mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
49_SSCam: contrib 9.3.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22236 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,59 +138,6 @@ my %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
"8.3.0" => "02.01.2019 CAMLASTRECID replaced by Reading CamLastRecId, \"SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording\" added, ".
"new get command \"saveRecording\"",
"8.2.0" => "02.01.2019 store SMTP credentials with \"smtpcredentials\", SMTP Email integrated ",
"8.1.0" => "19.12.2018 tooltipps in camera device for control buttons, commandref revised ",
"8.0.0" => "13.12.2018 HLS with sscam_hls.js integrated for SSCamSTRM type hls, realize tooltipps in streaming devices, minor fixes",
"7.7.1" => "12.12.2018 change autocreateCams: define new device only if ne device with Internal CAMNAME is defined, ".
"fix getsnapinfo function get wrong snapid or none if cam is new defined ",
"7.7.0" => "10.12.2018 SVS-Device: autocreateCams command added, some other fixes and improvements, minor code rewrite, ".
"save Stream in \$streamHash->{HELPER}{STREAM} for popupStream in SSCamSTRM-Device ",
"7.6.0" => "02.12.2018 sub SSCam_ptzpanel completed by Preset and Patrol, minor fixes ",
"7.5.0" => "02.12.2018 sub SSCam_StreamDev and SSCam_composegallery changed to use popup window ",
"7.4.1" => "26.11.2018 sub composegallery deleted, SSCam_composegallery changed to get information for SSCam_refresh ",
"7.4.0" => "24.11.2018 new set command \"createReadingsGroup\", versionNotes can process lists like \"2,6\", changed compatibility check, use SnapId when get information after took snapshot and sscam state-event ",
"7.3.3" => "18.11.2018 change rights decsption in commandRef ",
"7.3.2" => "12.11.2018 fix Warning in line 4954, set COMPATIBILITY to 8.2.2 ",
"7.3.1" => "31.10.2018 fix connection lost failure if several SSCamSTRM devices are defined and updated by longpoll from same parent device ",
"7.3.0" => "28.10.2018 usage of attribute \"livestreamprefix\" changed, exec SSCam_getStmUrlPath on boot ",
"7.2.1" => "23.10.2018 new routine SSCam_versionCheck, COMPATIBILITY changed to 8.2.1 ",
"7.2.0" => "20.10.2018 direct help for attributes, new get versionNotes command, fix PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value \$small, get versionNotes ",
"7.1.1" => "18.10.2018 Message of \"Your current/simulated SVS-version...\" changed, commandref corrected ",
"7.1.0" => "02.09.2018 PIR Sensor enable/disable, SSCam_Set/SSCam_Get optimized ",
"7.0.1" => "27.08.2018 enable/disable issue (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,45671.msg830869.html#msg830869) ",
"7.0.0" => "27.07.2018 compatibility to API v2.8 ",
"6.0.1" => "04.07.2018 Reading CamFirmware ",
"6.0.0" => "03.07.2018 HTTPS Support, buttons for refresh SSCamSTRM-devices ",
"5.3.0" => "29.06.2018 changes regarding to \"createStreamDev ... generic\", refresh reading parentState of all, SSCamSTRM devices with PARENT=SSCam-device, control elements for runView within fhemweb, new CamLive.*-Readings, minor fixes ",
"5.2.7" => "26.06.2018 fix state turns to \"off\" even though cam is disabled ",
"5.2.6" => "20.06.2018 running stream as human readable entry for SSCamSTRM-Device, goAbsPTZ fix set-entry für non-PTZ ",
"5.2.5" => "18.06.2018 trigger lastsnap_fw to SSCamSTRM-Device only if snap was done by it. ",
"5.2.4" => "17.06.2018 SSCam_composegallery added and write warning if old composegallery-weblink device is used ",
"5.2.3" => "16.06.2018 no SSCamSTRM refresh when snapgetinfo was running without taken a snap by SSCamSTRM-Device ",
"5.2.2" => "16.06.2018 compatibility to SSCamSTRM V 1.1.0 ",
"5.2.1" => "14.06.2018 design change of SSCam_StreamDev, change in event generation for SSCam_StreamDev, fix global vars ",
"5.2.0" => "14.06.2018 support longpoll refresh of SSCamSTRM-Devices ",
"5.1.0" => "13.06.2018 more control elements (Start/Stop Recording, Take Snapshot) in func SSCam_StreamDev, control of detaillink is moved to SSCamSTRM-device ",
"5.0.1" => "12.06.2018 control of page refresh improved (for e.g. Floorplan,Dashboard) ",
"5.0.0" => "11.06.2018 HLS Streaming, Buttons for Streaming-Devices, use of module SSCamSTRM for Streaming-Devices, deletion of Streaming-devices if SSCam-device is deleted, some more improvements, minor bugfixes ",
"4.3.0" => "27.05.2018 HLS preparation changed ",
"4.2.0" => "22.05.2018 PTZ-Panel integrated to created StreamDevice ",
"4.1.0" => "05.05.2018 use SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream instead of SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStreaming, preparation for hls ",
"4.0.0" => "01.05.2018 AudioStream possibility added ",
"3.10.0" => "24.04.2018 createStreamDev added, new features lastrec_fw_MJPEG, lastrec_fw_MPEG4/H.264 added to playback MPEG4/H.264 videos ",
"3.9.2" => "21.04.2018 minor fixes ",
"3.9.1" => "20.04.2018 Attribute ptzPanel_use, initial webcommands in DeviceOverview changed, minor fixes ptzPanel ",
"3.9.0" => "17.04.2018 control panel & PTZcontrol weblink device for PTZ cams ",
"3.8.4" => "06.04.2018 Internal MODEL changed to SVS or \"CamVendor - CamModel\" for Cams ",
"3.8.3" => "05.04.2018 bugfix V3.8.2, \$OpMode \"Start\" changed, composegallery changed ",
"3.8.2" => "04.04.2018 \$attr replaced by AttrVal, SSCam_wdpollcaminfo redesigned ",
"3.8.1" => "04.04.2018 some codereview like new sub SSCam_jboolmap ",
"3.8.0" => "03.04.2018 new reading PresetHome, setHome command, minor fixes ",
"3.7.0" => "26.03.2018 minor details of setPreset changed, new command delPreset ",
"3.6.0" => "25.03.2018 setPreset command, changed SSCam_wdpollcaminfo, SSCam_getcaminfoall ",
"3.5.0" => "22.03.2018 new get command listPresets ",
"3.4.0" => "21.03.2018 new commands startTracking, stopTracking ",
"3.3.1" => "20.03.2018 new readings CapPTZObjTracking, CapPTZPresetNumber ",
"3.3.0" => "25.02.2018 code review, API bug fix of runview lastrec, commandref revised (forum:#84953) ",
"1.0.0" => "12.12.2015 initial, changed completly to HttpUtils_NonblockingGet "
@ -320,9 +267,6 @@ my %SSCam_vNotesExtern = (
"1.0.0" => "12.12.2015 initial, changed completly to HttpUtils_NonblockingGet "
# getestete SVS-Version
my $compstat = "8.2.7";
# Aufbau Errorcode-Hashes (siehe Surveillance Station Web API)
my %SSCam_errauthlist = (
100 => "Unknown error",
@ -417,6 +361,8 @@ my %SSCAM_imc = ( # disbled String m
# Standardvariablen und Forward-Deklaration
my $SSCam_slim = 3; # default Anzahl der abzurufenden Schnappschüsse mit snapGallery
my $SSCAM_snum = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"; # mögliche Anzahl der abzurufenden Schnappschüsse mit snapGallery
my $SSCam_compstat = "8.2.7"; # getestete SVS-Version
my $SSCam_valZoom = "uzsuSelectRadio,+,stop,-"; # Inhalt des Setters "setZoom"
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), used by 97_GROUP/weblink
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
@ -526,7 +472,7 @@ sub SSCam_Define {
$hash->{CAMNAME} = $camname;
$hash->{MODEL} = ($camname =~ m/^SVS$/i)?"SVS":"CAM"; # initial, CAM wird später ersetzt durch CamModel
$hash->{PROTOCOL} = $proto;
$hash->{COMPATIBILITY} = $compstat; # getestete SVS-version Kompatibilität
$hash->{COMPATIBILITY} = $SSCam_compstat; # getestete SVS-version Kompatibilität
$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT} = 1 if($modMetaAbsent); # Modul Meta.pm nicht vorhanden
# benötigte API's in $hash einfügen
@ -927,28 +873,28 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} elsif(SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
# selist für Cams
my $hlslfw = SSCam_IsHLSCap($hash)?",live_fw_hls,":",";
my $hlslfw = SSCam_IsCapHLS($hash)?",live_fw_hls,":",";
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"credentials ".
"smtpcredentials ".
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "delPreset:".ReadingsVal("$name","Presets","")." " : "").
"expmode:auto,day,night ".
"on ".
"off:noArg ".
"motdetsc:disable,camera,SVS ".
"snap ".
(AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)?(AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",undef) || AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryBoost",0))?"snapGallery:noArg ":"snapGallery:$SSCAM_snum ":" ").
(AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0) ? (AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",undef) || AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryBoost",0))?"snapGallery:noArg ":"snapGallery:$SSCAM_snum ":" ").
"createReadingsGroup ".
"createSnapGallery:noArg ".
"createStreamDev:generic,hls,lastsnap,mjpeg,switched ".
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "createPTZcontrol:noArg ": "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "createPTZcontrol:noArg " : "").
"enable:noArg ".
"disable:noArg ".
"optimizeParams ".
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPIR", "false") ne "false") ? "pirSensor:activate,deactivate ": "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPIR", "false") ne "false") ? "pirSensor:activate,deactivate " : "").
"runView:live_fw".$hlslfw."live_link,live_open,lastrec_fw,lastrec_fw_MJPEG,lastrec_fw_MPEG4/H.264,lastrec_open,lastsnap_fw ".
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "setPreset ": "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "setHome:---currentPosition---,".ReadingsVal("$name","Presets","")." " : "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "delPreset:".ReadingsVal("$name","Presets","")." " : "").
"stopView:noArg ".
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZObjTracking", "false") ne "false") ? "startTracking:noArg " : "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZObjTracking", "false") ne "false") ? "stopTracking:noArg " : "").
@ -957,7 +903,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false") ? "goPreset:".ReadingsVal("$name", "Presets", "")." " : "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZAbs", "false") ne "false") ? "goAbsPTZ"." " : "").
((ReadingsVal("$name", "CapPTZDirections", 0) > 0) ? "move"." " : "").
"setZoom:uzsuSelectRadio,+,stop,- ".
( SSCam_IsCapZoom($hash) ? "setZoom:$SSCam_valZoom " : "").
} else {
# setlist für SVS Devices
@ -1574,7 +1520,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} = "live_fw";
$hash->{HELPER}{ACTSTRM} = "MJPEG Livestream"; # sprechender Name des laufenden Streamtyps für SSCamSTRM
} elsif ($prop eq "live_fw_hls") {
return "API \"SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream\" is not available or Reading \"CamStreamFormat\" is not \"HLS\". May be your API version is 2.8 or higher." if(!SSCam_IsHLSCap($hash));
return "API \"SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream\" is not available or Reading \"CamStreamFormat\" is not \"HLS\". May be your API version is 2.8 or higher." if(!SSCam_IsCapHLS($hash));
$hash->{HELPER}{OPENWINDOW} = 0;
$hash->{HELPER}{WLTYPE} = "hls";
$hash->{HELPER}{ALIAS} = "View only on compatible browsers";
@ -1635,7 +1581,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} elsif ($opt eq "setPreset" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
if (!$prop) {return "Syntax of function \"$opt\" was wrong. Please use \"set $name setPreset <PresetNumber> <PresetName> [<Speed>]\" ";}
if (!$prop) {return qq{Syntax of function "$opt" was wrong. Please use "set $name setPreset <PresetNumber> <PresetName> [<Speed>]"};}
$hash->{HELPER}{PNUMBER} = $prop;
$hash->{HELPER}{PNAME} = $prop1?$prop1:$prop; # wenn keine Presetname angegeben -> Presetnummer als Name verwenden
$hash->{HELPER}{PSPEED} = $prop2 if($prop2);
@ -1649,7 +1595,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} elsif ($opt eq "delPreset" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
if (!$prop) {return "Function \"$opt\" needs a \"Presetname\" as argument";}
if (!$prop) {return qq{Function "$opt" needs a "Presetname" as argument};}
$hash->{HELPER}{DELPRESETNAME} = $prop;
@ -3026,9 +2972,9 @@ sub SSCam_setPreset {
$error = SSCam_experror($hash,$errorcode);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash,"Errorcode",$errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash,"Error",$error);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - Preset of Camera $camname can't be set - $error");
@ -3040,8 +2986,7 @@ sub SSCam_setPreset {
SSCam_getapisites ($hash);
} else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.2, "SSCam_setPreset", $hash, 0);
@ -4923,6 +4868,7 @@ sub SSCam_camop {
# Zoom in / stop / out
my $dir = $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR};
my $moveType = $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE};
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - execute operation Zoom "$dir:$moveType"});
$url = qq{$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apiptzpath?api="$apiptz"&version="$apiptzmaxver"&method="Zoom"&cameraId="$camid"&control="$dir"&moveType="$moveType"&_sid="$sid"};
@ -5340,7 +5286,7 @@ sub SSCam_camop_parse {
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Error" , "none");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 1, qq{$name - Zoom operation "$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR}:$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE}" of Camera $camname successfully done} );
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - Zoom operation "$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR}:$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE}" of Camera $camname successfully done} );
} elsif ($OpMode eq "GetRec") {
my $recid = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRecId", "");
@ -7175,10 +7121,12 @@ sub SSCam_refresh($$$$) {
foreach(@spgs) {
if($defs{$_}{PARENT} eq $name) {
next if(IsDisabled($defs{$_}{NAME}) || !$hash->{HELPER}{INFORM} || $hash->{HELPER}{INFORM} ne $defs{$_}{FUUID});
readingsBulkUpdate($defs{$_},"parentState", $st);
readingsBulkUpdate($defs{$_},"state", "updated");
readingsEndUpdate($defs{$_}, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate ($defs{$_},"parentState", $st);
readingsBulkUpdate ($defs{$_},"state", "updated");
readingsEndUpdate ($defs{$_}, 1);
Log3($name, 4, "$name - SSCam_refresh - caller: $_, FUUID: $hash->{HELPER}{INFORM}");
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INFORM};
@ -7188,9 +7136,9 @@ return;
# Test ob MODEL=SVS (sonst ist es eine Cam)
# Eigenschaften des Device liefern
sub SSCam_IsModelCam {
sub SSCam_IsModelCam { # Modelleigenschaft liefern Cam-> 1 , sonst 0
my $hash = shift;
my $m = ($hash->{MODEL} ne "SVS") ? 1 : 0;
@ -7198,6 +7146,27 @@ sub SSCam_IsModelCam {
return $m;
sub SSCam_IsCapHLS { # HLS Lieferfähigkeit (existiert "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream" & Reading)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cap = 0;
my $csf = (ReadingsVal($name,"CamStreamFormat","MJPEG") eq "HLS")?1:0;
$cap = 1 if($api && $csf);
return $cap;
sub SSCam_IsCapZoom { # Zoomeigenschaft
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return 1;
my $cap = ReadingsVal($name,"CapPTZZoom","false") eq "true" ? 1 : 0;
return $cap;
# JSON Boolean Test und Mapping
@ -7288,23 +7257,6 @@ sub SSCam_extoptpar {
# Helper für HLS Lieferfähigkeit
# HLS kann geliefert werden wenn "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream"
# existiert und Reading CamStreamFormat "HLS" ist
sub SSCam_IsHLSCap {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = 0;
my $csf = (ReadingsVal($name,"CamStreamFormat","MJPEG") eq "HLS")?1:0;
$ret = 1 if($api && $csf);
return $ret;
# Clienthash übernehmen oder zusammenstellen
# Identifikation ob über FHEMWEB ausgelöst oder nicht -> erstellen $hash->CL
@ -7363,10 +7315,10 @@ return ($ret);
sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
my ($name,$ptzcdev,$ptzcontrol,$ftui) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $iconpath = AttrVal("$name","ptzPanel_iconPath","www/images/sscam");
my $iconprefix = AttrVal("$name","ptzPanel_iconPrefix","black_btn_");
my $valPresets = ReadingsVal("$name","Presets","");
my $valPatrols = ReadingsVal("$name","Patrols","");
my $iconpath = AttrVal ("$name", "ptzPanel_iconPath", "www/images/sscam");
my $iconprefix = AttrVal ("$name", "ptzPanel_iconPrefix", "black_btn_" );
my $valPresets = ReadingsVal("$name", "Presets", "" );
my $valPatrols = ReadingsVal("$name", "Patrols", "" );
my $rowisset = 0;
my ($pbs,$pbsf) = ("","");
my ($row,$ptz_ret);
@ -7378,10 +7330,11 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$ptz_ret = "";
$ptz_ret .= "<style>TD.ptzcontrol {padding: 5px 7px;}</style>";
$ptz_ret .= "<style>TD.pcenter {text-align: center;} </style>";
$ptz_ret .= "<style>.defsize { font-size:16px; } </style>";
$ptz_ret .= '<table class="rc_body defsize">';
foreach my $rownr (0..9) {
for my $rownr (0..9) {
$rownr = sprintf("%2.2d",$rownr);
$row = AttrVal("$name","ptzPanel_row$rownr",undef);
next if (!$row);
@ -7389,20 +7342,24 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
my @btn = split (",",$row); # die Anzahl Buttons in einer Reihe
foreach my $btnnr (0..$#btn) {
$ptz_ret .= '<td class="ptzcontrol">';
for my $btnnr (0..$#btn) {
$ptz_ret .= "<td class='ptzcontrol'>";
if ($btn[$btnnr] ne "") {
my $cmd;
my $img;
if ($btn[$btnnr] =~ /(.*?):(.*)/) { # enthält Komando -> <command>:<image>
$cmd = $1;
$img = $2;
} else { # button has format <command> or is empty
$cmd = $btn[$btnnr];
$img = $btn[$btnnr];
if ($img =~ m/\.svg/) { # Verwendung für SVG's
$img = FW_makeImage($img, $cmd, "rc-button");
} else { # $FW_ME = URL-Pfad unter dem der FHEMWEB-Server via HTTP erreichbar ist, z.B. /fhem
if($ftui) {
$img = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/$iconpath/$iconprefix$img\" height=\"$pbsf%\" width=\"$pbsf%\">";
@ -7410,6 +7367,7 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$img = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/$iconpath/$iconprefix$img\" height=\"$pbs%\" width=\"$pbs%\">";
if ($cmd || $cmd eq "0") {
my $cmd1 = "FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name $cmd')"; # $FW_subdir = Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
$cmd1 = "ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name $cmd')" if($ftui);
@ -7425,14 +7383,16 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
# add Preset & Patrols
# add Preset / Patrols / Zoom
if(!$ftui) {
my ($Presets,$Patrols,$fn);
my ($Presets,$Patrols,$zoom,$fn);
my $cmdPreset = "goPreset";
my $cmdPatrol = "runPatrol";
my $cmdZoom = "setZoom";
foreach $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
## Presets
for $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$Presets = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,$name,"",$cmdPreset,$valPresets);
use strict "refs";
@ -7444,7 +7404,8 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$Presets = FW_pH "cmd.$name=set $name $cmdPreset", $cmdPreset, 0, "", 1, 1;
foreach $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
## Patrols
for $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$Patrols = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,$name,"",$cmdPatrol,$valPatrols);
use strict "refs";
@ -7457,6 +7418,21 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$Patrols = FW_pH "cmd.$name=set $name $cmdPatrol", $cmdPatrol, 0, "", 1, 1;
## Zoom
for $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$zoom = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,$name,"",$cmdZoom,$SSCam_valZoom);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($zoom));
if($zoom) {
$zoom =~ s,^<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>$,$1,;
} else {
$zoom = FW_pH "cmd.$name=set $name $cmdZoom", $cmdZoom, 0, "", 1, 1;
## Ausgabe
$ptz_ret .= '<table class="rc_body defsize">';
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
@ -7467,7 +7443,14 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel(@) {
$ptz_ret .= "<td>Patrol: </td><td>$Patrols</td>";
$ptz_ret .= "</tr>";
if(SSCam_IsCapZoom($hash)) {
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "<td>Zoom: </td><td class='pcenter'>$zoom</td>";
$ptz_ret .= "</tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
if ($rowisset) {
@ -7658,6 +7641,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$;$) {
my $calias = $hash->{CAMNAME}; # Alias der Kamera
my $ttjs = "/fhem/pgm2/sscam_tooltip.js";
my ($ttrefresh, $ttrecstart, $ttrecstop, $ttsnap, $ttcmdstop, $tthlsreact, $ttmjpegrun, $tthlsrun, $ttlrrun, $tth264run, $ttlmjpegrun, $ttlsnaprun);
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") =~ /EN/) {
$ttrefresh = $SSCam_ttips_en{"ttrefresh"}; $ttrefresh =~ s/§NAME§/$calias/g;
$ttrecstart = $SSCam_ttips_en{"ttrecstart"}; $ttrecstart =~ s/§NAME§/$calias/g;
@ -8044,7 +8028,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$;$) {
$cause = "Playback cam \"$cam\" switched off";
$ret .= "<td> <br> <b> $cause </b> <br><br>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdmjpegrun\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$ttmjpegrun')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imgmjpegrun </a>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdhlsrun\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$tthlsrun')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imghlsrun </a>" if(SSCam_IsHLSCap($hash));
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdhlsrun\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$tthlsrun')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imghlsrun </a>" if(SSCam_IsCapHLS($hash));
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdlrirun\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$ttlrrun')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imglrirun </a>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdlh264run\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$tth264run')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imglh264run </a>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmdlmjpegrun\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$ttlmjpegrun')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$imglmjpegrun </a>";
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