mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00
CUL_HM:performance improvement on command request to increase web-page setup
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22479 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -617,9 +617,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_Define($$) {##############################
CUL_HM_assignIO($hash)if (!$init_done && $HMid ne "000000");
my @arr1 = ();
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplCmds} = \@arr1;
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdList} = \@arr1;
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdKey} = "";
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplKey} = "";
@ -720,6 +717,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Attr(@) {#################################
push @expLst, "allReg" if( ($1 & 0x01));#detail register on
push @expLst, "rawReg" if( ($1 & 0x02));#raw register on
push @expLst, "templ" if( ($1 & 0x08));#template on
push @expLst, "none" if( ($1 & 0x0F) == 0x04);#all off
$ret = 1;
@ -4026,17 +4024,17 @@ sub CUL_HM_Get($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
$info .= join("\n",sort @arr);
$info .= "\n\n Sets ------\n";
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplTs}=gettimeofday();# force re-arrange of template commands
$info .= join("\n",map{if($_ !~ m/]../){(my $foo = $_) =~ s/\|/\n\t/g; $foo;}else{$_}} sort (CUL_HM_SetList($name)));
$info .= join("\n",map{"$_:".$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$_}} sort (CUL_HM_SetList($name)));
if ($long){
$info .= "\n Options:";
foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}}){
$info .= "\n -${opt}- : ";
my @vals = sort split ('\|',$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{$opt});
my @vals = sort split (',',$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{$opt});
for (my $val=0; $val < scalar(@vals);$val++){
$info .= sprintf("\t%15s,",$vals[$val]);
$info .= sprintf("\t%-15s,",$vals[$val]);
$info .= "\n " if (($val + 1) % 5 == 0);
@ -4244,7 +4242,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_SetList($) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command basic list+++++++++++++++
my $st = defined $defs{$devName}{helper}{mId} ? $culHmModel->{$defs{$devName}{helper}{mId}}{st} : AttrVal($devName, "subType", "");
my $md = defined $defs{$devName}{helper}{mId} ? $culHmModel->{$defs{$devName}{helper}{mId}}{name} : AttrVal($devName, "model" , "");
my @arr1 = ();
delete $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$_} foreach(grep!/^tpl(Set|Para)/,keys%{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}});
if (defined $hash->{helper}{regLst}){
foreach my $rl(grep /./,split(",",$hash->{helper}{regLst})){
next if (!defined $culHmReglSets->{$rl});
@ -4264,10 +4262,9 @@ sub CUL_HM_SetList($) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command basic list+++++++++++++++
if( $culHmFunctSets->{$fkt} && $roleC){foreach(keys %{$culHmFunctSets->{$fkt}} ){push @arr1,"$_:".${$culHmFunctSets->{$fkt}}{$_} }};
my $pl = CUL_HM_getPeerOption($name);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peerOpt} = CUL_HM_getPeerOption($name);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peerOpt} =~ s/,/|/g;
push @arr1,"peerSmart:-peerOpt-" if ($hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peerOpt});
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peer} = join"|",grep/./,split",",InternalVal($name,"peerList","");
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peer} = join",",grep/./,split",",InternalVal($name,"peerList","");
if ($peerLst ne ""){
if (grep /^press:/,@arr1){
push @arr1,"pressS:-peer-";
@ -4278,35 +4275,42 @@ sub CUL_HM_SetList($) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command basic list+++++++++++++++
@arr1 = grep !/(trg|)(press|event|Press|Event)[SL]\S*?/,@arr1;
my @arr1cmd = CUL_HM_noDup(@arr1);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdList} = \@arr1cmd;
delete $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdList} ;
my ($cmdS,$val) = split(":",$_,2);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$cmdS} = (defined $val && $val ne "") ? $val : "noArg";
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdKey} = $cmdKey;
my $tmplStamp = CUL_HM_getTemplateModify();
my $tmplAssTs = (defined $hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplTs} ? $hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplTs}:"noAssTs");# template assign timestamp
if( $hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplKey} ne $peerLst.":$tmplStamp:$tmplAssTs"){
if($hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplKey} ne $peerLst.":$tmplStamp:$tmplAssTs"){
my @arr1 = map{"$_:-value-"}split(" ",CUL_HMTmplSetParam($name));
delete $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$_} foreach(grep/^tpl(Set|Para)/,keys%{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}});
push @arr1, "tplSet_0:-tplChan-" if(defined $hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplChan});
if(defined $hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplPeer}){
push @arr1, "tplSet_$_:-tplPeer-" foreach(split(",",$peerLst));
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplCmds} = \@arr1;
my ($cmdS,$val) = split(":",$_,2);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$cmdS} = (defined $val && $val ne "") ? $val : "noArg";
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplKey} = $peerLst
return (@{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdList}},@{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{TmplCmds}});
return (keys%{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}});
sub CUL_HM_SearchCmd($$) {#+++++++++++++++++ is command supported?+++++++++++++++
return 0 if(!defined $defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{cmdList});
return scalar(grep/$findCmd:/,@{$defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{cmdList}});
return (defined $defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}
&& defined $defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$findCmd}) ?1:0;
@ -4335,16 +4339,10 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
my $oCmd = $cmd;# we extend press to press/L/S if press is defined
$cmd = "press" if ($cmd =~ m/^press/);# substitude pressL/S with press for cmd search
my $h = undef;
my @cmdArr = CUL_HM_SetList($name);
if ($cmd ne '?'){
($h) = map{(my $foo = $_) =~ s/.*://; $foo;}grep /^${cmd}:/,@cmdArr;
my $h = defined $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$cmd} ? $cmd :undef;
$cmd = $oCmd;# necessary for press/S/L - check better implementation
my @hArr;
@hArr = split(" ", $h) if($h);
my @postCmds=(); #Commands to be appended after regSet (ugly...)
if (!defined($h) && defined($culHmSubTypeSets->{$st}{pct}) && $cmd =~ m/^\d+/) {
@ -4353,37 +4351,45 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
elsif(!defined($h)) { ### unknown - return the commandlist
my $peers = join"|",grep/./,split",",InternalVal($name,"peerList","");
next if(!$_);
my ($cmdS,$val) = split(":",$_,2);
$val =~ s/\[*-$_-\]*/\[$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{$_}\]/ foreach(keys %{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}});
if (!$val){ # no agruments possible
$_ = "$cmdS:noArg";
my @cmdOpts = keys %{$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}};# create list - make it faster
my @cmdPrep = ();
foreach my $cmdS (CUL_HM_SetList($name)){
my $val = $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$cmdS};
if($val eq "noArg"){
$val = ":$val";
elsif($val !~ m/^\[.*\]$/ ||
$val =~ m/\[.*\[/ ||
$val =~ m/(\<|\>)]/
$_ = $cmdS;
elsif($val =~ m/^-([a-zA-Z]*)-$/){
my $repl = $1;
if($1 eq $_){
$val =~ s/-$repl-/:$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{$_}/;
$val =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
my @vArr = split('\|',$val);
foreach (@vArr){
elsif($val =~ m/^\[([a-zA-Z0-9_-|\.]*)\]$/){
my @lst1;
if ($_ =~ m/(.*)\.\.(.*)/ ){
my @list = map { ($_.".0", $_+0.5) } (($1+0)..($2+0));
pop @list;
$_ = join(",",@list);
push @lst1,@list;
push @lst1,$_;
$_ = "$cmdS:".join(",",@vArr);
$val = ":".join(",",@lst1);
else {
$val = "";
push @cmdPrep,"$cmdS$val";
@cmdArr = ("--") if (!scalar @cmdArr);
my $usg = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ",sort @cmdArr)." ";
$usg =~ s/ pct/ pct:slider,0,1,100/;
$usg =~ s/ pctSlat/ pctSlat:slider,0,1,100/;
@cmdPrep = ("--") if (!scalar @cmdPrep);
my $usg = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".join(" ",sort @cmdPrep)." ";
$usg =~ s/ (pct|pctSlat)/ $1:slider,0,1,100/;
$usg =~ s/ virtual/ virtual:slider,1,1,50/;
$usg =~ s/ color/ color:colorpicker,HUE,0,0.5,100/;
if ($usg =~ m/ tempTmplSet/){
@ -4401,16 +4407,15 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
$usg =~ s/ tplDel//;#not an option
# $usg =~ s/\[*-peer-\]*/$peers/g;
return $usg;
elsif($h eq "" && @a != 2) {
return "$cmd requires no parameters";
my $paraOpts = $hash->{helper}{cmds}{cmdLst}{$cmd};
if($paraOpts eq "noArg"){ # no param allowed
return "$cmd no params required" if(@a != 2);
elsif($h !~ m/\.\.\./ && @hArr != @a-2) {
return "$cmd requires parameter: $h";
elsif($paraOpts !~ m/\.\.\./){# param required
return "$cmd parameter required:$paraOpts" if(@a == 2);
my $id; # define id of IO device for later usage
@ -4460,8 +4465,10 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
elsif($sect eq "oldRegs"){
my @cN = ($name);
push @cN,$hash->{$_} foreach(grep /^channel/,keys %{$hash});
CUL_HM_refreshRegs($_) foreach (@cN);
push @cN,$hash->{$_} foreach(grep /^channel/,keys %{$hash});
foreach (@cN){
elsif($sect eq "msgEvents"){
@ -4503,6 +4510,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
foreach (grep /^sabotageAttack/,keys %{$hash->{READINGS}});
elsif($cmd eq "defIgnUnknown") { ############################################
foreach (map {substr($_,8)}
@ -7836,10 +7844,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_eventP($$) {#handle protocol events
sub CUL_HM_protState($$){
my ($hash,$state) = @_;
if (!$hash || !$hash->{NAME}){#General remove when fixed
Log 4,"CUL_HM protstate undeviced hash to set $state";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sProcIn = $hash->{helper}{prt}{sProc};
@ -8509,8 +8513,8 @@ sub CUL_HMTmplSetCmd($){
$defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplPeer} = join("|",keys%{$tpl{p}});
$defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplChan} = join("|",keys%{$tpl{0}});
$defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplPeer} = join(",",keys%{$tpl{p}});
$defs{$name}{helper}{cmds}{lst}{tplChan} = join(",",keys%{$tpl{0}});
return (scalar keys %a ? " tplSet_".join(" tplSet_",map{"$_:".join(",",sort keys%{$a{$_}})} keys %a)
: "")#no template
Reference in New Issue
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