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synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
MAX: allow setting weekProfile
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2696 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ sub validBoostDuration { return $_[0] ~~ /^\d+$/ && exists($boost_durationsInv{$
sub validValveposition { return $_[0] ~~ /^\d+$/ && $_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 100; }
sub validDecalcification { my ($decalcDay, $decalcHour) = ($_[0] =~ /^(...) (\d{1,2}):00$/);
return defined($decalcDay) && defined($decalcHour) && exists($decalcDaysInv{$decalcDay}) && 0 <= $decalcHour && $decalcHour < 24; }
sub validWeekProfile { return length($_[0]) == 4*13*7; }
my %readingDef = ( #min/max/default
"maximumTemperature" => [ \&validTemperature, 30.5],
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ my %readingDef = ( #min/max/default
"decalcification" => [ \&validDecalcification, "Sat 12:00" ],
"maxValveSetting" => [ \&validValveposition, 100 ],
"valveOffset" => [ \&validValveposition, 00 ],
".weekProfile" => [ \&validWeekProfile, $defaultWeekProfile ],
my %interfaces = (
@ -347,6 +349,40 @@ MAX_Set($@)
} elsif($setting eq "wakeUp") {
return ($hash->{IODev}{Send})->($hash->{IODev},"WakeUp",$hash->{addr}, 0x3F);
} elsif($setting eq "weekProfile" and $hash->{type} ~~ ["HeatingThermostat","WallMountedThermostat"]) {
return "Number of arguments must be even" if(@args%2 == 1);
my $curWeekProfile = MAX_ReadingsVal($hash, ".weekProfile");
for(my $i = 0; $i < @args; $i += 2) {
return "Expected day, got $args[$i]" if(!exists($decalcDaysInv{$args[$i]}));
my $day = $decalcDaysInv{$args[$i]};
my @controlpoints = split(',',$args[$i+1]);
return "Not more than 13 control points are allowed!" if(@controlpoints > 13*2);
my $newWeekprofilePart = "";
for(my $j = 0; $j < @controlpoints; $j += 2) {
my ($hour, $min);
if($j + 1 == @controlpoints) {
$hour = 0; $min = 0;
} else {
($hour, $min) = ($controlpoints[$j+1] =~ /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/);
my $temperature = $controlpoints[$j];
return "Invalid time: $controlpoints[$j+1]" if(!defined($hour) || !defined($min) || $hour > 23 || $min > 59);
return "Invalid temperature" if(!validTemperature($temperature));
$temperature = 4.5 if($temperature eq "off");
$temperature = 30.5 if($temperature eq "on");
$newWeekprofilePart .= sprintf("%04x", (int($temperature*2) << 9) | int(($hour * 60 + $min)/5));
Log 5, "add part $newWeekprofilePart for $hour:$min $temperature C ($controlpoints[$j],$controlpoints[$j+1])";
Log 5, "New Temperature part for $day: $newWeekprofilePart";
#Each day has 2 bytes * 13 controlpoints = 26 bytes = 52 hex characters
#we don't have to update the rest, because the active part is terminated by the time 0:00
substr($curWeekProfile, $day*52, length($newWeekprofilePart)) = $newWeekprofilePart;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, ".weekProfile", $curWeekProfile, 0);
Log 5, "New weekProfile: " . MAX_ReadingsVal($hash, ".weekProfile");
my $templist = "off,".join(",",map { sprintf("%2.1f",$_/2) } (10..60)) . ",on";
my $ret = "Unknown argument $setting, choose one of wakeUp factoryReset groupid";
@ -567,17 +603,25 @@ MAX_Parse($$)
readingsBulkUpdate($shash, "maxValveSetting", $args[9]);
readingsBulkUpdate($shash, "valveOffset", $args[10]);
readingsBulkUpdate($shash, "decalcification", "$decalcDays{$args[11]} $args[12]:00");
$shash->{internal}{weekProfile} = $args[13];
readingsBulkUpdate($shash, ".weekProfile", $args[13]);
} else {
$shash->{internal}{weekProfile} = $args[4];
readingsBulkUpdate($shash, ".weekProfile", $args[4]);
# Format of weekprofile: 16 bit integer (high byte first) for every control point, 13 control points for every day
# each 16 bit integer value is parsed as
# int time = (value & 0x1FF) * 5;
# int hour = (time / 60) % 24;
# int minute = time % 60;
# int temperature = ((value >> 9) & 0x3F) / 2;
my $curWeekProfile = MAX_ReadingsVal($shash, ".weekProfile");
#parse weekprofiles for each day
for (my $i=0;$i<7;$i++) {
my (@time_prof, @temp_prof);
for(my $j=0;$j<13;$j++) {
$time_prof[$j] = (hex(substr($shash->{internal}{weekProfile},($i*52)+ 4*$j,4))& 0x1FF) * 5;
$temp_prof[$j] = (hex(substr($shash->{internal}{weekProfile},($i*52)+ 4*$j,4))>> 9 & 0x3F ) / 2;
$time_prof[$j] = (hex(substr($curWeekProfile,($i*52)+ 4*$j,4))& 0x1FF) * 5;
$temp_prof[$j] = (hex(substr($curWeekProfile,($i*52)+ 4*$j,4))>> 9 & 0x3F ) / 2;
my @hours;
@ -750,6 +794,14 @@ MAX_Parse($$)
Sends a fake state message of this device over the air to <device>. Works only with CUL_MAX as IODev. For ShutterContacts, sends
a ShutterContactState message; <parameters...> must be 0 or 1 for "window closed" or "window opened". For WallMountedThermostats.
sends a WallThermostatState message; <parameters...> must be "$desiredTemperature $measuredTemperature" (both may have one digit after the decimal point, for desiredTemperature it may only by 0 or 5). Make sure you associate the target device with the source device beforehand.</li>
<li>weekprofile [<day> <temp1>,<until1>,<temp2>,<until2>] [<day> <temp1>,<until1>,<temp2>,<until2>] ...<br>
Allows setting the week profile. For devices of type HeatingThermostat or WallMountedThermostat only. Example:<br>
<code>set MAX_12345 weekprofile Fri 24.5,6:00,12,15:00,5 Sat 7,4:30,19,12:55,6</code><br>
sets the profile <br>
<code>Friday: 24.5 C for 0:00 - 6:00, 12 C for 6:00 - 15:00, 5 C for 15:00 - 0:00<br>
Saturday: 7 C for 0:00 - 4:30, 19 C for 4:30 - 12:55, 6 C for 12:55 - 0:00</code><br>
while keeping the old profile for all other days.
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ my $resendRetries = 0; #how often resend before giving up?
my $ackTimeout = 3; #seconds
my $defaultWeekprofile = "444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520";
@ -230,9 +228,9 @@ CUL_MAX_Parse($$)
#This are the default values that a device has after factory reset or pairing
if($device_types{$type} eq "HeatingThermostat") {
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,HeatingThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,80,5,0,12,15,100,0,0,12,$defaultWeekprofile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg});
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,HeatingThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,80,5,0,12,15,100,0,0,12,$defaultWeekProfile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg});
} elsif($device_types{$type} eq "WallMountedThermostat") {
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,WallThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,$defaultWeekprofile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg});
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,WallThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,$defaultWeekProfile", {RAWMSG => $rmsg});
#Todo: CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src); on Ack for our PairPong
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package MaxCommon;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(%device_types %msgId2Cmd %msgCmd2Id);
@EXPORT = qw(%device_types %msgId2Cmd %msgCmd2Id $defaultWeekProfile);
#@EXPORT_OK = qw($Zeitstempel @Logdaten Besteller_ermitteln);
%device_types = (
@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ require Exporter;
%msgCmd2Id = reverse %msgId2Cmd;
$defaultWeekProfile = "444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520";
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