diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/52_I2C_ADS1x1x.pm b/fhem/FHEM/52_I2C_ADS1x1x.pm
index 1f004e084..9e792022e 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/52_I2C_ADS1x1x.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/52_I2C_ADS1x1x.pm
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
+use List::Util qw(sum);
my %I2C_ADS1x1x_Config =
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_Initialize($) {
"a3_mode:RTD,NTC,RAW,RES,off ".
"a0_res a1_res a2_res a3_res ".
"a0_r0 a1_r0 a2_r0 a3_r0 ".
+ "a0_avg a1_avg a2_avg a3_avg ".
"a0_bval a1_bval a2_bval a3_bval ".
"a0_gain:6V,4V,2V,1V,0.5V,0.25V ".
"a1_gain:6V,4V,2V,1V,0.5V,0.25V ".
@@ -417,10 +419,23 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
( $refvoltage/$mask) * # normiere anhand der Auflösung 2^15 im positiven Bereich
( 1.0 - (2.0 * (($value & ($mask+1)) >> ($bits-1)))); # bei gesetzten Bit 2^15 Faktor -1, ansonsten +1 ($mask+1 = 0x8000/0x800)
+ my $sensor= $clientmsg->{sensor};
+ #Build average with floating windows to smoothe shaky sensors
+ my @avg=();
+ my $avgs=$hash->{helper}{"a".$sensor};
+ if (defined $avgs) {
+ @avg=@$avgs;
+ }
+ my $avgmax=AttrVal($name,"a".$sensor."_avg",1);
+ push @avg,$voltage;
+ while (@avg>$avgmax) { shift @avg; }
+ $hash->{helper}{"a".$sensor}=[@avg];
+ $voltage=sum(@avg)/@avg;
#rounded voltage only for reading, continue calculation will full precision
my $voltager = sprintf( '%.' . AttrVal($clientHash->{NAME}, 'decimals', 3) . 'f', $voltage );
Log3 $hash,5 , "$name:voltage=$voltage, ref=".$I2C_ADS1x1x_Config{'Gain'}{$gain}{refVoltage};
- my $sensor= $clientmsg->{sensor};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "a".$sensor."_voltage", $voltager) if (ReadingsVal($name,"a".$sensor."_voltage",0) != $voltager);
my $divider=AttrVal($name,"a".$sensor."_res",1000);
my $highvoltage=AttrVal($name,"sys_voltage",3.3);
@@ -458,11 +473,10 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
=item summary_DE liest/konvertiert Daten eines via angeschlossenen ADS1x1x A/D Wandlers
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Provides an interface to an ADS1x1x A/D converter via I2C.
The I2C messages are send through an I2C interface module like RPII2C, FRM
or NetzerI2C so this device must be defined first.
@@ -487,7 +501,7 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
Attribute IODev must be set. This is typically the name of a defined RPII2C device
define <name> I2C_ADS1x1x <I2C Address>
@@ -495,11 +509,11 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- update
set <name> update
Trigger a reading. Resets the timers so the first reading will start within 1s -
continuing with the other channels based on the polling_interleave attribute.
@@ -507,12 +521,12 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- device
Defines the Texas Instruments ADS1x1x device that is actually being used.
- ADS1013 - 12Bit, 1 channel
@@ -529,37 +543,37 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- poll_interval
Set the polling interval in minutes to query a new reading from enabled channels
By setting this number to 0, the device can be set to manual mode (new readings only by "set update").
Default: 5, valid values: decimal number
- poll_interleave
Interleave between reading 2 channels in seconds (only valid for multi channel devices).
Can be used to distribute the load more evenly.
Default: 0.008, valid values: decimal number
- sys_voltage
System voltage running the chip and typically connected to the pull-up resistor (e.g. 3.3V with a Raspberry Pi)
Default: 3.3, valid values: float number
- decimals
Number of decimals (after the decimal point) for voltage and resistance to make results more readable.
Calculations are still based on full precision. Temperatures are fixed to one decimal.
Default: 3, valid values: 0,1,2,3,4,5
- a[0-3]_gain
Gain amplifier value (sensibility and range of measurement) used per channel a0-a3.
Standard is 4V which can measure a range between 0 and 4 Volts.
If measuring smaller voltage, the amplification can be increased to get more accurate readings.
@@ -568,10 +582,10 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- a[0-3]_mode
Determines how the results are interpreted.
- off: The channel is not measured
@@ -586,35 +600,43 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- a[0-3]_res
Value of pull-up resistor for resistance and temperature measurement. Connected between A0 and VCC (defined in "sys_voltage")
Default: 1000, valid values: float numbers
- a[0-3]_r0
Reference resistance for temperature measurements at 0°C (for RTD) and 25°C (for NTC) in Ohm.
Default: 1000.0 in RTD and 50000.0 in NTC mode, valid values: float numbers
- a[0-3]_bval
B-Value for NTC Thermistors (define the increase from the base value).
Default: 3950.0, valid values: float numbers
+ - a[0-3]_avg
+ Sometimes measurements can fluctuate. To get smoother values, this attribute will enable creating an average of n numbers, which should result in more stable results.
+ Default: 1, valid values: integers
- data_rate (1/16x,1/8x,1/4x,1/2x,1x,2x,4x,8x )
Conversion speed - default is 1x. The 12-bit chips use 1600 SPS as default rate, while the 16-bit chips are slower with 128 SPS.
Below table translates the settings based on the actual device used.
@@ -677,7 +699,6 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- operation_mode
Not implemented, since Continuous Mode make no sense when using multiple input registers and is meant to read values in very high speed (e.g. one value every 8 ms) which IMHO makes no sense with FHEM.
- SingleShot: Do one reading and then power down
@@ -702,7 +723,7 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
- - latching_comparator (on|off)
+ - latching_comparator (on|off)
@@ -718,25 +739,24 @@ sub I2C_ADS1x1x_I2CRec($@) { # ueber CallFn vom physical aufgerufen
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Bitte englische Dokumentation verwenden.
define <name> I2C_ADS1x1x <I2C Address>
Der Wert <I2C Address>
ist ohne das Richtungsbit