mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00

57_SSCal: contrib 1.7.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21128 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-02-05 23:12:14 +00:00
parent 6c9cb157bb
commit f9461e8b7c

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
# Versions History intern
my %SSCal_vNotesIntern = (
"1.7.0" => "05.02.2020 respect global language setting for some presentation, new attribute eventIcon ",
"1.6.1" => "03.02.2020 rename attributes to \"calOverviewInDetail\",\"calOverviewInRoom\", bugfix of gps extraction ",
"1.6.0" => "03.02.2020 new attribute \"calOverviewFields\" to show specified fields in calendar overview in detail/room view, ".
"Model Diary/Tasks defined, periodic call of ToDo-Liists now possible ",
@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ sub SSCal_Initialize($) {
"cutOlderDays ".
"cutLaterDays ".
"disable:1,0 ".
"eventIcon:textField-long ".
"filterCompleteTask:1,2,3 ".
"filterDueTask:1,2,3 ".
"interval ".
@ -321,6 +323,8 @@ sub SSCal_Attr($$$$) {
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
my $attrVal = $aVal;
if ($aName =~ /filterCompleteTask|filterDueTask/ && $model ne "Tasks") {
return " The attribute \"$aName\" is only valid for devices of MODEL \"Tasks\"! Please set this attribute in a device of this model.";
@ -328,6 +332,19 @@ sub SSCal_Attr($$$$) {
if ($aName =~ /showRepeatEvent/ && $model ne "Diary") {
return " The attribute \"$aName\" is only valid for devices of MODEL \"Diary\"! Please set this attribute in a device of this model.";
if ($attrVal =~ m/^\{.*\}$/s && $attrVal =~ m/=>/ && $attrVal !~ m/\$/) {
my $av = eval $attrVal;
# Log3($name, 1, "$name - av: ".$av);
if($@) {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - Error while evaluate: ".$@);
} else {
$attrVal = $av if(ref($av) eq "HASH");
$hash->{HELPER}{$aName} = $attrVal;
} else {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{$aName};
if ($aName eq "disable") {
@ -3189,32 +3206,37 @@ return $bool;
# Kalenderliste als HTML-Tabelle zurückgeben
sub SSCal_calAsHtml($) {
my ($name)= @_;
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
my ($begin,$end,$summary,$location,$status,$desc,$gps,$gpsa,$gpsc,$cal,$completion,$tz);
my $de = 0;
if($lang eq "DE") {$de = 1};
my %seen;
my @cof = split(",", AttrVal($name, "calOverviewFields", "Begin,End,Summary,Status,Location"));
grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @cof;
my $out = "<html>";
$out .= "<style>TD.sscal {text-align: left; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; border-spacing:5px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}</style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.sscalbold {font-weight: bold;}</style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.sscalcenter {text-align: center;}</style>";
$out .= "<table class='block'>";
$out .= "<style>TD.cal {padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; border-spacing:5px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}</style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calbold {font-weight: bold;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calright {text-align: right;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calcenter {text-align: center;} </style>";
$out .= "<style>TD.calw150 {width: 150px;} </style>";
$out .= "<table class='block'>";
$out .= "<tr class='odd'>";
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Begin </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> End </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Timezone </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Summary </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Description </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Status </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Completion<br>(%) </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Location </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Map </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='sscal sscalbold sscalcenter'> Calendar </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Start' :'Begin')." </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Ende' :'End')." </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Zeitzone' :'Timezone')." </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Zusammenfassung' :'Summary')." </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Beschreibung' :'Description')." </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Status' :'State')." </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Erfüllung<br>(%)' :'Completion<br>(%)')." </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Ort' :'Location')." </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Karte' :'Map')." </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='cal calbold calcenter'> ".(($de)?'Kalender' :'Calendar')." </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "<tr><td> </td></tr>";
$out .= "<tr><td> </td></tr>";
@ -3235,8 +3257,8 @@ sub SSCal_calAsHtml($) {
last if(!ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_05_EventId", "")); # keine Ausgabe wenn es keine EventId mit Blocknummer 0 gibt -> kein Event/Aufage vorhanden
$summary = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_01_Summary", "");
$begin = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_02_Begin", "not set");
$end = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_03_End", "not set");
$begin = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_02_Begin", "");
$end = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_03_End", "");
$desc = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_04_Description", "");
$location = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_07_Location", "");
$gpsa = ReadingsVal($name, $prestr."_08_gpsAddress", "");
@ -3256,18 +3278,40 @@ sub SSCal_calAsHtml($) {
$gps = "<a href='https://www.google.de/maps/place/$gpsa/\@$lat,$lng' target='_blank'> $img </a>"; # Google Maps
#$out .= "<tr class='odd'>";
if($begin ne "") { # Datum sprachabhängig konvertieren bzw. heute/morgen setzen
my ($ny,$nm,$nd,undef) = split(/[ -]/, TimeNow()); # Jetzt
my ($by,$bm,$bd,$bt) = split(/[ -]/, $begin);
my ($ey,$em,$ed,$et) = split(/[ -]/, $end);
my $ntimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $nd, $nm-1, $ny-1900);
my $btimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $bd, $bm-1, $by-1900);
my $etimes = fhemTimeLocal(00, 00, 00, $ed, $em-1, $ey-1900);
if($de && $begin =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(.*)/) {
$begin = "$3.$2.$1 $4";
$end =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(.*)/;
$end = "$3.$2.$1 $4";
$begin = (($de)?'heute ':'today ').$bt if(($btimes >= $ntimes) && ($btimes < $ntimes+86400));
$end = (($de)?'heute ':'today ').$et if(($etimes >= $ntimes) && ($etimes < $ntimes+86400));
$begin = (($de)?'morgen ':'tomorrow ').$bt if(($btimes >= $ntimes+86400) && ($btimes < $ntimes+172800));
$end = (($de)?'morgen ':'tomorrow ').$et if(($etimes >= $ntimes+86400) && ($etimes < $ntimes+172800));
$end = substr($end,11,8) if(substr($begin,0,10) eq substr($end,0,10) && $end !~ /heute|today|morgen|tomorrow/); # bei Ende nur Uhrzeit angeben wenn Termin am gleichen Tag beginnt/endet
$out .= "<tr class='".($k&1?"odd":"even")."'>";
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $begin </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $end </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $tz </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $summary </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $desc </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $status </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $completion </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $location </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $gps </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='sscal'> $cal </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "<td class='cal calright calw150'> $begin </td>" if($seen{Begin});
$out .= "<td class='cal calright calw150'> $end </td>" if($seen{End});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $tz </td>" if($seen{Timezone});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $summary </td>" if($seen{Summary});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $desc </td>" if($seen{Description});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $status </td>" if($seen{Status});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $completion </td>" if($seen{Completion});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $location </td>" if($seen{Location});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $gps </td>" if($seen{Map});
$out .= "<td class='cal'> $cal </td>" if($seen{Calendar});
$out .= "</tr>";