diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index cfe2f0064..2b9e61152 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 49_SSCam: V2.6.3, snapGallery can be triggered by e.g. notify
- bugfix: 93_DbLog: V2.22.3, Forum:#74690, unitialized message in row ...
- feature: 34_ESPEasy: reject non local IPs wo/ basic auth
- bugfix: 50_TelegramBot: delayed retry & rename (#msg668108)
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm b/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
index b849a5e47..e618d9956 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
# Versions History:
+# 2.6.3 12.08.2017 get snapGallery can also be triggered by at or notify (better use than "set"), commandref revised
+# 2.6.2 11.08.2017 set snapGallery can be triggered by at or notify
# 2.6.1 07.08.2017 some changes in composegallery if createSnapGallery used, room Snapshots changed to SnapGalllery
# commandref revised
# 2.6.0 06.08.2017 new command createSnapGallery
@@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ use Time::HiRes;
use HttpUtils;
# no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental';
-my $SSCamVersion = "2.6.1";
+my $SSCamVersion = "2.6.3";
# Aufbau Errorcode-Hashes (siehe Surveillance Station Web API)
my %SSCam_errauthlist = (
@@ -542,20 +544,11 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} elsif ($opt eq "snapGallery") {
+ my $ret = getclhash($hash);
+ return $ret if($ret);
if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
# Snaphash ist nicht vorhanden und wird neu abgerufen und ausgegeben
- if (defined($hash->{CL})) {
- # Clienthash auflösen zur Fehlersuche (aufrufende FHEMWEB Instanz)
- while (my ($key,$val) = each(%{$hash->{CL}})) {
- $val = $val?$val:" ";
- Log3($name, 4, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash: $key -> $val");
- }
- } else {
- Log3($name, 2, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash wasn't delivered !");
- return "Clienthash wasn't delivered. Can't use asynchronous output for snapGallery.";
- }
- $hash->{HELPER}{CL} = $hash->{CL};
# snap-Infos für Gallerie abrufen
@@ -566,9 +559,18 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} else {
- # Snaphash ist vorhanden und wird zur Ausgabe aufbereitet
+ # Snaphash ist vorhanden und wird zur Ausgabe aufbereitet (Polling ist aktiv)
my $htmlCode = composegallery($name);
- return $htmlCode;
+ for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
+ if ($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}->{COMP}) {
+ # CL zusammengestellt (Auslösung durch Notify)
+ asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}, "$htmlCode");
+ } else {
+ # Output wurde über FHEMWEB ausgelöst
+ return $htmlCode;
+ }
+ }
+ delete($hash->{HELPER}{CL});
} elsif ($opt eq "createSnapGallery") {
@@ -789,22 +791,11 @@ sub SSCam_Get {
} elsif ($opt eq "snapGallery") {
- if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
- # Snaphash ist nicht vorhanden und wird neu abgerufen und ausgegeben
- if (defined($hash->{CL})) {
- # Clienthash auflösen zur Fehlersuche (aufrufende FHEMWEB Instanz)
- while (my ($key,$val) = each(%{$hash->{CL}})) {
- $val = $val?$val:" ";
- Log3($name, 4, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash: $key -> $val");
- }
- } else {
- Log3($name, 2, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash wasn't delivered !");
- return "Clienthash wasn't delivered. Can't use asynchronous output for snapGallery.";
- }
- return "Clienthash doesn't contain \"canAsyncOutput\" and therefore can't use asynchronous output for snapGallery. Please set attribute \"snapGalleryBoost=1\" if this error appears constantly."
- if(!$hash->{CL}{canAsyncOutput});
- $hash->{HELPER}{CL} = $hash->{CL};
+ my $ret = getclhash($hash);
+ return $ret if($ret);
+ if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
+ # Snaphash ist nicht vorhanden und wird abgerufen
# snap-Infos für Gallerie abrufen
@@ -817,7 +808,16 @@ sub SSCam_Get {
} else {
# Snaphash ist vorhanden und wird zur Ausgabe aufbereitet
my $htmlCode = composegallery($name);
- return $htmlCode;
+ for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
+ if ($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}->{COMP}) {
+ # CL zusammengestellt (Auslösung durch Notify)
+ asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}, "$htmlCode");
+ } else {
+ # Output wurde über FHEMWEB ausgelöst
+ return $htmlCode;
+ }
+ }
+ delete($hash->{HELPER}{CL});
} elsif ($opt eq "snapinfo") {
@@ -2796,9 +2796,9 @@ sub sscam_camop ($) {
} elsif ($OpMode eq "runliveview" && $hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} =~ /snap/) {
- # den letzten Schnappschuß life anzeigen
+ # den letzten Schnappschuß live anzeigen
my $limit = 1; # nur 1 Snap laden, für lastsnap_fw
- my $imgsize = 2; # full size picture, für lastsnap_fw
+ my $imgsize = 2; # full size image, für lastsnap_fw
my $keyword = $hash->{CAMNAME}; # nur Snaps von $camname selektieren, für lastsnap_fw
$url = "http://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apitakesnappath?api=\"$apitakesnap\"&method=\"List\"&version=\"$apitakesnapmaxver\"&keyword=\"$keyword\"&imgSize=\"$imgsize\"&limit=\"$limit\"&_sid=\"$sid\"";
@@ -3080,17 +3080,18 @@ sub sscam_camop_parse ($) {
# Direktausgabe Snaphash wenn nicht gepollt wird
if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
my $htmlCode = composegallery($name);
- asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}, "$htmlCode");
- delete($hash->{HELPER}{SNAPHASH}); # Snaphash löschen wenn nicht gepollt wird
+ for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
+ asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}, "$htmlCode");
+ }
+ delete($hash->{HELPER}{SNAPHASH}); # Snaphash löschen wenn nicht gepollt wird
delete($hash->{HELPER}{GETSNAPGALLERY}); # Steuerbit getsnapgallery statt getsnapinfo
- # Logausgabe
- Log3($name, $verbose, "$name - Snapinfos of camera $camname retrieved");
+ Log3($name, $verbose, "$name - Snapinfos of camera $camname retrieved");
} elsif ($OpMode eq "getsnapfilename") {
# den Filenamen eines Schnapschusses ermitteln
@@ -4012,7 +4013,7 @@ return($hash,$success);
# Schnappschußgalerie abrufen (snapGalleryBoost) oder nur Info des letzten Snaps
sub snaplimsize ($) {
my ($hash)= @_;
- my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($slim,$ssize);
if(!AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
@@ -4026,7 +4027,52 @@ sub snaplimsize ($) {
return ($slim,$ssize);
+# Clienthash übernehmen oder zusammenstellen
+# Identifikation ob über FHEMWEB ausgelöst oder nicht -> erstellen $hash->CL
+sub getclhash ($) {
+ my ($hash)= @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $ret;
+ if (!defined($hash->{CL})) {
+ # Clienthash wurde nicht übergeben und wird erstellt (FHEMWEB Instanzen mit canAsyncOutput=1 analysiert)
+ my $outdev;
+ my @webdvs = devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=canAsyncOutput=1:FILTER=STATE=Connected");
+ my $i = 1;
+ foreach (@webdvs) {
+ $outdev = $_;
+ next if(!$defs{$outdev});
+ $hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$i}->{NAME} = $defs{$outdev}{NAME};
+ $hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$i}->{NR} = $defs{$outdev}{NR};
+ $hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$i}->{COMP} = 1;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # übergebenen CL-Hash in Helper eintragen
+ $hash->{HELPER}{CL}{1} = $hash->{CL};
+ }
+ # Clienthash auflösen zur Fehlersuche (aufrufende FHEMWEB Instanz
+ if (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{1})) {
+ for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
+ Log3($name, 4, "$name - Clienthash number: $k");
+ while (my ($key,$val) = each(%{$hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}})) {
+ $val = $val?$val:" ";
+ Log3($name, 4, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash: $key -> $val");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Log3($name, 2, "$name - snapGallery Clienthash was neither delivered nor created !");
+ $ret = "Clienthash was neither delivered nor created. Can't use asynchronous output for snapGallery.";
+ }
+return ($ret);
# Schnappschußgalerie zusammenstellen
sub composegallery ($;$$) {
@@ -4700,8 +4746,10 @@ sub experror {
The command is only available if the attribute "snapGalleryBoost=1" is set.
It creates an output of the last [x] snapshots as well as "get ... snapGallery". But differing from "get" with
attribute "snapGalleryBoost=1" no popup will be created. The snapshot gallery will be depicted as
- an browserpage instead. All further functions and attributes are appropriate the "get ... snapGallery"
- command.
+ an browserpage instead. All further functions and attributes are appropriate the "get <name> snapGallery"
+ command.
+ If you want create a snapgallery output by triggering, e.g. with an "at" or "notify", you should use the
+ "get <name> snapGallery" command instead of "set".
@@ -4753,7 +4801,9 @@ sub experror {
A popup with the last [x] snapshots will be created. If the attribute "snapGalleryBoost" is set,
the last snapshots (default 3) are requested by polling and they will be stored in the FHEM-servers main memory.
This method is helpful to speed up the output especially in case of full size images, but it can be possible
- that NOT the newest snapshots are be shown if they have not be initialized by the SSCAm-module itself.
+ that NOT the newest snapshots are be shown if they have not be initialized by the SSCAm-module itself.
+ The function can also be triggered, e.g. by an "at" or "notify". In that case the snapshotgallery will be displayed on all
+ connected FHEMWEB instances as a popup.
To control this function behavior there are further attributes:
@@ -5590,9 +5640,11 @@ sub experror {