mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.37.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29266 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-10-20 12:10:25 +00:00
parent 2364054557
commit f836d5b835

View File

@ -156,8 +156,10 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.37.0" => "18.10.2024 attr setupInverterDevXX up to 03 inverters with accorded strings, setupInverterDevXX: keys strings and feed ".
"_flowGraphic: controlhash for producer, prepare new attr flowGraphicControl ",
"1.37.0" => "20.10.2024 attr setupInverterDevXX up to 03 inverters with accorded strings, setupInverterDevXX: keys strings and feed ".
"_flowGraphic: controlhash for producer, new attr flowGraphicControl and replace the attributes: ".
"flowGraphicAnimate flowGraphicConsumerDistance flowGraphicShowConsumer flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy ".
"flowGraphicShowConsumerPower flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime flowGraphicShift ",
"1.36.1" => "14.10.2024 _flowGraphic: consumer distance modified by kask, Coloring of icons corrected when creating 0 ",
"1.36.0" => "13.10.2024 new Getter valInverter, valStrings and valProducer, preparation for multiple inverters ".
"rename setupInverterDev to setupInverterDev01, new attr affectConsForecastLastDays ".
@ -552,8 +554,7 @@ my @aconfigs = qw( affect70percentRule affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsFo
ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ctrlStatisticReadings ctrlUserExitFn
setupWeatherDev1 setupWeatherDev2 setupWeatherDev3
flowGraphicSize flowGraphicAnimate flowGraphicConsumerDistance flowGraphicShowConsumer
flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy flowGraphicShowConsumerPower flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime
flowGraphicCss graphicBeamWidth
graphicBeamHeightLevel1 graphicBeamHeightLevel2
graphicBeam1Content graphicBeam2Content graphicBeam3Content graphicBeam4Content
@ -1267,15 +1268,7 @@ sub Initialize {
"ctrlStatisticReadings:multiple-strict,$srd ".
"ctrlUserExitFn:textField-long ".
"disable:1,0 ".
# "flowGraphicControl:textField-long ".
"flowGraphicSize ".
"flowGraphicAnimate:1,0 ".
"flowGraphicConsumerDistance:slider,80,10,500 ".
"flowGraphicShift:slider,-80,5,80 ".
"flowGraphicShowConsumer:1,0 ".
"flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy:1,0 ".
"flowGraphicShowConsumerPower:0,1 ".
"flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime:0,1 ".
"flowGraphicControl:textField-long ".
"flowGraphicCss:textField-long ".
"graphicBeamHeightLevel1 ".
"graphicBeamHeightLevel2 ".
@ -1324,6 +1317,12 @@ sub Initialize {
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
$hash->{AttrList} .= " flowGraphicSize flowGraphicAnimate flowGraphicConsumerDistance flowGraphicShowConsumer flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy flowGraphicShowConsumerPower flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime flowGraphicShift ";
$hash->{FW_hideDisplayName} = 1; # Forum 88667
@ -5360,14 +5359,15 @@ sub Attr {
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
#if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName eq 'affectMaxDayVariance') {
# if (!$init_done) {
# return qq{Device "$name" -> The attribute '$aName' is obsolete and will be deleted soon. Please press "save config" when restart is finished.};
# }
# else {
# return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete and will be deleted soon.};
# }
# 20.10.2024
if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName =~ /^flowGraphicSize|flowGraphicAnimate|flowGraphicConsumerDistance|flowGraphicShowConsumer|flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy|flowGraphicShowConsumerPower|flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime|flowGraphicShift$/) {
if (!$init_done) {
return qq{Device "$name" -> The attribute '$aName' is replaced by 'flowGraphicControl'. Please press "save config" when restart is finished.};
else {
return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete and replaced by 'flowGraphicControl'.};
if ($aName eq 'disable') {
@ -5684,14 +5684,14 @@ sub _attrflowGraphicControl { ## no critic "not used"
my $hash = $defs{$name};
for my $av ( qw( flowGraphicAnimate
for my $av ( qw( animate
) ) {
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{$av};
@ -5713,6 +5713,7 @@ sub _attrflowGraphicControl { ## no critic "not used"
for my $key (keys %{$h}) {
my $comp = $valid->{$key};
next if(!$comp);
if ($h->{$key} =~ /^$comp$/xs) {
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{$key} = $h->{$key};
@ -6919,6 +6920,28 @@ sub centralTask {
$n = sprintf "%02d", $n;
readingsDelete ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_${n}_autocalc");
my $fg1 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicSize', undef); # 20.10.2024
my $fg2 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicAnimate', undef);
my $fg3 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicConsumerDistance', undef);
my $fg4 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumer', undef);
my $fg5 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy', undef);
my $fg6 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerPower', undef);
my $fg7 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime', undef);
my $fg8 = AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShift', undef);
my $newval;
$newval .= "size=$fg1 " if(defined $fg1);
$newval .= "animate=$fg2 " if(defined $fg2);
$newval .= "consumerdist=$fg3 " if(defined $fg3);
$newval .= "showconsumer=$fg4 " if(defined $fg4);
$newval .= "showconsumerdummy=$fg5 " if(defined $fg5);
$newval .= "showconsumerpower=$fg6 " if(defined $fg6);
$newval .= "showconsumerremaintime=$fg7 " if(defined $fg7);
$newval .= "shift=$fg8 " if(defined $fg8);
CommandAttr (undef, "$name flowGraphicControl $newval") if($newval);
setModel ($hash); # Model setzen
@ -12098,44 +12121,44 @@ sub entryGraphic {
modulo => 1,
dstyle => qq{style='padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; white-space:nowrap;'}, # TD-Style
offset => $offset,
hourstyle => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicHourStyle', ''),
colorb1 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1Color', $b1coldef),
colorb2 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2Color', $b2coldef),
fcolor1 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1FontColor', $b1fontcoldef),
fcolor2 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2FontColor', $b2fontcoldef),
beam1cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1Content', 'pvReal'),
beam2cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2Content', 'pvForecast'),
beam3cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam3Content', ''),
beam4cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam4Content', ''),
caicon => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerAdviceIcon', $caicondef), # Consumer AdviceIcon
clegend => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerLegend', 'icon_top'), # Lage und Art Cunsumer Legende
clink => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerLink' , 1), # Detail-Link zum Verbraucher
lotype => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicLayoutType', 'double'),
kw => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicEnergyUnit', 'Wh'),
height => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicBeamHeightLevel1', 200),
hourstyle => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicHourStyle', ''),
colorb1 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1Color', $b1coldef),
colorb2 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2Color', $b2coldef),
fcolor1 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1FontColor', $b1fontcoldef),
fcolor2 => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2FontColor', $b2fontcoldef),
beam1cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam1Content', 'pvReal'),
beam2cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam2Content', 'pvForecast'),
beam3cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam3Content', ''),
beam4cont => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicBeam4Content', ''),
caicon => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerAdviceIcon', $caicondef), # Consumer AdviceIcon
clegend => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerLegend', 'icon_top'), # Lage und Art Cunsumer Legende
clink => AttrVal ($name, 'consumerLink' , 1), # Detail-Link zum Verbraucher
lotype => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicLayoutType', 'double'),
kw => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicEnergyUnit', 'Wh'),
height => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicBeamHeightLevel1', 200),
width => $width,
fsize => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicSpaceSize', 24),
maxVal => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicBeam1MaxVal', 0), # dyn. Anpassung der Balkenhöhe oder statisch ?
show_night => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicShowNight', 0), # alle Balken (Spalten) anzeigen ?
show_diff => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicShowDiff', 'no'), # zusätzliche Anzeige $di{} in allen Typen
weather => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicShowWeather', 1), # Wetter Icons anzeigen
colorw => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicWeatherColor', $wthcolddef), # Wetter Icon Farbe Tag
colorwn => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicWeatherColorNight', $wthcolndef), # Wetter Icon Farbe Nacht
wlalias => AttrVal ($name, 'alias', $name),
sheader => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicHeaderShow', 1), # Anzeigen des Grafik Headers
hdrDetail => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicHeaderDetail', 'all'), # ermöglicht den Inhalt zu begrenzen, um bspw. passgenau in ftui einzubetten
flowgsize => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicSize', $flowGSizedef), # Größe Energieflußgrafik
flowgani => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicAnimate', 0), # Animation Energieflußgrafik
flowgshift => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShift', 0), # Verschiebung der Flußgrafikbox (muß negiert werden)
flowgcons => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumer', 1), # Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconX => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy', 1), # Dummyverbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsPower => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerPower' , 1), # Verbraucher Leistung in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsTime => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime', 1), # Verbraucher Restlaufeit in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsDist => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicConsumerDistance', $fgCDdef), # Abstand Verbrauchericons zueinander
css => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicCss', $cssdef), # flowGraphicCss Styles
genpvdva => AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily'), # Methode der Abweichungsberechnung
lang => getLang ($hash),
debug => getDebug ($hash), # Debug Module
fsize => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicSpaceSize', 24),
maxVal => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicBeam1MaxVal', 0), # dyn. Anpassung der Balkenhöhe oder statisch ?
show_night => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicShowNight', 0), # alle Balken (Spalten) anzeigen ?
show_diff => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicShowDiff', 'no'), # zusätzliche Anzeige $di{} in allen Typen
weather => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicShowWeather', 1), # Wetter Icons anzeigen
colorw => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicWeatherColor', $wthcolddef), # Wetter Icon Farbe Tag
colorwn => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicWeatherColorNight', $wthcolndef), # Wetter Icon Farbe Nacht
wlalias => AttrVal ($name, 'alias', $name),
sheader => AttrNum ($name, 'graphicHeaderShow', 1), # Anzeigen des Grafik Headers
hdrDetail => AttrVal ($name, 'graphicHeaderDetail', 'all'), # ermöglicht den Inhalt zu begrenzen, um bspw. passgenau in ftui einzubetten
flowgsize => CurrentVal ($hash, 'size', $flowGSizedef), # Größe Energieflußgrafik
flowgani => CurrentVal ($hash, 'animate', 0), # Animation Energieflußgrafik
flowgshift => CurrentVal ($hash, 'shift', 0), # Verschiebung der Flußgrafikbox (muß negiert werden)
flowgcons => CurrentVal ($hash, 'showconsumer', 1), # Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconX => CurrentVal ($hash, 'showconsumerdummy', 1), # Dummyverbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsPower => CurrentVal ($hash, 'showconsumerpower', 1), # Verbraucher Leistung in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsTime => CurrentVal ($hash, 'showconsumerremaintime', 1), # Verbraucher Restlaufeit in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsDist => CurrentVal ($hash, 'consumerdist', $fgCDdef), # Abstand Verbrauchericons zueinander
css => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicCss', $cssdef), # flowGraphicCss Styles
genpvdva => AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily'), # Methode der Abweichungsberechnung
lang => getLang ($hash),
debug => getDebug ($hash), # Debug Module
my $ret = q{};
@ -14174,24 +14197,29 @@ sub __weatherOnBeam {
return $ret;
# Energieflußgrafik
# M - MoveTo setzt den aktuellen Punkt fest, von dem aus der Pfad starten soll
# (https://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/SVG/Tutorials/Pfade#MoveTo)
# L - LineTo zeichnet eine Linie vom aktuellen zum angegebenen Punkt
# (https://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/SVG/Tutorials/Pfade#LineTo)
sub _flowGraphic {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $flowgsize = $paref->{flowgsize};
my $flowgani = $paref->{flowgani};
my $flowgshift = $paref->{flowgshift}; # Verschiebung der Flußgrafikbox (muß negiert werden)
my $flowgcons = $paref->{flowgcons}; # Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
my $flowgconTime = $paref->{flowgconsTime}; # Verbraucher Restlaufeit in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
my $flowgconX = $paref->{flowgconX};
my $flowgconPower = $paref->{flowgconsPower};
my $cdist = $paref->{flowgconsDist}; # Abstand Consumer zueinander
my $css = $paref->{css};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $flowgsize = $paref->{flowgsize};
my $flowgani = $paref->{flowgani};
my $flowgshift = $paref->{flowgshift}; # Verschiebung der Flußgrafikbox (muß negiert werden)
my $flowgcons = $paref->{flowgcons}; # Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
my $flowgconsTime = $paref->{flowgconsTime}; # Verbraucher Restlaufeit in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
my $flowgconX = $paref->{flowgconX};
my $flowgconsPower = $paref->{flowgconsPower};
my $flowgPrdsPower = 1; # initial Producer akt. Erzeugung anzeigen
my $cdist = $paref->{flowgconsDist}; # Abstand Consumer zueinander
my $css = $paref->{css};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $style = 'width:98%; height:'.$flowgsize.'px;';
my $animation = $flowgani ? '@keyframes dash { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }' : ''; # Animation Ja/Nein
@ -14200,7 +14228,7 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $cself = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_SelfConsumption', 0);
my $cc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'consumption', 0);
my $batin = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_PowerBatIn', undef);
my $batout = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_PowerBatOut', undef);
my $bat2home = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_PowerBatOut', undef);
my $soc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_BatCharge', 100);
my $cc_dummy = $cc;
@ -14254,11 +14282,10 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $pnodesum = __normDecPlaces ($ppall + $pv2node); # Erzeugung Summe im Knoten
my ($togrid, $tonode, $tobat) = __sortProducer ($pdcr); # lfn Producer sortiert nach ptyp und feed
## Producer Koordninaten Steuerhash
my ($togrid, $tonode, $tobat) = __sortProducer ($pdcr); # lfn Producer sortiert nach ptyp und feed
my $psorted = {
'1togrid' => { xicon => -100, xchain => 350, ychain => 420, step => 70, count => scalar @{$togrid}, sorted => $togrid }, # Producer/PV nur zu Grid
'2tonode' => { xicon => 350, xchain => 700, ychain => 200, step => $pdist, count => scalar @{$tonode}, sorted => $tonode }, # Producer/PV zum Knoten
@ -14284,22 +14311,21 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
$soc < 76 ? 'flowg bat50' :
'flowg bat75';
if (!defined $batin && !defined $batout) {
$hasbat = 0;
$batin = 0;
$batout = 0;
$soc = 0;
if (!defined $batin && !defined $bat2home) {
$hasbat = 0;
$batin = 0;
$bat2home = 0;
$soc = 0;
my $node2bat = $batin;
my $node2bat = $batin;
my $grid_color = $node2grid ? 'flowg grid_color1' : 'flowg grid_color2'; # green : red
my $cgc_style = $cgc ? 'flowg active_in' : 'flowg inactive_in'; # cgc current GridConsumption
my $bat2home_style = $bat2home ? 'flowg active_out active_bat_out' : 'flowg inactive_in';
$grid_color = 'flowg grid_color3' if(!$node2grid && !$cgc && $bat2home); # gray
my $cgc_direction = 'M490,515 L670,590';
my $grid_color = $node2grid ? 'flowg grid_color1' : 'flowg grid_color2';
my $cgc_style = $cgc ? 'flowg active_in' : 'flowg inactive_in';
my $batout_style = $batout ? 'flowg active_out active_bat_out' : 'flowg inactive_in';
$grid_color = 'flowg grid_color3' if(!$node2grid && !$cgc && $batout); # dritte Farbe
my $cgc_direction = 'M490,515 L670,590'; # Batterie wird geladen
if ($batout) { # Batterie wird entladen
if ($bat2home) { # Batterie wird entladen
my $cgfo = $node2grid - $pv2node;
if ($cgfo > 1) {
@ -14310,35 +14336,36 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $batout_direction = 'M902,515 L730,590';
my $bat2home_direction = 'M902,515 L730,590';
if ($node2bat) { # Batterie wird geladen
if ($node2bat) { # Batterie wird geladen
my $home2bat = $node2bat - $pv2node;
if ($home2bat > 1) { # Batterieladung anteilig aus Hausnetz geladen
$node2bat -= $home2bat;
$batout_style = 'flowg active_in';
$batout_direction = 'M730,590 L902,515';
$batout = $home2bat;
if ($home2bat > 1) { # Batterieladung anteilig aus Hausnetz geladen
$node2bat -= $home2bat;
$bat2home_style = 'flowg active_in';
$bat2home_direction = 'M730,590 L902,515';
$bat2home = $home2bat;
$node2bat -= $pv2bat; # abzüglich Direktladung
$pnodesum += abs $node2bat if($node2bat < 0); # Batterie ist voll und SolarLader liefert an Knoten
## Werte / SteuerungVars anpassen
$flowgcons = 0 if(!$consumercount); # Consumer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Consumer definiert
my $pv2home = __normDecPlaces ($cself + $ppall); # Energiefluß vom Knoten zum Haus: Selbstverbrauch + alle Producer (Batterie-In/Solar-Ladegeräte sind nicht in SelfConsumtion enthalten)
my $pnodesum = __normDecPlaces ($ppall + $pv2node); # Erzeugung Summe im Knoten
$pnodesum += abs $node2bat if($node2bat < 0); # Batterie ist voll und SolarLader liefert an Knoten
$node2bat -= $pv2bat; # Knoten -> Bat : abzüglich Direktladung
$flowgcons = 0 if(!$consumercount); # Consumer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Consumer definiert
my $pv2home = __normDecPlaces ($cself + $ppall); # Energiefluß vom Knoten zum Haus: Selbstverbrauch + alle Producer (Batterie-In/Solar-Ladegeräte sind nicht in SelfConsumtion enthalten)
## SVG Box initialisieren mit Grid-Icon
my $vbwidth = 800; # width and height specify the viewBox size
my $vbminx = -10 * $flowgshift; # min-x and min-y represent the smallest X and Y coordinates that the viewBox may have
my $vbwidth = 800; # width and height specify the viewBox size
my $vbminx = -10 * $flowgshift; # min-x and min-y represent the smallest X and Y coordinates that the viewBox may have
my $vbminy = -25;
my $vbhight = !$flowgcons ? 380 :
!$flowgconTime ? 590 :
my $vbhight = !$flowgcons ? 380 :
!$flowgconsTime ? 590 :
$vbhight += 100;
@ -14512,9 +14539,10 @@ END2
if ($hasbat) {
my $node2bat_style = $node2bat ? 'flowg active_in active_bat_in' : 'flowg inactive_out';
my $batin_direction = $node2bat < 0 ? 'M910,480 L730,400' : 'M730,400 L910,480';
$node2bat = abs $node2bat;
$ret .= << "END3";
<path id="bat2home" class="$batout_style" d="$batout_direction" />
<path id="bat2home" class="$bat2home_style" d="$bat2home_direction" />
<path id="pv2bat" class="$node2bat_style" d="$batin_direction" />
@ -14613,14 +14641,14 @@ END3
$cc_dummy = sprintf("%.0f", $cc_dummy); # Verbrauch Dummy-Consumer
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="nodetxt" x="800" y="320" style="text-anchor: start;">$pnodesum</text>} if ($pnodesum > 0);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="batsoctxt" x="1110" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$soc %</text>} if ($hasbat); # Lage Text Batterieladungszustand
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="batsoctxt" x="1110" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$soc %</text>} if ($hasbat); # Lage Text Batterieladungszustand
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="node2hometxt" x="730" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$pv2home</text>} if ($pv2home);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="node2gridtxt" x="525" y="420" style="text-anchor: end;">$node2grid</text>} if ($node2grid);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="grid2hometxt" x="515" y="610" style="text-anchor: end;">$cgc</text>} if ($cgc);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="batouttxt" x="880" y="610" style="text-anchor: start;">$batout</text>} if ($batout && $hasbat);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="batouttxt" x="880" y="610" style="text-anchor: start;">$bat2home</text>} if ($bat2home && $hasbat);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="node2battxt" x="880" y="420" style="text-anchor: start;">$node2bat</text>} if ($node2bat && $hasbat);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="hometxt" x="600" y="710" style="text-anchor: end;">$cc</text>}; # Current_Consumption Anlage
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="dummytxt" x="1085" y="710" style="text-anchor: start;">$cc_dummy</text>} if ($flowgconX && $flowgconPower); # Current_Consumption Dummy
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="hometxt" x="600" y="710" style="text-anchor: end;">$cc</text>}; # Current_Consumption Anlage
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="dummytxt" x="1085" y="710" style="text-anchor: start;">$cc_dummy</text>} if ($flowgconX && $flowgconsPower); # Current_Consumption Dummy
## Textangabe Producer - in Reihenfolge: zum Grid - zum Knoten - zur Batterie
@ -14641,7 +14669,7 @@ END3
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$left += 20}
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$left += 40}
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="producer-txt_$pn" x="$left" y="100">$currentPower</text>} if($flowgconPower); # Lage producer Consumption
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="producertxt_$pn" x="$left" y="100">$currentPower</text>} if($flowgPrdsPower);
# Leistungszahl wieder zurück an den Ursprungspunkt
@ -14672,8 +14700,8 @@ END3
$lcp = length $currentPower;
#$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1110" style="text-anchor: start;">$currentPower</text>} if ($flowgconPower); # Lage Consumer Consumption
#$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_time_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1170" style="text-anchor: start;">$consumerTime</text>} if ($flowgconTime); # Lage Consumer Restlaufzeit
#$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1110" style="text-anchor: start;">$currentPower</text>} if ($flowgconsPower); # Lage Consumer Consumption
#$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_time_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1170" style="text-anchor: start;">$consumerTime</text>} if ($flowgconsTime); # Lage Consumer Restlaufzeit
# Verbrauchszahl abhängig von der Größe entsprechend auf der x-Achse verschieben
@ -14683,8 +14711,8 @@ END3
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$cons_left += 7 }
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$cons_left += 25}
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1110">$currentPower</text>} if ($flowgconPower); # Lage Consumer Consumption
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_time_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1170">$consumerTime</text>} if ($flowgconTime); # Lage Consumer Restlaufzeit
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1110">$currentPower</text>} if ($flowgconsPower); # Lage Consumer Consumption
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="consumer-txt_time_$c" x="$cons_left" y="1170">$consumerTime</text>} if ($flowgconsTime); # Lage Consumer Restlaufzeit
# Verbrauchszahl wieder zurück an den Ursprungspunkt
@ -20984,6 +21012,52 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicControl"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicControl &lt;Key1=Value1&gt; &lt;Key2=Value2&gt; ... </b><br>
By optionally specifying the key=value pairs listed below, various display properties of the energy flow
graph can be influenced. <br>
The entry can be made in several lines.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>animate</b> </td><td> Animates the energy flow graphic if displayed. (<a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Animation off, <b>1</b> - Animation on, default: 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumerdist</b> </td><td>Controls the distance between the consumer icons in the energy flow graphic. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Value: <b>80 ... 500</b>, default: 130 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>shift</b> </td><td>Horizontal shift of the energy flow graph. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Value: <b>-80 ... 80</b>, default: 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumer</b> </td><td>Display of consumers in the energy flow chart. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Display off, <b>1</b> - Display on, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerdummy</b> </td><td>Controls the display of the dummy consumer. The dummy consumer is assigned the </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>energy consumption that cannot be assigned to other consumers. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Display off, <b>1</b> - Display on, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerpower</b> </td><td>Controls the display of the consumers' energy consumption. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Display off, <b>1</b> - Display on, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerremaintime</b> </td><td>Controls the display of the remaining running time (minutes) of the loads. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Display off, <b>1</b> - Display on, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>size </b> </td><td>Size of the energy flow graphic in pixels if displayed. (<a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Value: <b>Integer</b>, default: 400 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<b>Example: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; flowGraphicControl size=300 animate=0 consumerdist=100 showconsumer=1 showconsumerdummy=0 shift=-20
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicCss"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicCss </b><br>
@ -21009,66 +21083,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicAnimate"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicAnimate </b><br>
Animates the energy flow graph if displayed.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>. <br>
(default: 0)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicConsumerDistance"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicConsumerDistance </b><br>
Controls the spacing between consumer icons in the energy flow graph if displayed.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumer">flowGraphicShowConsumer</a>. <br>
(default: 130)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumer"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumer </b><br>
Suppresses the display of loads in the energy flow graph when set to "0". <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShift"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShift &lt;Pixel/10&gt; </b><br>
Horizontal shift of the energy flow graph. <br>
(default: 0)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy </b><br>
Shows or suppresses the dummy consumer in the energy flow graph. <br>
The dummy consumer is assigned the energy consumption that could not be assigned to other consumers. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerPower"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerPower </b><br>
Shows or suppresses the energy consumption of the loads in the energy flow graph. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime </b><br>
Shows or suppresses the remaining time (in minutes) of the loads in the energy flow graph. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicSize"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicSize &lt;Pixel&gt; </b><br>
Size of the energy flow graph if displayed.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>. <br>
(default: 400)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicBeam1Color"></a>
<li><b>graphicBeam1Color </b><br>
Color selection of the primary bar of the first level. <br>
@ -21251,7 +21265,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td>Consumer&lt;br&gt;Quickstart:consumerImmediatePlanning : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Weather:graphicShowWeather : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>History:graphicHistoryHour : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>GraphicSize:flowGraphicSize : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>ShowNight:graphicShowNight : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Debug:ctrlDebug : : : </td></tr>
@ -23418,6 +23431,52 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicControl"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicControl &lt;Schlüssel1=Wert1&gt; &lt;Schlüssel2=Wert2&gt; ... </b><br>
Durch die optionale Angabe der nachfolgend aufgeführten Schlüssel=Wert Paare können verschiedene
Anzeigeeigenschaften der Energieflußgrafik beeinflusst werden. <br>
Die Eingabe kann mehrzeilig erfolgen.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>animate</b> </td><td> Animiert die Energieflußgrafik sofern angezeigt. (<a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Animation aus, <b>1</b> - Animation an, default: 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>consumerdist</b> </td><td>Steuert den Abstand zwischen den Consumer-Icons in der Energieflußgrafik. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Wert: <b>80 ... 500</b>, default: 130 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>shift</b> </td><td>Horizontale Verschiebung der Energieflußgrafik. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Wert: <b>-80 ... 80</b>, default: 0 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumer</b> </td><td>Anzeige der Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Anzeige aus, <b>1</b> - Anzeige an, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerdummy</b> </td><td>Steuert die Anzeige des Dummy-Verbrauchers. Dem Dummy-Verbraucher wird der </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Energieverbrauch zugewiesen der anderen Verbrauchern nicht zugeordnet werden kann. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Anzeige aus, <b>1</b> - Anzeige an, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerpower</b> </td><td>Steuert die Anzeige des Energieverbrauchs der Verbraucher. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Anzeige aus, <b>1</b> - Anzeige an, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>showconsumerremaintime</b> </td><td>Steuert die Anzeige der Restlaufzeit (Minuten) der Verbraucher. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>0</b> - Anzeige aus, <b>1</b> - Anzeige an, default: 1 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>size </b> </td><td>Größe der Energieflußgrafik in Pixel sofern angezeigt. (<a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Wert: <b>Ganzzahl</b>, default: 400 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; flowGraphicControl size=300 animate=0 consumerdist=100 showconsumer=1 showconsumerdummy=0 shift=-20
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicCss"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicCss </b><br>
@ -23443,66 +23502,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicAnimate"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicAnimate </b><br>
Animiert die Energieflußgrafik sofern angezeigt.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>. <br>
(default: 0)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicConsumerDistance"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicConsumerDistance </b><br>
Steuert den Abstand zwischen den Consumer-Icons in der Energieflußgrafik sofern angezeigt.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumer">flowGraphicShowConsumer</a>. <br>
(default: 130)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumer"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumer </b><br>
Unterdrückt die Anzeige der Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik wenn auf "0" gesetzt. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShift"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShift &lt;Pixel/10&gt; </b><br>
Horizontale Verschiebung der Energieflußgrafik. <br>
(default: 0)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy </b><br>
Zeigt bzw. unterdrückt den Dummy-Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik. <br>
Dem Dummy-Verbraucher wird der Energieverbrauch zugewiesen der anderen Verbrauchern nicht zugeordnet werden konnte. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerPower"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerPower </b><br>
Zeigt bzw. unterdrückt den Energieverbrauch der Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime </b><br>
Zeigt bzw. unterdrückt die Restlaufzeit (in Minuten) der Verbraucher in der Energieflußgrafik. <br>
(default: 1)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-flowGraphicSize"></a>
<li><b>flowGraphicSize &lt;Pixel&gt; </b><br>
Größe der Energieflußgrafik sofern angezeigt.
Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicSelect">graphicSelect</a>. <br>
(default: 400)
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicBeam1Color"></a>
<li><b>graphicBeam1Color </b><br>
Farbauswahl des primären Balken der ersten Ebene. <br>
@ -23685,7 +23684,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td>Consumer&lt;br&gt;Sofortstart:consumerImmediatePlanning : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Wetter:graphicShowWeather : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>History:graphicHistoryHour : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>GraphicSize:flowGraphicSize : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>ShowNight:graphicShowNight : : : </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Debug:ctrlDebug : : : </td></tr>