mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-26 10:34:52 +00:00

39_alexa.pm: added support autostart of alexa-fhem and for pubic FHEM Connector skill

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18223 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
justme-1968 2019-01-12 18:27:29 +00:00
parent 7de2adc63d
commit f3dc5af6be
2 changed files with 671 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 39_alexa.pm: added support autostart of alexa-fhem
added support for pubic FHEM Connector skill
- change: 59_Weather completely reworked
- bugfix: 98_Verkehrsinfo.pm: internalTimer
- change: 32_withings: improve Aura handling

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ use vars qw(%modules);
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw($FW_ME);
sub Log($$);
sub Log3($$$);
@ -21,12 +23,12 @@ alexa_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
#$hash->{ReadFn} = "alexa_Read";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "alexa_Read";
$hash->{DefFn} = "alexa_Define";
#$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#$hash->{NotifyFn} = "alexa_Notify";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "alexa_Notify";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "alexa_Undefine";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "alexa_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "alexa_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "alexa_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "alexa_Attr";
@ -35,7 +37,20 @@ alexa_Initialize($)
"echoRooms:textField-long ".
"alexaConfirmationLevel:2,1,0 alexaStatusLevel:2,1 ".
"skillId:textField ".
"alexaFHEM-cmd ".
"alexaFHEM-config ".
"alexaFHEM-home ".
"alexaFHEM-log ".
"alexaFHEM-params ".
"alexaFHEM-auth ".
#"alexaFHEM-filter ".
"alexaFHEM-host alexaFHEM-sshUser ".
"nrarchive ".
"disable:1 disabledForIntervals ".
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "alexa_detailFn";
$hash->{FW_deviceOverview} = 1;
@ -108,7 +123,24 @@ alexa_Define($$)
$hash->{STATE} = 'active';
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
if( $attr{global}{logdir} ) {
CommandAttr(undef, "$name alexaFHEM-log %L/alexa-%Y-%m-%d.log") if( !AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-log', undef ) );
} else {
CommandAttr(undef, "$name alexaFHEM-log ./log/alexa-%Y-%m-%d.log") if( !AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-log', undef ) );
#CommandAttr(undef, "$name alexaFHEM-filter alexaName=..*") if( !AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-filter', undef ) );
CommandAttr(undef, "$name devStateIcon stopped:control_home\@red:start stopping:control_on_off\@orange running.*:control_on_off\@green:stop") if( !AttrVal($name, 'devStateIcon', undef ) );
if( $init_done ) {
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = 'active';
return undef;
@ -121,6 +153,8 @@ alexa_Notify($$)
return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global");
return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
return undef;
@ -129,17 +163,505 @@ alexa_Undefine($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
delete $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr};
return undef;
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return "<div id=\"$d\" align=\"center\" class=\"FileLog col2\">".
# "$defs{$d}{STATE}</div>" if($FW_ss && $pageHash);
my $ret;
my $logfile = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-log', 'FHEM' );
if( $logfile ne 'FHEM' ) {
my $name = 'alexaFHEMlog';
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$name\">". AttrVal($name, "alias", "Logfile") ."</a><br>";
return $ret;
my $row = 0;
$ret = sprintf("<table class=\"FileLog %swide\">", $pageHash ? "" : "block ");
foreach my $f (FW_fileList($logfile)) {
my $class = (!$pageHash ? (($row++&1)?"odd":"even") : "");
$ret .= "<tr class=\"$class\">";
$ret .= "<td><div class=\"dname\">$f</div></td>";
my $idx = 0;
foreach my $ln (split(",", AttrVal($d, "logtype", "text"))) {
if($FW_ss && $idx++) {
$ret .= "</tr><tr class=\"".(($row++&1)?"odd":"even")."\"><td>";
my ($lt, $name) = split(":", $ln);
$name = $lt if(!$name);
$ret .= FW_pH("$FW_ME/FileLog_logWrapper&dev=$d&type=$lt&file=$f",
"<div class=\"dval\">$name</div>", 1, "dval", 1);
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf;
my $ret = sysread($hash->{FH}, $buf, 65536 );
if(!defined($ret) || $ret <= 0) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: read: error during sysread: $!" if(!defined($ret));
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: read: end of file reached while sysread" if( $ret <= 0);
my $oldstate = ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM', 'unknown');
return undef if( $oldstate !~ m/^running/ );
my $delay = 20;
if( $hash->{'LAST_START'} && $hash->{'LAST_STOP'} ) {
my $diff = time_str2num($hash->{'LAST_STOP'}) - time_str2num($hash->{'LAST_START'});
if( $diff > 60 ) {
$delay = 0;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: last run duration $diff sec, restarting imediately";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: last run duration was only $diff sec, restarting with delay";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: last run duration unknown, restarting with delay";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$delay, "alexa_startAlexaFHEM", $hash, 0);
return undef;
if( $hash->{log} ) {
my @t = localtime(gettimeofday());
my $logfile = ResolveDateWildcards(AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-log', 'FHEM' ), @t);
alexa_openLogfile($hash, $logfile) if( $hash->{currentlogfile} ne $logfile );
if( $hash->{log} ) {
print {$hash->{log}} "$buf";
} else {
$buf =~ s/\n$//s;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $buf";
return undef;
my ($hash,$logfile) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
alexa_closeLogfile($hash) if( $hash->{log} );
if( !$logfile ) {
$logfile = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-log', 'FHEM' );
if( $logfile ne 'FHEM' ) {
$hash->{logfile} = $logfile;
my @t = localtime(gettimeofday());
$logfile = ResolveDateWildcards($logfile, @t);
if( $logfile ne 'FHEM' ) {
$hash->{currentlogfile} = $logfile;
if( open( my $fh, ">>$logfile") ) {
$hash->{log} = $fh;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: using logfile: $logfile";
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: failed to open logile: $logfile: $!";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: using FHEM logfile" if( !$hash->{log} );
my ($hash) = @_;
close($hash->{log}) if( $hash->{log} );
delete $hash->{log};
delete $hash->{logfile};
delete $hash->{currentlogfile};
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
PeerAddr => '', # google dns
#PeerAddr => '', # a.root-servers.net
return '<unknown>' if( !$socket );
my $ip = $socket->sockhost;
close( $socket );
return $ip if( $ip );
#$ip = inet_ntoa( scalar gethostbyname( hostname() || 'localhost' ) );
#return $ip if( $ip );
return '<unknown>';
my ($hash,$force) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $json;
my $fh;
my $configfile = $attr{global}{configfile};
$configfile = substr( $configfile, 0, rindex($configfile,'/')+1 );
$configfile .= 'alexa-fhem.cfg';
local *alexa_readAndBackup = sub() {
if( -e $configfile ) {
my $json;
if( open( my $fh, "<$configfile") ) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: found old config at $configfile";
local $/;
$json = <$fh>;
close( $fh );
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't read $configfile";
if( rename( $configfile, $configfile.".previous" ) ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: renamed $configfile to $configfile.previous";
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: could not rename $configfile to $configfile.previous :$!";
return $json;
$json = alexa_readAndBackup();
if( !open( $fh, ">$configfile") ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't write $configfile";
$configfile = $attr{global}{statefile};
$configfile = substr( $configfile, 0, rindex($configfile,'/')+1 );
$configfile .= 'alexa-fhem.cfg';
$json = alexa_readAndBackup();
if( !open( $fh, ">$configfile") ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't write $configfile";
$configfile = '/tmp/alexa-fhem.cfg';
$json = alexa_readAndBackup();
if( !open( $fh, ">$configfile") ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't write $configfile";
return "";
if( $fh ) {
my $ssh = qx( which ssh ); chomp( $ssh );
$ssh = '<unknown>' if ( !$ssh );
my $ip = '';
if( AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-host', undef ) ) {
$ip = alexa_getLocalIP();
my $conf;
$conf = eval { decode_json($json) } if( $json && !$force );
if( 1 || !$conf->{sshproxy} ) {
$conf->{sshproxy} = { description => 'FHEM Connector',
ssh => $ssh,
$conf->{connections} = [{}] if( !$conf->{connections} );
$conf->{connections}[0]->{name} = 'FHEM' if( !$conf->{connections}[0]->{name} );
$conf->{connections}[0]->{server} = $ip if( !$conf->{connections}[0]->{server} );
$conf->{connections}[0]->{filter} = 'alexaName=..*' if( !$conf->{connections}[0]->{filter} );
$conf->{connections}[0]->{uid} = $< if( $conf->{sshproxy} );
if( my $web = $defs{WEB} ) {
$conf->{connections}[0]->{port} = $web->{PORT};
$conf->{connections}[0]->{webname} = AttrVal( 'WEB', 'webname', 'fhem' );
$json = JSON->new->pretty->utf8->encode($conf);
print $fh $json;
close( $fh );
if( index($configfile,'/') == 0 ) {
system( "ln -sf $configfile $attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/alexa-fhem.cfg" );
} else {
system( "ln -sf `pwd`/$configfile $attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/alexa-fhem.cfg" );
$configfile = "./$configfile" if( index($configfile,'/') == -1 );
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: created default configfile: $configfile";
CommandAttr(undef, "$name alexaFHEM-config $configfile") if( !AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-config', undef ) );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return $configfile;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $key = ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM.skillRegKey', undef);
if( !$key ) {
my $key = getKeyValue('alexaFHEM.skillRegKey');
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM.skillRegKey', $key, 1 ) if( $key );
} elsif( $key !~ m/^crypt:/ ) {
fhem( "set $name proxyKey $key" );
my $token = ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM.bearerToken', undef);
if( !$token ) {
my $token = getKeyValue('alexaFHEM.bearerToken');
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM.bearerToken', $token, 1 ) if( $token );
} elsif( $token !~ m/^crypt:/ ) {
fhem( "set $name proxyToken $token" );
if( !AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-config', undef ) ) {
return undef if( IsDisabled($name) );
#return undef if( ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM', 'unknown') =~ m/^running/ );
if( $hash->{PID} ) {
$hash->{start} = 1;
return undef;
delete $hash->{start};
my $ssh_cmd;
if( my $host = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-host', undef ) ) {
my $ssh = qx( which ssh ); chomp( $ssh );
if( my $user = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-sshUser', undef ) ) {
$ssh_cmd = "$ssh $host -u $user";
} else {
$ssh_cmd = "$ssh $host";
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: using ssh cmd $ssh_cmd";
my $cmd;
if( $ssh_cmd ) {
$cmd = AttrVal( $name, "alexaFHEM-cmd", qx( $ssh_cmd which alexa-fhem ) );
} else {
$cmd = AttrVal( $name, "alexaFHEM-cmd", qx( which alexa-fhem ) );
chomp( $cmd );
if( !$ssh_cmd && !(-X $cmd) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM', "stopped; $cmd does not exist", 1 );
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: alexa-fhem does not exist: $cmd";
return undef;
my ($child, $parent);
if( socketpair($child, $parent, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) ) {
my $pid = fhemFork();
if(!defined($pid)) {
close $parent;
close $child;
my $msg = "$name: Cannot fork: $!";
Log 1, $msg;
return $msg;
if( $pid ) {
close $parent;
$hash->{FH} = $child;
$hash->{FD} = fileno($child);
$hash->{PID} = $pid;
$selectlist{$name} = $hash;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: alexaFHEM starting";
$hash->{LAST_START} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM', "running $cmd", 1 );
} else {
close $child;
close STDIN;
close STDOUT;
close STDERR;
my $fn = $parent->fileno();
open(STDIN, "<&$fn") or die "can't redirect STDIN $!";
open(STDOUT, ">&$fn") or die "can't redirect STDOUT $!";
open(STDERR, ">&$fn") or die "can't redirect STDERR $!";
#select STDIN; $| = 1;
#select STDOUT; $| = 1;
#select STDERR; $| = 1;
close $parent;
$cmd = "$ssh_cmd $cmd" if( $ssh_cmd );
if( my $home = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-home', undef ) ) {
$home = $ENV{'PWD'} if( $home eq 'PWD' );
$ENV{'HOME'} = $home;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: setting \$HOME to $home";
if( my $config = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-config', undef ) ) {
if( $ssh_cmd ) {
qx( $ssh_cmd "cat > /tmp/alexa-fhem.cfg" < $config );
$cmd .= " -c /tmp/alexa-fhem.cfg";
} else {
$cmd .= " -c $config";
if( my $auth = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-auth', undef ) ) {
$auth = alexa_decrypt( $auth );
$cmd .= " -a $auth";
if( my $ssl = AttrVal('WEB', "HTTPS", undef ) ) {
$cmd .= " -s";
if( my $params = AttrVal($name, 'alexaFHEM-params', undef ) ) {
$cmd .= " $params";
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: starting alexa-fhem: $cmd";
exec split( ' ', $cmd ) or Log3 $name, 1, "exec failed";
Log3 $name, 1, "set the alexaFHEM-cmd attribut to: <path>/alexa-fhem";
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: socketpair failed";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+20, "alexa_startAlexaFHEM", $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#return undef if( ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM', 'unknown') =~ m/^stopped/ );
return undef if( !$hash->{PID} );
if( $hash->{PID} ) {
kill( SIGTERM, $hash->{PID} );
#kill( SIGkILL, $hash->{PID} );
# waitpid($hash->{PID}, 0);
# delete $hash->{PID};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM', "stopping", 1 );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "alexa_stoppedAlexaFHEM", $hash, 0);
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( !$hash->{PID} );
return undef if( !$hash->{FD} );
kill( SIGKILL, $hash->{PID} );
waitpid($hash->{PID}, 0);
delete $hash->{PID};
close($hash->{FH}) if($hash->{FH});
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: alexaFHEM stopped";
$hash->{LAST_STOP} = FmtDateTime( gettimeofday() );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM', 'stopped', 1 );
if( $hash->{start} ) {
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
my $list = "reload:noArg skillId";
my $list = "add:noArg createDefaultConfig:noArg reload:noArg restart:noArg skillId start:noArg stop:noArg";
if( $cmd eq 'reload' ) {
$hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1;
@ -150,6 +672,15 @@ alexa_Set($$@)
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'add' ) {
return "usage: set $name $cmd <name>" if( !@args );
$hash->{".triggerUsed"} = 1;
FW_directNotify($name, "reload $args[0]");
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'execute' ) {
my ($intent,$applicationId) = split(':', shift @args, 2 );
return 'usage $cmd execute <intent> [json]' if( !$intent );
@ -184,6 +715,53 @@ alexa_Set($$@)
} elsif( $cmd eq 'skillId' ) {
return CommandAttr(undef,"$name skillId $args[0]" );
} elsif( $cmd eq 'start' ) {
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'stop' ) {
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'restart' ) {
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'createDefaultConfig' ) {
my $force = 0;
$force = 1 if( $args[0] && $args[0] eq 'force' );
my $config = alexa_configDefault($hash, $force);
return "created default config: $config";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'proxyKey' ) {
return "usage: set $name $cmd <key>" if( !@args );
my $key = $args[0];
$key = alexa_encrypt($key);
setKeyValue('alexaFHEM.skillRegKey', $key );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM.skillRegKey', $key, 1 );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return undef;
} elsif( $cmd eq 'proxyToken' ) {
return "usage: set $name $cmd <key>" if( !@args );
my $token = $args[0];
$token = alexa_encrypt($token);
setKeyValue('alexaFHEM.bearerToken', $token );
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'alexaFHEM.bearerToken', $token, 1 );
CommandSave(undef,undef) if( AttrVal( "autocreate", "autosave", 1 ) );
return undef;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
@ -196,7 +774,7 @@ alexa_Get($$@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd) = @_;
my $list = "customSlotTypes:noArg interactionModel:noArg skillId:noArg";
my $list = "customSlotTypes:noArg interactionModel:noArg skillId:noArg proxyKey:noArg";
if( lc($cmd) eq 'customslottypes' ) {
if( $hash->{CL} ) {
@ -586,6 +1164,16 @@ Log 1, Dumper $characteristicsOfIntent;
$skillId = alexa_decrypt( $skillId );
return "skillId: $skillId";
} elsif( $cmd eq 'proxyKey' ) {
my $key = ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM.skillRegKey', undef);
return alexa_decrypt($key);
} elsif( $cmd eq 'proxyToken' ) {
my $token = ReadingsVal($name, 'alexaFHEM.bearerToken', undef);
return alexa_decrypt($token);
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
@ -598,24 +1186,6 @@ alexa_Parse($$;$)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $len;
my $buf;
$len = $hash->{CD}->recv($buf, 1024);
if( !defined($len) || !$len ) {
Log 1, "!!!!!!!!!!";
alexa_Parse($hash, $buf, $hash->{CD}->peerhost);
@ -659,7 +1229,21 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
my $orig = $attrVal;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $attrName eq "disable" ) {
if( $attrName eq 'disable' ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ne "0" ) {
$attrVal = 1;
} else {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = 0;
} elsif( $attrName eq 'disabledForIntervals' ) {
} elsif( $attrName eq 'skillId' ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ) {
@ -677,6 +1261,36 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
return "stored obfuscated skillId";
} elsif( $attrName eq 'alexaFHEM-log' ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal && $attrVal ne 'FHEM' ) {
fhem( "defmod -temporary alexaFHEMlog FileLog $attrVal fakelog" );
} else {
fhem( "delete alexaFHEMlog" );
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
} elsif( $attrName eq 'alexaFHEM-auth' ) {
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ) {
$attrVal = alexa_encrypt($attrVal);
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
} elsif( $attrName eq 'alexaFHEM-host' ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
} elsif( $attrName eq 'alexaFHEM-sshUser' ) {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
@ -708,14 +1322,29 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
<li>JSON has to be installed on the FHEM host.</li>
<li>HOWTO for public FHEM Connector skill: <a href='https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/FHEM_Connector'>FHEM_Connector</li>
<li>HOWTO for privte skills: <a href='https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Alexa-Fhem'>alexa-fhem</li>
<a name="alexa_Set"></a>
<li>reload [name]<br>
Reloads the device <code>name</code> or all devices in alexa-fhem. Subsequently you have to start a device discovery
<li>add <name><br>
Adds the device <code>name</code> to alexa-fhem.
Will try to send a proacive event to amazon. If this succedes no manual device discovery is needed.
If this fails you have to you have to manually start a device discovery
for the home automation skill in the amazon alexa app.</li>
<li>reload [name]<br>
Reloads the device <code>name</code> or all devices in alexa-fhem.
Will try to send a proacive event to amazon. If this succedes no manual device discovery is needed.
If this fails you have to you have to manually start a device discovery
for the home automation skill in the amazon alexa app.</li>
adds the default config for the sshproxy to the existing config file or creates a new config file. sets the
alexaFHEM-config attribut if not already set.</li>
<a name="alexa_Get"></a>
@ -734,6 +1363,19 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
<a name="alexa_Attr"></a>
the user:password combination to use to connect to fhem.</li>
The command to use as alexa-fhem.</li>
The config file to use for alexa-fhem.</li>
The log file to use for alexa-fhem. For possible %-wildcards see <a href="#telnet">FileLog</a>.</li>.
see <a href="#telnet">FileLog</a></li>.
Additional alexa-fhem cmdline params.</li>
The name to use for a device with alexa.</li>