[($r{"12"})&7]; #Syncmod | Register 0x12
$msg2 .= ", Deviation: ".round((8+($r{"15"}&7))*(2**(($r{"15"}>>4)&7)) *26000/(2**17),2) .' kHz'; #Deviation | Register 0x15
$msg2 .= ", Deviation: ".FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round((8+($r{"15"}&7))*(2**(($r{"15"}>>4)&7)) *26000/(2**17),2) .' kHz'; #Deviation | Register 0x15
@ -2102,7 +2097,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_PatternExists {
############################# package main
#SIGNALduino_MatchSignalPattern{$hash,@array, %hash, @array, $scalar}; not used >v3.1.3
sub SIGNALduino_MatchSignalPattern($\@\%\@$){
sub SIGNALduino_MatchSignalPattern {
my ( $hash, $signalpattern, $patternList, $data_array, $idx) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#print Dumper($patternList);
@ -2149,7 +2144,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Split_Message {
my $clockabs;
my $mcbitnum;
my $rssi;
my $freqafc; ## for AFC cc1101 0x32 (0xF2): FREQEST Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
my @msg_parts = SIGNALduino_splitMsg($rmsg,';'); ## Split message parts by ';'
my %ret;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,'debug',0);
@ -2209,6 +2204,10 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Split_Message {
$rssi = $_ ;
Debug "$name: extracted RSSI $rssi \n" if ($debug);
$ret{rssi} = $rssi;
} elsif ($_ =~ m/A=(-?[0-9]{0,3})/ ){
# uncoverable branch true
Debug qq[$name: extracted FREQEST $1 \n] if ($debug);
$ret{freqest} = $1;
} else {
Debug "$name: unknown Message part $_" if ($debug);;
@ -2221,7 +2220,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Split_Message {
############################# package main, test exists
# Function which dispatches a message if needed.
sub SIGNALduno_Dispatch {
my ($hash, $rmsg, $dmsg, $rssi, $id) = @_;
my ($hash, $rmsg, $dmsg, $rssi, $id, $freqafc) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!defined($dmsg))
@ -2279,6 +2278,10 @@ sub SIGNALduno_Dispatch {
else {
$rssi = '';
if(defined($freqafc)) { # AFC cc1101 0x32 (0xF2): FREQEST Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
$addvals{FREQAFC} = $freqafc;
$dmsg = lc($dmsg) if ($id eq '74' or $id eq '74.1'); # 10_FS20.pm accepted only lower case hex
$hash->{logMethod}->($name, SDUINO_DISPATCH_VERBOSE, "$name: Dispatch, $dmsg, $rssi dispatch");
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals); ## Dispatch to other Modules
@ -2380,7 +2383,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MS {
#Debug 'List of pattern:';
my $clockabs= $msg_parts{pattern}{$msg_parts{clockidx}};
return if ($clockabs == 0);
$patternList{$_} = round($msg_parts{pattern}{$_}/$clockabs,1) for keys %{$msg_parts{pattern}};
$patternList{$_} = FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round($msg_parts{pattern}{$_}/$clockabs,1) for keys %{$msg_parts{pattern}};
#Debug Dumper(\%patternList);
@ -2527,7 +2530,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MS {
############################# package main
## //Todo: check list as reference
# // Todo: Make this sub robust and use it
sub SIGNALduino_padbits(\@$) {
sub SIGNALduino_padbits {
my $i=@{$_[0]} % $_[1];
while (@{$_[0]} % $_[1] > 0) ## will pad up full nibbles per default or full byte if specified in protocol
@ -2608,10 +2611,10 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MU {
(my $count_changes,$rawData,my %patternListRaw_tmp) = $method->($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw);
use strict "refs";
%patternList = map { $_ => round($patternListRaw_tmp{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw_tmp;
%patternList = map { $_ => FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round($patternListRaw_tmp{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw_tmp;
} else {
%patternList = map { $_ => round($patternListRaw{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw;
%patternList = map { $_ => FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round($patternListRaw{$_}/$clockabs,1) } keys %patternListRaw;
Debug qq[Testing against protocol id $id -> ]. $hash->{protocolObject}->getProperty($id,'name') if ($debug);
@ -2899,7 +2902,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MN {
my $hash = shift // return; #return if no hash is provided
my $rmsg = shift // return; #return if no rmsg is provided
if ($rmsg !~ /^MN;D=[0-9A-F]+;(?:R=[0-9]+;)?$/){
if ($rmsg !~ /^MN;D=[0-9A-F]+;(?:R=[0-9]+;)?(?:A=-?[0-9]{1,3};)?$/) { # AFC cc1101 0x32 (0xF2): FREQEST Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
$hash->{logMethod}->($hash->{NAME}, 3, qq[$hash->{NAME}: Parse_MN, faulty msg: $rmsg]);
return ; # Abort here if not successfull
@ -2911,10 +2914,15 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MN {
my $rawData = _limit_to_hex($msg_parts{rawData}) // $hash->{logMethod}->($hash->{NAME}, 3, qq[$hash->{NAME}: Parse_MN, faulty rawData D=: $msg_parts{rawData}]) // return ;
my $rssi;
my $rssiStr= '';
if ( defined $msg_parts{rssi} ){
my $freqafc;
if ( exists $msg_parts{rssi} ){
$rssi = _limit_to_number($msg_parts{rssi}) // $hash->{logMethod}->($hash->{NAME}, 3, qq[$hash->{NAME}: Parse_MN, faulty rssi R=: $msg_parts{rssi}]) // return ;
($rssi,$rssiStr) = SIGNALduino_calcRSSI($rssi);
if ( exists $msg_parts{freqest} ){ #AFC cc1101 0x32 (0xF2): FREQEST Frequency Offset Estimate from Demodulator
$freqafc = $msg_parts{freqest};
$freqafc = FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round((26000000 / 16384 * $freqafc / 1000),0);
my $messagetype=$msg_parts{messagetype};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -2958,7 +2966,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MN {
$dmsg = sprintf('%s%s',$hash->{protocolObject}->checkProperty($id,'preamble',''),$methodReturn[0]);
$hash->{logMethod}->($name, 5, qq[$name: Parse_MN, Decoded matched MN Protocol id $id dmsg=$dmsg $rssiStr]);
@ -2966,7 +2974,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Parse_MN {
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_Parse($$$$@) {
sub SIGNALduino_Parse {
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $rmsg, $initstr) = @_;
#print Dumper(\%ProtocolListSIGNALduino);
@ -3069,7 +3077,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_WriteInit {
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite(@) {
sub SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite {
my ($hash, $msg, $nonl) = @_;
return if(!$hash);
if($hash->{TYPE} eq 'SIGNALduino_RFR') {
@ -3091,7 +3099,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_SimpleWrite(@) {
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_Attr(@) {
sub SIGNALduino_Attr {
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $debug = AttrVal($name,'debug',0);
@ -3229,7 +3237,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_Attr(@) {
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_FW_Detail($@) {
sub SIGNALduino_FW_Detail {
my ($FW_wname, $name, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@ -3342,7 +3350,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_FW_saveWhitelist {
############################# package main - test is missing
sub SIGNALduino_IdList($@) {
sub SIGNALduino_IdList {
my ($param, $aVal, $blacklist, $develop0) = @_;
my (undef,$name) = split(':', $param);
@ -3545,7 +3553,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_callsub {
# Will return $count of ???, modified $rawData , modified %patternListRaw,
# =cut
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_filterMC($$$%) {
sub SIGNALduino_filterMC {
## Warema Implementierung : Todo variabel gestalten
my ($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw) = @_;
my $hash=$defs{$name};
@ -3614,7 +3622,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_filterMC($$$%) {
# Will return $count of combined values, modified $rawData , modified %patternListRaw,
# =cut
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_filterSign($$$%) {
sub SIGNALduino_filterSign {
my ($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,'debug',0);
@ -3683,7 +3691,7 @@ sub SIGNALduino_filterSign($$$%) {
# Will return $count of combined values, modified $rawData , modified %patternListRaw,
# =cut
############################# package main
sub SIGNALduino_compPattern($$$%) {
sub SIGNALduino_compPattern {
my ($name,$id,$rawData,%patternListRaw) = @_;
my $debug = AttrVal($name,'debug',0);
@ -4181,7 +4189,7 @@ sub CalcDataRate {
$DRATE_E = int($DRATE_E);
my $DRATE_M = (($dr*1000) * (2**28) / (26000000 * (2**$DRATE_E))) - 256;
my $DRATE_Mr = main::round($DRATE_M,0);
my $DRATE_Mr = FHEM::Core::Utils::Math::round($DRATE_M,0);
$DRATE_M = int($DRATE_M);
my $datarate0 = ( ((256+$DRATE_M)*(2**($DRATE_E & 15 )))*26000000/(2**28) / 1000);
@ -4531,6 +4539,8 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
<br>Example 4: <code>set sduino raw SN;R=3;D=9A46036AC8D3923EAEB470AB;</code> sends a xFSK message of raw and repeated 3 times
<b>note: The wrong use of the upcoming options can lead to malfunctions of the SIGNALduino!</b><br><br>
<li>CEA -> Switching on the automatic frequency control for FSK modulation and firmware version >= V 4.0.0 (config: AFC=1)</li>
<li>CDA -> Switching off the automatic frequency control for FSK modulation and firmware version >= V 4.0.0 (config: AFC=0)</li>
<li>CER -> turn on data compression (config: Mred=1)</li>
<li>CDR -> disable data compression (config: Mred=0)</li><br>
@ -4734,32 +4744,37 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
<a name="SIGNALDuino_hardware"></a>
Currently, there are serval hardware options with different receiver options available.
The simple single wire option, consists of a single wire connected receiver and a single wire connected transmitter which are connected over a single digital port with the microcontroller. The receiver only sends data and the transmitter receives only from the microcontroller.
The simple single wire option, consists of a single wire connected receiver and a single wire connected transmitter which are connected over a single digital port with the microcontroller.
The receiver only sends data and the transmitter receives only from the microcontroller.
The other option consists of the cc1101 (sub 1 GHZ) chip, which can transmit and receiver. It's a transceiver which is connected via spi.
ESP8266 hardware type, currently doesn't support flashing out of the modu and needs at leat 1 MB of flash.
ESP8266 hardware type, currently doesn't support flashing out of the module and needs at leat 1 MB of flash.
<li>ESP32: ESP32 with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>ESP32cc1101: ESP32 with CC1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>ESP8266: ESP8266 with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>ESP8266cc1101: ESP8266 with CC1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CB: MapleMini F103CB (STM32 family) with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>esp32s: ESP32 with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>esp32cc1101: ESP32 with CC1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>esp8266s: ESP8266 with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>esp8266cc1101: ESP8266 with CC1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CBs: MapleMini F103CB (STM32 family) with simple single wire receiver</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CBcc1101: MapleMini F103CB (STM32 family) with CC1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>miniculCC1101: Arduino pro Mini with CC110x (spi connected) receiver and cables as a minicul</li>
<li>nano: Arduino Nano 328 with simple single wired receiver</li>
<li>nano328: Arduino Nano 328 with simple single wired receiver</li>
<li>nanoCC1101: Arduino Nano 328 with CC110x (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>promini: Arduino Pro Mini 328 with simple single receiver </li>
<li>promini8s: Arduino Pro Mini 328 8Mhz with simple single wired receiver</li>
<li>promini8cc1101: Arduino Pro Mini 328 8Mhz with CC110x (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>promini16s: Arduino Pro Mini 328 16Mhz with simple single wired receiver</li>
<li>promini16cc1101: Arduino Pro Mini 328 16Mhz with CC110x (spi connected) receiver</li>
<li>radinoCC1101: Arduino compatible radino with cc1101 (spi connected) receiver</li>
<a name="longids"></a>
Comma separated list of device-types for SIGNALduino that should be handled using long IDs. This additional ID allows it to differentiate some weather sensors, if they are sending on the same channel. Therfor a random generated id is added. If you choose to use longids, then you'll have to define a different device after battery change.<br>
Default is to not to use long IDs for all devices.
# Default, use of long IDs is defined by logical modules. Mostly disabled except for OREGON:
deleteattr sduino longids
# Do not use any long IDs for any devices:
attr sduino longids 0
# Use any long IDs for all devices (this is default):
# Use any long IDs for all devices:
attr sduino longids 1
# Use longids for BTHR918N devices.
# Will generate devices names like BTHR918N_f3.
@ -4818,6 +4833,10 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datarate=17.26 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length= Byte, Frequency 868.35 MHz
<ul><small>Example: Thunder and lightning sensor Fine Offset WH57, Froggit DP60, Ambient Weather WH31L</small></ul>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datarate=10.00 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length=18 Byte, Frequency 433.92 MHz
<ul><small>Example: Inkbird IBS-P01R pool thermometer, ITH-20R thermometer/hygrometer</small></ul>
modulation GFSK, Datarate=4.7855 kbps, Sync Word=AA54, frequency 868.3MHz
@ -5118,6 +5137,8 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
<b>Hinweis: Die falsche Benutzung der kommenden Optionen kann zu Fehlfunktionen des SIGNALduinos f&uuml;hren!</b><br><br>
<li>CEA -> Einschalten der automatischen Frequenzkontrolle bei FSK-Modulation und Firmwareversion >= V 4.0.0 (config: AFC=1)</li>
<li>CDA -> Abschalten der automatischen Frequenzkontrolle bei FSK-Modulation und Firmwareversion >= V 4.0.0 (config: AFC=0)</li>
<li>CER -> Einschalten der Datenkomprimierung (config: Mred=1)</li>
<li>CDR -> Abschalten der Datenkomprimierung (config: Mred=0)</li><br>
<u>Register Befehle bei einem CC1101</u>
@ -5318,36 +5339,42 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
<a name="SIGNALDuino_hardware"></a>
Derzeit m&ouml;gliche Hardware Varianten mit verschiedenen Empfänger Optionen.
Die einfache Variante besteht aus einem Empf&auml;nger und einen Sender, die über je eine einzige digitale Signalleitung Datem mit dem Microcontroller austauschen. Der Empf&auml;nger sendet dabei und der Sender empf&auml;ngt dabei ausschließlich.
Die einfache Variante besteht aus einem Empf&auml;nger und einen Sender, die über je eine einzige digitale Signalleitung Datem mit dem Microcontroller austauschen.
Der Empf&auml;nger sendet dabei und der Sender empf&auml;ngt dabei ausschließlich.
Weiterhin existiert der den sogenannten cc1101 (sub 1 GHZ) Chip, welche empfangen und senden kann. Dieser wird über die SPI Verbindung angebunden.
ESP8266 Hardware Typen, unterstützen derzeit kein flashen aus dem Modul und ben&ouml;tigen mindestens 1 MB Flash Speicher.
<li>ESP32: ESP32 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>ESP32s: ESP32 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>ESP32cc1101: ESP32 mit einem CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>ESP8266: ESP8266 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>ESP8266s: ESP8266 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>ESP8266cc1101: ESP8266 mit einem CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CB: MapleMini F103CB (STM32) f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CBs: MapleMini F103CB (STM32) f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>MAPLEMINI_F103CBcc1101: MapleMini F103CB (STM32) mit einem CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>miniculCC1101: Arduino pro Mini mit einem CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung) entsprechend dem minicul verkabelt</li>
<li>nano: Arduino Nano 328 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>nano328: Arduino Nano 328 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>nanoCC1101: Arduino Nano f&uuml;r einen CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>promini: Arduino Pro Mini 328 f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>promini8s: Arduino Pro Mini 328 8Mhz f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>promini8cc1101: Arduino Pro Mini 328 8Mhz f&uuml;r einen CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>promini16s: Arduino Pro Mini 328 16Mhz f&uuml;r einfachen eindraht Empf&auml;nger</li>
<li>promini16cc1101: Arduino Pro Mini 328 16Mhz f&uuml;r einen CC110x-Empf&auml;nger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
<li>radinoCC1101: Ein Arduino kompatibler Radino mit CC110x-Empfänger (SPI Verbindung)</li>
Notwendig f&uuml;r den Befehl <code>flash</code>. Hier sollten Sie angeben, welche Hardware Sie mit dem usbport verbunden haben. Andernfalls kann es zu Fehlfunktionen des Ger&auml;ts kommen. Wichtig ist auch das Attribut <code>updateChannelFW</code><br>
<a name="longids"></a>
Durch Komma getrennte Liste von Device-Typen f&uuml;r Empfang von langen IDs mit dem SIGNALduino. Diese zus&auml;tzliche ID erlaubt es Wettersensoren, welche auf dem gleichen Kanal senden zu unterscheiden. Hierzu wird eine zuf&auml;llig generierte ID hinzugef&uuml;gt. Wenn Sie longids verwenden, dann wird in den meisten F&auml;llen nach einem Batteriewechsel ein neuer Sensor angelegt. Standardm&auml;ßig werden keine langen IDs verwendet.<br>
Durch Komma getrennte Liste von Device-Typen f&uuml;r Empfang von langen IDs mit dem SIGNALduino. Diese zus&auml;tzliche ID erlaubt es Wettersensoren, welche auf dem gleichen Kanal senden zu unterscheiden. Hierzu wird eine zuf&auml;llig generierte ID hinzugef&uuml;gt. Wenn Sie longids verwenden, dann wird in den meisten F&auml;llen nach einem Batteriewechsel ein neuer Sensor angelegt.<br>
Folgende Module verwenden diese Funktionalit&auml;t: 14_Hideki, 41_OREGON, 14_CUL_TCM97001, 14_SD_WS07.<br>
# Keine langen IDs verwenden (Default Einstellung):
# Voreinstellung, Nutzung von langen IDs wird durch logische Module definiert. Meist deaktiviert, außer bei OREGON:
deleteattr sduino longids
# Keine langen IDs verwenden:
attr sduino longids 0
# Immer lange IDs verwenden:
attr sduino longids 1
# Verwende lange IDs f&uuml;r SD_WS07 Devices.
# Device Namen sehen z.B. so aus: SD_WS07_TH_3.
attr sduino longids SD_WS07
# Device Namen sehen z.B. so aus: SD_WS07_TH_3
attr sduino longids SD_WS07_TH
<a name="maxMuMsgRepeat"></a>
@ -5400,6 +5427,18 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datenrate=17.26 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length=9 Byte, Frequenz 868.35 MHz
<ul><small>Beispiel: Gewittersensor Fine Offset WH57, Froggit DP60, Ambient Weather WH31L</small></ul>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datenrate=17.26 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length=11 Byte, Frequenz 868.35 MHz
<ul><small>Beispiel: Temperatur-/Feuchtesensor Fine Offset WH31, Froggit DP50, Ambient Weather WH31e/b, Ecowitt wh31</small></ul>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datenrate=17.26 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length=14 Byte, Frequenz 868.35 MHz
<ul><small>Beispiel: Regensensor Fine Offset WH40, Ambient Weather WH40, Ecowitt WH40</small></ul>
Modulation 2-FSK, Datenrate=10.00 kbps, Sync Word=2DD4, Packet Length=18 Byte, Frequenz 433.92 MHz
<ul><small>Beispiel: Inkbird IBS-P01R Pool Thermometer, ITH-20R Thermo-/Hygrometer</small></ul>
Modulation GFSK, Datenrate=4.7855 kbps, Sync Word=AA54, Frequenz 868.3MHz
@ -5599,7 +5638,7 @@ USB-connected devices (SIGNALduino):<br>
"web": "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SIGNALduino"
"version": "v3.5.4"
"version": "v3.5.5"
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