mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00

76_SMAPortal: contrib 2.10.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22106 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-06-03 19:30:51 +00:00
parent f689c66827
commit f13bd6d865

View File

@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"2.10.0" => "03.06.2020 refactoring login process ",
"2.10.0" => "03.06.2020 refactored login process ",
"2.9.0" => "01.06.2020 add get today statistic data ",
"2.8.1" => "31.05.2020 attribute timeout, maxCallCycle deleted ",
"2.8.0" => "31.05.2020 refactoring process logic, attribute cookielifetime & getDataRetries deleted, command delCookieFile deleted ".
"2.8.0" => "31.05.2020 refactored process logic, attribute cookielifetime & getDataRetries deleted, command delCookieFile deleted ".
"new attribute maxCallCycle ",
"2.7.2" => "28.05.2020 delete cookie file if threshold of read retries reached ",
"2.7.1" => "28.05.2020 change cookie default location to ./log/<name>_cookie.txt ",
@ -880,55 +880,7 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
if(!$login_state) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
### Live-Daten abrufen
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting Live data");
my $livedata = $ua->get( 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/homemanager?t='.$time ); # V2.6.2
$livedata_content = $livedata->content; # JSON Live Daten
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Liva Data received:\n".Dumper ($livedata_content)) if($v5d eq "liveData");
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($hash,$login_state,$state,$livedata);
if(!$login_state) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
goto &GetSetData if($reread);
# Wiederholung Datenabruf innerhalb eines Cycle
my $retc = $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}; # aktuelle Retry-Zähler
if($setp eq "none" && $retry && $retc < $maxretries) { # neuer Retry im gleichen Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten)
if($retc == $thold) { # Schwellenwert Leseversuche erreicht -> Cookie File löschen
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Threshold reached, delete cookie and retry ...});
sleep $sleepexc; # Threshold exceed -> Retry mit Cookie löschen
$exceed = 1;
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}], 1);
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
sleep $sleepretry;
goto &GetSetData;
# Wiederholung Datenabruf in einem neuen Cycle
my $ac = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE};
my $maxcycles = (controlParams $name)[1];
if($setp eq "none" && $retry && $ac < $maxcycles) { # neuer Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten)
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Maximum retries reached, delete cookie and start new cycle ...});
$newcycle = 1;
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
### Verbraucher schalten
@ -961,12 +913,57 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
### Daten abrufen
if($getp ne "none") {
my $dl = AttrVal($name, "detailLevel", 1); # selcted Detail Level
# JSON Wetterdaten
### JSON Live-Daten
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting Live data");
my $livedata = $ua->get( 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/homemanager?t='.$time ); # V2.6.2
$livedata_content = $livedata->content; # JSON Live Daten
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Liva Data received:\n".Dumper ($livedata_content)) if($v5d eq "liveData");
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($hash,$login_state,$state,$livedata);
if(!$login_state) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
goto &GetSetData if($reread);
# Wiederholung Datenabruf innerhalb eines Cycle
my $retc = $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}; # aktuelle Retry-Zähler
if($setp eq "none" && $retry && $retc < $maxretries) { # neuer Retry im gleichen Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten)
if($retc == $thold) { # Schwellenwert Leseversuche erreicht -> Cookie File löschen
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Threshold reached, delete cookie and retry ...});
sleep $sleepexc; # Threshold exceed -> Retry mit Cookie löschen
$exceed = 1;
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}], 1);
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
sleep $sleepretry;
goto &GetSetData;
# Wiederholung Datenabruf in einem neuen Cycle
my $ac = $hash->{HELPER}{ACTCYCLE};
my $maxcycles = (controlParams $name)[1];
if($setp eq "none" && $retry && $ac < $maxcycles) { # neuer Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten)
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Maximum retries reached, delete cookie and start new cycle ...});
$newcycle = 1;
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
### JSON Wetterdaten
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting weather data");
my $weatherdata = $ua->get('https://www.sunnyportal.com/Dashboard/Weather');
@ -978,7 +975,8 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
# JSON Statistic Data Tag (anchorTime beachten !)
### JSON Statistic Data Tag (anchorTime beachten !)
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting statistic day data");
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( 'POST', 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManEnergyRedesign.aspx/GetLegendWithValues' );
@ -1000,7 +998,8 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
# JSON Forecast Daten
### JSON Forecast Daten
if($dl > 1) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting forecast data");
@ -1013,7 +1012,8 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
# JSON Consumer Livedaten und historische Energiedaten
### JSON Consumer Livedaten und historische Energiedaten
if($dl > 2) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Getting consumer live data");
@ -1986,10 +1986,14 @@ return 1;
# analysiere abgerufene Daten
sub analyzeData { ## no critic 'complexity'
my ($hash,$login_state,$state,$ad) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($reread,$retry) = (0,0);
my $hash = shift;
my $login_state = shift;
my $state = shift;
my $ad = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($reread,$retry) = (0,0);
my $data = "";
my @da = ();
my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none");
my $ad_content = encode("utf8", $ad->decoded_content);
@ -1998,48 +2002,47 @@ sub analyzeData { ## no
$data = eval{decode_json($ad_content)} or do { $data = $ad_content };
if (ref $data eq "HASH") {
for my $k (keys %$data) {
my $new_val = "";
if (defined $data->{$k}) {
if (($data->{$k} =~ m/ARRAY/ix) || ($data->{$k} =~ m/HASH/ix)) {
if($data->{$k} =~ m/ARRAY/ix) {
my $val = Dumper($data->{$k}[0]);
next if(!$val);
chomp $val;
$val =~ s/[;']//gx;
$val = ($val =~ /^undef$/x)? "none" : $val;
$new_val = $val;
} else {
$new_val = $data->{$k};
if(ref $data eq "HASH") {
for my $k (keys %{$data}) {
my $val = $data->{$k};
next if(!defined $val);
if ($new_val && $k !~ /__type/ix) {
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $new_val =~ /Updating of the live data was interrupted/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Updating of the live data was interrupted. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $new_val =~ /The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $new_val =~ /Communication with the Sunny Home Manager is currently not possible/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Communication with the Sunny Home Manager currently impossible. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $new_val =~ /The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. Check the cabling and configuration of the following energy meters/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Live data can't be retrieved. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if(ref $val eq "ARRAY") {
for my $a (@{$val}) {
push @da, $a;
if(ref $val eq "HASH") {
for my $b (keys %{$val}) {
push @da, $b;
$val = join " ", @da if(@da);
if ($val && $k !~ /__type/ix) {
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /Updating of the live data was interrupted/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Updating of the live data was interrupted. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /Communication with the Sunny Home Manager is currently not possible/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Communication with the Sunny Home Manager currently impossible. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. Check the cabling and configuration of the following energy meters/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
@ -2132,8 +2135,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
# Kontext des aufrufenden SMAPortalSPG-Devices speichern für Refresh
$hash->{HELPER}{SPGDEV} = $wlname; # Name des aufrufenden SMAPortalSPG-Devices
$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} = $FW_room?$FW_room:""; # Raum aus dem das SMAPortalSPG-Device die Funktion aufrief
$hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} = $FW_detail?$FW_detail:""; # Name des SMAPortalSPG-Devices (wenn Detailansicht)
$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} = $FW_room ? $FW_room : ""; # Raum aus dem das SMAPortalSPG-Device die Funktion aufrief
$hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL} = $FW_detail ? $FW_detail : ""; # Name des SMAPortalSPG-Devices (wenn Detailansicht)
my $dl = AttrVal ($name, "detailLevel", 1);
my $pv0 = ReadingsNum($name, "L2_ThisHour_PvMeanPower", undef);
@ -2162,7 +2165,7 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
return $ret;
@pgCDev = split(',',AttrVal($wlname,"consumerList","")); # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
@pgCDev = split(',',AttrVal($wlname,"consumerList","")); # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
($legend_style, $legend) = split('_',AttrVal($wlname,'consumerLegend','icon_top'));
$legend = '' if(($legend_style eq 'none') || (!int(@pgCDev)));