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Perl specials rewrite

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@980 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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rudolfkoenig 2011-08-14 09:40:54 +00:00
parent bdd07a055a
commit e36dec11a4

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@ -4198,21 +4198,27 @@ Attributes:<br>
The perl specials in the definitions of the set and get commands can contain macros. Apart from the rules
outlined in the <a href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a> in fhem, the following rules apply:<br><br>
The perl specials in the definitions of the set and get commands can
contain macros. Apart from the rules outlined in the <a
href="#perl">documentation of perl specials</a> in fhem, the following
rules apply:<br><br>
<li>The character @ will be replaced with the device
name. To use @ in the text itself, use the double mode (@@).</li>
<li>The character @ will be replaced with the device
name. To use @ in the text itself, use the double mode (@@).</li>
<li>The macro <code>%NAME</code> will expand to the device name (same as <code>@</code>).</li>
<li>The macro <code>%NAME</code> will expand to the device name (same
as <code>@</code>).</li>
<li>The macro <code>%&lt;parameter&gt;</code> will expand to the current value of the
named parameter. This can be either a parameter from the device definition or a parameter
from the set or get command.</li>
<li>The macro <code>%&lt;parameter&gt;</code> will expand to the
current value of the named parameter. This can be either a parameter
from the device definition or a parameter from the set or get
<li>The macro substitution occurs before perl evaluates the expression. It is a plain text substitution.</li>
<li>The macro substitution occurs before perl evaluates the
expression. It is a plain text substitution.</li>
<li>If in doubt what happens, run the commands with loglevel 5 and observe the log file.</li>
<li>If in doubt what happens, run the commands with loglevel 5 and
observe the log file.</li>
@ -7041,7 +7047,7 @@ isday</pre>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In this case only one specific graphic will be rendered assuming that plotmode is 'gnuplot-scroll':<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A graphic will be rendered for 'device', where device is a FileLog, based on the type 'type' based on the given 'logfile'<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The 'zoom' will be either qday/day/week/month/year (same as used in FHEMWEB).<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The offset 'off' is either 0 (then the second part can be omitted, or -1/-2.... to jump back in time.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The offset 'off' is either 0 (then the second part can be omitted), or -1/-2.... to jump back in time.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The resulting filename will be 'attr-tmpfile file-name.png'<br>
NOTE: If you want to use zoom AND offset then you have to concatenate via '&' !!<br>
@ -7221,90 +7227,132 @@ isday</pre>
<a name="perl"></a>
<h3>Perl specials</h3>
<li>To test perl oneliners, type them on the prompt by enclosing it in {}, e.g.<br>
{ Log 1, "Hallo" }
If you want to automate some tasks via fhem, then you'll probably use <a
href="#at">at</a> or <a href="#notify">notify</a>. For more complex tasks
you'll use either a shell-Skript or a perl "oneliner" as the at/notify
argument. This chapter gives some tips in using the perl oneliners.<br><br>
<li>To store some macros, see the Notes in the <a href="#notify">notify</a>
<li>To test perl oneliners, type them on the telnet prompt (or FHEMWEB text
input) by enclosing it in {}, one line at once. The last line will only
write something in the logfile, the output of the other lines is directly
{ "Hello" }<br>
{ 1+3*4 }<br>
{ `ls /etc` }<br>
{ Log 1, "Hello" }<br>
<li>To use fhem commands from the perl expression, use the function "fhem",
which takes a string argument, this string will be evaluated as a fhem
command chain.<br>
define n1 notify piri:on { fhem "set light on" }
Perl expressions are separated by ;, in fhem oneliners they have to
escaped with ;;<br>
{ my $a = 1+1;; Log 1, "Hello $a" }
<li>To make date and time handling easier, before evaluating a perl
expression the variables $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year, $wday,
$yday, $isdst are set (see perldoc -f localtime), with the exception that
$month is in the range of 1 to 12, and $year is also corrected by 1900 (as
one would normally expect). Additionally $we is 1 if it is weekend (i.e
$wday == 0 || $wday == 6), and 0 otherwise. If the <a
href="#holiday2we">holida2we</a> global attribute is set, $we is 1 for
holidays too.
<li>To use fhem commands from the perl expression, use the function fhem(),
which takes a string argument, this string will be evaluated as a fhem
{ fhem "set light on" }<br>
define n1 notify piri:on { fhem "set light on" }
define n2 notify piri:on { if($hour &gt; 18 || $hour &lt; 5) { fhem "set
light on" } }
<li>Notify can be used to store macros for manual execution. Use the <a
href="#trigger">trigger</a> command to execute the macro:<br>
define MyMacro notify MyMacro { Log 1, "Hello"}<br>
trigger MyMacro<br>
define MacroWithArg notify MyMacro { Log 1, "Hello %"}<br>
trigger MyMacro MyArg<br>
The following small helper functions are defined in 99_Util.pm (which will
be loaded automatically):
<li>min(a,b), max(a,b)</li>
<li>time_str2num("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") returns a numerical value,
which makes computation of time differences easier</li>
<li>abstime2rel("HH:MM:SS") converts an absolute time to a relative one,
to compare it with the sunrise commands in the following example:<br>
# Switch lamp1 on at sunrise, but not before 07:00<br>
define a13 at +*{max(abstime2rel("07:00"),sunrise_rel())} set lamp1
<b>Note</b>: do not forget to escape the semicolon (;) with two semicolons
(;;), else your perl code will be interpreted as an fhem command and you
most certainly get syntax errors.
<li>To make date and time handling easier, the variables $sec, $min, $hour,
$mday, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst are available in the perl
oneliners (see also perldoc -f localtime). Exceptions: $month is in the
range of 1 to 12, and $year is corrected by 1900 (as I would expect).<br>
Additionally the variabe $we is 1 if it is weekend (i.e $wday == 0 or
$wday == 6), and 0 otherwise. If the <a href="#holiday2we">holida2we</a>
global attribute is set, $we is 1 for holidays too.<br>
define n2 notify piri:on { if($hour &gt; 18 || $hour &lt; 5) {
fhem "set light on" } }<br>
define roll_en *07:45:00 { fhem "trigger SwitchAllRoll on" if(!$we) }<br>
define roll_en *08:30:00 { fhem "trigger SwitchAllRoll on" if($we) }<br>
The current value (the string you see in paranthesis in the output of the
list command) is available in the <code>value</code> hash; to access it
use <code>Value("name")</code>. If you need the old value (and time) of
the currently triggered device, then you can access it with
<code>OldValue("name")</code> and <code>OldTimestamp("name")</code>.<br>
To access the numerical value of an FS20 command (e.g. toggle), use the
hash <code>fs20_c2b</code>. E.g. { Log 2, $fs20_c2b{"toggle"} }
The following helper functions are defined in 99_Util.pm (which will
be loaded automatically, as every module with prefix 99):
<li>min(a,b), max(a,b)</li>
<li>time_str2num("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") returns a numerical value,
which makes computation of time differences easier</li>
<li>abstime2rel("HH:MM:SS") converts an absolute time to a relative one,
to compare it with the sunrise commands in the following example:<br>
# Switch lamp1 on at sunrise, but not before 07:00<br>
define a13 at +*{max(abstime2rel("07:00"),sunrise_rel())} set lamp1
# Note that this functionality is easier to achieve with:<br>
define a13 at +*{sunrise_rel(0,"07:00",undef)} set lamp1 on<br>
By using the 99_SUNRISE_EL.pm module, you have access to the following
functions: <br>
The _rel functions should be used as "at" spec, and the _abs functions as
argument to the on-till argument of the set command.<br>
isday returns 1 if the sun is visible, and 0 else.
To access the device states/attributes, use the following functions:
returns the state of the device (the string you see in paranthesis in
the output of the list command).
returns the old value/timestamp of the device.
Return the reading (the value in the Readings section of "list device")
Return the attribute of the device
{ Value("wz") }<br>
{ OldValue("wz") }<br>
{ time_str2num(OldTimestamp("wz")) }<br>
{ ReadingsVal("wz", "measured-temp", "20")+0 }<br>
{ AttrVal("wz", "room", "none") }<br>
By using the 99_SUNRISE_EL.pm module, you have access to the following
functions: <br>
sunset_rel($offset, $min, $max)<br>
sunset_abs($offset, $min, $max)<br>
sunrise_rel($offset, $min, $max)<br>
sunrise_abs($offset, $min, $max)<br>
offset is in seconds, and the format of min/max is "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS".
isday returns 1 if the sun is visible, and 0 else.