@@ -448,20 +554,55 @@ sub YAMAHA_AVR_getModel($$)
$hash->{FIRMWARE} = $1;
$hash->{MODEL} = $2;
+ while($response =~ /
- define <name> YAMAHA_AVR <ip-address> [<status_interval>]
+ define <name> YAMAHA_AVR <ip-address> [<zone>] [<status_interval>]
This module controls AV receiver from Yamaha via network connection. You are able
@@ -497,14 +641,48 @@ sub YAMAHA_AVR_getInputs($$)
select the input (HDMI, AV, AirPlay, internet radio, Tuner, ...), select the volume
or mute/unmute the volume.
Defining a YAMAHA_AVR device will schedule an internal task (interval can be set
- with optional parameter <status_interval> in seconds, if not set, the value is 30 seconds), which periodically reads
- the status of the AV receiver (power state, selected input, volume and mute status)
- and triggers notify/filelog commands.
+ with optional parameter <status_interval> in seconds, if not set, the value is 30
+ seconds), which periodically reads the status of the AV receiver (power state, selected
+ input, volume and mute status) and triggers notify/filelog commands.
+ define AV_Receiver YAMAHA_AVR
+ define AV_Receiver YAMAHA_AVR mainzone 60 # With custom interval of 60 seconds
+ Zone Selection
+ If your receiver supports Zone Selection (e.g. RX-V671, RX_V673,... and the AVANTAGE series)
+ you can select the zone which should be controlled. The RX_4xx and RX_3xx series for example
+ just have a "Main Zone" (which is the whole receiver itself). In general you have the following
+ possibilities for the parameter <zone> (depending on your receiver model).
- define AV_Receiver YAMAHA_AVR
+ - mainzone - this is the main zone (standard)
+ - zone2 - The second zone (Zone 2)
+ - zone3 - The third zone (Zone 3)
+ - zone4 - The fourth zone (Zone 4)
+ Depending on your receiver model you have not all inputs available on these different zones.
+ The module just offers the real available inputs.
+ Example:
+ define AV_Receiver YAMAHA_AVR # If no zone is specified, the "Main Zone" will be used.
+ attr AV_Receiver YAMAHA_AVR room Livingroom
+ # Define the second zone
+ define AV_Receiver_Zone2 YAMAHA_AVR zone2
+ attr AV_Receiver_Zone2 room Bedroom
+ Each Zone needs an own device and can be assigned to the different rooms, as each zone
+ can be separatly controlled from the other zones.
@@ -576,7 +754,7 @@ volume_level
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