mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: ctrlBatSocManagement to ctrlBatSocManagement01

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29468 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2025-01-01 22:02:35 +00:00
parent 107784b661
commit fd2475f890
2 changed files with 236 additions and 160 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- change: 76_SolarForecast: ctrlBatSocManagement to ctrlBatSocManagement01
- change: 76_SolarForecast: rename of some readings, see Forum:
- feature: WMBus.pm: support for smoke detector IE6500-OMS: #1326558

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# 76_SolarForecast.pm
# (c) 2020-2024 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# (c) 2020-2025 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# with credits to: kask, Prof. Dr. Peter Henning, Wzut, ch.eick (and much more FHEM users)
# This script is part of fhem.
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.41.3" => "01.01.2025 write/read battery values 0 .. maxbatteries to/from pvhistrory ".
"change ctrlBatSocManagement to ctrlBatSocManagement01 ",
"1.41.2" => "30.12.2024 __setConsRcmdState: more Debug Info, change Reading: Current_BatCharge -> Current_BatCharge_XX ".
"Current_PowerBatOut -> Current_PowerBatOut_XX, Current_PowerBatIn -> Current_PowerBatIn_XX ".
"Today_HourXX_PPrealXX -> Today_HourXX_PPreal_XX, Current_PPXX -> Current_PP_XX ".
@ -511,7 +513,7 @@ my @aconfigs = qw( affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsForecastIdentWeekdays
affectConsForecastInPlanning affectSolCastPercentile
consumerLegend consumerAdviceIcon consumerLink
ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ctrlBackupFilesKeep
ctrlBatSocManagement ctrlConsRecommendReadings ctrlGenPVdeviation ctrlInterval
ctrlConsRecommendReadings ctrlGenPVdeviation ctrlInterval
ctrlLanguage ctrlNextDayForecastReadings ctrlShowLink ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq
ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ctrlStatisticReadings ctrlUserExitFn
setupWeatherDev1 setupWeatherDev2 setupWeatherDev3
@ -538,6 +540,7 @@ for my $cn (1..$maxconsumer) {
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
push @aconfigs, "setupBatteryDev${bn}"; # Anlagenkonfiguration: add Battery Attribute
push @aconfigs, "ctrlBatSocManagement${bn}";
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) {
@ -1132,13 +1135,9 @@ my %hcsr = (
my %hfspvh = (
radiation => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'rad1h', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # irradiation
DoN => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'DoN', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Tag 1 oder Nacht 0
batmaxsoc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batmaxsoc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # max. erreichter SOC des Tages
batsetsoc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batsetsoc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # optimaler SOC für den Tag
sunaz => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'sunaz', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Sonnenstand Azimuth
sunalt => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'sunalt', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Sonnenstand Altitude
etotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'etotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # etotal des Wechselrichters
batintotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batintotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # totale Batterieladung
batouttotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batouttotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # totale Batterieentladung
weatherid => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'weatherid', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Wetter ID
weathercloudcover => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'wcc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Wolkenbedeckung
rr1c => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'rr1c', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Gesamtniederschlag (1-stündig) letzte 1 Stunde
@ -1146,8 +1145,6 @@ my %hfspvh = (
temperature => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'temp', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Außentemperatur
conprice => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'conprice', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Bezugspreis pro kWh der Stunde
feedprice => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'feedprice', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Einspeisevergütung pro kWh der Stunde
batinthishour => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batin', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # Batterieladung in Stunde
batoutthishour => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batout', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # Batterieentladung in Stunde
pvfc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvfc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Energieertrag
confc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'confc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Hausverbrauch
gcons => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gcons', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # bezogene Energie
@ -1157,30 +1154,63 @@ my %hfspvh = (
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) {
$in = sprintf "%02d", $in;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # realer Energieertrag Inverter
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{storname} = 'pvrl'.$in;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$in = sprintf "%02d", $in;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # realer Energieertrag Inverter
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{storname} = 'pvrl'.$in;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'pvrl'.$in}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$hfspvh{'etotali'.$in}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # etotal Inverter
$hfspvh{'etotali'.$in}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # etotal Inverter
$hfspvh{'etotali'.$in}{storname} = 'etotali'.$in;
$hfspvh{'etotali'.$in}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'etotali'.$in}{fpar} = undef;
for my $pn (1..$maxproducer) {
$pn = sprintf "%02d", $pn;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # realer Energieertrag sonstiger Erzeuger
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{storname} = 'pprl'.$pn;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$pn = sprintf "%02d", $pn;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # realer Energieertrag sonstiger Erzeuger
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{storname} = 'pprl'.$pn;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'pprl'.$pn}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$hfspvh{'etotalp'.$pn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # etotal sonstiger Erzeuger
$hfspvh{'etotalp'.$pn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # etotal sonstiger Erzeuger
$hfspvh{'etotalp'.$pn}{storname} = 'etotalp'.$pn;
$hfspvh{'etotalp'.$pn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'etotalp'.$pn}{fpar} = undef;
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$hfspvh{'batintotal'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # totale Batterieladung
$hfspvh{'batintotal'.$bn}{storname} = 'batintotal'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batintotal'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batintotal'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batouttotal'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # totale Batterieentladung
$hfspvh{'batouttotal'.$bn}{storname} = 'batouttotal'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batouttotal'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batouttotal'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batinthishour'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # Batterieladung in Stunde
$hfspvh{'batinthishour'.$bn}{storname} = 'batin'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batinthishour'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batinthishour'.$bn}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$hfspvh{'batoutthishour'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # Batterieentladung in Stunde
$hfspvh{'batoutthishour'.$bn}{storname} = 'batout'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batoutthishour'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batoutthishour'.$bn}{fpar} = 'comp99';
$hfspvh{'batmaxsoc'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # max. erreichter SOC des Tages
$hfspvh{'batmaxsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batmaxsoc'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batmaxsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batmaxsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{fn} = \&_storeVal; # gesetzter optimaler SOC für den Tag
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{storname} = 'batsetsoc'.$bn;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{validkey} = undef;
$hfspvh{'batsetsoc'.$bn}{fpar} = undef;
# Information zu verwendeten internen Datenhashes
@ -1217,7 +1247,7 @@ sub Initialize {
my $srd = join ",", sort keys (%hcsr);
my $gbc = 'pvReal,pvForecast,consumption,consumptionForecast,gridconsumption,energycosts,gridfeedin,feedincome';
my ($consumer, $setupbat, $setupprod, $setupinv, @allc);
my ($consumer, $setupbat, $ctrlbatsm, $setupprod, $setupinv, @allc);
for my $c (1..$maxconsumer) {
$c = sprintf "%02d", $c;
$consumer .= "consumer${c}:textField-long ";
@ -1225,8 +1255,9 @@ sub Initialize {
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$setupbat .= "setupBatteryDev${bn}:textField-long ";
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$setupbat .= "setupBatteryDev${bn}:textField-long ";
$ctrlbatsm .= "ctrlBatSocManagement${bn}:textField-long ";
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) {
@ -1266,7 +1297,6 @@ sub Initialize {
"ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ".
"ctrlAIshiftTrainStart:slider,1,1,23 ".
"ctrlBackupFilesKeep ".
"ctrlBatSocManagement:textField-long ".
"ctrlConsRecommendReadings:multiple-strict,$allcs ".
"ctrlDebug:multiple-strict,$dm,#10 ".
"ctrlAreaFactorUsage:fix,trackFull,trackShared,trackFlex ".
@ -1325,6 +1355,7 @@ sub Initialize {
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
@ -1338,8 +1369,8 @@ sub Initialize {
# $hash->{FW_addDetailToSummary} = 1;
# $hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1; # wenn 1 -> kein Longpoll ohne informid in HTML-Tag
$hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "setupBatteryDev" => "setupBatteryDev01", # 28.12.24
"setupInverterDev" => "setupInverterDev01", # 11.10.24
$hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "setupBatteryDev" => "setupBatteryDev01", # 28.12.24
"ctrlBatSocManagement" => "ctrlBatSocManagement01", # 01.01.25
eval { FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) }; ## no critic 'eval'
@ -5332,17 +5363,16 @@ sub Attr {
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
# 31.10.2024
if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName =~ /^graphicStartHtml|affect70percentRule|graphicEndHtml|ctrlAutoRefresh|ctrlAutoRefreshFW$/) {
if (!$init_done) {
my $msg = "The attribute $aName has been removed and is no longer valid.";
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg");
return qq{Device "$name" -> $msg};
else {
return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete.};
#if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName =~ /^graphicStartHtml|affect70percentRule|graphicEndHtml|ctrlAutoRefresh|ctrlAutoRefreshFW$/) {
# if (!$init_done) {
# my $msg = "The attribute $aName has been removed and is no longer valid.";
# Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg");
# return qq{Device "$name" -> $msg};
# }
# else {
# return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete.};
# }
if ($aName eq 'disable') {
@ -5358,10 +5388,12 @@ sub Attr {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Tomorrow_Hour.*");
if ($aName eq 'ctrlBatSocManagement' && $init_done) {
if ($aName =~ /ctrlBatSocManagement/xs && $init_done) {
my $bn = (split 'ctrlBatSocManagement', $aName)[1];
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
return qq{Define the key 'cap' with "attr $name setupBatteryDev01" before this attribute in the correct form.}
if(!BatteryVal ($hash, '01', 'binstcap', 0)); # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1310930
return qq{Define the key 'cap' with "attr $name setupBatteryDev${bn}" before this attribute in the correct form.}
if(!BatteryVal ($hash, $bn, 'binstcap', 0)); # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1310930
my ($lowSoc, $upSoc, $maxsoc, $careCycle) = __parseAttrBatSoc ($name, $aVal);
@ -5375,8 +5407,8 @@ sub Attr {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Battery_.*');
delete $data{$name}{circular}{99}{lastTsMaxSocRchd01};
delete $data{$name}{circular}{99}{nextTsMaxSocChge01};
delete $data{$name}{circular}{99}{'lastTsMaxSocRchd'.$bn};
delete $data{$name}{circular}{99}{'nextTsMaxSocChge'.$bn};
if ($aName eq 'ctrlGenPVdeviation' && $aVal eq 'daily') {
@ -7305,12 +7337,23 @@ sub centralTask {
$data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batout01} = delete $data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batout} if(defined $data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batout});
for my $pn (1..$maxproducer) { # 30.12.2024
for my $pn (1..$maxproducer) { # 30.12.2024
$pn = sprintf "%02d", $pn;
readingsDelete ($hash, 'Current_PP'.$pn);
deleteReadingspec ($hash, '.*PPreal'.$pn);
for my $dy (sort keys %{$data{$name}{pvhist}}) { # 01.01.2025
for my $hr (sort keys %{$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}}) {
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batintotal01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batintotal} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batintotal});
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batouttotal01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batouttotal} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batouttotal});
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batin01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batin} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batin});
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batout01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batout} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batout});
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batmaxsoc01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batmaxsoc} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batmaxsoc});
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batsetsoc01} = delete $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batsetsoc} if(defined $data{$name}{pvhist}{$dy}{$hr}{batsetsoc});
if (exists $data{$name}{solcastapi}{'?IdPair'}) { # 29.11.2024
for my $pk (keys %{$data{$name}{solcastapi}{'?IdPair'}}) {
my $apikey = RadiationAPIVal ($hash, '?IdPair', $pk, 'apikey', '');
@ -9387,11 +9430,11 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
# Batterieladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatintot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), "batintotal", undef); # totale Batterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $histbatintot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batintotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Batterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $batinthishour;
if (!defined $histbatintot) { # totale Batterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt?
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batintotal', val => $btotin, hour => $nhour } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batintotal'.$bn, val => $btotin, hour => $nhour } );
$batinthishour = 0;
else {
@ -9401,16 +9444,16 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$batinthishour = 0 if($batinthishour < 0);
$data{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{'batin'.$bn} = $batinthishour; # Ringspeicher Battery In Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batinthishour', val => $batinthishour, hour => $nhour } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batinthishour'.$bn, val => $batinthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# Batterieentladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batouttotal', undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batouttotal'.$bn, undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $batoutthishour;
if (!defined $histbatouttot) { # totale Betterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt?
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batouttotal', val => $btotout, hour => $nhour } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batouttotal'.$bn, val => $btotout, hour => $nhour } );
$batoutthishour = 0;
else {
@ -9420,15 +9463,15 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$batoutthishour = 0 if($batoutthishour < 0);
$data{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{'batout'.$bn} = $batoutthishour; # Ringspeicher Battery In Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batoutthishour', val => $batoutthishour, hour => $nhour } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batoutthishour'.$bn, val => $batoutthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# täglichen max. SOC in pvHistory speichern
my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc', 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages
my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages
if ($soc >= $batmaxsoc) {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batmaxsoc', val => $soc, hour => 99 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, val => $soc, hour => 99 } );
@ -9479,10 +9522,10 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
my $ltsmsr = CircularVal ($hash, 99, 'lastTsMaxSocRchd'.$bn, undef);
my $batcharge = BatteryVal ($hash, $bn, 'bcharge', 0); # aktuelle Ladung in %
my $batinstcap = BatteryVal ($hash, $bn, 'binstcap', 0); # installierte Batteriekapazität Wh
my $cgbt = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlBatSocManagement', undef);
my $cgbt = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlBatSocManagement'.$bn, undef);
if ($cgbt && !$batinstcap) {
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - WARNING - Attribute ctrlBatSocManagement is active, but the required key 'cap' is not setup in setupBatteryDev. Exit.");
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - WARNING - Attribute ctrlBatSocManagement${bn} is active, but the required key 'cap' is not setup in setupBatteryDev. Exit.");
@ -9498,9 +9541,9 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
my $chargereq = 0; # Ladeanforderung wenn SoC unter Minimum SoC gefallen ist
my $target = $lowSoc;
my $yday = strftime "%d", localtime($t - 86400); # Vortag (range 01 to 31)
my $tdconsset = CurrentVal ($hash, 'tdConFcTillSunset', 0); # Verbrauch bis Sonnenuntergang Wh
my $batymaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batmaxsoc', 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Vortages
my $batysetsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batsetsoc', $lowSoc); # gespeicherter SOC Sollwert des Vortages
my $tdconsset = CurrentVal ($hash, 'tdConFcTillSunset', 0); # Verbrauch bis Sonnenuntergang Wh
my $batymaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Vortages
my $batysetsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batsetsoc'.$bn, $lowSoc); # gespeicherter SOC Sollwert des Vortages
$target = $batymaxsoc < $maxsoc ? $batysetsoc + $batSocChgDay :
$batymaxsoc >= $maxsoc ? $batysetsoc - $batSocChgDay :
@ -9617,7 +9660,7 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
## pvHistory/Readings schreiben
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsetsoc', val => $target, hour => 99 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsetsoc'.$bn, val => $target, hour => 99 } );
storeReading ('Battery_OptimumTargetSoC_'.$bn, $target.' %');
storeReading ('Battery_ChargeRequest_'.$bn, $chargereq);
@ -9629,7 +9672,7 @@ return;
# Parse ctrlBatSocManagement
# Parse ctrlBatSocManagementXX
sub __parseAttrBatSoc {
my $name = shift;
@ -16388,15 +16431,15 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my ($r1, $r2, $r3, $r4, $r5, $r6, $r7, $r8) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
my ($r3, $r4, $r5, $r6, $r7, $r8) = (0,0,0,0,0,0);
my $ien = {}; # Hashref Inverter energy
my $pen = {}; # Hashref Producer energy
my $bin = {};
my $bot = {};
for my $k (keys %{$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$r1 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batin', 0);
$r2 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batout', 0);
$r3 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'pvrl', 0);
$r4 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'pvfc', 0);
$r5 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'confc', 0);
@ -16419,10 +16462,18 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $e = HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'pprl'.$pn, undef);
$pen->{$pn} += $e if(defined $e);
## Reorg Battery
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
my $bi = HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batin'.$bn, undef);
my $bo = HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batout'.$bn, undef);
$bin->{$bn} += $bi if(defined $bi);
$bot->{$bn} += $bo if(defined $bo);
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{batin} = $r1;
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{batout} = $r2;
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{pvrl} = $r3;
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{pvfc} = $r4;
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{confc} = $r5;
@ -16437,8 +16488,13 @@ sub setPVhistory {
for my $pn (keys %{$pen}) {
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{'pprl'.$pn} = $pen->{$pn};
for my $bn (keys %{$bin}) {
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{'batin'.$bn} = $bin->{$bn};
$data{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{'batout'.$bn} = $bot->{$bn};
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> Day >$reorgday< reorganized keys: batin, batout, pvrl, pvfc, con, confc, gcons, gfeedin, pvrlXX, pprlXX");
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> Day >$reorgday< reorganized keys: batinXX, batoutXX, pvrl, pvfc, con, confc, gcons, gfeedin, pvrlXX, pprlXX");
if ($histname) {
@ -16536,12 +16592,6 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $temp = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'temp', undef);
my $pvcorrf = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'pvcorrf', '-');
my $dayname = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'dayname', undef);
my $btotin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batintotal', '-');
my $batin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batin', '-');
my $btotout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batouttotal', '-');
my $batout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batout', '-');
my $batmsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batmaxsoc', '-');
my $batssoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsetsoc', '-');
my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'rad1h', '-');
my $sunaz = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'sunaz', '-');
my $sunalt = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'sunalt', '-');
@ -16564,12 +16614,6 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{PVCorrectionFactor} = $pvcorrf eq '-' ? '' : (split "/", $pvcorrf)[0];
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{Quality} = $pvcorrf eq '-' ? '' : (split "/", $pvcorrf)[1];
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{DayName} = $dayname // '';
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatteryInTotal} = $btotin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatteryIn} = $batin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatteryOutTotal} = $btotout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatteryOut} = $batout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatteryMaxSoc} = $batmsoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{BatterySetSoc} = $batssoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{GlobalRadiation } = $rad1h;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{SunAzimuth} = $sunaz;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{SunAltitude} = $sunalt;
@ -16578,13 +16622,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{FeedInPrice} = $feedprc;
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
$ret .= $key." => ";
$ret .= "pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, pvrlvd: $pvrlvd, rad1h: $rad1h";
$ret .= "\n ";
my ($inve, $invl);
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) { # + alle Inverter
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) { # + alle Inverter
$in = sprintf "%02d", $in;
my $etoti = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'etotali'.$in, '-');
my $pvrli = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'pvrl'.$in, '-');
@ -16594,22 +16633,12 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"PVreal${in}"} = $pvrli;
if (defined $etoti) {
$inve .= ', ' if($inve);
$inve .= "etotali${in}: $etoti";
if (defined $pvrli) {
$invl .= ', ' if($invl);
$invl .= "pvrl${in}: $pvrli";
$inve .= ', ' if($inve);
$inve .= "etotali${in}: $etoti";
$invl .= ', ' if($invl);
$invl .= "pvrl${in}: $pvrli";
$ret .= $inve if($inve && $key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($inve && $key ne '99');
$ret .= $invl if($invl);
$ret .= "\n " if($invl);
my ($prde, $prdl);
for my $pn (1..$maxproducer) { # + alle Producer
$pn = sprintf "%02d", $pn;
@ -16621,33 +16650,78 @@ sub listDataPool {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"PPreal${pn}"} = $pprl;
if (defined $etotp) {
$prde .= ', ' if($prde);
$prde .= "etotalp${pn}: $etotp";
if (defined $pprl) {
$prdl .= ', ' if($prdl);
$prdl .= "pprl${pn}: $pprl";
$prde .= ', ' if($prde);
$prde .= "etotalp${pn}: $etotp";
$prdl .= ', ' if($prdl);
$prdl .= "pprl${pn}: $pprl";
my ($btotin, $batin, $btotout, $batout, $batmsoc, $batssoc);
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) { # + alle Batterien
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
my $hbtotin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batintotal'.$bn, '-');
my $hbtotout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batouttotal'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatin = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batin'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatout = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batout'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatmsoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batmaxsoc'.$bn, '-');
my $hbatssoc = HistoryVal ($name, $day, $key, 'batsetsoc'.$bn, '-');
if ($export eq 'csv') {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryInTotal${bn}"} = $hbtotin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryOutTotal${bn}"} = $hbtotout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryIn${bn}"} = $hbatin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryOut${bn}"} = $hbatout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatteryMaxSoc${bn}"} = $hbatmsoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"BatterySetSoc${bn}"} = $hbatssoc;
$btotin .= ', ' if($btotin);
$btotin .= "batintotal${bn}: $hbtotin";
$btotout .= ', ' if($btotout);
$btotout .= "batouttotal${bn}: $hbtotout";
$batin .= ', ' if($batin);
$batin .= "batin${bn}: $hbatin";
$batout .= ', ' if($batout);
$batout .= "batout${bn}: $hbatout";
$batmsoc .= ', ' if($batmsoc);
$batmsoc .= "batmaxsoc${bn}: $hbatmsoc";
$batssoc .= ', ' if($batssoc);
$batssoc .= "batsetsoc${bn}: $hbatssoc";
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
$ret .= $key." => ";
$ret .= "pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, pvrlvd: $pvrlvd, rad1h: $rad1h";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= $inve if($inve && $key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($inve && $key ne '99');
$ret .= $invl if($invl);
$ret .= "\n " if($invl);
$ret .= $prde if($prde && $key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($prde && $key ne '99');
$ret .= $prdl if($prdl);
$ret .= "\n " if($prdl);
$ret .= "\n " if($prdl);
$ret .= "confc: $confc, con: $con, gcons: $gcons, conprice: $conprc";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "gfeedin: $gfeedin, feedprice: $feedprc";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "DoN: $don, sunaz: $sunaz, sunalt: $sunalt";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "batintotal: $btotin, batouttotal: $btotout, " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "batin: $batin, batout: $batout";
$ret .= "\n " if($key eq '99');
$ret .= "batmaxsoc: $batmsoc, batsetsoc: $batssoc" if($key eq '99');
$ret .= $btotin if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $btotout if($key ne '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key ne '99');
$ret .= $batin;
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= $batout;
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= $batmsoc if($key eq '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key eq '99');
$ret .= $batssoc if($key eq '99');
$ret .= "\n " if($key eq '99');
if ($key ne '99') {
$ret .= "wid: $wid, ";
@ -16880,7 +16954,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
else {
my ($batvl1, $batvl2, $batvl3, $batvl4, $batvl5, $batvl6, $batvl7);
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) { # alle Batterien
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) { # + alle Batterien
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
my $idbintot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'initdaybatintot'. $bn, '-');
my $idboutot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'initdaybatouttot'.$bn, '-');
@ -19720,31 +19794,31 @@ return;
# $day: Tag des Monats (01,02,...,31)
# $hod: Stunde des Tages (01,02,...,24,99)
# $key: etotaliXX - totale PV Erzeugung (Wh) des Inverters XX
# pvrlXX - realer PV Ertrag (Wh) des Inverters XX
# pvfc - PV Vorhersage
# pprlXX - Energieerzeugung des Produzenten XX
# etotalpXX - Zählerstand "Energieertrag total" (Wh) des Produzenten XX
# confc - Vorhersage Hausverbrauch (Wh)
# gcons - realer Netzbezug
# gfeedin - reale Netzeinspeisung
# batintotal - totale Batterieladung (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde
# batin - Batterieladung der Stunde (Wh)
# batouttotal - totale Batterieentladung (Wh)
# batout - Batterieentladung der Stunde (Wh)
# batmsoc - max. SOC des Tages (%)
# batmaxsoc - maximum SOC (%) des Tages
# batsetsoc - optimaler (berechneter) SOC (%) für den Tag
# weatherid - Wetter ID
# wcc - Grad der Bewölkung
# temp - Außentemperatur
# rr1c - Gesamtniederschlag (1-stündig) letzte 1 Stunde kg/m2
# pvcorrf - PV Autokorrekturfaktor f. Stunde des Tages
# dayname - Tagesname (Kürzel)
# csmt${c} - Totalconsumption Consumer $c (1..$maxconsumer)
# csme${c} - Consumption Consumer $c (1..$maxconsumer) in $hod
# sunaz - Azimuth der Sonne (in Dezimalgrad)
# sunalt - Höhe der Sonne (in Dezimalgrad)
# $key: etotaliXX - totale PV Erzeugung (Wh) des Inverters XX
# pvrlXX - realer PV Ertrag (Wh) des Inverters XX
# pvfc - PV Vorhersage
# pprlXX - Energieerzeugung des Produzenten XX
# etotalpXX - Zählerstand "Energieertrag total" (Wh) des Produzenten XX
# confc - Vorhersage Hausverbrauch (Wh)
# gcons - realer Netzbezug
# gfeedin - reale Netzeinspeisung
# batintotalXX - Gesamtladung Batterie XX (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde
# batinXX - Ladung Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh)
# batouttotalXX - Gesamtentladung Batterie XX (Wh)
# batoutXX - Entladung Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh)
# batmsoc - max. SOC des Tages (%)
# batmaxsocXX - maximum SOC (%) der Batterie XX des Tages
# batsetsocXX - optimaler (berechneter) SOC (%) der Batterie XX für den Tag
# weatherid - Wetter ID
# wcc - Grad der Bewölkung
# temp - Außentemperatur
# rr1c - Gesamtniederschlag (1-stündig) letzte 1 Stunde kg/m2
# pvcorrf - PV Autokorrekturfaktor f. Stunde des Tages
# dayname - Tagesname (Kürzel)
# csmt${c} - Totalconsumption Consumer $c (1..$maxconsumer)
# csme${c} - Consumption Consumer $c (1..$maxconsumer) in $hod
# sunaz - Azimuth der Sonne (in Dezimalgrad)
# sunalt - Höhe der Sonne (in Dezimalgrad)
# $def: Defaultwert
@ -21169,12 +21243,12 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>batintotal</b> </td><td>total battery charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batin</b> </td><td>Hour battery charge (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotal</b> </td><td>total battery discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batout</b> </td><td>Battery discharge of the hour (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsoc</b> </td><td>maximum SOC (%) of the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsoc</b> </td><td>optimum SOC setpoint (%) for the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batintotalXX</b> </td><td>total battery XX charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batinXX</b> </td><td>Charge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotalXX</b> </td><td>total battery XX discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batoutXX</b> </td><td>Discharge of battery XX within the hour (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>maximum SOC (%) of battery XX of the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsocXX</b> </td><td>optimum SOC setpoint (%) of battery XX for the day </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>confc</b> </td><td>expected energy consumption (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>con</b> </td><td>real energy consumption (Wh) of the house </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conprice</b> </td><td>Price for the purchase of one kWh. The currency of the price is defined in the setupMeterDev. </td></tr>
@ -21779,9 +21853,10 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBatSocManagement"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=&lt;Value&gt; upSoC=&lt;Value&gt; [maxSoC=&lt;Value&gt;] [careCycle=&lt;Value&gt;] </b> <br><br>
If a battery device (setupBatteryDevXX) is installed, this attribute activates the battery SoC management. <br>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBatSocManagementXX" data-pattern="ctrlBatSocManagement.*"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBatSocManagementXX lowSoc=&lt;Value&gt; upSoC=&lt;Value&gt; [maxSoC=&lt;Value&gt;] [careCycle=&lt;Value&gt;] </b> <br><br>
If a battery device (setupBatteryDevXX) is installed, this attribute activates the battery SoC management for this
battery device. <br>
The <b>Battery_OptimumTargetSoC_XX</b> reading contains the optimum minimum SoC calculated by the module. <br>
The <b>Battery_ChargeRequest_XX</b> reading is set to '1' if the current SoC has fallen below the minimum SoC. <br>
In this case, the battery should be forcibly charged, possibly with mains power. <br>
@ -21823,7 +21898,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<b>Example: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25 <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; ctrlBatSocManagement01 lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25 <br>
@ -21963,7 +22038,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>the current polling interval of the selected radiation data API in seconds </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentRunMtsConsumer_XX</b> </td><td>the running time (minutes) of the consumer "XX" since the last switch-on. (last running cycle) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast</b> </td><td>provides the forecast of PV generation for the day after tomorrow (if available) without autocorrection (raw data) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>daysUntilBatteryCare_XX</b> </td><td>Days until the next battery XX maintenance (reaching the charge 'maxSoC' from attribute ctrlBatSocManagement) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>daysUntilBatteryCare_XX</b> </td><td>Days until the next battery XX maintenance (reaching the charge 'maxSoC' from attribute ctrlBatSocManagementXX) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>lastretrieval_time</b> </td><td>the last retrieval time of the selected radiation data API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>lastretrieval_timestamp</b> </td><td>the timestamp of the last retrieval time of the selected radiation data API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>response_message</b> </td><td>the last status message of the selected radiation data API </td></tr>
@ -23622,12 +23697,12 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>batintotal</b> </td><td>totale Batterieladung (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batin</b> </td><td>Batterieladung der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotal</b> </td><td>totale Batterieentladung (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batout</b> </td><td>Batterieentladung der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsoc</b> </td><td>maximaler SOC (%) des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsoc</b> </td><td>optimaler SOC Sollwert (%) für den Tag </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batintotalXX</b> </td><td>Gesamtladung der Batterie XX (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batinXX</b> </td><td>Ladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batouttotalXX</b> </td><td>Gesamtentladung der Batterie XX (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batoutXX</b> </td><td>Entladung der Batterie XX innerhalb der Stunde (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batmaxsocXX</b> </td><td>maximaler SOC (%) der Batterie XX des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>batsetsocXX</b> </td><td>optimaler SOC Sollwert (%) der Batterie XX für den Tag </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>csmtXX</b> </td><td>Energieverbrauch total von ConsumerXX </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>csmeXX</b> </td><td>Energieverbrauch von ConsumerXX in der Stunde des Tages (Stunde 99 = Tagesenergieverbrauch) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>confc</b> </td><td>erwarteter Energieverbrauch (Wh) </td></tr>
@ -24231,10 +24306,10 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBatSocManagement"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=&lt;Wert&gt; upSoC=&lt;Wert&gt; [maxSoC=&lt;Wert&gt;] [careCycle=&lt;Wert&gt;] </b> <br><br>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBatSocManagementXX" data-pattern="ctrlBatSocManagement.*"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBatSocManagementXX lowSoc=&lt;Wert&gt; upSoC=&lt;Wert&gt; [maxSoC=&lt;Wert&gt;] [careCycle=&lt;Wert&gt;] </b> <br><br>
Sofern ein Batterie Device (setupBatteryDevXX) installiert ist, aktiviert dieses Attribut das Batterie
SoC-Management. <br>
SoC-Management für dieses Batteriegerät. <br>
Das Reading <b>Battery_OptimumTargetSoC_XX</b> enthält den vom Modul berechneten optimalen Mindest-SoC. <br>
Das Reading <b>Battery_ChargeRequest_XX</b> wird auf '1' gesetzt, wenn der aktuelle SoC unter den Mindest-SoC gefallen
ist. <br>
@ -24277,7 +24352,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25 <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; ctrlBatSocManagement01 lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25 <br>
@ -24417,7 +24492,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>das aktuelle Abrufintervall der gewählten Strahlungsdaten-API in Sekunden </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentRunMtsConsumer_XX</b> </td><td>die Laufzeit (Minuten) des Verbrauchers "XX" seit dem letzten Einschalten. (letzter Laufzyklus) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast</b> </td><td>liefert die Vorhersage der PV Erzeugung für Übermorgen (sofern verfügbar) ohne Autokorrektur (Rohdaten). </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>daysUntilBatteryCare_XX</b> </td><td>Tage bis zur nächsten Batterie XX Pflege (Erreichen der Ladung 'maxSoC' aus Attribut ctrlBatSocManagement) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>daysUntilBatteryCare_XX</b> </td><td>Tage bis zur nächsten Batterie XX Pflege (Erreichen der Ladung 'maxSoC' aus Attribut ctrlBatSocManagementXX) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>lastretrieval_time</b> </td><td>der letzte Abrufzeitpunkt der gewählten Strahlungsdaten-API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>lastretrieval_timestamp</b> </td><td>der Timestamp der letzen Abrufzeitpunkt der gewählten Strahlungsdaten-API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>response_message</b> </td><td>die letzte Statusmeldung der gewählten Strahlungsdaten-API </td></tr>