mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00

37_harmony.pm: use websockets if xmpp is not availabe, fixes issues with firmware 4.15.206

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18017 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
justme-1968 2018-12-21 07:31:43 +00:00
parent 96e487e270
commit f4c096b2dd
2 changed files with 489 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 37_harmony: use websockets if xmpp is not available
fixes issues with firmware 4.15.206
- bugfix: 97_TrashCal: changed to new format
- bugfix: 42_AptToDate: fix state reading after getDistribution
- feature: 49_SSCam: tooltip hints in camera devices, commandref revised

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ harmony_Initialize($)
$hash->{SetFn} = "harmony_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "harmony_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "harmony_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 nossl:1 $readingFnAttributes";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 nossl:1 forceWebSocket:1 $readingFnAttributes";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "harmony_detailFn";
@ -56,12 +56,69 @@ harmony_Initialize($)
return if( $modules{harmony}{defptr}{'harmony:discovery'} );
Log3 undef, 3, "harmony: starting discovery" ;
if( my $send_socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( Proto => 'udp', Broadcast => 1, ReuseAddr=>1, ReusePort=>defined(&SO_REUSEPORT)?1:0) ) {
if( my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Listen=>10, Blocking=>1, ReuseAddr=>1) ) {
my $chash = {
TYPE => 'harmony',
NR => $devcount++,
NAME => 'harmony:discovery',
STATE => 'discovering',
sendSocket => $send_socket,
CD => $socket,
FD => $socket->fileno(),
PORT => $socket->sockport,
$attr{$chash->{NAME}}{room} = 'hidden';
$modules{harmony}{defptr}{'harmony:discovery'} = $chash;
$defs{$chash->{NAME}} = $chash;
$selectlist{$chash->{NAME}} = $chash;
my $sin = sockaddr_in(5224, inet_aton(''));
$chash->{sendSocket}->send( "_logitech-reverse-bonjour._tcp.local.\n$chash->{PORT}", 0, $sin );
} else {
Log3 undef, 2, "harmony: failed to start discovery" ;
} else {
Log3 undef, 2, "harmony: failed to start discovery" ;
my $chash = $modules{harmony}{defptr}{'harmony:discovery'};
return if( !$chash );
Log3 undef, 3, "harmony: stopping discovery" ;
close( $chash->{sendSocket} );
close( $chash->{socket} );
delete $selectlist{$chash->{NAME}};
delete $defs{$chash->{NAME}};
delete $modules{$chash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{'harmony:discovery'};
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ($param_a, $param_h) = parseParams(\@a);
@a = @{$param_a};
return "Usage: define <name> harmony [username password] ip" if(@a < 3 || @a > 5);
return "Usage: define <name> harmony [username password] ip" if(@a == 4 && $a[2] ne "DEVICE" );
@ -73,21 +130,26 @@ harmony_Define($$)
if( @a == 3 ) {
my $ip = $a[2];
return "$name: harmony device for '$ip' already defined" if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip}) && $name ne $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip}{NAME} );
$hash->{ip} = $ip;
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip} = $hash;
} elsif( @a == 4 ) {
my $id = $a[3];
return "$name: device '$id' already defined" if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id}) );
return "$name: harmony device for '$id' already defined" if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id}) && $name ne $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id}{NAME} );
$hash->{id} = $id;
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$id} = $hash;
} elsif( @a == 5 ) {
my $ip = $a[4];
return "$name: harmony device for '$ip' already defined" if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip}) && $name ne $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip}{NAME} );
my $username = harmony_encrypt($a[2]);
my $password = harmony_encrypt($a[3]);
my $ip = $a[4];
$hash->{DEF} = "$username $password $ip";
@ -95,10 +157,14 @@ harmony_Define($$)
$hash->{helper}{password} = $password;
$hash->{ip} = $ip;
$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$ip} = $hash;
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
#$hash->{remoteId} = '6779631';
$hash->{remoteId} = $param_h->{remoteId};
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Initialized";
@ -106,8 +172,12 @@ harmony_Define($$)
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if( $init_done ) {
harmony_connect($hash) if( !defined($hash->{id}) );
if( $init_done && !defined($hash->{id}) ) {
if( !$hash->{remoteId} ) {
} else {
return undef;
@ -121,7 +191,11 @@ harmony_Notify($$)
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
harmony_connect($hash) if( !defined($hash->{id}) );
if( !$hash->{remoteId} && !defined($hash->{id}) ) {
} else {
return undef;
@ -136,6 +210,8 @@ harmony_Undefine($$)
return undef;
delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$hash->{ip}} );
@ -292,6 +368,18 @@ harmony_Set($$@)
my ($param, $param2) = @{$param_a};
#$cmd = lc( $cmd );
if( $hash->{sendSocket} ) {
my $list = "discover:noArg";
if( $cmd eq "discover" ) {
my $sin = sockaddr_in(5224, inet_aton(''));
$hash->{sendSocket}->send( "_logitech-reverse-bonjour._tcp.local.\n$hash->{PORT}", 0, $sin );
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
my $list = "";
if( defined($hash->{id}) ) {
if( !$hash->{hub} ) {
@ -360,7 +448,7 @@ harmony_Set($$@)
$param = harmony_idOfActivity($hash, $param) if( $param && $param !~ m/^([\d-])+$/ );
return "unknown activity" if( !$param );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "startactivity", "activityId=$param:timestamp=0");
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "startActivity", "activityId=$param:timestamp=0");
delete $hash->{channelAfterStart};
$hash->{channelAfterStart} = $param2 if( $param2 );
@ -540,6 +628,7 @@ harmony_Set($$@)
} elsif( $cmd eq "active" ) {
return "can't activate disabled hub." if(AttrVal($name, "disable", undef));
delete $hash->{protocol};
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Disconnected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 );
@ -896,14 +985,277 @@ harmony_updateActivity($$;$)
delete $hash->{hidDevice} if( $id == -1 );
my ($hash, $content, $decoded) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ignored = 0;
#Log 1, "harmony_Parse: >>>$content<<<";
#Log 1, Dumper $decoded;
if( !$decoded ) {
#Log 1, "harmony_Parse: unhandled data >>>$content<<<";
} elsif( $content =~ m/discoveryinfo\?get/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: discoveryinfo ";
#Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ". Dumper $decoded;
$hash->{discoveryinfo} = $decoded;
#$hash->{current_fw_version} = $decoded->{current_fw_version} if( defined($decoded->{current_fw_version}) );
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
} elsif( $content =~ m/\?config$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: new config ";
$hash->{config} = $decoded;
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.statedigest?get' token=''>format=json</oa>");
} elsif( $content =~ m/statedigest\?get$/
|| $content =~ m/stateDigest\?notify$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: statedigest ";
if( $decoded ) {
if( defined($decoded->{syncStatus}) ) {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config") if( $hash->{syncStatus} && !$decoded->{syncStatus} );
$hash->{syncStatus} = $decoded->{syncStatus};
if( defined($decoded->{hubUpdate}) && $decoded->{hubUpdate} eq "true" && !$hash->{hubUpdate} ) {
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='vnd.logtech.setup/vnd.logitech.firmware?check' token=''>format=json</oa>");
$hash->{activityStatus} = $decoded->{activityStatus} if( defined($decoded->{activityStatus}) );
$hash->{hubSwVersion} = $decoded->{hubSwVersion} if( defined($decoded->{hubSwVersion}) );
$hash->{hubUpdate} = ($decoded->{hubUpdate} eq 'true'?1:0) if( defined($decoded->{hubUpdate}) );
my $modifier = "";
$modifier = "starting " if( $hash->{activityStatus} == 1 );
$modifier = "stopping " if( $hash->{activityStatus} == 3 );
harmony_updateActivity($hash, $decoded->{activityId}, $modifier) if( defined($decoded->{activityId}) );
if( defined($decoded->{sleepTimerId}) ) {
if( $decoded->{sleepTimerId} == -1 ) {
delete $hash->{sleeptimer};
DoTrigger( $name, "sleeptimer: expired" );
} else {
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "gettimerinterval", "timerId=$decoded->{sleepTimerId}");
} elsif( $content =~ m/harmony.engine\?startActivity$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: startActivity ";
my $done = $decoded->{done};
my $total = $decoded->{total};
my $id = $decoded->{deviceId};
$id = "<unknown>" if( !defined($id) );
my $label = harmony_labelOfDevice($hash,$id,$id);
$label = "<unknown>" if( !defined($label) );
if( $done == $total ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: done starting/stopping device: $label";
} elsif( $done == 1 ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: starting/stopping device: $label";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: starting/stopping device ($done/$total): $label";
} elsif( $content =~ m/harmony.engine\?startActivityFinished$/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: startActivityFinished ";
if( my $id = $decoded->{activityId} ) {
if( harmony_activityOfId($hash, $id) ) {
if( $id == -1 && $hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff} ) {
delete $hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff};
} else {
harmony_updateActivity($hash, $id);
} else {
$hash->{helper}{ignorePowerOff} = 1;
} elsif( $content =~ m/engine\?gettimerinterval$/ ) {
$hash->{sleeptimer} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() + $decoded->{interval} );
DoTrigger( $name, "sleeptimer: $hash->{sleeptimer}" );
} elsif( $content =~ m/engine\?holdAction$/ ) {
$ignored = 1;
} elsif( $content =~ m/engine\?setsleeptimer$/ ) {
$ignored = 1;
} elsif( $content =~ m/automation.state/ ) {
$ignored = 1;
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "harmony_Parse: unhandled data >>>$content<<<";
Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $decoded;
if( $ignored ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "harmony_Parse: ignored data >>>$content<<<";
Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $decoded;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $hash->{sendSocket} ) {
my @clientinfo = $hash->{CD}->accept();
if( !@clientinfo ) {
Log3 $name, 1, "Accept failed ($name: $!)" if($! != EAGAIN);
return undef;
my ($port, $iaddr) = sockaddr_in($clientinfo[1]);
my $caddr = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: new discovery response from $caddr";
my $len;
my $buf;
$len = sysread( $clientinfo[0], $buf, 10240 );
close $clientinfo[0];
return if( !defined($len) || !$len );
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $buf";
my @args = split(';', $buf);
my %params = ();
while( @args ) {
my $arg = shift(@args);
my ($name,$value) = split(":", $arg,2);
$params{$name} = $value;
Log3 $name, 4, Dumper \%params;
foreach my $chash ( values %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}} ) {
next if( $chash->{NAME} eq 'harmony:discovery' );
next if( !defined($chash->{ip}) );
next if( $chash->{remoteId} );
if( $chash->{ip} eq $params{ip} ) {
$chash->{remoteId} = $params{remoteId};
$chash->{discoveryinfo} = \%params;
Log3 $name, 4, Dumper $chash->{discoveryinfo}{protocolVersion};
if( $chash->{discoveryinfo}{protocolVersion} =~ m/XMPP/ ) {
delete $chash->{remoteId} if( !AttrVal( $chash->{NAME}, 'forceWebSocket', 0 ) );
harmony_connect( $chash );
if( $hash->{remoteId} ) {
#Log 1, "harmony_Read";
my $len;
my $buf;
$len = sysread( $hash->{CD}, $buf, 10240 );
#Log 1, $buf;
my $close = 0;
if( !defined($len) || !$len ) {
$close = 1;
} elsif( $hash->{websocket} ) {
$hash->{buf} .= $buf;
do {
my $fin = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},0,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $op = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},0,1)) & 0x0F);
my $mask = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},1,1)) & 0x80)?1:0;
my $len = (ord(substr($hash->{buf},1,1)) & 0x7F);
my $i = 2;
#Log 1, $len;
if( $len == 126 ) {
$len = unpack( 'n', substr($hash->{buf},$i,2) );
$i += 2;
} elsif( $len == 127 ) {
$len = unpack( 'N', substr($hash->{buf},$i+4,6) );
$i += 8;
if( $mask ) {
$mask = substr($hash->{buf},$i,4);
$i += 4;
#Log 1, "$fin $op $mask $len";
return if( $len > length($hash->{buf})-$i );
my $data = substr($hash->{buf}, $i, $len);
$hash->{buf} = substr($hash->{buf},$i+$len);
if( $op == 0x01 ) {
my $json = harmony_decode_json($data);
my $decoded = $json;
if( $json->{type} ) {
harmony_Parse( $hash, $json->{type}, $json->{data} );
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "no type: >>>$data<<<";
} elsif( $op == 0x0a ) {
#ignore pong
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "unhandled websocket payload type $op";
} while( $hash->{buf} && !$close );
} elsif( $buf =~ m'^HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols'i ) {
$hash->{websocket} = 1;
#buf = harmony_msg2hash($buf, 1);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: notification websocket: Switching Protocols ok";
harmony_sendEngineGet($hash, "config");
harmony_sendIq($hash, "<oa xmlns='connect.logitech.com' mime='connect.discoveryinfo?get'>format=json</oa>");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+50, "harmony_ping", $hash, 0);
} else {
$close = 1;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: notification websocket: Switching Protocols failed";
if( $close ) {
harmony_disconnect( $hash );
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024*1024);
my $ret = sysread( $hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024*1024 );
if(!defined($ret) || $ret <= 0) {
harmony_disconnect( $hash );
@ -1093,7 +1445,7 @@ harmony_Read($)
} elsif( $content =~ m/discoveryinfo\?get/ && $decoded ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ". Dumper $decoded;
#Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ". Dumper $decoded;
$hash->{discoveryinfo} = $decoded;
@ -1210,6 +1562,22 @@ Log 3, Dumper harmony_decode_json($decoded->{resource}) if( !$json && $decoded->
#Log 3, "length: ". length($hash->{helper}{PARTIAL});
my ($hash) = @_;
return $hash if( ref($hash) ne 'HASH' );
my $header;
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash}) {
#$header .= "\r\n" if( $header );
$header .= "$key: $hash->{$key}\r\n";
return $header;
@ -1238,10 +1606,55 @@ harmony_connect($)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if( IsDisabled($name) );
return if( !defined($hash->{ip}) );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: connect";
if( $hash->{remoteId} ) {
my $timeout = $hash->{TIMEOUT} ? $hash->{TIMEOUT} : 2;
if( my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$hash->{ip}:8088", Timeout=>$timeout) ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: connected";
$hash->{protocol} = "WEBSOCKET";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Connected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 ) if( $hash->{ConnectionState} ne ReadingsVal($name, "state", "" ) );
$hash->{LAST_CONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
$hash->{FD} = $socket->fileno();
$hash->{CD} = $socket; # sysread / close won't work on fileno
$selectlist{$name} = $hash;
$hash->{helper}{PARTIAL} = "";
$hash->{buf} = "";
delete $hash->{websocket};
my $domain = "svcs.myharmony.com";
if( $hash->{discoveryinfo}{discoveryServerUri} =~ m'https://([^/]+)' ) {
$domain = $1;
my $ret = "GET /?domain=$domain&hubId=$hash->{remoteId} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$ret .= harmony_hash2header( { 'Host' => "$hash->{ip}:8088",
'Upgrade' => 'websocket',
'Connection' => 'Upgrade',
'Pragma' => 'no-cache',
'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
'Sec-WebSocket-Key' => 'RkhFTQ==',
'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => '13',
} );
$ret .= "\r\n";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $ret";
syswrite($hash->{CD}, $ret );
} else {
harmony_disconnect( $hash );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "harmony_connect", $hash, 0);
@ -1251,6 +1664,7 @@ harmony_connect($)
if( $conn ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: connected";
$hash->{protocol} = "XMPP";
$hash->{ConnectionState} = "Connected";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $hash->{ConnectionState}, 1 ) if( $hash->{ConnectionState} ne ReadingsVal($name, "state", "" ) );
$hash->{LAST_CONNECT} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
@ -1294,6 +1708,47 @@ harmony_send($$)
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: send: $data";
if( $hash->{websocket} ) {
if( $data =~ m/mime='([^']*)'/ ) {
my $cmd = $1;
my $params;
if( $data =~ m/>([^<]+)/ ) {
$params = harmony_CDATA2hash($1);
if( $params && defined($params->{action}) ) {
Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $params->{action};
$params->{action} =~ s/'/"/g;
$params->{action} =~ s/::/:/g;
$params->{verb} = "render";
Log3 $name, 5, Dumper $params->{action};
$params = encode_json( $params );
Log3 $name, 4, "cmd: $params";
Log3 $name, 4, "cmd: $cmd";
my $txt = '{ "hbus": { "cmd": "'. $cmd .'" } }';
if( $params ) {
$txt = '{ "hbus": { "cmd": "'. $cmd .'","params":'. $params .' } }';
Log3 $name, 4, "txt: $txt";
my $len = length($txt);
if( $len < 126 ) {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr($len) . $txt;
} else {
if ( $len < 65536 ) {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr(0x7E) . pack('n', $len) . $txt;
} else {
$txt = chr(0x81) . chr(0x7F) . chr(0x00) . chr(0x00) .
chr(0x00) . chr(0x00) . pack('N', $len) . $txt;
syswrite($hash->{CD}, $txt );
syswrite $hash->{CD}, $data;
my $id = 0;
@ -1371,6 +1826,15 @@ harmony_ping($)
return if( $hash->{ConnectionState} eq "Disconnected" );
if( $hash->{remoteId} ) {
my $txt = chr(0x89) . chr(0);
syswrite($hash->{CD}, $txt );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+50, "harmony_ping", $hash, 0);
harmony_send($hash, "<iq type='get' id='ping-$id'><ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>");
@ -1430,7 +1894,7 @@ harmony_autocreate($;$)
next if( $id && $device->{id} != $id );
if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{id}}) ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: device '$device->{id}' already defined";
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: hramony device for '$device->{id}' already defined";
@ -1530,6 +1994,16 @@ harmony_Get($$@)
my $list = "";
if( $hash->{sendSocket} ) {
my $list = "discovered:noArg";
if( $cmd eq "discovered" ) {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
if( defined($hash->{id}) ) {
if( !$hash->{hub} ) {
$hash->{hub} = harmony_hubOfDevice($hash->{id});
@ -1900,7 +2374,7 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
triggers a firmware update. only available if a new firmware is available.</li>
inactivates the current device. note the slight difference to the
inactivates the current device. note the slight difference to the
disable attribute: using set inactive the state is automatically saved
to the statefile on shutdown, there is no explicit save necesary.<br>
this command is intended to be used by scripts to temporarily
@ -1937,6 +2411,8 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
<a name="harmony_Attr"></a>
1 -> use websocket interface even if xmpp availability is dicovered</li>
1 -> disconnect from the hub</li>