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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
98_rssFeed: New module for rss news feeds added
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@10115 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 89_rssFeed: New module to get data from rss news feeds
- feature: FB_CALLMONITOR: added attribute disabledForIntervals to specify
specific time ranges, where FB_CALLMONITOR will be disabled
(see commandref for the exact syntax)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
# $Id: 98_rssFeed.pm 4934 2015-11-09 17:10:12Z benni $
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Encode qw(encode);
use XML::Simple;
my $modulename='rssFeed'; #Module-Name = TYPE
my $nb_prefix='n';
my $nb_separator="_";
my $feed_prefix='f'.$nb_separator;
my $debug_prefix='d'.$nb_separator;
my $startup_wait_seconds=10;
my $default_interval=3600;
my $min_interval=300;
my $default_max_lines=10;
my $maximum_max_lines=99;
my $nb_indexlength=length($maximum_max_lines);
my $rdHeadlines='.headlines';
my $defaultReadings="title,description,pubDate";
my $allReadings=$defaultReadings.",link,buildDate,imageTitle,imageURL";
my $defaultDisabledText='this rssFeed ist currently disabled';
#Using my own Log3 method, expecting the same
#parameters as the official method
#rssFeed_Log3 <devicename>,<loglevel>,<logmessage>
#making sure, the device-name is always contained in the log message
my ($name,$lvl,$text)=@_;
Log3 $name,$lvl,"$name: $text";
return undef;
sub rssFeed_NotifyFn($$)
#TODO: Catch global INITIALIZED event!!!
my ($hash,$dev)=@_;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $src=$dev->{NAME};
if($src eq 'global') {
foreach my $event (@{$dev->{CHANGED}})
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"global event for $name: $event";
if($event =~ /ATTR $name disable/) {
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"$name disabled changed";
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
rssFeed_Log3 $hash->{NAME},4,'NotifyFn: Removing timer (disabled)';
} else {
my $nexttimer=gettimeofday()+$startup_wait_seconds;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,'NotifyFn: starting timer. First event at '.localtime($nexttimer).' (enable)';
InternalTimer($nexttimer, $modulename."_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
} elsif($event eq 'INITIALIZED') {
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
rssFeed_Log3 $hash->{NAME},4,'NotifyFn: Removing timer (disabled)';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"$name hat ein notify von von $src erhalten";
return undef if(IsDisabled($name));
return undef if($dev->{TYPE} eq 'FRITBOX');
foreach my $event (@{$dev->{CHANGED}})
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,"$src EVENT: $event";
return undef;
#This ist the Update-Routine called when internal timer has reached
#end. It will call the update routine, updating feed data if device
#is not disabled.
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,$modulename.'_GetUpdate';
rssFeed_update(@_) if(!AttrVal($name,'disable',undef));
#Setting Internal with next timer event time
my $nexttimer=gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL};
#Restarting timer
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"restarting timer: next event ".localtime($nexttimer);
InternalTimer($nexttimer, $modulename."_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
return undef;
#Module instance initialization (constructor)
my ($hash) = @_;
#Telling FHEM what routines to use for module handling
$hash->{SetFn} = $modulename."_Set"; #setter
$hash->{GetFn} = $modulename."_Get"; #getter
$hash->{DefFn} = $modulename."_Define"; #define
$hash->{UndefFn} = $modulename."_Undef"; #undefine
$hash->{NotifyFn} = $modulename."_NotifyFn"; #event handling
#Telling FHEM what attributes are available
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 "
. "rfDebug:1,0 " #enable (0) or disable (1) the device
. "rfMaxLines " #maximum number of title-lines to extract from feed
. "rfDisplayTitle " #display a title as first line in headlines (is perl special)
. "rfTickerChars " #optional characters to display at the beginning and end of each headline
. "rfEncode " #optional encoding to use for setting the readings (e.g. utf8)
. "rfReadings:multiple-strict,".$allReadings." " #readings to fill (comma separated list)
. "rfDisabledText "
#. "rfLatin1ToUtf8:1,0" #optional encoding using latin1ToUtf8 for readings (TEST ONLY)
. $readingFnAttributes; #default FHEM FnAttributes -> see commandref.
#getting the Headlines from the given device
#This routine will ber calle by 'get ticker'.
my ($name)=@_;
#Checking if device exists ...
if(!$defs{$name}) {
return "$name ist not defined";
#... and has correct TYPE
if(!($defs{$name}{'TYPE'} eq $modulename)){
return "$name is no $modulename device";
#returning the Headlines stored in the corresponding reading
return ReadingsVal($name,$rdHeadlines,"No headlines available!\nUse $name set update to refresh data.");
#--> returning undef here leads to a syntax error.
# I just don't know why yet???
#return undef;|
#Setter - Handling set commands for device
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd=shift @a;
#Currently only the update command is available to refressh
#feed date
if ($cmd eq 'update') {
else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg";
return undef;
#defining the device using following syntax
#define <name> rssFeed <feedurl> [interval]
#Example URLs:
# http://www.tagesschau.de/xml/rss2
# http://www.spiegel.de/schlagzeilen/tops/index.rss
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
#Check if at least 2 arguments are specified (name and url)
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> $modulename <feedURL> [interval]" if(int(@a) < 3);
my $name=shift @a;
my $type=shift @a;
my $url=shift@a;
my $interval=shift @a;
if (defined($interval)) {
#if interval defined, make sure its a valid number
#and is at least 5 minutes (seconds)
$interval=$min_interval if ($interval<$min_interval);
} else {
#otherwise set default inteval of one hour
#Storing the given feed-URL in the internals
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
return undef;
#return undef if(IsDisabled($name));
#and setting a state reading for device
#-> ToDo: finding a better state value (something meaningful)
#-> Done: see in rssFeed_update -> set to last update timestamp
rssFeed_Log3 $hash->{NAME},4,'Define: Removing probably existing timer';
#Starting first timer loop with waiting for 10 second before first
#update of feed data. Followint timers will then be started with the given
#interval. This is for waiting a short ammount of time especially when
#FHEM is started.
my $nexttimer=gettimeofday()+$startup_wait_seconds;
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,'Define: starting timer. First event at '.localtime($nexttimer);
InternalTimer($nexttimer, $modulename."_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
my $attReadings=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"rfReadings",undef);
$attr{$hash->{NAME}}{rfReadings}=$defaultReadings if (!$attReadings);
return undef;
#Undefine of device instance (destructor)
#Simply remove running timer(s) of device instance to be undefined.
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
rssFeed_Log3 $hash->{NAME},4,'Undef: Removing timer';
return undef;
# getter - Handling get requests
my ($hash,@a)=@_;
my $name=shift @a;
my $cmd=shift @a;
#Getting the ticker data (Healines)
if ($cmd eq 'ticker') {
return rssFeedGetTicker($name);
} else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ticker:noArg";
return undef;
#This subroutine is actually doing the update of the feed data for
#the device. It's called by 'set update' and rssFeed_GetUpdate when
#timer is up.
my ($dhash,@a)=@_;
my $name=$dhash->{NAME};
#Check if something wrong with the device's hash.
if (!$name) {
rssFeed_Log3($modulename.'_update',3,'Unable to extract device name');
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,'updating feed data...';
my $rfDebug=AttrVal($name,"rfDebug",undef);
#Delete all previously stored data from the readings.
#-> ToDo: maybe I'll extract this to a clear readings [what] command
fhem("deletereading $name $nb_prefix.*[0-9]{$nb_indexlength}.*",1);
fhem("deletereading $name $debug_prefix.*",1);
fhem("deletereading $name $feed_prefix.*",1);
fhem("deletereading $name preparedLines",1);
#Checking if ticker characters are defined.
#They will surround each headline in the ticker data
my ($tt_start,$tt_end);
my $ttt=AttrVal($name,'rfTickerChars','');
if ($ttt) {
$tt_start="$ttt ";
$tt_end=" $ttt";
} else {
#get encoding attribute
my $enc=AttrVal($name,'rfEncode',undef);
#my $lutf=AttrVal($name,"latin1ToUtf8",undef);
my $rfReadings=AttrVal($name,'rfReadings',$defaultReadings);
my @setReadings = split /,/, $rfReadings;
my %params = map { $_ => 1 } @setReadings;
#setting state to the same value as it is more meaningful than
#just 'defined'
readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,'state',localtime(gettimeofday()),1) if(!IsDisabled($name));
#if the device is disabled then there will be no further update an only the
#information, that the ticke is deactivated will be stored to ticker headlines
# -> ToDo: This point will currently never be automatically reached, as this update-Routine
# is not called by the timer event routine (rssFeed_GetUpdate) when the disable
# attribute is set. Shoud be called at least once, when attribute dsable is set.
if(AttrVal($name,'disable',undef)) {
my $disabledText=AttrVal($name,"rfDisabledText",$defaultDisabledText);
return ;
#Get how many lines should be extracted from feed from attributes.
#Set default to 10 if not specified
my ($lines) = shift;
$lines = AttrVal($name,'rfMaxLines','10')+0;
$lines =$default_max_lines if ($lines<=0);
$lines =$maximum_max_lines if ($lines>$maximum_max_lines);
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,"rfMaxLines: $lines";
my ($i,$nachrichten,$response,@ticker,$ua,$url,$xml);
$i = 0;
#Getting URL from internals
if (!$url) {
#If there's no URL in internals, something is very wrong (see define)
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'url not defined';
rssFeed_Log3 $name,4,$url;
#Getting feed data (hopefully it's xml data) from url
my $urlbase=eval('URI->new("'.$url.'")->host');
$response = GetFileFromURLQuiet($url,3,undef,1);
if(!$response) {
#Problem: no response was returned!
rssFeed_Log3 $name,3,'no response getting rss data from url';
#If verbose is set to 5 then log complete response
rssFeed_Log3 $name,5,$response;
#If rfDebug attribute is set then store complete response in reading
if ($rfDebug) {
#readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,$debug_prefix."LastResponse",$response,0) if (!$enc);
#readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,$debug_prefix."LastResponse",encode($enc,$response),0) if ($enc);
#Convert xml data from reponse to an array (hash?)
$xml = new XML::Simple;
$nachrichten = $xml->XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['item']);
# -> ToDo: Add a title line to the ticker data e.g. to describe what's
# displayed. This should be a perl-special to evaluate, so
# the data could possibly extracted from readings.
#my $title=AttrVal($name,'rnDisplayTitle',undef);
#$title=$urlbase if($title eq '@');
#push (@ticker,$title) if ($title);
#Extracting data from array and converting it to utf8 where necessary.
my $feedTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{title};
#$feedTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedTitle) if($lutf);
$feedTitle=encode($enc,$feedTitle) if($enc);
my $feedDescription=$nachrichten->{channel}{description};
#$feedDescription=latin1ToUtf8($feedDescription) if($lutf);
$feedDescription=encode($enc,$feedDescription) if ($enc);
my $feedLink=$nachrichten->{channel}{link};
my $feedBuildDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{lastBuildDate};
my $feedPubDate=$nachrichten->{channel}{pubDate};
my $feedImageURL=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{url};
my $feedImageTitle=$nachrichten->{channel}{image}{title};
#$feedImageTitle=latin1ToUtf8($feedImageTitle) if ($lutf);
$feedImageTitle=encode($enc,$feedImageTitle) if ($enc);
#Now starting update of the readings
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'title',$feedTitle) if ($feedTitle && $params{'title'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'description',$feedDescription) if ($feedDescription && $params{'description'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'link',$feedLink) if ($feedLink && $params{'link'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'pubDate',$feedPubDate) if ($feedPubDate && $params{'pubDate'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'buildDate',$feedBuildDate) if ($feedBuildDate && $params{'buildDate'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageTitle',$feedImageTitle) if ($feedImageTitle && $params{'imageTitle'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$feed_prefix.'imageURL',$feedImageURL) if ($feedImageURL && $params{'imageURL'});
#Loop through the array to extract the data for each single news block in
#the feed data array
while ($i < $lines) {
if($nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title}) {
my $cline=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{title};
#$cline=latin1ToUtf8($cline) if($lutf);
$cline=encode($enc,$cline) if ($enc);
my $cdesc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{description};
#$cdesc=latin1ToUtf8($cdesc) if($lutf);
$cdesc=encode($enc,$cdesc) if ($enc);
my $clink=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{link};
#$clink=latin1ToUtf8($clink) if ($lutf);
$clink=encode($enc,$clink) if ($enc);
my $cdate=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{pubDate};
#$cdate=latin1ToUtf8($cdate) if ($lutf);
$cdate=encode($enc,$cdate) if ($enc);
#my $cenc=$nachrichten->{channel}{item}[$i]{enclosure}{url};
last unless $cline;
#store headlines tor ticker-array for later joining to healines string
my $h = $tt_start.$cline.$tt_end;
last unless $h;
push (@ticker,$h);
#Index for numbering each news-block
my $ndx=sprintf('%0'.$nb_indexlength.'s',$i);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."title",$cline) if ($params{'title'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."description", $cdesc) if ($cdesc && $params{'description'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."link", $clink) if ($params{'link'});
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."pubDate", $cdate) if ($params{'pubDate'});
#readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,$nb_prefix.$ndx.$nb_separator."image",$cenc) if ($cenc);
my $tickerLines=@ticker;
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash,"preparedLines", $tickerLines);
#mass updating/generation of readings is complete so
#tell FHEM to update them now!
#joining all headlines separated by newlin in a single string and
#store it in the readings
my $tickerHeadlines=join("\n", @ticker);
readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,$rdHeadlines, $tickerHeadlines,0);
# HTML Documentation for help and commandref
=begin html
<a name="rssFeed"></a>
This device helps to extract data from an rss feed specified by the
url given in the DEF section. Trhe results will be extracted to
several corresponding readings. Also the headlines of the news
elements will be extracted to a special "ticker"-string that could
be retrieved via GET or a special function.
The data will be updated automatically after the given interval.
<a name="rssFeeddefine"></a>
<code>define <name> rssFeed <url> [interval]</code>
url = url of the rss feed
interval = actualization interval in seconds
Minimum for this value is 600 and maximum is 86400
<code>http://www.gea.de/rss?cat=Region%20Reutlingen&main=true 3600</code>
The example will retrieve the data from the rss feed every hour
<a name="rssFeedset"></a>
<code>set <name> update</code><br/>
retrieving the data from feed and updateing readings data
<a name="rssFeedget"></a>
<code>get <name> ticker</code><br/>
getting the headlines from the feed with specified formatting
(also see attributes)
<a name="rssFeedattr"></a>
<li><a name="disabled">disable</a><br/>
This attribute can be used to disable the entier feed device (1)
or to activate it again (0 or attribute missing).
If the device is disabled all readings will be removed, except
the state reading which will then be set to "disabled".
Data will no longer be automatically retrieved from the url.
The ticker data contains only one line indicating the disabled
ticker device. (s.a. attribute rfDisabledText).
<li><a name="rfDisabledText">rfDisabledText</a><br/>
The text in this attribute will be returnde by GET ticker when the
device is disabled (s.a. attribute disable).
If this attribute is not specified a default text is returned.<br/>
Example: <code>attr <name> rfDisabledText This feed is disabled</code>
<li><a name="rfTickerChars">rfTickerChars</a><br/>
Specifies a string which will surround each headline in the ticker data.<br/>
Example: <code>attr <name> rfTickerChars +++</code>
Result: <code>+++ This is a sample headline +++</code>
<li><a name="rfMaxLines">rfMaxLines</a><br/>
Defines the maximum number of news items that will be extracted from the
feed. If there are less items in the feed then specified by this attribute
then only that few items are extracted.
If this attribute is missing a default of 10 will be assumed.<br/>
Example: <code>attr <name> rfMaxLines 15</code>
<li><a name="rfEncode">rfEncode</a><br/>
Defines an encoding which will be used for any text extracted from the
feed that will be applied before setting the readings. Therefore the
encode method of the Perl-core module Encode is used.
If the attribute is missng then no encoding will be performed.
Sometimes this is necessary when feeds contain wide characters that
could sometimes lead to malfunction in FHEMWEB.
Also the headlines data returned by rssFeedFunctions and get ticker
are encoded using this method.
<li><a name="rfReadings">rfReadings</a><br/>
This attribute defines the readings that will be created from the extracted
data. It is a comma separated list of the following values:
<li>title = title section<br/>
extract the title section of the feed and each news item to a
corresponding reading<br/>
<li>description = description section<br/>
extract the description section of the feed and each news item
to a corresponding reading
<li>pubDate = Publication time of feed and of each news item will
be extracted to a corresponding reading.
<li>link = link url to the feed or to the full article of a
single news items in the feed.
<li>buildDate = time of the last feed actulization by the feed
<li>imageURl = url of a probably available image of a news item
<li>imageTitle = image title of a probably available news item
If this attribute is missing "title,description,pubDate" will be assumed
as default value. When the device is defined for the first time the
attribute will be automatically created with the default value.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="rssFeedfunctions"></a>
This function will returned the foratted headlines as a single string.
Each headline will be separated by a new line character.
The result of this function can for example be used in InfoPanel as
ticker data.
The function takes the name of a rssFeed device as single parameter.
The result is the same as from <code>get ticker</code> as it uses this function too.
Syntax: <code> rssFeedGetTicker(<rssFeedDevice>)</code><br/>
<a name="rssFeedreadings"></a>
Depending on the attribute rfReadings a bunch of readings is created
from the extracted news feed data.
Some of the readings ar prefixed to tell to which part of the feed the
data belongs to.
readings with that prefix correspond to the news items in the feed.
<code>xx</code> index of the news item
Example showing the readings of a single news item<br/>
<code> N00_title </code><br/>
<code> N00_descripton </code><br/>
<code> N00_pubDate </code><br/>
redings with that prefix correspond to the feed itself.
Example of feed-readings:
<code> f_title </code><br/>
<code> f_descripton </code><br/>
<code> f_buildDate </code><br/>
This readings contains the number of new items that were extracted
in the last update of the feed data.
The state reading contains the timestamp of the last automatic or manual
update of the device data from the feed, as long as the device is not
If the device is disabled state contains "disabled".
When the device is defined then the start of cyclic updates is retarded
for about 10 seconds. During that time state is set to "defined"
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="rssFeed"></a>
Mit diesem Hilfs-Device kann ein RSS-Feed per URL abgerufen werden.
Das Ergebnis wird zum einen in entsprechende Readings (s.u.) eingetragen,
zum Anderen können die Schlagzeilen (Headlines) noch per GET oder per
bereitgestellter Funktion als Ticker-Daten abgerufen werden.
Die Daten des RSS-Feeds werden dabei jeweils im angegebenen Interval
<a name="rssFeeddefine"></a>
<code>define <name> rssFeed <url> [interval]</code>
url = URL zum RSS-Feed
interval = Aktualisierungsinterval in Sekunden<br>
minimum Wert sind 600 Sekunden (10 Minuten)<br>
maximum Wert sind 86400 Sekunden (24 Stunden)
<code>http://www.gea.de/rss?cat=Region%20Reutlingen&main=true 3600</code>
Damit wird stündlich der RSS-Feed des Reutlinger Generalanzeigers
<a name="rssFeedset"></a>
<code>set <name> update</code><br>
Abrufen der Daten vom rssFeed und aktualisieren der Readings
<a name="rssFeedget"></a>
<code>get <name> ticker</code><br>
Abrufen der zuletzt gelesenen Schlagzeilen im gewünschten
Format (s. Attribute)
<a name="rssFeedattr"></a>
<li><a name="disabled">disabled</a><br>
Mit diesem Attribut kann das Device deaktiviert (1) werden
bzw. auch wieder aktiviert (0 oder Attribut nicht vorhandn).
Wenn das device deaktiviert ist, sind keine Readings mehr
vorhanden, außer state. Außerdem werden die Daten nicht mehr
zyklisch aktualisiert und get ticker liefert nur noch die
Information zurück, dass der Ticker nicht mehr aktiv ist
(s. dazu auch Attribut rfDisabledText).
<li><a name="rfDisabledText">rfDisabledText</a><br>
Der hier eingetragenee Text wird beim Abruf der Schlagzeilen als einzige
Zeile angezeigt, wenn der rssFeed disabled ist (s. Attribut disabled).
Ist dieses Attribut nicht angegeben, so wird ein Standardtext angezeigt.<br>
Beispiel: <code>attr <name> rfDisabledText Dieser Feed wurde deaktiviert</code>
<li><a name="rfTickerChars">rfTickerChars</a><br>
Hiermit kann eine Zeichenfolge festgelegt werden, die bei den Schlagzeilen
für den get-Abruf vor und nach jeder Schlagzeile, wie bei einem Nachrichten-Ticker
angefügt wird.
Beispiel: <code>attr <name> rfTickerChars +++</code>
Ergebnis: <code>+++ Dies ist eine Beispiel-Schlagzeile +++</code>
<li><a name="rfMaxLines">rfMaxLines</a><br>
Bestimmt, wieviele Schlagzeilen maximal aus dem Feed extrahiert werden sollen.<br>
Sind weniger Nachrichten-Elemente im Feed enthalten, als über rfMaxLines angegeben,
so werden eben nur so viele Schlagzeilen extrahiert, wie vorhanden sind.<br>
Ist dieses Attribut nich angegeben, so wird dafür der Standard-Wert 10 angenommen.<br>
Beispiel: <code>attr <name> rfMaxLines 15</code>
<li><a name="rfEncode">rfEncode</a><br>
Hier kann eine Encoding-Methode (Bspw. utf8) angegeben werden.
Die Texte die aus dem Feed extrahiert werden (title, descripton, ...)
werden dann vor der Zuwesung an die Readings mittels encode (Perl core-Module Encode)
enkodiert. Fehlt dieses Attribut, so findet keine umkodierung statt.
Das kann u.U. notwendig sein, wenn in den zurückgelieferten Feed-Daten s.g. wide Characters
enthalten sind. Dies kann evtl. dazu führen, das u.a. die Darstellung in FHEMWEB nicht mehr
korrekt erfolgt.
Dies betrifft auch das Ergebnis von rssFeedFunctions, bzw. get ticker.
<li><a name="rfReadings">rfReadings</a><br>
Über dieses Attribut kann angegeben werden, welche Daten aus dem RSS-Feed in
Readings extrahiert werden sollen. Das Attribut ist als Komma getrennte Liste
Zur Auswahl stehen dabei folgende möglichen Werte:
<li>title = Titelzeile<br>
Dies erzeugt ein Reading für den Feed-Titel und für jedes
Nachrichten-Element aus dem Feed.<br>
<li>description = Beschreibungstext
Dies erzeugt ein Reading für die Feed-Beschreibung, bzw.
für den Beschreibungstext jeden Nachrichten-Eelements.<br>
<li>pubDate = Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung des Feeds, bzw. der einzelnen
<li>link = Link zum Feed, bzw. zum einzelnen Nachrichten-Element auf
der Homepage des Feeds.
<li>buildDate = Zeitpunkt der letzten aktualisierung der Feed-Daten
vom Feed-Betreiber.
<li>imageURl = URL zum ggf. vorhandenen Bild eines Nachrichten-Elements,
bzw. zum Nachrichten-Feed.
<li>imageTitle = Titel eines ggf. zum Feed oder Nachrichten-Element
vorhandenen Bildes.
Ist Dieses Attribut nicht vorhanden, so werden die Werte "title,description,pubDate" als
Voreinstellung angenommen. Beim ersten Anlegen des Device wird das Attribut automatisch
erste einmal mit genau dieser Voreinstellung belegt.
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="rssFeedfunctions"></a>
Diese Funktion gibt die ermittelten und formatierten Schlagzeilen als Zeichenkette
zurück. Die einzelnen Schlagzeilen sind dabei durch Zeilenvorschub getrenn.
Dieses Ergebnis kann bspw. in einem InfoPanel für einen Ticker verwendet werden.
Der Funktion muss dazu der Name eines rssFeed-Devices übergeben werden.
Die Ausgabe ist praktisch die selbe wie das Ergebnis, das bei <code>get ticker</code>
geliefert wird.<br>
Syntax: <code> rssFeedGetTicker(<rssFeedDevice>)</code><br>
<a name="rssFeedreadings"></a>
Je nach Auswahl der Attribute werden verschiedene Readings bereitgestellt.
Diese Readings sind teilweise mit einem Präfix versehen um sie bspw. dem Feed
selbst oder einem Nachrichten-Element zuozuordnen.
Diese Readings beziehen sich alle auf die einzelnen Nachrichten-Elemente, wobei
<code>xx</code> den Index des jeweiligen Nachrichten-Elements angibt.
Beispiel für die Readings eines Nachrichten-Elements:<br>
<code> N00_title </code><br/>
<code> N00_descripton </code><br/>
<code> N00_pubDate </code><br/>
Diese Readings beziehen sich alle auf den Nachrichten-Feed selbst.
Beispiel für die Readings des Nachrichten-Feeds<br>
<code> f_title </code><br/>
<code> f_descripton </code><br/>
<code> f_buildDate </code><br/>
Dieses Reading gibt an, wie viele Schlagzeilen tatsächlich beim letzten
update aus dem Nachrichten-Feed extrahiert wurden.
Dieses Reading gibt, wenn das Device nicht disabled ist, den Zeitpunkt
der letzten aktualisierung mittels update an, egal ob automatisch oder
manuell ausgelöst. Ist das device disabled, steht genau das im Reading.
Beim Anlegegen des Device mittels define findet das erste Aktualisieren
der Daten verzögert statt. Während dieser Verzögerung steht der state
auf "defined".
=end html_DE
@ -655,4 +655,8 @@
- added new module 30_DUOFERN
- Sun Nov 29 2015 (DS_Starter)
- added new module 49_SSCam to trigger records of cameras within Synology Surveillance Station
- added new module 49_SSCam to trigger records of cameras within Synology Surveillance Station
- Sun Dec 06 2015 (Benni)
- added new module 98_rssFeed to get data from rss news feeds
@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ FHEM/98_pilight.pm andreas-fey http://forum.fhem.de Unterstue
FHEM/98_ping mattwire http://forum.fhem.de Sonstiges
FHEM/98_rain.pm baumrasen http://forum.fhem.de Sonstiges
FHEM/98_restore.pm rudolfkoenig http://forum.fhem.de Sonstiges
FHEM/98_rssFeed.pm Benni http://forum.fhem.de Unterstuetzende Dienste
FHEM/98_statistics.pm tupol http://forum.fhem.de Unterstuetzende Dienste (Link als PM an tupol)
FHEM/98_structure.pm rudolfkoenig http://forum.fhem.de Automatisierung
FHEM/98_telnet.pm rudolfkoenig http://forum.fhem.de Automatisierung
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
<a href="#readingsHistory">readingsHistory</a>
<a href="#readingsProxy">readingsProxy</a>
<a href="#remotecontrol">remotecontrol</a>
<a href="#rssFeed">rssFeed</a>
<a href="#ROOMMATE">ROOMMATE</a>
<a href="#SUNRISE_EL">SUNRISE_EL</a>
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
<a href="#readingsHistory">readingsHistory</a>
<a href="#readingsProxy">readingsProxy</a>
<a href="#remotecontrol">remotecontrol</a>
<a href="#rssFeed">rssFeed</a>
<a href="#ROOMMATE">ROOMMATE</a>
<a href="#SUNRISE_EL">SUNRISE_EL</a>
Reference in New Issue
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