diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/10_IT.pm b/fhem/FHEM/10_IT.pm
index cf6ae99f8..95c96a37a 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/10_IT.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/10_IT.pm
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use SetExtensions;
my %codes = (
"XMIToff" => "off",
"XMITon" => "on", # Set to previous dim value (before switching it off)
- "00" => "off",
+ "00" => "dim00%", # alt off
"01" => "dim06%",
"02" => "dim12%",
"03" => "dim18%",
@@ -184,14 +184,13 @@ IT_Set($@)
return "Dummydevice $hash->{NAME}: will not set data" if(IsDummy($hash->{NAME}));
my $list = "";
- $list .= "off:noArg on:noArg " if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itremote" && AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itswitch_CHN");
- if ($hash->{userV1setCodes}) {
- if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527" || $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V1") {
- foreach my $setCode (keys %{$hash->{userV1setCodes}}) {
- $list .= "$setCode:noArg ";
- }
- }
+ if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itremote" && AttrVal($name, "model", "") ne "itswitch_CHN") {
+ $list .= "off:noArg on:noArg ";
+ if ($hash->{userV1setCodes} && ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527" || $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V1")) {
+ foreach my $setCode (keys %{$hash->{userV1setCodes}}) {
+ $list .= "$setCode:noArg ";
+ }
+ }
my $c = $it_c2b{$a[0]};
@@ -638,13 +637,17 @@ IT_Set($@)
} else {
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V3") {
$protocolId = 'P17#';
+ } elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE800") { # HomeEasy HE800
+ $protocolId = 'P35#';
+ } elsif ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "HE_EU") { # HomeEasy HE_EU
+ $protocolId = 'P65#';
} else {
$protocolId = 'P3#'; # IT V1
if ($hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne "EV1527" && $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne "V1" && $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} ne 'SBC_FreeTec') { # bei ITv1, SBC_FreeTec und EV1527 wird das "is" am Anfang nicht entfernt
- $message = substr($message,2);
- if (substr($message,0,1) eq "h") { # h entfernen falls am am Anfang
+ $message =~ s/^is//;
+ if ($message =~ m/^[he]/) { # h oder e entfernen, falls am Anfang
$message = substr($message,1);
@@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ IT_Define($$)
#Log3 $hash,2,"ITdefine 1527: $name a3=" . $a[3];
$housecode = $a[2];
if (substr($housecode,0,4) eq '1527') {
- my $evcode;
+ my $evcode = "";
my $bincode = sprintf("%020b",hex(substr($housecode,5)));
for (my $n=0; $n<20; $n=$n+2) {
$evcode = $evcode . $bintotristate{substr($bincode,$n,2)};
@@ -1152,7 +1155,20 @@ IT_Parse($$)
$def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
Log3 $hash,4,"$ioname IT EV1527: " . $def->{$name}{NAME} . ', on code=' . $def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"on"}} . ", Switch code=$onoffcode";
- if ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq 'HE800') {
+ $newstate = "";
+ if ($def->{$name}{userV1setCodes} && ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "EV1527" || $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq "V1")) {
+ foreach my $usercode (keys %{$def->{$name}{userV1setCodes}}) {
+ if ($def->{$name}{userV1setCodes}{$usercode} eq $onoffcode) {
+ $newstate = $usercode;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newstate eq "") {
+ Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: Code $onoffcode not found in userV1setCodes, try XMIT";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newstate eq "") {
+ if ($def->{$name}->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} eq 'HE800') {
my %he800MapingTable = (
2 => 12,
@@ -1200,7 +1216,7 @@ IT_Parse($$)
- } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"on"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
+ } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"on"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
my $lastDimVal = $def->{$name}->{READINGS}{lastDimValue}{VAL};
@@ -1211,25 +1227,23 @@ IT_Parse($$)
} else {
- } elsif ( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itswitch_CHN" ) {
- $newstate="closed";
- }
- } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"off"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
+ }
+ } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"off"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
- } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimup"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
+ } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimup"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
- } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimdown"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
+ } elsif ($def->{$name}->{$it_c2b{"dimdown"}} eq lc($onoffcode)) {
if( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itdimmer" ) {
- } elsif ('d' eq lc($onoffcode)) {
+ } elsif ('d' eq lc($onoffcode)) {
# dim
my $binVal = ((bin2dec($dimCode)+1)*100)/16;
$binVal = int($binVal);
@@ -1241,12 +1255,11 @@ IT_Parse($$)
} elsif ($binVal == 0) {
- }
- } elsif ( AttrVal($name, "model", "") eq "itswitch_CHN" ) {
- $newstate="open";
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: Code $onoffcode not supported by $def->{$name}{NAME}.";
+ }
Log3 $def->{$name}{NAME},3,"$ioname IT: $def->{$name}{NAME} ".$def->{$name}->{STATE}."->".$newstate;
@@ -1264,9 +1277,16 @@ sub IT_Attr(@)
#Log3 $hash, 4, "$name IT_Attr: Calling Getting Attr sub with args: $cmd $aName = $aVal";
- if( $aName eq 'model' && $aVal eq 'ev1527') {
- #Log3 $hash, 4, "$name IT_Attr: ev1527";
- $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
+ if( $aName eq 'model') {
+ if ($aVal eq 'ev1527') {
+ #Log3 $hash, 4, "$name IT_Attr: ev1527";
+ $hash->{READINGS}{protocol}{VAL} = 'EV1527';
+ } elsif ($aVal eq 'itswitch_CHN') {
+ $hash->{userV1setCodes} = undef;
+ $hash->{userV1setCodes}{open} = "1010";
+ $hash->{userV1setCodes}{closed} = "1110";
+ $hash->{userV1setCodes}{tamper} = "0111";
+ }
} elsif ( $aName eq 'userV1setCodes') {
my @array = split(" ",$aVal);
$hash->{userV1setCodes} = undef;
@@ -1351,6 +1371,7 @@ sub IT_Attr(@)
optional <dimup-code> <dimdown-code>
2 numbers in quad state format (0/1/F/D),
contains the command for dimming;
this number is added to the <housecode> to define tha actual 12-number sending command.
+ If the attribute userV1setCodes exists, these codes are also used for reception, the userV1setCodes have priority over the XMIT Codes.
Notice: orginal ITv1 devices are only defined using the on command.
Devices which are nt orignal ITv1 devices cen be defined as follows:
To autocreate press twice "on" within 30 seconds. The Log gives:
@@ -1513,8 +1534,8 @@ Examples:
Dimmer: itdimmer
- door/window contact (china): itswitch_CHN
+ door/window contact (china): itswitch_CHN (closed:1110 open:1010 tamper:0111)
Receiver/Actor: itswitch
EV1527: ev1527
@@ -1556,10 +1577,13 @@ Examples:
- If an ITv1 protocol is used indivual setcodes can be added. Example:
+ If an ITv1 protocol is used indivual setcodes can be added.
+ The setcodes are also used for reception, the userV1setCodes have priority over the XMIT Codes.
+ Example:
attr lamp userV1setCodes red:FD blue:1F
- attr lamp userV1setCodes up:1001 down:1000 stop:1011
+ attr lamp userV1setCodes up:1001 down:1000 stop:1011
+ attr IT_1527x12345 userV1setCodes closed:0111 open:1110 tamper:1011 lowVoltage:1111 # Kerui magnetic contact sensors
@@ -1645,6 +1669,7 @@ Examples:
optional <dimup-code> <dimdown-code>
jeweils 2 Ziffern lange quad-State-Zahl (0/1/F/D),
die den Befehl zum Herauf- und Herunterregeln enthält;
die Zahl wird an den <housecode> angefügt, um den 12-stelligen IT-Sendebefehl zu bilden.
+ Falls es das Attribut userV1setCodes gibt, werden diese Codes auch für den Empfang verwendet, dabei haben die userV1setCodes Vorrang vor den XMIT Codes.
Hinweis: orginal ITv1 devices werden nur beim on Befehl angelegt.
Die nicht orginal ITv1 devices können wie folgt angelegt werden:
Zum anlegen mit autocreate 2 mal auf "on" drücken:
@@ -1802,8 +1827,8 @@ Beispiele:
Dimmer: itdimmer
- Tür/Fensterkontakt (China): itswitch_CHN
+ Tür/Fensterkontakt (China): itswitch_CHN (closed:1110 open:1010 tamper:0111)
Empfänger/Actor: itswitch
EV1527: ev1527
@@ -1845,10 +1870,13 @@ Beispiele:
- Damit können beim ITv1 Protokoll eigene setcodes zugefügt werden. Beispiele:
+ Damit können beim ITv1 Protokoll eigene setcodes zugefügt werden.
+ Die setcodes werden auch für den Empfang verwendet, dabei haben die userV1setCodes Vorrang vor den XMIT Codes.
+ Beispiele:
attr lamp userV1setCodes rot:FD blau:1F
- attr lamp userV1setCodes hoch:1001 runter:1000 stop:1011
+ attr lamp userV1setCodes hoch:1001 runter:1000 stop:1011
+ attr IT_1527x12345 userV1setCodes closed:0111 open:1110 tamper:1011 lowVoltage:1111 # Kerui Fensterkontakt
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/14_CUL_TCM97001.pm b/fhem/FHEM/14_CUL_TCM97001.pm
index 0c88775f3..0054aa642 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/14_CUL_TCM97001.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/14_CUL_TCM97001.pm
@@ -59,11 +59,14 @@ my %models = (
"TCM97..." => 'TCM97...',
"ABS700" => 'ABS700',
"TCM21...." => 'TCM21....',
+ "TCM218943" => 'TCM218943',
"Prologue" => 'Prologue',
"Rubicson" => 'Rubicson',
"NC_WS" => 'NC_WS',
"GT_WT_02" => 'GT_WT_02',
+ "Auriol_Z31743B" => 'Auriol_Z31743B',
+ "Auriol_IAN" => 'Auriol_IAN',
"PFR_130" => 'PFR_130',
"Type1" => 'Type1',
"Mebus" => 'Mebus',
@@ -87,6 +90,9 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Initialize($)
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 showtime:1,0 " .
"$readingFnAttributes " .
"max-deviation-temp:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ".
+ "max-diff-rain:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 ".
+ "negation-batt:0,1 ".
+ "windDirectionInverse:0,1 ".
"model:".join(",", sort keys %models);
@@ -99,11 +105,13 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Initialize($)
"ABS700.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"Eurochron.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"TCM21....*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
+ "TCM218943.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"TCM97..._.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"GT_WT_02.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"Type1.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"Rubicson.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"AURIOL.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
+ "Auriol_IAN.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"PFR_130.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"KW9010.*" => { ATTR => "event-min-interval:.*:300 event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:180"},
"TCM97001.*" => { ATTR => "event-on-change-reading:.*", GPLOT => "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,", FILTER => "%NAME", autocreateThreshold => "2:340"},
@@ -149,24 +157,21 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Undef($$)
# Checksum for Rain Gauge VENTUS W174 Protocol Auriol
# n8 = ( 0x7 + n0 + n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 + n6 + n7 ) & 0xf
sub checksum_W174 {
+ my $hash = shift;
my $msg = shift;
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001 ", 4 , "CUL_TCM97001 W174 checksum calc for: $msg";
- my @a = split("", $msg);
- my $bitReverse = "";
- my $x = undef;
- foreach $x (@a) {
- my $bin3=sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
- $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse($bin3);
+ my @decReverse = ();
+ my $binrev;
+ foreach my $x (split('', $msg)) {
+ $binrev = reverse(sprintf("%04b",hex($x)));
+ push (@decReverse, oct("0b".$binrev));
- my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
- my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse); # Split reversed a again
- my $CRC = (7 + hex($aReverse[0])+hex($aReverse[1])+hex($aReverse[2])+hex($aReverse[3])+hex($aReverse[4])+hex($aReverse[5])+hex($aReverse[6])+hex($aReverse[7])) & 15;
- if ($CRC == hex($aReverse[8])) {
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001 ", 4 , "CUL_TCM97001 W174 checksum ok $CRC == ".hex($aReverse[8]);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
+ my $CRC = (7 + $decReverse[0]+$decReverse[1]+$decReverse[2]+$decReverse[3]+$decReverse[4]+$decReverse[5]+$decReverse[6]+$decReverse[7]) & 15;
+ if ($CRC == $decReverse[8]) {
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 W174 checksum ok, calc CRC = ref CRC = $CRC";
+ return TRUE;
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 W174 ERROR, checksum not ok!, calc CRC = $CRC, ref CRC = $decReverse[8]";
+ return FALSE;
@@ -174,70 +179,68 @@ sub checksum_W174 {
# Checksum for Temp/Hum/Wind Ventus W132/W0044 Protocol Auriol
# n8 = ( 0xf - n0 - n1 - n2 - n3 - n4 - n5 - n6 - n7 ) & 0xf
sub checksum_W155 {
+ my $hash = shift;
my $msg = shift;
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001 ", 5 , "CUL_TCM97001 W155 checksum calc for: $msg";
- my @a = split("", $msg);
- my $bitReverse = "";
- my $x = undef;
- foreach $x (@a) {
- my $bin3=sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
- $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse($bin3);
+ my @decReverse = ();
+ my $binrev;
+ foreach my $x (split('', $msg)) {
+ $binrev = reverse(sprintf("%04b",hex($x)));
+ push (@decReverse, oct("0b".$binrev));
- my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
- my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse); # Split reversed a again
- my $CRC = (0xF - hex($aReverse[0])- hex($aReverse[1]) - hex($aReverse[2]) - hex($aReverse[3]) - hex($aReverse[4]) - hex($aReverse[5]) - hex($aReverse[6]) - hex($aReverse[7])) & 0xF;
- if ($CRC == hex($aReverse[8])) {
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001 ", 5 , "CUL_TCM97001 W155 checksum ok $CRC == ".hex($aReverse[8]);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
+ my $CRC = (15 - $decReverse[0] - $decReverse[1] - $decReverse[2] - $decReverse[3] - $decReverse[4] - $decReverse[5] - $decReverse[6] - $decReverse[7]) & 15;
+ if ($CRC == $decReverse[8]) {
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 W155 checksum ok, calc CRC = ref CRC = $CRC";
+ return TRUE;
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 W155 ERROR, checksum not ok!, calc CRC = $CRC, ref CRC = $decReverse[8]";
+ return FALSE;
# CRC Check for TCM 21....
-sub checkCRC {
- my $msg = shift;
- my @a = split("", $msg);
- my $bitReverse = "";
- my $x = undef;
- foreach $x (@a) {
- my $bin3=sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
- $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse($bin3);
- }
- my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
+#sub checkCRC {
+# my $msg = shift;
+# my @a = split("", $msg);
+# my $bitReverse = "";
+# my $x = undef;
+# foreach $x (@a) {
+# my $bin3=sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
+# $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse($bin3);
+# }
+# my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
#Split reversed a again
- my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse);
+# my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse);
+# my $CRC = (hex($aReverse[0])+hex($aReverse[1])+hex($aReverse[2])+hex($aReverse[3])
+# +hex($aReverse[4])+hex($aReverse[5])+hex($aReverse[6])+hex($aReverse[7])) & 15;
+# if ($CRC + hex($aReverse[8]) == 15) {
+# return TRUE;
+# }
+# return FALSE;
- my $CRC = (hex($aReverse[0])+hex($aReverse[1])+hex($aReverse[2])+hex($aReverse[3])
- +hex($aReverse[4])+hex($aReverse[5])+hex($aReverse[6])+hex($aReverse[7])) & 15;
- if ($CRC + hex($aReverse[8]) == 15) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
# CRC 4 check for PFR-130
# xor 4 bits of nibble 0 to 7
sub checkCRC4 {
+ my $hash = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my @a = split("", $msg);
- Log3 "checkCRC4", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRC4 failed for msg=($msg) length<9";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 checkCRC4 failed for msg=($msg) length<9";
return FALSE;
# xor nibbles 0 to 7 and compare to n8, if more nibble they might have been added to fill gap
my $CRC = ( (hex($a[0])) ^ (hex($a[1])) ^ (hex($a[2])) ^ (hex($a[3])) ^
(hex($a[4])) ^ (hex($a[5])) ^ (hex($a[6])) ^ (hex($a[7])) );
if ($CRC == (hex($a[8]))) {
- Log3 "checkCRC4", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRC4 OK for msg=($msg)";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 checksum ok, calc CRC = ref CRC = $CRC";
return TRUE;
- Log3 "checkCRC4", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRC4 FAILED for msg=($msg)";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 ERROR, checksum not ok!, calc CRC = $CRC, ref CRC = " . hex($a[8]);
return FALSE;
@@ -246,19 +249,20 @@ sub checkCRC4 {
sub isRain {
+ my $hash = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my @a = split("", $msg);
- Log3 "isRain", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 isRain failed for msg=($msg) length<9";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 isRain failed for msg=($msg) length<9";
return FALSE;
# if bit 0 of nibble 2 is 1 then this is no rain data
my $isRainData = ( (hex($a[2]) & 1) );
if ($isRainData == 1) {
- Log3 "isRain", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 isRain for msg=($msg) = FALSE";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 isRain for msg=($msg) = FALSE";
return FALSE;
- Log3 "isRain", 5, "CUL_TCM97001 isRain for msg=($msg) = TRUE";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 isRain for msg=($msg) = TRUE";
return TRUE;
@@ -266,27 +270,20 @@ sub isRain {
# CRC Check for KW9010....
sub checkCRCKW9010 {
+ my $hash = shift;
my $msg = shift;
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001", 5 , "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRCKW9010 crc calc for: $msg";
- my @a = split("", $msg);
- my $bitReverse = "";
- my $x = undef;
- foreach $x (@a) {
- my $bin3=sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
- $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse($bin3);
+ my @decReverse = ();
+ my $binrev;
+ foreach my $x (split('', $msg)) {
+ $binrev = reverse(sprintf("%04b",hex($x)));
+ push (@decReverse, oct("0b".$binrev));
- my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
- #Split reversed a again
- my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse);
- my $CRC = (hex($aReverse[0])+hex($aReverse[1])+hex($aReverse[2])+hex($aReverse[3])
- +hex($aReverse[4])+hex($aReverse[5])+hex($aReverse[6])+hex($aReverse[7])) & 15;
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001", 5 , "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRCKW9010 calc crc is: $CRC";
- Log3 "CUL_TCM97001", 5 , "CUL_TCM97001 checkCRCKW9010 ref crc is :".hex($aReverse[8]);
- if ($CRC == hex($aReverse[8])) {
- return TRUE;
+ my $CRC = ($decReverse[0]+$decReverse[1]+$decReverse[2]+$decReverse[3]+$decReverse[4]+$decReverse[5]+$decReverse[6]+$decReverse[7]) & 15;
+ if ($CRC == $decReverse[8]) {
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 KW9010 checksum ok, calc CRC = ref CRC = $CRC";
+ return TRUE;
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , $hash->{NAME} . ": CUL_TCM97001 KW9010 ERROR, checksum not ok!, calc CRC = $CRC, ref CRC = $decReverse[8]";
return FALSE;
@@ -339,20 +336,24 @@ sub checkCRC_Type1 {
sub checkValues {
+ my $hash = shift;
+ my $model = shift;
my $temp = shift;
my $humidy = shift;
+ my $iodev = $hash->{NAME};
if (!defined($temp)) {
return FALSE;
- if (!defined($humidy)) {
- $humidy = 50;
+ if ($temp > 60 || $temp < -30) {
+ Log3 $hash, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $model - ERROR temperature $temp";
+ return FALSE;
- if ($temp <= 60 && $temp >= -30
- && $humidy >= 0 && $humidy <= 100) {
- return TRUE;
+ if (defined($humidy) && ($humidy < 0 || $humidy > 100)) {
+ Log3 $hash, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $model - ERROR humidity $humidy";
+ return FALSE;
- return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
@@ -364,6 +365,11 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$msg = substr($msg, 1);
my @a = split("", $msg);
my $iodev = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $longids = AttrVal($iodev,'longids',1);
+ if ($longids =~ m/CUL_TCM97001_ShortIDs/) { # Enable short ID support
+ $enableLongIDs = FALSE;
+ }
my $id3 = hex($a[0] . $a[1]);
#my $id4 = hex($a[0] . $a[1] . $a[2] . (hex($a[3]) & 0x3));
@@ -423,11 +429,12 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
my $temp = undef;
my $humidity=undef;
my $channel = undef;
- # für zusätzliche Sensoren
+ # fuer zusaetzliche Sensoren
#my @winddir_name=("N","NNE","NE","ENE","E","ESE","SE","SSE","S","SSW","SW","WSW","W","WNW","NW","NNW");
- my @winddir_name=("N","N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW"); #W132 Only these values were seen:0 (N), 45 (NE), 90 (E), 135 (SE), 180 (S), 225 (SW), 270 (W), 315 (NW).
+ my @winddir_name=("N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW","N"); #W132 Only these values were seen:0 (N), 45 (NE), 90 (E), 135 (SE), 180 (S), 225 (SW), 270 (W), 315 (NW).
my $windSpeed = 0;
- my $windDirection = 0 ;
+ my $windDirection = 0;
+ my $windDirectionDegree = 0;
my $windDirectionText = "N";
my $windgrad = 0 ;
my $windGuest = 0;
@@ -438,10 +445,11 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
my $rainticks = undef;
my $rainMM = undef;
+ if (length($msg) == 12 && AttrVal($name, "model", "Unknown") eq "Auriol_Z31743B") { # es kann beim Modell Auriol_Z31743B ab und zu vorkommen, dass die msg zu lang ist
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name model: Auriol_Z31743B, msg:$msg too long!";
+ $msg = substr($msg,0,10);
+ }
- my $longids = AttrVal($iodev,'longids',1);
if (length($msg) == 8) {
# Only tmp TCM device
#eg. 1000 1111 0100 0011 0110 1000 = 21.8C
@@ -486,7 +494,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"ABS700",$temp)) {
$batbit = ((hex($a[4]) & 0x8) != 0x8);
$mode = (hex($a[4]) & 0x4) >> 2;
@@ -509,7 +517,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$hasbatcheck = TRUE;
@@ -532,7 +540,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$temp = $temp / 10;
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"TCM97...",$temp)) {
# I think bit 3 on byte 3 is battery warning
$batbit = (hex($a[2]) >> 0) & 0x4;
@@ -567,7 +575,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$packageOK = TRUE;
@@ -610,7 +618,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"Mebus",$temp)) {
$batbit = (hex($a[6]) & 0x2) >> 1;
#$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[6]) & 0x1);
@@ -636,7 +644,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$packageOK = TRUE;
@@ -672,7 +680,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$readedModel = AttrVal($name, "model", "Unknown");
- if ($readedModel eq "AURIOL" || $readedModel eq "Unknown") {
+ if ($readedModel eq "AURIOL" || $readedModel eq "Auriol_Z31743B" || $readedModel eq "Unknown") {
# Implementation from Femduino
# AURIOL (Lidl Version: 09/2013)
# /--------------------------------- Channel, changes after every battery change
@@ -685,6 +693,27 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
# / / / / / / /---- Trend 10 == rising, 01 == falling
# 0101 0101 1 0 00 0001 0000 1011 1100 01 00
# Bit 0 8 9 10 12 24 30
+ my $check_Z31743B = TRUE;
+ if ($readedModel eq "Auriol_Z31743B") {
+ my $xbin = "";
+ my $checksum = 0;
+ foreach my $x (split('', $msg)) {
+ $xbin .= sprintf("%04b",hex($x));
+ }
+ for (my $x = 0; $x < 31; $x++) {
+ $checksum ^= substr($xbin, $x, 1);
+ }
+ if ($checksum ne substr($xbin, 31,1)) {
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name: ERROR Model: Auriol_Z31743B msg: $msg, checksum (parity) not ok, calc $checksum, ref " . substr($xbin, 31, 1);
+ $check_Z31743B = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ($check_Z31743B && (hex($a[2]) & 7) != 0) { # Bit 0 - 2 muessen 0 sein
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name: ERROR Model: Auriol_Z31743B msg: $msg, 3.digit must be 0 or 8";
+ $check_Z31743B = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
$def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1};
if($def) {
$name = $def->{NAME};
@@ -696,15 +725,18 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$temp = -$temp;
$temp = $temp / 10;
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"AURIOL",$temp) && $check_Z31743B) {
$batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
- $batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
+ #$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
+ $channel = 0;
$trend = (hex($a[7]) & 0x3);
- $model="AURIOL";
+ if ($readedModel eq "Unknown") {
+ $model="AURIOL";
+ } else {
+ $model=$readedModel;
+ }
if ($deviceCode ne $idType1) # new naming convention
@@ -714,7 +746,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
} else {
$deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
- }
+ }
$def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
if($def) {
@@ -722,14 +754,16 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$hasbatcheck = TRUE;
- $hastrend = TRUE;
+ if ($model eq "AURIOL") {
+ $hastrend = TRUE;
+ $hasmode = TRUE;
+ }
$packageOK = TRUE;
- $hasmode = TRUE;
} else {
@@ -749,9 +783,20 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode}; # test for already defined devices use old naming convention
#my $def2 = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType2};
#my $def3 = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType3};
if(!$def) {
- $deviceCode = "CUL_TCM97001_" . $idType1; # use new naming convention
- $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ my $a0 = hex($a[0]);
+ if ($a0 == 5 || $a0 == 9) { # Prologue oder NC_WS
+ $deviceCode = "CUL_TCM97001_" . $a0 . "_" . hex($a[1] . $a[2]);
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ if(!$def) {
+ $deviceCode = "CUL_TCM97001_" . $idType1; # use new naming convention
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $deviceCode = "CUL_TCM97001_" . $idType1; # use new naming convention
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ }
if($def) {
$name = $def->{NAME};
@@ -765,7 +810,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$readedModel = AttrVal($name, "model", "Unknown");
Log3 $name, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Parse Name: $name , devicecode: $deviceCode , Model defined: $readedModel";
- if (($readedModel eq "Eurochron" || (hex($a[6]) == 0xF && $readedModel eq "Unknown") && $syncBit[1] < 5000)) {
+ if (($readedModel eq "Eurochron" || (hex($a[6]) == 0xF && $readedModel eq "Unknown" && $hash->{TYPE} ne "SIGNALduino") && $syncBit[1] < 5000)) {
# EAS 800
# G is every time 1111
@@ -808,7 +853,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$humidity = hex($a[7].$a[8]) & 0x7F;
- if (checkValues($temp, $humidity)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"Eurochron",$temp, $humidity)) {
$batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
#$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
@@ -830,7 +875,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
if (defined($humidity)) {
@@ -850,7 +895,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
### inserted by elektron-bbs for rain gauge Ventus W174
- if (checksum_W174($msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "W174")) {
+ if (checksum_W174($hash, $msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "W174")) {
# VENTUS W174 Rain gauge
# Documentation also at http://www.tfd.hu/tfdhu/files/wsprotocol/auriol_protocol_v20.pdf
# send interval 36 seconds
@@ -865,7 +910,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
# * D = Rain (bitvalue * 0.25 mm)
# * E = Checksum
# * F = 0000 0000 (W174!!!)
- my @a = split("", $msg);
+ my @a = split("", $msg);
my $bitReverse = "";
my $bitUnreverse = "";
my $x = undef;
@@ -913,16 +958,19 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$diffRain = sprintf("%.1f", $diffRain);
Log3 $hash, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name old rain $oldRain, age $timeSinceLastUpdate, new rain $rain, diff rain $diffRain";
- my $maxDiffRain = $timeSinceLastUpdate / 60 + 1; # 1.0 Liter/Minute + 1.0
- $maxDiffRain = sprintf("%.1f", $maxDiffRain + 0.05); # round 0.1
- Log3 $hash, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name max difference rain $maxDiffRain l";
- if ($diffRain > $maxDiffRain) {
- Log3 $hash, 3, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name ERROR - Rain diff too large (old $oldRain, new $rain, diff $diffRain)";
- return "";
+ my $maxDiffRain = AttrVal($name, "max-diff-rain", 0);
+ if ($maxDiffRain) {
+ $maxDiffRain += $timeSinceLastUpdate / 60; # 1.0 Liter/Minute + maxDiffRain
+ $maxDiffRain = sprintf("%.1f", $maxDiffRain + 0.05); # round 0.1
+ Log3 $hash, 4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name max difference rain $maxDiffRain l";
+ if ($diffRain > $maxDiffRain) {
+ Log3 $hash, 3, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name ERROR - Rain diff too large (old $oldRain, new $rain, diff $diffRain)";
+ return "";
+ }
} else {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name rain total: $rain l/qm";
@@ -932,7 +980,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
### inserted by pejonp 3.2.2018 Ventus W132/W044
- if (checksum_W155($msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "TCM21...." || $readedModel eq "W044" || $readedModel eq "W132")) {
+ if (checksum_W155($hash, $msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "TCM21...." || $readedModel eq "W044" || $readedModel eq "W132")) {
# Long with tmp
# All nibbles must be reversed
# e.g. 154E800480 0001 0101 0100 1110 1000 0000 0000 0100 1000 0000
@@ -1019,7 +1067,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
# * D = Windspeed (bitvalue * 0.2 m/s, correction for webapp = 3600/1000 * 0.2 * 100 = 72)
# * E = Checksum
if ((hex($a[3])== 0x8) && (hex($a[4])== 0x0)&& (hex($a[5])== 0x0)) { # Windspeed
- $windSpeed = (hex($aReverse[6]) + hex($aReverse[7])) * 0.2;
+ $windSpeed = (hex($aReverse[6]) + hex($aReverse[7]) * 16) * 0.2;
$haswindspeed = TRUE;
Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_03: $model windSpeed: $windSpeed aR: $aReverse[6] $aReverse[7]";
@@ -1034,12 +1082,16 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
# * E = Windgust (bitvalue * 0.2 m/s, correction for webapp = 3600/1000 * 0.2 * 100 = 72)
# * F = Checksum
if ((hex($amsg[3])== 0xE)|| (hex($amsg[3])== 0xF)) { # Windguest
- $windGuest = (hex($aReverse[6]) + hex($aReverse[7])) * 0.2;
- $windDirection = (hex($a[5]) >> 1) | (hex($a[4]) & 0x1);
+ $windGuest = (hex($aReverse[6]) + hex($aReverse[7]) * 16) * 0.2;
+ $windDirectionDegree = (hex($a[3]) & 0x1)+ ((hex($aReverse[4])*2) + (hex($aReverse[5]))*32);
+ if (AttrVal($name, "windDirectionInverse", 0)) {
+ $windDirectionDegree = 360 - $windDirectionDegree;
+ }
+ $windDirection = int($windDirectionDegree/45);
$windDirectionText = $winddir_name[$windDirection];
$haswind = TRUE;
- Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_04: $model windGuest: $windGuest aR: $aReverse[6] $aReverse[7] winddir:$windDirection aR:$aReverse[4] $aReverse[5] txt:$windDirectionText";
+ Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_04: $model windGuest: $windGuest aR: $aReverse[6] $aReverse[7] winddirDegree:$windDirectionDegree winddir:$windDirection:$windDirectionText";
# * Format for Rain
@@ -1056,7 +1108,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_05: $model rain: $rain ";
- if ( checkValues($temp, $hashumidity) || $haswindspeed ||$haswind || $hasrain || $haschannel || $hasbatcheck ) {
+ if ( checkValues($hash,"W044|TCM21....",$temp, $humidity) || $haswindspeed ||$haswind || $hasrain || $haschannel || $hasbatcheck ) {
my $deviceCode;
if (!defined($modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1}))
@@ -1076,7 +1128,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_08: Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_08: Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$hasbatcheck = TRUE;
@@ -1098,7 +1150,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
# F F 0 0 F 9 5 5 F
# 1111 1111 0000 0000 1111 1001 0101 0101 1111
# A B C D E F G H I
- # A+B = Zufällige Code wechelt beim Batteriewechsel
+ # A+B = Zufaellige Code wechelt beim Batteriewechsel
# C Bit 4 Battery, 3 Manual, 2+1 Channel
# D+E+F Temperatur, wenn es negativ wird muss man negieren und dann 1 addieren, wie im ersten Post beschrieben.
# G+H Hum - bit 0-7
@@ -1122,7 +1174,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$humidity = 20;
- if (checkValues($temp, $humidity)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"GT_WT_02|Type1",$temp,$humidity)) {
$channel = ((hex($a[2])) & 0x3) + 1;
$batbit = ((hex($a[2]) & 0x8) != 0x8);
$mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
@@ -1138,7 +1190,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
} else {
- $deviceCode="$iodev: CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
@@ -1147,7 +1199,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$hashumidity = TRUE;
@@ -1189,11 +1241,9 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if (!(hex($a[7]) == 0xC && hex($a[8]) == 0xC)) {
$humidity = hex($a[7].$a[8]);
- if (checkValues($temp, $humidity)) {
- $channel = (hex($a[3])) & 0x3;
+ if (checkValues($hash, "Prologue", $temp, $humidity)) {
+ $channel = ((hex($a[3])) & 0x3) + 1;
$batbit = (hex($a[3]) & 0x8) >> 3;
$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[3]) & 0x4) >> 2;
@@ -1201,28 +1251,34 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if ($deviceCode ne $idType1) # new naming convention
- {
- if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
- {
- Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
- } else {
- $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
- }
- }
+ {
+ if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
+ {
+ Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
+ } else {
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
+ }
+ }
- $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
if($def) {
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
+ if ($deviceCode =~ m/_9_/) {
+ $def->{AlternativeDEFcode} = "CUL_TCM97001_$idType1";
+ } elsif ($deviceCode eq "CUL_TCM97001_$idType1") { # nur bei longid
+ $def->{AlternativeDEFcode} = "CUL_TCM97001_9_" . hex($a[1] . $a[2]);
+ }
if (defined($humidity)) {
if ($humidity >= 20) {
$hashumidity = TRUE;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
$hasbatcheck = TRUE;
$hasmode = TRUE;
$packageOK = TRUE;
@@ -1236,6 +1292,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if ($readedModel eq "NC_WS" || (hex($a[0]) == 0x5 && $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
# Implementation from Femduino
+ # Protocol prologue start everytime with 0101
# PEARL NC7159, LogiLink WS0002
# /--------------------------------- Sensdortype
# / / ---------------------------- ID, changes after every battery change
@@ -1261,9 +1318,9 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$humidity = hex($a[7].$a[8]) & 0x7F;
- if (checkValues($temp, $humidity)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash, "NC_WS", $temp, $humidity)) {
- $channel = (hex($a[3])) & 0x3;
+ $channel = ((hex($a[3])) & 0x3) + 1;
$batbit = (hex($a[3]) & 0x8) >> 3;
$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[3]) & 0x4) >> 2;
@@ -1284,9 +1341,14 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
+ if ($deviceCode =~ m/_5_/) {
+ $def->{AlternativeDEFcode} = "CUL_TCM97001_$idType1";
+ } elsif ($deviceCode eq "CUL_TCM97001_$idType1") { # nur bei longid
+ $def->{AlternativeDEFcode} = "CUL_TCM97001_5_" . hex($a[1] . $a[2]);
+ }
$hashumidity = TRUE;
$hasbatcheck = TRUE;
$hasmode = TRUE;
@@ -1319,8 +1381,9 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$temp = $temp / 10;
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"Rubicson",$temp)) {
+ $channel = 0;
if ($deviceCode ne $idType1) # new naming convention
@@ -1338,7 +1401,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
@@ -1350,7 +1413,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- if ( (checkCRC4($msg) == TRUE) && (isRain($msg)==TRUE) &&($readedModel eq "PFR_130" || $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
+ if ( (checkCRC4($hash, $msg) == TRUE) && (isRain($hash, $msg)==TRUE) &&($readedModel eq "PFR_130" || $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
# Implementation from Femduino
# Pollin PFR_130)
# nibbles n2, n6 and n7 hold the Rain fall ticks
@@ -1383,7 +1446,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$rainMM = $rainticks / 25 * .5; # rain height in mm/qm, verified against sensor receiver display
Log3 $name, 5, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 PFR_130 rain mm=$rainMM";
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
+ if (checkValues($hash,"PFR_130",$temp)) {
$batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3; # in auriol_protocol_v20.pdf bat bit is n2 & 0x08, same
$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
$mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2; # in auriol_protocol_v20.pdf mode is: n2 & 0x01, different
@@ -1413,7 +1476,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . $pfrId . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
@@ -1428,78 +1491,8 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- #if ( (isRain($msg)!=TRUE) && ($readedModel eq "Unknown") && ($readedModel ne "PFR_130") && length($msg) == 10) {
- if (($readedModel eq "AURIOL" || $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
- # Implementation from Femduino
- # AURIOL (Lidl Version: 09/2013), Z31743B IAN 91838
- # /--------------------------------- Channel, changes after every battery change
- # / / ------------------------ Battery state 1 == Ok
- # / / /------------------------ Battery changed, Sync startet
- # / / / ----------------------- Unknown
- # / / / / /--------------------- neg Temp: if 1 then temp = temp - 4096
- # / / / / /---------------------- 12 Bit Temperature
- # / / / / / /---------- ??? CRC
- # / / / / / / /---- Trend 10 == rising, 01 == falling
- # 0101 0101 1 0 00 0001 0000 1011 1100 01 00
- # Bit 0 8 9 10 12 24 30
- $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1};
- if($def) {
- $name = $def->{NAME};
- }
- $temp = (hex($a[3].$a[4].$a[5])) & 0x7FF;
- my $negative = (hex($a[3])) & 0x8;
- if ($negative == 0x8) {
- $temp = (~$temp & 0x07FF) + 1;
- $temp = -$temp;
- }
- $temp = $temp / 10;
- if (checkValues($temp, 50)) {
- $batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
- $batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
- $mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
- $trend = (hex($a[7]) & 0x3);
- $model="AURIOL";
- my $deviceCode;
- if (!defined($modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1}))
- {
- if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
- {
- $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_".$idType1;
- Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
- } else {
- $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
- }
- } else { # Fallback for already defined devices use old naming convention
- $deviceCode=$idType1;
- }
- $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
- if($def) {
- $name = $def->{NAME};
- }
- if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
- return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
- }
- $hasbatcheck = TRUE;
- $hastrend = TRUE;
- $packageOK = TRUE;
- $hasmode = TRUE;
- $readedModel=$model;
- } else {
- $name = "Unknown";
- }
- }
#if (($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "KW9010")) {
- if (checkCRCKW9010($msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "KW9010")) {
+ if (checkCRCKW9010($hash, $msg) == TRUE && ($readedModel eq "Unknown" || $readedModel eq "KW9010")) {
# Re: Tchibo Wetterstation 433 MHz - KW9010
# See also http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?PHPSESSID=ffoeoe9qeuv7rf4fh0d637hd74&topic=136836.msg1536416#msg1536416
# /------------------------------------- Random ID part one
@@ -1524,12 +1517,10 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
my $bitReverse = "";
my $x = undef;
foreach $x (@a) {
- $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse(sprintf("%04b",hex($x)));
+ $bitReverse = $bitReverse . reverse(sprintf("%04b",hex($x)));
- Log3 $hash, 5 , "$iodev: KW9010 CRC Matched: ($bitReverse)";
my $hexReverse = unpack("H*", pack ("B*", $bitReverse));
- Log3 $hash, 5 , "$iodev: KW9010 CRC Hex Matched: $hexReverse";
+ Log3 $hash, 5 , "$iodev: KW9010 CRC Matched: ($bitReverse) Hex: $hexReverse";
#Split reversed a again
my @aReverse = split("", $hexReverse);
@@ -1544,12 +1535,9 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$temp = (hex($aReverse[3]) + hex($aReverse[4]) * 16 + hex($aReverse[5]) * 256)/10;
$humidity = hex($aReverse[7].$aReverse[6]) - 156;
- ### edited by @HomeAutoUser
- if (checkValues($temp, $humidity) == 1) { # unplausibel Werte sonst teilweise
- Log3 $hash, 5 , "$iodev: KW9010 values are matching";
+ ### edited by @HomeAutoUser
+ if (checkValues($hash,"KW9010",$temp, $humidity)) { # unplausibel Werte sonst teilweise
$batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
#$mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
$channel = ((hex($a[1])) & 0xC) >> 2;
@@ -1573,7 +1561,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$name = $def->{NAME};
if(!$def) {
- Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode, please define it";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
$hashumidity = TRUE;
@@ -1584,18 +1572,212 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
} else {
- Log3 $hash, 5 , "$iodev: KW9010 t:$temp / h:$humidity mismatch";
$name = "Unknown";
- }
+ }
+ if ($readedModel eq "Auriol_IAN" || (hex($a[9]) >= 1 && hex($a[9]) <= 3 && $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
+ # Auriol Message Format (rflink/Plugin_044.c):
+ # 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
+ # 1011 1111 1001 1010 0110 0001 1011 0100 1001 0001
+ # B F 9 A 6 1 B 4 9 1
+ # iiii iiii ???? sbTT tttt tttt tttt hhhh hhhh ??cc
+ # i = ID
+ # ? = unknown (0-15 check?)
+ # s = sendmode (1=manual, 0=auto)
+ # b = possibly battery indicator (1=low, 0=ok)
+ # T = temperature trend (2 bits) indicating temp equal/up/down
+ # t = Temperature => 0x61b (0x61b-0x4c4)=0x157 *5)=0x6b3 /9)=0xBE => 0xBE = 190 decimal!
+ # h = humidity (4x10+9=49%)
+ # ? = unknown (always 00?)
+ # c = channel: 1 (2 bits)
+ $temp = round(((hex($a[4].$a[5].$a[6]) - 1220) * 5 / 90.0), 1);
+ if (hex($a[7]) < 10 && hex($a[8]) < 10) {
+ $humidity = $a[7] * 10 + $a[8];
+ }
+ else {
+ $humidity = 101; # ungueltige humidity
+ }
+ if (checkValues($hash,"Auriol_IAN", $temp, $humidity)) {
+ $batbit = (hex($a[3]) & 0x4) >> 2;
+ $batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
+ $mode = (hex($a[3]) & 0x8) >> 3;
+ $trend = hex($a[3]) & 0x3;
+ $channel = (hex($a[10])) & 0x3;
+ $model="Auriol_IAN";
+ if ($deviceCode ne $idType1) # new naming convention
+ {
+ if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids != "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
+ {
+ Log3 $hash,4, "CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
+ } else {
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
+ }
+ }
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ if($def) {
+ $name = $def->{NAME};
+ }
+ if(!$def) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
+ return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
+ }
+ #if ($humidity >= 20) {
+ $hashumidity = TRUE;
+ #}
+ $hasbatcheck = TRUE;
+ $haschannel = FALSE;
+ $hasmode = TRUE;
+ $hastrend = TRUE;
+ $packageOK = TRUE;
+ $readedModel=$model;
+ } else {
+ $name = "Unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ if (($readedModel eq "AURIOL" || $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
+ # Implementation from Femduino
+ # AURIOL (Lidl Version: 09/2013), Z31743B IAN 91838
+ # /--------------------------------- Channel, changes after every battery change
+ # / / ------------------------ Battery state 1 == Ok
+ # / / /------------------------ Battery changed, Sync startet
+ # / / / ----------------------- Unknown
+ # / / / / /--------------------- neg Temp: if 1 then temp = temp - 4096
+ # / / / / /---------------------- 12 Bit Temperature
+ # / / / / / /---------- ??? CRC
+ # / / / / / / /---- Trend 10 == rising, 01 == falling
+ # 0101 0101 1 0 00 0001 0000 1011 1100 01 00
+ # Bit 0 8 9 10 12 24 30
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1};
+ if($def) {
+ $name = $def->{NAME};
+ }
+ $temp = (hex($a[3].$a[4].$a[5])) & 0x7FF;
+ my $negative = (hex($a[3])) & 0x8;
+ if ($negative == 0x8) {
+ $temp = (~$temp & 0x07FF) + 1;
+ $temp = -$temp;
+ }
+ $temp = $temp / 10;
+ if (checkValues($hash,"AURIOL",$temp)) {
+ $batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
+ #$batbit = ~$batbit & 0x1; # Bat bit umdrehen
+ $mode = (hex($a[2]) & 0x4) >> 2;
+ $channel = 0;
+ $trend = (hex($a[7]) & 0x3);
+ $model="AURIOL";
+ my $deviceCode;
+ if (!defined($modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$idType1}))
+ {
+ if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids ne "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
+ {
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_".$idType1;
+ Log3 $hash,4, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model, deviceCode: $deviceCode"; # deviceCode nur zum debuggen
+ } else {
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
+ }
+ } else { # Fallback for already defined devices use old naming convention
+ $deviceCode=$idType1;
+ }
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ if($def) {
+ $name = $def->{NAME};
+ }
+ if(!$def) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
+ return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
+ }
+ $hasbatcheck = TRUE;
+ $hastrend = TRUE;
+ $packageOK = TRUE;
+ $hasmode = TRUE;
+ $readedModel=$model;
+ } else {
+ $name = "Unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ if (($readedModel eq "TCM218943" || $readedModel eq "Unknown")) {
+ # 87FFDE0AD0EB
+ # 1000 0111 1111 1111 1101 1110 0000 1010 1101 0000 1110 1011
+ # A B C D E F G H I
+ #
+ # Binaerwerte sind invertiert!
+ # A+B = Zufaellige Code wechelt beim Batteriewechsel
+ # C Bit 3 Battery, 0 Manual,
+ # E+F Hum - bit 0-7
+ # G+H+I Hum - Temperatur, wenn es negativ wird muss man negieren und dann 1 addieren
+ $temp = (hex($a[6].$a[7].$a[8])) & 0x3FF;
+ $temp = (~$temp & 0x03FF);
+ my $negative = (~hex($a[6])) & 0xC;
+ if ($negative == 0xC) {
+ $temp = (~$temp & 0x03FF) + 1;
+ $temp = -$temp;
+ }
+ $temp = $temp / 10;
+ $humidity = hex($a[4].$a[5]);
+ $humidity = (~$humidity & 0xFF);
+ if (checkValues($hash,"TCM218943", $temp, $humidity)) {
+ $batbit = (hex($a[2]) & 0x8) >> 3;
+ $mode = hex($a[2]) & 0x1;
+ $mode = (~$mode & 0x1);
+ $channel = 0;
+ $model="TCM218943";
+ if ($deviceCode ne $idType1) # new naming convention
+ {
+ if ( $enableLongIDs == TRUE || (($longids != "0") && ($longids eq "1" || $longids eq "ALL" || (",$longids," =~ m/,$model,/))))
+ {
+ Log3 $hash,4, "CUL_TCM97001 using longid: $longids model: $model";
+ } else {
+ $deviceCode="CUL_TCM97001_" . $model . "_" . $channel;
+ }
+ }
+ $def = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{$deviceCode};
+ if($def) {
+ $name = $def->{NAME};
+ }
+ if(!$def) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device $deviceCode model:$model msg:s$msg, please define it";
+ return "UNDEFINED $model" . substr($deviceCode, rindex($deviceCode,"_")) . " CUL_TCM97001 $deviceCode";
+ }
+ if ($humidity >= 20) {
+ $hashumidity = TRUE;
+ }
+ $hasbatcheck = TRUE;
+ $haschannel = FALSE;
+ $hasmode = TRUE;
+ $packageOK = TRUE;
+ $readedModel=$model;
+ } else {
+ $name = "Unknown";
+ }
+ }
- # Ignoriere dieses Gerät. Das Gerät wird keine FileLogs/notifys triggern, empfangene Befehle
- # werden stillschweigend ignoriert. Das Gerät wird weder in der Device-List angezeigt,
+ # Ignoriere dieses Geraet. Das Geraet wird keine FileLogs/notifys triggern, empfangene Befehle
+ # werden stillschweigend ignoriert. Das Geraet wird weder in der Device-List angezeigt,
# noch wird es in Befehlen mit "Wildcard"-Namenspezifikation (siehe devspec) erscheinen.
- return "" if(IsIgnored($name)); # wenn Attribut "ignore" gesetzt ist, werden alle Ausgaben ignoriert
+ return "" if(IsIgnored($name)); # wenn Attribut "ignore" gesetzt ist, werden alle Ausgaben ignoriert
if ($packageOK == TRUE) {
# save lastT, calc rainMM sum for day and hour
@@ -1660,7 +1842,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$state="$state RainH: $rainSumHour RainD: $rainSumDay R: $rainticks Rmm: $rainMM";
Log3 $name, 5, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 $name $id3 state: $state";
- #zusätzlich Daten für Wetterstation
+ #zusaetzlich Daten fuer Wetterstation
if ($hasrain == TRUE) {
### inserted by elektron-bbs
#my $rain_old = ReadingsVal($name, "rain", "unknown");
@@ -1677,7 +1859,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
if ($haswind == TRUE) {
readingsBulkUpdate($def, "windGust", $windGuest );
readingsBulkUpdate($def, "windDirection", $windDirection );
- #readingsBulkUpdate($def, "windDirectionDegree", $windDirection * 360 / 16);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($def, "windDirectionDegree", $windDirectionDegree );
readingsBulkUpdate($def, "windDirectionText", $windDirectionText );
$state = "Wg: $windGuest "." Wd: $windDirectionText ";
$haswind = FALSE;
@@ -1697,14 +1879,16 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
$logtext .= " H: $valH";
if($hastrend) {
- my $readTrend = ReadingsVal($name, "trend", "unknown");
- if ($trend == 1) {
- if ($readTrend ne "falling") { readingsBulkUpdate($def, "trend", "falling"); }
- } else {
- if ($readTrend ne "rising") { readingsBulkUpdate($def, "trend", "rising"); }
+ my $readTrend = ReadingsVal($name, "trend", "undef");
+ $trend = ('consistent', 'falling', 'rising', 'unknown')[$trend];
+ if ($readTrend ne $trend) {
+ readingsBulkUpdate($def, "trend", $trend);
if ($hasbatcheck) {
+ if (AttrVal($name, "negation-batt", 0)) {
+ $batbit = $batbit ? 0 : 1; # Bat bit umdrehen
+ }
my $battery = ReadingsVal($name, "battery", "unknown");
my $bat = $batbit eq "1" ? "ok" : "low";
$logtext .= " Bat: $bat";
@@ -1763,7 +1947,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
my $defUnknown = $modules{CUL_TCM97001}{defptr}{"CUL_TCM97001_Unknown"};
if (!$defUnknown) {
- Log3 "Unknown", 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device Unknown, please define it";
+ Log3 $iodev, 2, "$iodev: CUL_TCM97001 Unknown device Unknown msg:s$msg, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED Unknown CUL_TCM97001 CUL_TCM97001_Unknown";
$name = $defUnknown->{NAME};
@@ -1807,7 +1991,7 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
=item summary This module interprets temperature sensor messages.
-=item summary_DE Module verarbeitet empfangene Nachrichten von Temp-Sensoren & Wettersensoren.
+=item summary_DE Modul verarbeitet empfangene Nachrichten von Temp-Sensoren & Wettersensoren.
=begin html
@@ -1818,15 +2002,17 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
Supported models:
- ABS700
+ - AURIOL (older Sensors with only Temperature)
+ - Auriol_IAN (NC-3982, ADE WS 1503, Tchibo 65 722)
- Eurochron
- - GT_WT_02
+ - GT_WT_02
- KW9010
- - NC_WS
- - TCM21....
+ - NC_WS (PEARL NC7159)
+ - TCM21....
+ - TCM218943
- TCM97...
- - PFR-130 (rain)
- - Prologue
+ - PFR-130 (rain)
+ - Prologue (GT-WT-01)
- Rubicson
- Ventus W155(Auriol): W044(temp/hum) W132(wind) W174(rain)
@@ -1848,8 +2034,8 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
battery: The battery state: low or ok (if available)
channel: The Channelnumber (if available)
trend: The temperature trend (if available)
- israining: Statement rain between two measurements (if available)
- rain: The rain value, a consecutive number until the battery is changed (if available)
+ israining: Statement rain between two measurements (if available)
+ rain: The rain value, a consecutive number until the battery is changed (if available)
winddir: The current wind direction
windgrad: The current wind direction in degrees
windspeed: The current wind speed
@@ -1866,10 +2052,15 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- model (ABS700, AURIOL, GT_WT_02, KW9010, NC_WS, PFR-130, Prologue, Rubicson, TCM21...., TCM97…, Unknown, W044, W132, W174)
- max-deviation-temp: (default:1, allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
+ model (ABS700, AURIOL, Auriol_IAN, GT_WT_02, KW9010, NC_WS, PFR-130, Prologue, Rubicson, TCM21...., TCM218943, TCM97…, Unknown, W044, W132, W174)
+ max-deviation-temp: (default:1, allowed values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
+ Maximum permissible deviation of the measured temperature from the previous value in Kelvin.
+ max-diff-rain: Default:0 (deactive)
+ Maximum permissible deviation of the rainfall to the previous value in l/qm.
+ negation-batt: invert Battery reading
+ windDirectionInverse: If the anemometer has been mounted upside down, the wind direction can be turned around
@@ -1882,20 +2073,23 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- Das CUL_TCM97001 Module verarbeitet von einem IO Gerät (CUL, CUN, SIGNALDuino, etc.) empfangene Nachrichten von Temperatur \ Wind \ Rain - Sensoren.
+ Das CUL_TCM97001 Modul verarbeitet von einem IO Gerät (CUL, CUN, SIGNALDuino, etc.) empfangene Nachrichten von Temperatur \ Wind \ Rain - Sensoren.
- Unterstütze Modelle:
+ Unterstützte Modelle:
- ABS700
+ - AURIOL (ältere Sensoren mit nur Temperatur)
+ - Auriol_IAN (NC-3982, ADE WS 1503, Tchibo 65 722)
+ - Auriol_Z31743B
- Eurochron
- - GT_WT_02
+ - GT_WT_02
- KW9010
- - NC_WS
- - TCM21....
+ - NC_WS (PEARL NC7159)
+ - TCM21....
+ - TCM218943
- TCM97...
- - PFR-130 (rain)
- - Prologue
+ - PFR-130 (rain)
+ - Prologue (GT-WT-01)
- Rubicson
- Ventus W155(Auriol): W044(temp/hum) W132(wind) W174(rain)
@@ -1906,19 +2100,19 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
Die empfangenen Sensoren werden automatisch angelegt.
- Die ID der angelgten Sensoren sind die ersten zwei HEX Werte des empfangenen Paketes in dezimaler Schreibweise.
+ Die ID der angelegten Sensoren sind die ersten zwei HEX Werte des empfangenen Paketes in dezimaler Schreibweise.
Generierte Events:
- temperature: Die aktuelle Temperatur
- - humidity: Die aktuelle Luftfeutigkeit (falls verfügbar)
- - battery: Der Batteriestatus: low oder ok (falls verfügbar)
- - channel: Kanalnummer (falls verfügbar)
- - trend: Der Temperaturtrend (falls verfügbar)
- - israining: Aussage Regen zwichen zwei Messungen (falls verfügbar)
- - rain: Der Regenwert, eine fortlaufende Zahl bis zum Batteriewechsel (falls verfügbar)
+ - humidity: Die aktuelle Luftfeutigkeit (falls verfügbar)
+ - battery: Der Batteriestatus: low oder ok (falls verfügbar)
+ - channel: Kanalnummer (falls verfügbar)
+ - trend: Der Temperaturtrend (falls verfügbar)
+ - israining: Aussage Regen zwichen zwei Messungen (falls verfügbar)
+ - rain: Der Regenwert, eine fortlaufende Zahl bis zum Batteriewechsel (falls verfügbar)
- winddir: Die aktuelle Windrichtung
- windgrad: Die aktuelle Windrichtung in Grad
- windspeed: Die aktuelle Windgeschwindigkeit
@@ -1933,11 +2127,15 @@ CUL_TCM97001_Parse($$)
- do_not_notify
- ignore
- - model (ABS700, AURIOL, GT_WT_02, KW9010, NC_WS, PFR-130, Prologue, Rubicson, TCM21...., TCM97…, Unknown, W044, W132, W174)
+ - model (ABS700, AURIOL, Auriol_IAN, GT_WT_02, KW9010, NC_WS, PFR-130, Prologue, Rubicson, TCM21...., TCM218943, TCM97…, Unknown, W044, W132, W174)
- max-deviation-temp: (Default:1, erlaubte Werte: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50)
- Maximal erlaubte Abweichung der gemessenen Temperatur zum vorhergehenden Wert in Kelvin.
+ Maximal erlaubte Abweichung der gemessenen Temperatur zum vorhergehenden Wert in Kelvin.
+ - max-diff-rain: Default:0 (deaktiviert)
+ Maximal erlaubte Abweichung der Regenmenge zum vorhergehenden Wert in l/qm.
+ - negation-batt: Battery reading invertieren
- showtime
- readingFnAttributes
+ - windDirectionInverse: Wenn der Windmesser auf dem Kopf montiert wurde, kann damit die Windrichtung herumgedreht werden.