mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-28 02:44:53 +00:00

New module "Twilight" for calculation of daylight-phases based on the script available for the Homematic CCU from http://www.homematic-wiki.info/mw/index.php/TCLScript:twilight

Update commandref.html to reflect interface of new module

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1376 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
unimatrix27 2012-03-23 12:33:55 +00:00
parent 9abda78fe4
commit e65dccb554
2 changed files with 394 additions and 0 deletions

fhem/FHEM/59_Twilight.pm Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# 59_Twilight.pm
# written by Sebastian Stuecker based on Twilight.tcl http://www.homematic-wiki.info/mw/index.php/TCLScript:twilight
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Switch;
use POSIX;
sub dayofyear {
my ($day1,$month,$year)=@_;
my @cumul_d_in_m =
my $doy=$cumul_d_in_m[--$month]+$day1;
return $doy if $month < 2;
return $doy unless $year % 4 == 0;
return ++$doy unless $year % 100 == 0;
return $doy unless $year % 400 == 0;
return ++$doy;
sub Twilight_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
# Provider# $hash->{Clients} = undef;
# Consumer
$hash->{DefFn} = "Twilight_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Twilight_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Twilight_Get";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 event-on-update-reading event-on-change-reading";
sub Twilight_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
my $reading= $a[1];
my $value;
if(defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
$value= $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL};
} else {
return "no such reading: $reading";
return "$a[0] $reading => $value";
sub Twilight_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
# define <name> Twilight <latitude> <longitude> [indoor_horizon [Weather_Position]]
# define MyTwilight Twilight 48.47 11.92 Weather_Position
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "syntax: define <name> Twilight <latitude> <longitude> [indoor_horizon [Weather]]"
if(int(@a) < 4 && int(@a) > 6);
$hash->{STATE} = "0";
my $latitude;
my $longitude;
my $name = $a[0];
if ($a[2] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[2] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) {
$latitude = $a[2];
}else{return "Argument Latitude is not a valid number";}
if ($a[3] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[3] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) {
$longitude = $a[3];
}else{return "Argument Longitude is not a valid number";}
my $weather = "";
my $indoor_horizon="4";
if(int(@a)>5) { $weather=$a[5] }
if(int(@a)>4) { if ($a[4] =~ /^[\+-]*[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*$/ && $a[4] !~ /^[\. ]*$/ ) {
$indoor_horizon = $a[4];
if($indoor_horizon>20){ $indoor_horizon=20;}
}else{return "Argument Indoor_Horizon is not a valid number";} }
$hash->{LATITUDE} = $latitude;
$hash->{LONGITUDE} = $longitude;
$hash->{WEATHER} = $weather;
$hash->{INDOOR_HORIZON} = $indoor_horizon;
return undef;
sub Twilight_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub twilight_midnight_seconds() { my @time = localtime(); my $secs = ($time[2] * 3600) + ($time[1] * 60) + $time[0]; return $secs; }
sub Twilight_GetUpdate($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my @sunrise_set;
my $sunrise;
my $sunset;
my $latitude=$hash->{LATITUDE};
my $longitude=$hash->{LONGITUDE};
my $horizon=$hash->{HORIZON};
my $now=time;
my $midnight=twilight_midnight_seconds();
my $midseconds=$now-$midnight;
my $year=strftime("%Y",localtime);
my $month=strftime("%m",localtime);
my $day=strftime("%d",localtime);
my $doy = dayofyear($day,$month,$year)+(($year%4)/4);
my $timezone=(mktime(localtime($now))-mktime(gmtime($now)))/3600;
my $timediff=-0.171*sin(0.0337*$doy+0.465) - 0.1299*sin(0.01787 * $doy - 0.168);
my $declination=0.4095*sin(0.016906*($doy-80.086));
my $twilight_midnight=$now+(0-$timediff-$longitude/15+$timezone)*3600;
my $yesterday_offset;
$doy = dayofyear($day,$month,$year)+(($year%4)/4);
for(my $i=0;$i<6;$i++){
my $k=0;
my $half="RISE";
my $nexttime;
my $licht;
for(my $i=0;$i < 12;$i++){
if($nexttime > $now && $nexttime!=2000000000){
readingsUpdate($hash,"light", 6-abs($i-6));
if($i==5 || $i==6){
$nexttime = ($nexttime-$now)/5;
$nexttime=120 if($nexttime<120);
$nexttime=900 if($nexttime>900);
$nexttime = $nexttime+10;
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer(sprintf("%.0f",$nexttime), "Twilight_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
if ($i == 5){
if($nexttime<$now && $i==11){
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer($now+900, "Twilight_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
readingsUpdate($hash,"light", 0);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1));
return 1;
sub twilight_calc() {
my $latitude=shift;
my $longitude=shift;
my $horizon=shift;
my $declination=shift;
my $timezone=shift;
my $midseconds=shift;
my $timediff=shift;
my $suntime=0;
my $sunrise=0;
my $sunset=0;
eval {
$suntime=12*acos((sin($horizon/57.29578)-sin($latitude/57.29578)*sin($declination))/(cos($latitude/57.29578)*cos($declination)))/3.141592 ;
return $sunrise, $sunset;
sub Twilight_getWeatherHorizon(){
my $location=shift;
#my $xml = GetHttpFile("www.google.com:80", "/ig/api?weather=" . $location . "&hl=en");
#$xml =~/\<current_conditions\>(.*)\<\/current_conditions\>/;
#my $current=$1;
#$current=~/<condition data="(.*)"\/\>\<temp_f/;
my $xml = GetHttpFile("weather.yahooapis.com:80","/forecastrss?w=".$location."&u=c");
$xml=~/code="(.*)"(\ *)temp/;
my $current=$1;
case 0 {return 25;}
case 1 {return 25;}
case 2 {return 25;}
case 3 {return 25;}
case 4 {return 20;}
case 5 {return 10;}
case 6 {return 10;}
case 7 {return 10;}
case 8 {return 10;}
case 9 {return 10;}
case 10 {return 10;}
case 11 {return 7;}
case 12 {return 7;}
case 13 {return 7;}
case 14 {return 5;}
case 15 {return 10;}
case 17 {return 6;}
case 18 {return 6;}
case 19 {return 6;}
case 20 {return 10;}
case 21 {return 6;}
case 22 {return 6;}
case 23 {return 6;}
case 24 {return 6;}
case 25 {return 6;}
case 26 {return 6;}
case 27 {return 5;}
case 28 {return 5;}
case 29 {return 3;}
case 30 {return 3;}
case 31 {return 0;}
case 32 {return 0;}
case 33 {return 0;}
case 34 {return 0;}
case 35 {return 7;}
case 36 {return 0;}
case 37 {return 15;}
case 38 {return 15;}
case 39 {return 15;}
case 40 {return 9;}
case 41 {return 15;}
case 42 {return 8;}
case 43 {return 5;}
case 44 {return 12;}
case 45 {return 6;}
case 46 {return 8;}
case 47 {return 8;}
else {return 1;}
if($current eq "Light rain"){return 2;}else{return 15;}

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
<a href="#TRX_SECURITY">TRX_SECURITY</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#TRX_WEATHER">TRX_WEATHER</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#TUL">TUL</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#Twilight">Twilight</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#USF1000">USF1000</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#USBWX">USBWX</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#VantagePro2">VantagePro2</a> &nbsp;
@ -4392,6 +4393,83 @@ A line ending with \ will be concatenated with the next one, so long lines
<a name="Twilight"></a>
<a name="Twilightdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; Twilight &lt;latitude&gt; &lt;longitude&gt; [&lt;indoor_horizon&gt; [&lt;Weather_Position&gt;]]</code><br>
Defines a virtual device for Twilight calculations <br><br>
A Twilight device periodically calculates the times of different twilight phases throughout the day.
It calculates a virtual "light" element, that gives an indicator about the amount of the current daylight.
Besides the location on earth it is influenced by a so called "indoor horizon" (e.g. if there are high buildings, mountains) as well as by weather conditions. Very bad weather conditions lead to a reduced daylight for nearly the whole day.
The light calculated spans between 0 and 6, where the values mean the following:<br><br>
<code>0 - total night, sun is at least -18 degree below horizon</code><br>
<code>1 - astronomical twilight, sun is between -12 and -18 degree below horizon</code><br>
<code>2 - nautical twilight, sun is between -6 and -12 degree below horizon</code><br>
<code>3 - civil twilight, sun is between 0 and -6 degree below horizon</code><br>
<code>4 - indoor twilight, sun is between the indoor_horizon and 0 degree below horizon (not used if indoor_horizon=0)</code><br>
<code>5 - weather twilight, sun is between indoor_horizon and a virtual weather horizon (the weather horizon depends on weather conditions (optional)</code><br>
<code>6 - maximum daylight</code><br>
The parameters <code>latitude</code> and <code>longitude</code> are decimal numbers which give the position on earth for which the twilight states shall be calculated.<br>
The parameter indoor_horizon gives a virtual horizon higher than 0, that shall be used for calculation of indoor twilight (typical values are between 0 and 6)<br>
The parameter Weather_Position is the yahoo weather id used for getting the weather condition. Go to http://weather.yahoo.com/ and enter a city or zip code. In the upcoming webpage, the id is a the end of the URL. Example: Munich, Germany -> 676757<br>
define myTwilight Twilight 49.962529 10.324845 3 676757
<a name="Twilightset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<a name="Twilightget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;reading&gt;</code><br><br>
<tr><td>light</td><td>the current virtual daylight value</td></tr>
<tr><td>nextEvent</td><td>the name of the next event</td></tr>
<tr><td>nextEventTime</td><td>the time when the next event will probably happen (durint light phase 5 and 6 this is updated when weather conditions change</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr_astro</td><td>time of astronomical sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr_naut</td><td>time of nautical sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr_civil</td><td>time of civil sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr</td><td>time of sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr_indoor</td><td>time of indoor sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>sr_weather</td><td>time of weather sunrise</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss_weather</td><td>time of weather sunset</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss_indoor</td><td>time of indoor sunset</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss</td><td>time of sunset</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss_civil</td><td>time of civil sunset</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss_nautic</td><td>time of nautic sunset</td></tr>
<tr><td>ss_astro</td><td>time of astro sunset</td></tr>
<a name="Weatherattr"></a>
<a name="USF1000"></a>