mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00

76_Solarforcast: contrib 0.45.1

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24437 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2021-05-14 06:59:34 +00:00
parent ed33c96fe8
commit f0052b65b1

View File

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.45.1" => "13.05.2021 change the calc of etotal at the beginning of every hour in _transferInverterValues ",
"0.45.0" => "12.05.2021 integrate consumptionForecast to graphic, change beamXContent to pvForecast, pvReal ",
"0.44.0" => "10.05.2021 consumptionForecast for attr beamXContent, consumer are switched on/off ",
"0.43.0" => "08.05.2021 plan Consumers ",
@ -715,7 +716,6 @@ sub _setinverterDevice { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{The syntax of "$opt" is not correct. Please consider the commandref.};
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentInverterDev", $arg, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
@ -1025,7 +1025,6 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
else {
delete $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist};
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL};
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - all days of pvHistory deleted});
@ -1072,7 +1071,6 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
if($prop eq "currentInverterDev") {
readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_PV");
deleteReadingspec ($hash, ".*_PVreal" );
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL};
if($prop eq "consumerPlanning") { # Verbraucherplanung resetten
@ -1794,7 +1792,6 @@ sub _additionalActivities {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "powerTrigger_.*");
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_.*_autocalc");
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL};
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITCONTOTAL};
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITFEEDTOTAL};
@ -2040,46 +2037,40 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my $etuf = $etunit =~ /^kWh$/xi ? 1000 : 1;
my $etotal = ReadingsNum ($indev, $edread, 0) * $etuf; # Erzeugung total (Wh)
my $edaypast = 0;
my $nhour = $chour+1;
for my $hour (0..int $chour) { # alle bisherigen Erzeugungen des Tages summieren
$edaypast += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$hour)."_PVreal", 0);
my $histetot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), "etotal", undef); # etotal zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $do = 0;
if ($edaypast == 0) { # Management der Stundenberechnung auf Basis Totalwerte
if (defined $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL}) {
$do = 1;
else {
$hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL} = $etotal;
elsif (!defined $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL}) {
$hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL} = $etotal-$edaypast-ReadingsNum($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$chour+1)."_PVreal", 0);
else {
$do = 1;
if ($do) {
my $ethishour = int ($etotal - ($edaypast + $hash->{HELPER}{INITETOTAL}));
if($ethishour < 0) {
$ethishour = 0;
my $nhour = $chour+1;
push @$daref, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$nhour)."_PVreal<>".$ethishour." Wh";
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{pvrl} = $ethishour; # Ringspeicher PV real Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$paref->{ethishour} = $ethishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour);
$paref->{histname} = "pvrl";
my $ethishour;
if(!defined $histetot) { # etotal der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ?
$paref->{etotal} = $etotal;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour);
$paref->{histname} = "etotal";
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
my $etot = $data{$type}{$name}{current}{etotal} // $etotal;
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $etot);
else {
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $histetot);
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{etotal} = $etotal; # aktuellen etotal des WR speichern
if($ethishour < 0) {
$ethishour = 0;
push @$daref, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$nhour)."_PVreal<>".$ethishour." Wh";
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{pvrl} = $ethishour; # Ringspeicher PV real Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$paref->{ethishour} = $ethishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour);
$paref->{histname} = "pvrl";
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
@ -4505,6 +4496,7 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $dayname = $paref->{dayname}; # aktueller Wochentagsname
my $histname = $paref->{histname} // qq{};
my $ethishour = $paref->{ethishour} // 0;
my $etotal = $paref->{etotal};
my $calcpv = $paref->{calcpv} // 0;
my $gcthishour = $paref->{gctotthishour} // 0; # Netzbezug
my $fithishour = $paref->{gftotthishour} // 0; # Netzeinspeisung
@ -4594,7 +4586,7 @@ sub setPVhistory {
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{con} = $consum;
if($histname =~ /csm[et][0-9]+$/xs) { # Verbrauch eines Verbrauchers
if($histname =~ /csm[et][0-9]+$/xs) { # Verbrauch eines Verbrauchers
$val = $consumerco;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$histname} = $consumerco;
@ -4614,6 +4606,12 @@ sub setPVhistory {
if($histname eq "etotal") { # etotal des Wechselrichters
$val = $etotal;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{etotal} = $etotal;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{etotal} = q{};
if($histname eq "weatherid") { # Wetter ID
$val = $wid;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{weatherid} = $wid;
@ -4678,9 +4676,12 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $temp = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "temp", undef);
my $pvcorrf = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "pvcorrf", "-");
my $dayname = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "dayname", undef);
my $etotal = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "etotal", "-");
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
$ret .= $key." => pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, confc: $confc, con: $con, gcon: $gcon, gfeedin: $gfeedin";
$ret .= $key." => etotal: $etotal, pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "confc: $confc, con: $con, gcon: $gcon, gfeedin: $gfeedin";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "wid: $wid";
$ret .= ", wcc: $wcc";