diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/72_FRITZBOX.pm b/fhem/FHEM/72_FRITZBOX.pm
index e3c33a017..7d7371a63 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/72_FRITZBOX.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/72_FRITZBOX.pm
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use warnings;
use Blocking;
use HttpUtils;
-my $ModulVersion = "07.50.9c";
+my $ModulVersion = "07.50.9d";
my $missingModul = "";
my $missingModulWeb = "";
my $missingModulTR064 = "";
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Define($$)
$hash->{HOST} = "fritz.box";
$hash->{HOST} = $args[2] if defined $args[2] && $args[2] =~ m=$URL_MATCH=i;
$hash->{fhem}{definedHost} = $hash->{HOST}; # to cope with old attribute definitions
my $msg;
@@ -402,7 +403,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Url_Regex {
my $domain = "(?:\\.$base)*";
my $tld = "(?:\\.(?:[${chars}]{2,}))";
my $fulldomain = $host . $domain . $tld . "\\.?";
- my $name = "(?:$ip|$fulldomain)";
+# my $name = "(?:$ip|$fulldomain)";
+ my $name = "(?:$ip|$host)";
my $port = "(?::\\d{2,5})?";
my $path = "(?:[/?#]\\S*)?";
@@ -2530,6 +2532,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web($)
my $dName = $resultWan->{data}->{scanlist}->[$i]->{ssid};
$dName .= " (Kanal: " . $resultWan->{data}->{scanlist}->[$i]->{channel};
$dName .= ", Band: " . $resultWan->{data}->{scanlist}->[$i]->{bandId} . ")";
+ $dName =~ s/24ghz/2.4 GHz/;
+ $dName =~ s/5ghz/5 GHz/;
$rName = $resultWan->{data}->{scanlist}->[$i]->{mac};
$rName =~ s/:/_/g;
@@ -5965,7 +5969,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_fritztris($)
The box is partly controlled via the official TR-064 interface but also via undocumented interfaces between web interface and firmware kernel.
- The modul was tested on FRITZ!BOX 7390 and 7490 with Fritz!OS 6.20 and higher.
+ The modul was tested on FRITZ!BOX 7590, 7490 and FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E with Fritz!OS 7.50 and higher.
Check also the other FRITZ!BOX moduls: SYSMON and FB_CALLMONITOR.
@@ -5978,7 +5982,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_fritztris($)
define <name> FRITZBOX [host]
- The attribute host is the web address (name or IP) of the FRITZ!BOX. If it is missing, the modul switches in local mode or uses the default host address "fritz.box".
+ The parameter host is the web address (name or IP) of the FRITZ!BOX. If it is missing, the modul uses the default host address "fritz.box".
Example: define Fritzbox FRITZBOX
@@ -6228,12 +6232,6 @@ sub FRITZBOX_fritztris($)
Polling-Interval. Default is 300 (seconds). Smallest possible value is 60.
allowShellCommand <0 | 1>
boxUser <user name>
fritzBoxIP <IP Address>
fritzBoxIP <IP Address| DNS>
define <name> FRITZBOX [host]
define Fritzbox FRITZBOX
set <name> update
allowShellCommand <0 | 1>
boxUser <user name>
fritzBoxIP <IP Address>
fritzBoxIP <IP Address | DNS>