mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00
98_DOIFtools.pm: better shortcut positioning, forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,63938.msg609083.html#msg609083
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@13763 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- update: 98_DOIFtools: better shortcut positioning
- feature: 70_Pushover: new command 'msgCancel' to prematurely cancel
confirmation requests for priority 2 messages
- feature: 00_SONOS: New feature 'get Queue' added
@ -439,17 +439,19 @@ sub DOIFtools_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
# Event Monitor
my $a0 = ReadingsVal($d,".eM", "off") eq "on" ? "off" : "on";
$ret .= "<div class=\"dval\"><br><span title=\"toggle to switch event monitor on/off\">Event monitor: <a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=setreading $d .eM $a0$FW_CSRF\">toggle</a> </span>";
$ret .= "Shortcuts: " if (!AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsHideModulShortcuts",0) or AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsMyShortcuts",""));
$ret .= "<div class=\"dval\"><table>";
$ret .= "<tr><td><span title=\"toggle to switch event monitor on/off\">Event monitor: <a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=setreading $d .eM $a0$FW_CSRF\">toggle</a> </span>";
if (!AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsHideModulShortcuts",0)) {
$ret .= "Shortcuts: ";
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=reload 98_DOIFtools.pm$FW_CSRF\">reload DOIFtools</a> " if(ReadingsVal($d,".debug",""));
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=update check$FW_CSRF\">update check</a> ";
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=update$FW_CSRF\">update</a> " if(!ReadingsVal($d,".debug",""));
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=set%20update_du:FILTER=state=0%201&fwcsrf=$FW_CSRF\">update</a> " if(ReadingsVal($d,".debug",""));
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=update$FW_CSRF\">update</a> ";
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=shutdown restart$FW_CSRF\">shutdown restart</a> ";
$ret .= "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$d&cmd.$d=fheminfo send$FW_CSRF\">fheminfo send</a> ";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
if (AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsMyShortcuts","")) {
$ret .= "<tr><td>";
my @sc = split(",",AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsMyShortcuts",""));
for (my $i = 0; $i < @sc; $i+=2) {
if ($sc[$i] =~ m/^\#\#(.*)/) {
@ -458,13 +460,16 @@ sub DOIFtools_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
$ret .= "<a href=\"/$sc[$i+1]$FW_CSRF\">$sc[$i]</a> " if($sc[$i] and $sc[$i+1]);
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
if (!AttrVal($d, "DOIFtoolsHideGetSet", 0)) {
$ret .= "<br><br>";
my $a1 = ReadingsVal($d,"doStatistics", "disabled") =~ "disabled|deleted" ? "enabled" : "disabled";
my $a2 = ReadingsVal($d,"specialLog", 0) ? 0 : 1;
$ret .= "<table ><tr>";
# set doStatistics enabled/disabled
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">";
$ret .= FW_hidden("fwcsrf", $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) if($FW_CSRF);
$ret .= "<input name=\"dev.set$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
@ -472,9 +477,9 @@ sub DOIFtools_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
<div class=\"set downText\"> doStatistics $a1 </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-doStatistics\">
<input name=\"val.set$d\" value=\"doStatistics $a1\" type=\"hidden\">
# set doStatistics deleted
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">";
$ret .= FW_hidden("fwcsrf", $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) if($FW_CSRF);
$ret .= "<input name=\"dev.set$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
@ -482,9 +487,9 @@ sub DOIFtools_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
<div class=\"set downText\"> doStatistics deleted </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-doStatistics\">
<input name=\"val.set$d\" value=\"doStatistics deleted\" type=\"hidden\">
# set specialLog 0/1
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">";
$ret .= FW_hidden("fwcsrf", $defs{$FW_wname}{CSRFTOKEN}) if($FW_CSRF);
$ret .= "<input name=\"dev.set$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
@ -492,51 +497,52 @@ sub DOIFtools_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
<div class=\"set downText\"> specialLog $a2 </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-doStatistics\">
<input name=\"val.set$d\" value=\"specialLog $a2\" type=\"hidden\">
$ret .= "<br><br>";
$ret .= "</tr><tr>";
# get statisticsReport
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"dev.get$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"cmd.get$d\" value=\"get\" class=\"get\" type=\"submit\">
<div class=\"get downText\"> statisticsReport </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-statisticsReport\">
<input name=\"val.get$d\" value=\"statisticsReport\" type=\"hidden\">
# get checkDOIF
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"dev.get$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"cmd.get$d\" value=\"get\" class=\"get\" type=\"submit\">
<div class=\"get downText\"> checkDOIF </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-checkDOIF\">
<input name=\"val.get$d\" value=\"checkDOIF\" type=\"hidden\">
# get runningTimerInDOIF
$ret .= "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
$ret .= "<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$FW_ME\" autocomplete=\"off\">
<input name=\"detail\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"dev.get$d\" value=\"$d\" type=\"hidden\">
<input name=\"cmd.get$d\" value=\"get\" class=\"get\" type=\"submit\">
<div class=\"get downText\"> runningTimerInDOIF </div>
<div style=\"display:none\" class=\"noArg_widget\" informid=\"$d-runningTimerInDOIF\">
<input name=\"val.get$d\" value=\"runningTimerInDOIF\" type=\"hidden\">
$ret .= "</tr></table>";
$ret .= "</div><br>";
$ret .= "</div>";
my $a = "";
if (ReadingsVal($d,".eM","off") eq "on") {
my $lang = AttrVal("global","language","EN");
$ret .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/pgm2/console.js\"></script>";
# $ret .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/pgm2/doiftools.js\"></script>";
my $filter = $a ? ($a eq "log" ? "global" : $a) : ".*";
$ret .= "<div><br>";
$ret .= "<div><table><tr><td>";
$ret .= "Events (Filter: <a href=\"#\" id=\"eventFilter\">$filter</a>) ".
" <span id=\"doiftoolsdel\" class='fhemlog'>FHEM log ".
"<input id='eventWithLog' type='checkbox'".
($a && $a eq "log" ? " checked":"")."></span>".
" <button id='eventReset'>Reset</button>".($lang eq "DE" ? " <b>Hinweis:</b> Eventzeile markieren, Operanden auswählen, neue Definition erzeugen" : " <b>Hint:</b> select event line, choose operand, create definition")."</div>\n";
" <button id='eventReset'>Reset</button>".($lang eq "DE" ? " <b>Hinweis:</b> Eventzeile markieren, Operanden auswählen, neue Definition erzeugen" : " <b>Hint:</b> select event line, choose operand, create definition")."</td></tr></table></div>\n";
my $embefore = AttrVal($d,"DOIFtoolsEMbeforeReadings","0") ? "1" : "";
$ret .= "<div id='doiftoolstype' devtype='doiftools' embefore='".$embefore."' lang='".($lang eq "DE" ? 1 : 0)."'><br>";
$ret .= "<div id='doiftoolstype' devtype='doiftools' embefore='".$embefore."' lang='".($lang eq "DE" ? 1 : 0)."'>";
$ret .= "<textarea id=\"console\" style=\"width:99%; top:.1em; bottom:1em; position:relative;\" readonly=\"readonly\" rows=\"25\" cols=\"60\" title=\"".($lang eq "DE" ? "Die Auswahl einer Event-Zeile zeigt Operanden für DOIF an, mit ihnen kann eine neue DOIF-Definition erzeugt werden." : "Selecting an event line displays operands for DOIFs definition, they are used to create a new DOIF definition.")."\"></textarea>";
$ret .= "</div>";
$ret .= $DOIFtoolsJSfuncEM;
@ -1404,9 +1410,9 @@ sub DOIFtools_Get($@)
$ret .= join(" ",@coll);
if ($DE) {
$ret .= "\n<ul><li><b>DOELSIF</b> ohne <b>DOELSE</b> ist o.k., wenn der Status wechselt, bevor die selbe Bedingung wiederholt wahr wird,<br> andernfalls sollte <b>do always</b> genutzt werden (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref_DE.html#DOIF_do_always\">Steuerung durch Events</a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DOIF/Einsteigerleitfaden,_Grundfunktionen_und_Erl%C3%A4uterungen#Verhaltensweise_ohne_steuernde_Attribute\">Verhalten ohne Attribute</a>)</li></ul> \n" if (@coll);
$ret .= "\n<ul><li><b>DOELSEIF</b> ohne <b>DOELSE</b> ist o.k., wenn der Status wechselt, bevor die selbe Bedingung wiederholt wahr wird,<br> andernfalls sollte <b>do always</b> genutzt werden (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref_DE.html#DOIF_do_always\">Steuerung durch Events</a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DOIF/Einsteigerleitfaden,_Grundfunktionen_und_Erl%C3%A4uterungen#Verhaltensweise_ohne_steuernde_Attribute\">Verhalten ohne Attribute</a>)</li></ul> \n" if (@coll);
} else {
$ret .= "\n<ul><li><b>DOELSIF</b> without <b>DOELSE</b> is o.k., if state changes between, the same condition becomes true again,<br>otherwise use attribute <b>do always</b> (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref_DE.html#DOIF_do_always\">controlling by events</a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DOIF/Einsteigerleitfaden,_Grundfunktionen_und_Erl%C3%A4uterungen#Verhaltensweise_ohne_steuernde_Attribute\">behaviour without attributes</a>)</li></ul> \n" if (@coll);
$ret .= "\n<ul><li><b>DOELSEIF</b> without <b>DOELSE</b> is o.k., if state changes between, the same condition becomes true again,<br>otherwise use attribute <b>do always</b> (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fhem.de/commandref_DE.html#DOIF_do_always\">controlling by events</a>, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DOIF/Einsteigerleitfaden,_Grundfunktionen_und_Erl%C3%A4uterungen#Verhaltensweise_ohne_steuernde_Attribute\">behaviour without attributes</a>)</li></ul> \n" if (@coll);
foreach my $di (@doifList) {
$ret .= DOIFtoolsCheckDOIF($hash,$di);
@ -1543,7 +1549,7 @@ DOIFtools stellt Funktionen zur Unterstützung von DOIF-Geräten bereit.<br>
attr DOIFtools DOIFtoolsExecuteDefinition 1<br>
attr DOIFtools DOIFtoolsExecuteSave 1<br>
attr DOIFtools DOIFtoolsMenuEntry 1<br>
attr DOIFtools DOIFtoolsMyShortcuts ##<br>My Shortcuts:,,list DOIFtools,fhem?cmd=list DOIFtools<br>
attr DOIFtools DOIFtoolsMyShortcuts ##My Shortcuts:,,list DOIFtools,fhem?cmd=list DOIFtools<br>
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