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new helper module dewpoint

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wherzig 2012-04-11 20:03:04 +00:00
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fhem/FHEM/98_dewpoint.pm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
# Dewpoint computing
# based / modified from 98_average.pm (C) by Rudolf Koenig
# Copyright (C) 2012 Willi Herzig
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# The GNU General Public License may also be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html .
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Debug this module? YES = 1, NO = 0
my $dewpoint_debug = 0;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "dewpoint_Define";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "dewpoint_Notify";
$hash->{NotifyOrderPrefix} = "10-"; # Want to be called before the rest
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> dewpoint (dewpoint|fan|alarm) devicename [options]"
if(@a < 4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $cmd_type = $a[2]; # dewpoint, fan, alarm
my $devname = $a[3];
if ($cmd_type eq "dewpoint") {
# define <name> dewpoint dewpoint devicename-regex [temp_name hum_name new_name]
if(@a == 7) {
$hash->{TEMP_NAME} = $a[4];
$hash->{HUM_NAME} = $a[5];
$hash->{NEW_NAME} = $a[6];
} elsif (@a == 4) {
$hash->{TEMP_NAME} = "temperature";
$hash->{HUM_NAME} = "humidity";
$hash->{NEW_NAME} = "dewpoint";
} else {
return "wrong syntax: define <name> dewpoint dewpoint devicename-regex [temp_name hum_name new_name]"
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "fan") {
# define <name> dewpoint fan devicename-regex devicename-outside min_temp
if(@a == 6) {
$hash->{DEVNAME_OUT} = $a[4];
$hash->{MIN_TEMP} = $a[5];
} else {
return "wrong syntax: define <name> dewpoint fan devicename-regex devicename-outside min_temp"
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "alarm") {
# define <name> dewpoint alarm devicename-regex devicename-reference diff_temp
if(@a == 6) {
$hash->{DEVNAME_REF} = $a[4];
$hash->{DIFF_TEMP} = $a[5];
} else {
return "wrong syntax: define <name> dewpoint alarm devicename-regex devicename-reference diff_temp"
} else {
return "wrong syntax: define <name> dewpoint (dewpoint|fan|alarm) devicename-regex [options]"
$hash->{CMD_TYPE} = $cmd_type;
eval { "Hallo" =~ m/^$devname$/ };
return "Bad regecaxp: $@" if($@);
$hash->{DEV_REGEXP} = $devname;
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
return undef;
my ($hash, $dev) = @_;
my $hashName = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(AttrVal($hashName, "disable", undef));
return "" if(!defined($hash->{DEV_REGEXP}));
my $devName = $dev->{NAME};
my $cmd_type = $hash->{CMD_TYPE};
my $re = $hash->{DEV_REGEXP};
# dewpoint
my $temp_name = "temperature";
my $hum_name = "humidity";
my $new_name = "dewpoint";
# fan
my $devname_out = "";
my $min_temp = 0;
# alarm
my $devname_ref = "";
my $diff_temp = 0;
if ($cmd_type eq "dewpoint") {
if (!defined($hash->{TEMP_NAME}) || !defined($hash->{HUM_NAME}) || !defined($hash->{NEW_NAME})) {
# should never happen!
Log 1, "Error dewpoint: TEMP_NAME || HUM_NAME || NEW_NAME undefined";
return "";
$temp_name = $hash->{TEMP_NAME};
$hum_name = $hash->{HUM_NAME};
$new_name = $hash->{NEW_NAME};
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: cmd_type=$cmd_type devname=$devName dewname=$hashName, dev=$devName, dev_regex=$re temp_name=$temp_name hum_name=$hum_name" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "fan") {
if (!defined($hash->{DEVNAME_OUT}) || !defined($hash->{MIN_TEMP})) {
# should never happen!
Log 1, "Error dewpoint: DEVNAME_OUT || MIN_TEMP undefined";
return "";
$devname_out = $hash->{DEVNAME_OUT};
$min_temp = $hash->{MIN_TEMP};
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: cmd_type=$cmd_type devname=$devName dewname=$hashName, dev=$devName, dev_regex=$re, devname_out=$devname_out, min_temp=$min_temp" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "alarm") {
if (!defined($hash->{DEVNAME_REF}) || !defined($hash->{DIFF_TEMP})) {
# should never happen!
Log 1, "Error dewpoint: DEVNAME_REF || DIFF_TEMP undefined";
return "";
$devname_ref = $hash->{DEVNAME_REF};
$diff_temp = $hash->{DIFF_TEMP};
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: cmd_type=$cmd_type devname=$devName dewname=$hashName, dev=$devName, dev_regex=$re, devname_ref=$devname_ref, diff_temp=$diff_temp" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} else {
# should never happen:
Log 1, "Error notify_dewpoint: <1> unknown cmd_type ".$cmd_type;
return "";
my $max = int(@{$dev->{CHANGED}});
my $tn;
my $n = -1;
my $lastval;
return "" if($devName !~ m/^$re$/);
my $temperature = "";
my $humidity = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
my $s = $dev->{CHANGED}[$i];
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: s='$s'" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
# Filtering
next if(!defined($s));
my ($evName, $val, $rest) = split(" ", $s, 3); # resets $1
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: evName='$evName' val=$val'" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
if (($evName eq "T:") && ($temp_name eq "T")) {
$n = $i;
#my ($evName1, $val1, $evName2, $val2, $rest) = split(" ", $s, 5); # resets $1
#$lastval = $evName1." ".$val1." ".$evName2." ".$val2;
$lastval = $s;
if ($s =~ /T: [-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/) {
$temperature = $1;
if ($s =~ /H: [-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/) {
$humidity = $1;
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify T: H:, temp=$temperature hum=$humidity" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($evName eq $temp_name.":") {
$temperature = $val;
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify temperature! temp=$temperature" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($evName eq $hum_name.":") {
$humidity = $val;
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify humidity! hum=$humidity" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
if ($n == -1) { $n = $max; }
if (($temperature eq "") || ($humidity eq "")) { return undef; } # no way to calculate dewpoint!
# We found temperature and humidity. so we can calculate dewpoint first
my $dewpoint = sprintf("%.1f", dewpoint_dewpoint($temperature,$humidity));
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: dewpoint=$dewpoint" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
if ($cmd_type eq "dewpoint") {
# >define <name> dewpoint dewpoint <devicename> [<temp_name> <hum_name> <new_name>]
# Calculates dewpoint for device <devicename> from temperature and humidity and write it
# to new Reading dewpoint.
# If optional <temp_name>, <hum_name> and <newname> is specified
# then read temperature from reading <temp_name>, humidity from reading <hum_name>
# and write dewpoint to reading <temp_name>.
# if temp_name eq "T" then use temperature from state T: H:, add <newname> to the state
# Example:
# define dewtest1 dewpoint dewpoint .*
# define dewtest2 dewpoint dewpoint .* T H D
my $sensor = $new_name;
my $current;
if ($temp_name ne "T") {
$current = $dewpoint;
$tn = TimeNow();
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tn;
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current;
$dev->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current;
} else {
# state begins with "T:". append dewpoint or insert before BAT
if ($lastval =~ /BAT:/) {
$current = $lastval;
$current =~ s/BAT:/$sensor: $dewpoint BAT:/g;
} else {
$current = $lastval." ".$sensor.": ".$dewpoint;
$dev->{STATE} = $current;
$dev->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $current;
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: current=$current" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "fan") {
# >define <name> dewpoint fan devicename devicename-outside min-temp
# This define may be used to turn an fan on or off if the outside air has less
# water
# - Generate reading/event "fan: on" if dewpoint of <devicename-outside> is lower
# than dewpoint of <devicename> and temperature of <devicename-outside> is >= min-temp
# and reading "fan" was not already "on".
# - Generate reading/event "fan: off": else and if reading "fan" was not already "off".
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: fan devname_out=$devname_out, min_temp=$min_temp" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
my $sensor;
my $current;
if (exists $defs{$devname_out}{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL} && exists $defs{$devname_out}{READINGS}{humidity}{VAL}) {
my $temperature_out = $defs{$devname_out}{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL};
my $humidity_out = $defs{$devname_out}{READINGS}{humidity}{VAL};
my $dewpoint_out = sprintf("%.1f", dewpoint_dewpoint($temperature_out,$humidity_out));;
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: fan dewpoint_out=$dewpoint_out" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
if ($dewpoint_out < $dewpoint && $temperature_out >= $min_temp) {
$current = "on";
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: fan ON" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} else {
$current = "off";
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: fan OFF" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
$sensor = "fan";
if (!exists $defs{$devName}{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} || $defs{$devName}{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $current) {
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: CHANGE fan $current" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
$tn = TimeNow();
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tn;
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current;
$dev->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current;
} else {
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: fan devname_out=$devname_out no temperature or humidity available for dewpoint calculation" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "alarm") {
# >define <name> dewpoint alarm devicename devicename-reference diff
# - Generate reading/event "alarm: on" if temperature of <devicename-reference>-<diff> is lower
# than dewpoint of <devicename> and reading "alarm" was not already "on".
# - Generate reading/event "alarm: off" if temperature of <devicename-reference>-<diff> is higher
# than dewpoint of <devicename> and reading "alarm" was not already "off".
# You have different options to use this define:
# * Use a temperature sensor in or on the wall (<devicename-reference>) and use a temp/hum sensor
# to measure the dewpoint of the air. Alarm if the temperature of the wall is lower than the dewpoint of the air.
# In this case the water of the air will condense on the wall because the wall is cold.
# Example: define alarmtest dewpoint alarm roomsensor wallsensor 0
# * If you do not have a temperature sensor in/on the wall, you may also compare the rooms dewpoint to the
# temperature of the same or another inside sensor. If you think that your walls are normally 5 degrees colder
# than the inside temperature, set diff to 5.
# Example: define alarmtest dewpoint alarm roomsensor roomsensor 5
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: alarm devname_ref=$devname_ref, diff_temp=$diff_temp" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
my $sensor;
my $current;
if (exists $defs{$devname_ref}{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL}) {
my $temperature_ref = $defs{$devname_ref}{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL};
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: alarm temperature_ref=$temperature_ref" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
if ($temperature_ref - $diff_temp < $dewpoint) {
$current = "on";
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: alarm ON" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} else {
$current = "off";
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: alarm OFF" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
$sensor = "alarm";
if (!exists $defs{$devName}{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} || $defs{$devName}{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $current) {
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: CHANGE alarm $current" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
$tn = TimeNow();
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = $tn;
$dev->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $current;
$dev->{CHANGED}[$n++] = $sensor . ": " . $current;
} else {
Log 1, "dewpoint_notify: alarm devname_out=$devname_out no temperature or humidity available for dewpoint calculation" if ($dewpoint_debug == 1);
} else {
# should never happen:
Log 1, "Error notify_dewpoint: <2> unknown cmd_type ".$cmd_type;
return "";
return undef;
# -----------------------------
# Dewpoint calculation.
# see http://www.faqs.org/faqs/meteorology/temp-dewpoint/ "5. EXAMPLE"
my ($temperature, $humidity) = @_;
my $dp;
my $A = 17.2694;
my $B = ($temperature > 0) ? 237.3 : 265.5;
my $es = 610.78 * exp( $A * $temperature / ($temperature + $B) );
my $e = $humidity/ 100 * $es;
if ($e == 0) {
Log 1, "Error: dewpoint() e==0: temp=$temperature, hum=$humidity";
return 0;
my $e1 = $e / 610.78;
my $f = log( $e1 ) / $A;
my $f1 = 1 - $f;
if ($f1 == 0) {
Log 1, "Error: dewpoint() (1-f)==0: temp=$temperature, hum=$humidity";
return 0;
$dp = $B * $f / $f1 ;

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@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
<a href="#at">at</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#average">average</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#dewpoint">dewpoint</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#dummy">dummy</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#dumpdef">dumpdef</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#holiday">holiday</a> &nbsp;
@ -8411,6 +8412,130 @@ KlikAanKlikUit, NEXA, CHACON, HomeEasy UK. <br> You need to define an RFXtrx433
<a name="dewpoint"></a>
Dewpoint calculations. Offers three different ways to use dewpoint: <br>
Compute additional event dewpoint from a sensor offering temperature and humidity.</li>
Generate a event to turn a fan on if the outside air has less water than the inside.</li>
Generate a mold alarm if a reference temperature is lower that the current dewpoint.</li>
<a name="dewpointdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; dewpoint dewpoint &lt;devicename-regex&gt; [&lt;temp_name&gt; &lt;hum_name&gt; &lt;new_name&gt;]</code><br>
Calculates dewpoint for device &lt;devicename-regex&gt; from temperature and humidity
and write it to a new reading named dewpoint.
If optional &lt;temp_name&gt;, &lt;hum_name&gt; and &lt;new_name&gt; is specified
then read temperature from reading &lt;temp_name&gt;, humidity from reading &lt;hum_name&gt;
and write the calculated dewpoint to reading &lt;new_name&gt;.<br>
If &lt;temp_name&gt; is T then use temperature from state T: H:, add &lt;new_name&gt; to the state.
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of the temp1 device and generate reading dewpoint.
define dew_temp1 dewpoint dewpoint temp1
define dew_temp1 dewpoint dewpoint temp1 temperature humidity dewpoint
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of all devices offering temperature and humidity
# and generate reading dewpoint.
define dew_all dewpoint dewpoint .*
define dew_all dewpoint dewpoint .* temperature humidity dewpoint
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of the device Aussen_1 offering temperature and humidity
# and insert is into STATE.
define dew_state dewpoint dewpoint Aussen_1 T H D
# Compute the dewpoint for the temperature/humidity
# events of all devices offering temperature and humidity
# and insert the result into the STATE.
# Example STATE: "T: 10 H: 62.5" will change to
# "T: 10 H: 62.5 D: 3.2"
define dew_state dewpoint dewpoint .* T H D
<code>define &lt;name&gt; dewpoint fan &lt;devicename-regex&gt; &lt;devicename-outside&gt; &lt;min-temp&gt;</code><br>
May be used to turn an fan on or off if the outside air has less water.
Generate event "fan: on" if dewpoint of &lt;devicename-outside&gt; is lower
than dewpoint of &lt;devicename&gt; and temperature of &lt;devicename-outside&gt; is &gt;= min-temp
and reading "fan" was not already "on".</li>
<li>Generate event "fan: off": else and if reading "fan" was not already "off".</li>
# Generate event "fan: on" when dewpoint of Aussen_1 is first
# time lower than Keller_Raum1 and outside temperature is &gt;= 0
# and change it to "fan: off" is this condition changes.
define dew_fan1 dewpoint fan Keller_Raum1 Aussen_1 0
<code>define &lt;name&gt; dewpoint alarm &lt;devicename-regex&gt; &lt;devicename-reference&gt; &lt;diff-temp&gt;</code><br>
Generate a mold alarm if a reference temperature is lower that the current dewpoint.
Generate reading/event "alarm: on" if temperature of &lt;devicename-reference&gt; - &lt;diff-temp&gt; is lower
than dewpoint of &lt;devicename&gt; and reading "alarm" was not already "on".</li>
<li>Generate reading/event "alarm: off" if temperature of &lt;devicename-reference&gt; - &lt;diff-temp&gt; is higher than dewpoint of &lt;devicename&gt; and reading "alarm" was not already "off".</li>
# Using a wall temperature sensor (wallsensor) and a temp/hum sensor
# (roomsensor) to alarm if the temperature of the wall is lower than
# the dewpoint of the air. In this case the water of the air will
# condense on the wall because the wall is cold.
define dew_alarm1 dewpoint alarm roomsensor wallsensor 0
# If you do not have a temperature sensor in/on the wall, you may also
# compare the rooms dewpoint to the temperature of the same or another
# inside sensor. Alarm is temperature is 5 degrees colder than the
# inside dewpointinside.
define dev_alarm2 dewpoint alarm roomsensor roomsensor 5
<a name="dewpointset"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="dewpointget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="dewpointattr"></a>
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a></li>
<a name="holiday"></a>