mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
Meta.pm: add Meta data support for modules
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18635 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
# $Id$
# Metadata handling for FHEM modules
# define package
package FHEM::Meta;
use strict;
use warnings;
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import);
use File::stat;
use Encode;
use Data::Dumper;
# Run before module compilation
# Import from main::
# Get our own Metadata
my %META;
my $ret = __GetMetadata( __FILE__, \%META );
return "$@" if ($@);
return $ret if ($ret);
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = $META{version};
# sub import(@) {
# my $pkg = caller(0);
# if ( $pkg ne "main" ) {
# }
# }
# Loads Metadata for a module
sub Load($$;$) {
my ( $filePath, $modHash, $runInLoop ) = @_;
my $ret = __PutMetadata( $filePath, $modHash, 1, $runInLoop );
if ($@) {
Log 1, __PACKAGE__ . "::Load: ERROR: \$\@:\n" . $@;
return "$@";
elsif ($ret) {
Log 1, __PACKAGE__ . "::Load: ERROR: \$ret:\n" . $ret;
return $ret;
if ( defined( $modHash->{META} ) && defined( $modHash->{META}{x_file} ) ) {
# Add name to module hash
$modHash->{NAME} = $modHash->{META}{x_file}[4];
$modHash->{NAME} =~ s/^.*://g; # strip away any parent module names
# only run when module is reloaded
if ( defined( $modules{ $modHash->{NAME} } )
&& defined( $modules{ $modHash->{NAME} }{NAME} )
&& $modHash->{NAME} eq $modules{ $modHash->{NAME} }{NAME} )
foreach my $devName ( devspec2array( 'TYPE=' . $modHash->{NAME} ) )
__CopyMetaToInternals( $defs{$devName}, $modHash->{META} );
return undef;
#TODO allow to have array of module names as optional parameter, use keys %modules when not given
# Then make this function to be called by X_Initialize(). Problem: We don't know the module name yet, just filename.
# So maybe one can give wither filepath or modulename as parameter?
# Load Metadata for non-loaded modules
sub LoadAll(;$$) {
my ( $unused, $reload ) = @_;
my $t = TimeNow();
my $v = __PACKAGE__->VERSION();
my @rets;
foreach my $modName ( keys %modules ) {
# Only add META to loaded modules
# if not enforced for all
unless (
|| ( defined( $modules{$modName}{LOADED} )
&& $modules{$modName}{LOADED} eq '1' )
# Abort when module file was not indexed by
# fhem.pl before.
# Only continue if META was not loaded
# or should explicitly reloaded.
if (
!defined( $modules{$modName}{ORDER} )
|| ( !$reload
&& defined( $modules{$modName}{META} )
&& ref( $modules{$modName}{META} ) eq "HASH" )
delete $modules{$modName}{META};
my $filePath;
if ( $modName eq 'Global' ) {
$filePath = $attr{global}{modpath} . "/fhem.pl";
else {
$filePath =
. "/FHEM/"
. $modules{$modName}{ORDER} . '_'
. $modName . '.pm';
my $ret = Load( $filePath, $modules{$modName}, 1 );
push @rets, $@ if ( $@ && $@ ne "" );
push @rets, $ret if ( $ret && $ret ne "" );
$modules{$modName}{META}{generated_by} = $META{name} . " $v, $t"
if ( defined( $modules{$modName}{META} ) );
SetInternals( $defs{'global'} );
if (@rets) {
$@ = join( "\n", @rets );
return "$@";
return undef;
# Initializes a device instance of a FHEM module
sub SetInternals($) {
my ($devHash) = @_;
$devHash = $defs{$devHash} unless ( ref($devHash) );
my $devName = $devHash->{NAME} if ( defined( $devHash->{NAME} ) );
my $modName = $devHash->{TYPE} if ( defined( $devHash->{TYPE} ) );
my $modHash = $modules{$modName} if ($modName);
my $modMeta = $modHash->{META} if ($modHash);
unless ( defined($modHash) && ref($modHash) eq "HASH" ) {
$@ = __PACKAGE__ . "::SetInternals: ERROR: Module hash not found";
return 0;
return 0
unless ( defined( $modHash->{LOADED} ) && $modHash->{LOADED} eq '1' );
$devHash->{'.MetaInternals'} = 1;
__CopyMetaToInternals( $devHash, $modMeta );
return 1;
# Get meta data
sub Get($$) {
my ( $devHash, $field ) = @_;
$devHash = $defs{$devHash} unless ( ref($devHash) );
my $devName = $devHash->{NAME} if ( defined( $devHash->{NAME} ) );
my $modName = $devHash->{TYPE} if ( defined( $devHash->{TYPE} ) );
my $modHash = $modules{$modName} if ($modName);
my $modMeta = $modHash->{META} if ($modHash);
unless ( defined($modHash) && ref($modHash) eq "HASH" ) {
$@ = __PACKAGE__ . "::Get: ERROR: Module hash not found";
return 0;
return $modMeta->{$field}
if ( $modMeta && ref($modMeta) && defined( $modMeta->{$field} ) );
return undef;
# Private functions
sub __CopyMetaToInternals {
return 0 unless ( __PACKAGE__ eq caller(0) );
my ( $devHash, $modMeta ) = @_;
return unless ( defined( $devHash->{'.MetaInternals'} ) );
return unless ( defined($modMeta) && ref($modMeta) eq "HASH" );
$devHash->{VERSION} = $modMeta->{x_version}
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_version} ) );
# Initializes FHEM module Metadata
sub __PutMetadata {
return 0 unless ( __PACKAGE__ eq caller(0) );
my ( $filePath, $modHash, $reload, $runInLoop ) = @_;
if ( !$reload
&& defined( $modHash->{META} )
&& ref( $modHash->{META} ) eq "HASH"
&& scalar keys %{ $modHash->{META} } > 0 );
delete $modHash->{META};
my %meta;
my $ret = __GetMetadata( $filePath, \%meta, $runInLoop );
return "$@" if ($@);
return $ret if ($ret);
$modHash->{META} = \%meta;
return undef;
# Extract meta data from FHEM module file
sub __GetMetadata {
return 0 unless ( __PACKAGE__ eq caller(0) );
my ( $filePath, $modMeta, $runInLoop ) = @_;
my @vcs;
my $fh;
my $encoding;
my $version;
my $versionFrom;
my $authorName; # not in use, see below
my $authorMail; # not in use, see below
my $item_modtype;
my $item_summary;
my $item_summary_DE;
# extract all info from file name
if ( $filePath =~ m/^((.+\/)((?:(\d+)_)?(.+)\.(.+)))$/ ) {
my @file;
$file[0] = $1; # complete match
$file[1] = $2; # relative file path
$file[2] = $3; # file name
$file[3] = $4; # order number, may be undefined
$file[4] = $3 eq 'fhem.pl' ? 'Global' : $5; # FHEM module name
$file[5] = $6; # file extension
# These items are added later in the code:
# $file[6] - array with file system info
# $file[7] - source the version was extracted from
# $file[8] - plain extracted version number, may be undefined
$modMeta->{x_file} = \@file;
# grep info from file content
if ( open( $fh, '<' . $filePath ) ) {
my $skip = 1;
my $json;
# get file stats
push @{ $modMeta->{x_file} }, [ @{ stat($fh) } ];
foreach ( 8, 9, 10 ) {
my $t = $modMeta->{x_file}[6][$_];
my $s = FmtDateTime($t);
$modMeta->{x_file}[6][$_] =
[ $t, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 ]
if ( $s =~ m/^(((....)-(..)-(..)) ((..):(..):(..)))$/ );
my $searchComments = 1; # not in use, see below
while ( my $l = <$fh> ) {
# # Track comments section at the beginning of the document
# if ( $searchComments && $l !~ m/^#|\s*$/ ) {
# $searchComments = 0;
# }
# extract VCS info from $Id$
if ( !@vcs
&& $l =~
m/(\$Id\: ((?:([0-9]+)_)?([\w]+)\.([\w]+))\s([0-9]+)\s((([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+))\s(([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)))(?:[\w]+?)\s([\w.-]+)\s\$)/
$vcs[0] = $1; # complete match
$vcs[1] = $2; # file name
$vcs[2] =
$2 eq 'fhem.pl' ? '-1' : $3; # order number, may be indefined
$vcs[3] = $2 eq 'fhem.pl' ? 'Global' : $4; # FHEM module name
$vcs[4] = $5; # file extension
$vcs[5] = $6; # svn base revision
$vcs[6] = $7; # commit datetime string
$vcs[7] = $8; # commit date
$vcs[8] = $9; # commit year
$vcs[9] = $10; # commit month
$vcs[10] = $11; # commit day
$vcs[11] = $12; # commit time
$vcs[12] = $13; # commit hour
$vcs[13] = $14; # commit minute
$vcs[14] = $15; # commit second
$vcs[15] = $16; # svn username (COULD be maintainer)
# These items are added later in the code:
# $vcs[16] - commit unix timestamp
# # extract author name and email from comments
# elsif ($searchComments
# && !$authorMail
# && $l =~
# m/(^#.*?([A-Za-z]+ +[A-Za-z]+?) +[<(]?\b([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})\b[>)]?)/i
# )
# {
# $searchComments = 0;
# $authorName = $2 if ($2);
# $authorMail = $3 if ($3);
# $authorName = $authorMail
# if ( $authorName && $authorName =~ m/written| from| by/i );
# $authorName = "" unless ($authorName);
# }
# get legacy style version directly from
# within sourcecode if we are lucky
# via $VERSION|$version variable
elsif ( !$version
&& $l =~
my $extr = $2;
$version = ( $extr =~ m/^v/i ? lc($extr) : lc( 'v' . $extr ) )
if ($extr);
$version .= '.0'
if ( $version && $version !~ m/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ );
$versionFrom = 'source/1' if ($version);
# via $hash->{VERSION}|$hash->{version}
elsif ( !$version
&& $l =~
my $extr = $2;
$version = ( $extr =~ m/^v/i ? lc($extr) : lc( 'v' . $extr ) )
if ($extr);
$version .= '.0'
if ( $version && $version !~ m/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ );
$versionFrom = 'source/2' if ($version);
# read items from POD
elsif ( !$item_modtype
&& $l =~ m/^=item\s+(device|helper|command)/i )
return "=item (device|helper|command) pod must occur only once"
if ($item_modtype);
$item_modtype = lc($1);
elsif ( !$item_summary_DE
&& $l =~ m/^=item\s+(summary_DE)\s+(.*)$/i )
return "=item summary_DE pod must occur only once"
if ($item_summary_DE);
$item_summary_DE =
( $encoding && $encoding eq "utf8" ) ? encode_utf8($2) : $2;
elsif ( !$item_summary && $l =~ m/^=item\s+(summary)\s+(.*)$/i ) {
return "=item summary_DE pod must occur only once"
if ($item_summary);
$item_summary =
( $encoding && $encoding eq "utf8" ) ? encode_utf8($2) : $2;
# read encoding from POD
elsif ( $skip && $l =~ m/^=encoding\s+(.+)/i ) {
return "=encoding pod must occur only once" if ($encoding);
$encoding = lc($1);
# read META.json from POD
elsif ( $skip && $l =~ m/^=begin\s+META.json/i ) {
$skip = 0;
$json = "";
elsif ( !$skip && $l =~ m/^=end\s+META.json/i ) {
elsif ( !$skip ) {
$json .= $l;
# if we were unable to get version,
# let's also try the initial comments block
unless ( $json || $version ) {
seek $fh, 0, 0;
while ( my $l = <$fh> ) {
# Only seek the document until code starts
if ( $l !~ m/^#|\s*$/ ) {
# via Version:
elsif ( !$version
&& $l =~
my $extr = $2;
$version =
( $extr =~ m/^v/i ? lc($extr) : lc( 'v' . $extr ) )
if ($extr);
$version .= '.0'
if ( $version && $version !~ m/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ );
$versionFrom = 'comment/1' if ($version);
# via vX.X.X, assuming latest version comes first;
# might include false-positives
elsif ( !$version
&& $l =~
my $extr = $2;
$version = ( $extr =~ m/^v/i ? lc($extr) : lc( 'v' . $2 ) )
if ($extr);
$version .= '.0'
if ( $version && $version !~ m/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ );
$versionFrom = 'comment/2' if ($version);
last if ($version);
$encoding = 'latin1' unless ($encoding);
if ( defined($json) ) {
eval {
use JSON;
unless ($@) {
eval {
my $t;
if ( $encoding ne 'latin1' ) {
if ( $encoding eq "utf8" ) {
$t = encode_utf8($json);
elsif ( $encoding =~
/^(latin1|utf8|koi8-r|ShiftJIS|big5)$/ )
return "Encoding type $encoding is not supported";
else {
return "Invalid encoding type $encoding";
else {
$t = $json;
my $decoded = decode_json($t);
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{$decoded} ) {
$modMeta->{$k} = $v;
} or do {
return "Error while parsing META.json from $_[0]: $@";
# Get some other info about fhem.pl
if ( $modMeta->{x_file}[2] eq 'fhem.pl' ) {
# grep Makefile
if ( open( $fh, '<' . $modMeta->{x_file}[1] . 'Makefile' ) ) {
while ( my $l = <$fh> ) {
if ( $l =~ /(^VERS\s*=\s*(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\s*)/i ) {
my $extr = $2;
$versionFrom = 'Makefile+vcs';
$version =
( $extr =~ m/^v/i ? lc($extr) : lc( 'v' . $extr ) )
if ($extr);
if ($version) {
$version .= '.' . $vcs[5];
$modMeta->{version} = $version;
$modMeta->{x_version} =
$modMeta->{x_file}[2] . ':' . $version;
if ( $l =~ /(^DATE\s*=\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\s*)/i ) {
$modMeta->{x_release_date} = $2 if ($2);
last if ( $version && $modMeta->{x_release_date} );
# Meta data refactoring starts here
# - check VCS data against update data
# - get dependencies via Perl module
# - add info from MAINTAINER.txt
# use VCS info 'as is', but only when:
# - file name matches
if ( @vcs && $vcs[1] eq $modMeta->{x_file}[2] ) {
push @vcs,
$vcs[14], $vcs[13], $vcs[12], $vcs[10],
( $vcs[9] - 1 ),
( $vcs[8] - 1900 )
$modMeta->{x_vcs} = \@vcs;
# author has put version into JSON
if ( defined( $modMeta->{version} ) ) {
$versionFrom = 'META.json' unless ($versionFrom);
# author has put version somewhere else in the file
elsif ($version) {
$modMeta->{version} = $version;
# seems the author didn't put any explicit
# version number we could find ...
else {
$modMeta->{version} = "v0.0.";
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} )
&& $modMeta->{x_vcs}[5] ne '' )
$versionFrom = 'generated/vcs';
$modMeta->{version} .= $modMeta->{x_vcs}[5];
# Generate extended version info based
# on base revision
$modMeta->{x_version} =
$modMeta->{x_file}[2] . ':'
. (
$modMeta->{version} =~ m/0+\.0+(?:\.0+)?$/
? '?'
: $modMeta->{version}
# we don't know anything about this module at all
else {
$versionFrom = 'generated/blank';
$modMeta->{version} .= '0';
# Generate generic version to fill the gap
$modMeta->{x_version} = $modMeta->{x_file}[2] . ':?';
push @{ $modMeta->{x_file} }, $versionFrom;
push @{ $modMeta->{x_file} }, $version;
# Do not use repeating 0 in version
#FIXME breaks modules starting with 00_
$modMeta->{version} =~ s/0{2,}/0/g if ( defined( $modMeta->{version} ) );
$modMeta->{x_version} =~ s/0{2,}/0/g
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_version} ) );
# Generate extended version info with added base revision
$modMeta->{x_version} =
$modMeta->{x_file}[2] . ':'
. (
$modMeta->{version} =~ m/^v0+\.0+(?:\.0+)*?$/
? '?'
: $modMeta->{version}
. '-s' # assume we only have Subversion for now
. $modMeta->{x_vcs}[5]
if ( !$modMeta->{x_version}
&& defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} )
&& $modMeta->{x_vcs}[5] ne '' );
# Add modified date to extended version
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_version} ) ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
$modMeta->{x_version} .= '/' . $modMeta->{x_vcs}[7];
# #FIXME can't use modified time because FHEM Update currently
# # does not set it based on controls_fhem.txt :-(
# # We need the block size from controls_fhem.txt here but
# # doesn't make sense to load that file here...
# $modMeta->{x_version} .= '/' . $modMeta->{x_file}[6][9][2];
# $modMeta->{x_version} .= '+modified'
# if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} )
# && $modMeta->{x_vcs}[16] ne $modMeta->{x_file}[6][9][0] );
else {
$modMeta->{x_version} .= '/' . $modMeta->{x_file}[6][9][2];
return "Invalid version format '$modMeta->{version}'"
if ( defined( $modMeta->{version} )
&& $modMeta->{version} !~ m/^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ );
# meta name
unless ( defined( $modMeta->{name} ) ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
if ( $modMeta->{x_file}[4] eq 'Global' ) {
$modMeta->{name} = 'FHEM';
else {
$modMeta->{name} = $modMeta->{x_file}[1];
$modMeta->{name} =~ s/^\.\///;
$modMeta->{name} =~ s/\/$//;
$modMeta->{name} =~ s/FHEM\/lib//;
$modMeta->{name} =~ s/\//::/g;
if ( $modMeta->{x_file}[4] ne 'Global' ) {
$modMeta->{name} .= '::' if ( $modMeta->{name} );
$modMeta->{name} .= $modMeta->{x_file}[4];
# add legacy POD info as Metadata
push @{ $modMeta->{keywords} },
if (
&& ( !defined( $modMeta->{keywords} )
|| !grep ( "fhem-mod-$item_modtype", @{ $modMeta->{keywords} } ) )
$modMeta->{abstract} = $item_summary
if ( $item_summary && !defined( $modMeta->{abstract} ) );
$modMeta->{x_lang}{DE}{abstract} = $item_summary_DE
if ( $item_summary_DE && !defined( $modMeta->{x_lang}{DE}{abstract} ) );
$modMeta->{description} = "/./docs/commandref.html#" . $modMeta->{x_file}[4]
unless ( defined( $modMeta->{description} ) );
$modMeta->{x_lang}{DE}{description} =
"/./docs/commandref_DE.html#" . $modMeta->{x_file}[4]
unless ( defined( $modMeta->{x_lang}{DE}{description} ) );
# Only when this package is reading its own metadata.
# Other modules shall get this added elsewhere for performance reasons
if ( $modMeta->{name} eq __PACKAGE__ ) {
$modMeta->{generated_by} =
$modMeta->{name} . ' ' . $modMeta->{version} . ', ' . TimeNow();
# If we are not running in loop, this is not time consuming for us here
elsif ( !$runInLoop ) {
$modMeta->{generated_by} =
$META{name} . ' ' . __PACKAGE__->VERSION() . ', ' . TimeNow();
unless ( $modMeta->{release_status} ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
$modMeta->{release_status} = 'stable';
else {
$modMeta->{release_status} = 'unstable';
unless ( $modMeta->{license} ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
$modMeta->{license} = 'GPL_3';
else {
$modMeta->{license} = 'unknown';
unless ( $modMeta->{author} ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
$modMeta->{author} = [ $modMeta->{x_vcs}[15] . ' <>' ];
else {
$modMeta->{author} = ['unknown <>'];
unless ( $modMeta->{x_fhem_maintainer} ) {
if ( defined( $modMeta->{x_vcs} ) ) {
$modMeta->{x_fhem_maintainer} = [ $modMeta->{x_vcs}[15] ];
else {
$modMeta->{x_fhem_maintainer} = ['<unknown>'];
# Static meta information
$modMeta->{dynamic_config} = 1;
$modMeta->{'meta-spec'} = {
"version" => 2,
"url" => "https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::Meta::Spec"
return undef;
=encoding utf8
=begin META.json
"name": "FHEM::Meta",
"abstract": "FHEM component module to enable Metadata support",
"description": "n/a",
"x_lang": {
"de": {
"abstract": "FHEM Modul Komponente, um Metadaten Unterstützung zu aktivieren",
"description": "n/a"
"keywords": [
"version": "v0.0.1",
"release_status": "testing",
"author": [
"Julian Pawlowski <julian.pawlowski@gmail.com>"
"x_fhem_maintainer": [
"x_fhem_maintainer_github": [
"prereqs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"perl": 5.014,
"GPUtils qw(GP_Import)": 0,
"File::stat": 0,
"Data::Dumper": 0,
"Encode": 0
"recommends": {
"JSON": 0,
"Time::Local": 0
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_os": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"debian|ubuntu": 0
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_os_debian": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_os_ubuntu": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_nodejs": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_python": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_binary_exec": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_sudo": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_permissions_fileown": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"x_prereqs_permissions_filemod": {
"runtime": {
"requires": {
"recommends": {
"suggests": {
"resources": {
"license": [
"homepage": "https://fhem.de/",
"bugtracker": {
"web": "https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/board,48.0.html",
"x_web_title": "FHEM Development"
"repository": {
"type": "svn",
"url": "https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/",
"x_branch_master": "trunk",
"x_branch_dev": "trunk",
"web": "https://svn.fhem.de/"
=end META.json
@ -536,6 +536,7 @@ FHEM/HMConfig.pm martinp876 HomeMatic
FHEM/HOMESTATEtk.pm loredo Automatisierung
FHEM/HttpUtils.pm rudolfkoenig Automatisierung
FHEM/MaxCommon.pm rudolfkoenig/orphan MAX
FHEM/Meta.pm loredo FHEM Development
FHEM/msgSchema.pm loredo Automatisierung
FHEM/ONKYOdb.pm loredo Multimedia
FHEM/OpenWeatherAPI.pm CoolTux Unterstuetzende Dienste/Wettermodule
Reference in New Issue
Block a user