mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.16.3

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28551 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-02-25 13:03:12 +00:00
parent e26b2a5c0c
commit e9821b39ff

View File

@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ BEGIN {
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.16.3" => "24.02.2024 store pvcorrf, quality, pvrlsum, pvfcsum, dnumsum with value <sunalt2bin>.<cloud2bin> in pvCircular ".
"get pvcorrf / quality from neff in combination with sun altitude (CircularSunCloudkorrVal) ".
"delete CircularCloudkorrVal, show sun position in beamgrafic weather mouse over ",
"delete CircularCloudkorrVal, show sun position in beamgrafic weather mouse over ".
"split pvCorrection into pvCorrectionRead and pvCorrectionWrite ",
"1.16.2" => "22.02.2024 minor changes, R101 -> RR1c, totalrain instead of weatherrainprob, delete wrp r101 ".
"delete wrp from circular & airaw, remove rain2bin, __getDWDSolarData: change \$runh, ".
"fix Illegal division by zero Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1304009 ".
@ -422,7 +423,8 @@ my @dd = qw( none
@ -713,8 +715,8 @@ my %htitles = (
DE => qq{Azimut} },
elevatio => { EN => qq{Elevation},
DE => qq{H&#246;he} },
sunpos => { EN => qq{Sun position},
DE => qq{Sonnenstand} },
sunpos => { EN => qq{Sun position (decimal degrees)},
DE => qq{Sonnenstand (Dezimalgrad)} },
conrec => { EN => qq{Current time is within the consumption planning},
DE => qq{Aktuelle Zeit liegt innerhalb der Verbrauchsplanung} },
conrecba => { EN => qq{Current time is within the consumption planning, Priority charging Battery is active},
@ -6899,7 +6901,7 @@ sub ___readCandQ {
$hc = sprintf "%.2f", $hc;
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "___readCandQ - fd: $fd, hod: ".sprintf("%02d",$fh1).", Sun Altitude Bin: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, corrf: $hc, quality: $hq");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionRead', "read parameters - fd: $fd, hod: ".sprintf("%02d",$fh1).", Sun Altitude Bin: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, corrf: $hc, quality: $hq");
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{"NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$num)}{pvcorrf} = $hc."/".$hq;
@ -9617,7 +9619,7 @@ sub _calcCaQcomplex {
if (!$aln) {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_cloudcover', 'done');
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the complex correction factor");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the complex correction factor");
@ -9675,13 +9677,13 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, '.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', '');
if($sr eq "done") {
# debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Simple Corrf factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
# debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "Simple Corrf factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
if (!$aln) {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', 'done');
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the simple correction factor");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the simple correction factor");
@ -9739,11 +9741,15 @@ sub __calcNewFactor {
my $factor;
my $pvrlsum = $pvrl;
my $pvfcsum = $pvfc;
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> start calculation correction factor for hour: $h");
my ($oldfac, $oldq) = CircularSunCloudkorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $sabin, $crang, 0); # bisher definierter Korrekturfaktor / Qualität
my ($pvhis, $fchis, $dnum) = CircularSumVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $crang, 0);
my ($pvhis, $fchis, $dnum) = CircularSumVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $sabin, $crang, 0);
$oldfac = 1 if(1 * $oldfac == 0);
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> read historical values: pv real sum: $pvhis, pv forecast sum: $fchis, days sum: $dnum");
if ($dnum) { # Werte in History vorhanden -> haben Prio !
$pvrlsum = $pvrl + $pvhis;
@ -9778,9 +9784,8 @@ sub __calcNewFactor {
my $qual = __calcFcQuality ($pvfc, $pvrl); # Qualität der Vorhersage für die vergangene Stunde
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "$calc Corrf -> start calculation correction factor for hour: $h");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "$calc Corrf -> determined values - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, old factor: $oldfac, new factor: $factor, days: $dnum");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection|saveData2Cache', "$calc Corrf -> write correction values into Circular - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, factor: $factor, quality: $qual");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> determined values - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, old factor: $oldfac, new factor: $factor, days: $dnum");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite|saveData2Cache', "$calc Corrf -> write correction values into Circular - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, factor: $factor, quality: $qual");
if ($crang ne 'simple') {
my $idx = $sabin.'.'.$crang; # value für pvcorrf Sonne Altitude
@ -12820,7 +12825,7 @@ sub _addHourAiRawdata {
if (!$aln) {
storeReading ('.signaldone_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), 'done');
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip add AI raw data");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionRead', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip add AI raw data");
@ -16228,7 +16233,7 @@ return ($corrf, $qual);
# Die durchschnittliche reale PV Erzeugung, PV Prognose und Tage
# einer bestimmten Bewölkungs-Range aus dem circular-Hash zurückliefern
# Usage:
# ($pvrlsum, $pvfcsum, $dnumsum) = CircularSumVal ($hash, $hod, $crang, $def)
# ($pvrlsum, $pvfcsum, $dnumsum) = CircularSumVal ($hash, $hod, $sabin, $crang, $def)
# $pvrlsum: Summe reale PV Erzeugung pro Bewölkungsbereich über die gesamte Laufzeit
# $pvfcsum: Summe PV Prognose pro Bewölkungsbereich über die gesamte Laufzeit
@ -18126,7 +18131,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> <b>epiecesCalc</b> </td><td>Calculation of specific energy consumption per operating hour and consumer </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>graphic</b> </td><td>Module graphic information </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>notifyHandling</b> </td><td>Sequence of event processing in the module </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrection</b> </td><td>Calculation and application PV correction factors </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrectionRead</b> </td><td>Application of PV correction factors </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrectionWrite</b> </td><td>Calculation of PV correction factors </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>radiationProcess</b> </td><td>Collection and processing of solar radiation data </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>saveData2Cache</b> </td><td>Data storage in internal memory structures </td></tr>
@ -20260,7 +20266,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> <b>epiecesCalc</b> </td><td>Berechnung des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs je Betriebsstunde und Verbraucher </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>graphic</b> </td><td>Informationen der Modulgrafik </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>notifyHandling</b> </td><td>Ablauf der Eventverarbeitung im Modul </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrection</b> </td><td>Berechnung und Anwendung PV Korrekturfaktoren </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrectionRead</b> </td><td>Anwendung PV Korrekturfaktoren </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvCorrectionWrite</b> </td><td>Berechnung PV Korrekturfaktoren </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>radiationProcess</b> </td><td>Sammlung und Verarbeitung der Solarstrahlungsdaten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>saveData2Cache</b> </td><td>Datenspeicherung in internen Speicherstrukturen </td></tr>