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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
fhemweb.js: allow id-based anchor (Forum #118915)
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23811 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
=item summary_DE Verbindung zu einem externen MQTT Server
=begin html
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENT"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT"></a>
MQTT2_CLIENT is a cleanroom implementation of an MQTT client (which connects
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
<br> <br>
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTdefine"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-define"></a>
<code>define <name> MQTT2_CLIENT <host>:<port></code>
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTset"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-set"></a>
<li>publish -r topic value<br>
@ -694,15 +694,15 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTget"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-get"></a>
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTattr"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr"></a>
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTautocreate"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-autocreate"></a>
<li>autocreate [no|simple|complex]<br>
if set to simple/complex, at least one MQTT2_DEVICE will be created, and
its readingsList will be expanded upon reception of published messages.
@ -720,13 +720,13 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
attribute it is not really useful.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTclientId"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-clientId"></a>
<li>clientId <name><br>
set the MQTT clientId. If not set, the name of the MQTT2_CLIENT instance
is used, after deleting everything outside 0-9a-zA-Z
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTclientOrder"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-clientOrder"></a>
<li>clientOrder [MQTT2_DEVICE] [MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE]<br>
set the notification order for client modules. This is
relevant when autocreate is active, and the default order
@ -739,52 +739,52 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
disable dispatching of messages.
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTdisconnectAfter"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENTdisconnectAfter"></a>
<li>disconnectAfter <seconds><br>
if set, the connection will be closed after <seconds> of
inactivity, and will be automatically reopened when sending a command.
<a name="MQTT2_CLIENTignoreRegexp"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENTignoreRegexp"></a>
if $topic:$message matches ignoreRegexp, then it will be silently ignored.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTlwt"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-lwt"></a>
<li>lwt <topic> <message> <br>
set the LWT (last will and testament) topic and message, default is empty.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTkeepaliveTimeout"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-keepaliveTimeout"></a>
<li>keepaliveTimeout <seconds;><br>
number of seconds for sending keepalive messages, 0 disables it.
The broker will disconnect, if there were no messages for
1.5 * keepaliveTimeout seconds.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTlwtRetain"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-lwtRetain"></a>
if set, the lwt retain flag is set
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTmqttVersion"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-mqttVersion"></a>
<li>mqttVersion 3.1,3.1.1<br>
set the MQTT protocol version in the CONNECT header, default is 3.1
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTmsgAfterConnect"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-msgAfterConnect"></a>
<li>msgAfterConnect [-r] topic message<br>
publish the topic after each connect or reconnect.<br>
If the optional -r is specified, then the publish sets the retain flag.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTmsgBeforeDisconnect"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-msgBeforeDisconnect"></a>
<li>msgBeforeDisconnect [-r] topic message<br>
publish the topic bofore each disconnect.<br>
If the optional -r is specified, then the publish sets the retain flag.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTqosMaxQueueLength"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-qosMaxQueueLength"></a>
<li>qosMaxQueueLength <number><br>
if set to a nonzero value, messages are published with QoS=1, and are
kept in a memory-only buffer until acknowledged by the server.
@ -792,31 +792,31 @@ MQTT2_CLIENT_getStr($$)
are queued, and resent when the connection is esablished.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTrawEvents"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-rawEvents"></a>
<li>rawEvents <topic-regexp><br>
send all messages as events attributed to this MQTT2_CLIENT instance.
Should only be used, if there is no MQTT2_DEVICE to process the topic.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTsubscriptions"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-subscriptions"></a>
<li>subscriptions <subscriptions><br>
space separated list of MQTT subscriptions, default is #<br>
Note: if the value is the literal setByTheProgram, then the value sent by
the client (e.g. MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE) is used.
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTSSL"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-SSL"></a>
Enable SSL (i.e. TLS)
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTsslargs"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-sslargs"></a>
a list of space separated tuples of key:value, where key is one of the
possible options documented in perldoc IO::Socket::SSL
<a name="MQTT_CLIENTusername"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_CLIENT-attr-username"></a>
<li>username <username><br>
set the username. The password is set via the set command, and is stored
separately, see above.
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
=item summary_DE Standalone MQTT message broker
=begin html
<a name="MQTT2_SERVER"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER"></a>
MQTT2_SERVER is a builtin/cleanroom implementation of an MQTT server using no
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
and performance). It is intended to simplify connecting MQTT devices to FHEM.
<br> <br>
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERdefine"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-define"></a>
<code>define <name> MQTT2_SERVER <tcp-portnr> [global|IP]</code>
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERset"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-set"></a>
<li>publish -r topic value<br>
@ -652,15 +652,15 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERget"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-get"></a>
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERattr"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr"></a>
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERclientId"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-clientId"></a>
<li>clientId <name><br>
set the MQTT clientId for all connections, for setups with clients
creating a different MQTT-ID for each connection. The autocreate
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERclientOrder"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-clientOrder"></a>
<li>clientOrder [MQTT2_DEVICE] [MQTT_GENERIC_BRIDGE]<br>
set the notification order for client modules. This is
relevant when autocreate is active, and the default order
@ -683,12 +683,12 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
messages, but not forward them.
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERignoreRegexp"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-ignoreRegexp"></a>
if $topic:$message matches ignoreRegexp, then it will be silently ignored.
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERkeepaliveFactor"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-keepaliveFactor"></a>
the oasis spec requires a disconnect, if after 1.5 times the client
supplied keepalive no data or PINGREQ is sent. With this attribute you
@ -700,13 +700,13 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERrawEvents"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-rawEvents"></a>
<li>rawEvents <topic-regexp><br>
Send all messages as events attributed to this MQTT2_SERVER instance.
Should only be used, if there is no MQTT2_DEVICE to process the topic.
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERrePublish"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-rePublish"></a>
if a topic is published from a source inside of FHEM (e.g. MQTT2_DEVICE),
it is only sent to real MQTT clients, and it will not internally
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
to the FHEM internal clients.
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERSSL"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-SSL"></a>
Enable SSL (i.e. TLS).
@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ MQTT2_SERVER_ReadDebug($$)
also the SSL attribute.
<a name="MQTT2_SERVERautocreate"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_SERVER-attr-autocreate"></a>
<li>autocreate [no|simple|complex]<br>
MQTT2_DEVICES will be automatically created upon receiving an
unknown message. Set this value to no to disable autocreating, the
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
=item summary_DE über den MQTT2_SERVER oder MQTT2_CLIENT kommunizierende Geräte
=begin html
<a name="MQTT2_DEVICE"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE"></a>
MQTT2_DEVICE is used to represent single devices connected to the
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
connecting MQTT devices to FHEM.
<br> <br>
<a name="MQTT2_DEVICEdefine"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-define"></a>
<code>define <name> MQTT2_DEVICE</code>
@ -903,32 +903,32 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<a name="MQTT2_DEVICEset"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-set"></a>
see the setList attribute documentation below.
<a name="MQTT2_DEVICEget"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-get"></a>
see the getList attribute documentation below.
<a name="MQTT2_DEVICEattr"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr"></a>
<a name="autocreate"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-autocreate"></a>
<li>autocreate {0|1}<br>
if set to 0, disables extending the readingList, when the IODev
autocreate is also set. Default is 1, i.e. new topics will be
automatically added to the readingList.
<a name="bridgeRegexp"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-bridgeRegexp"></a>
<li>bridgeRegexp <regexp> newClientId ...<br>
Used to automatically redirect some types of topics to different
MQTT2_DEVICE instances. The regexp is checked against the
@ -958,14 +958,14 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<a name="devicetopic"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-devicetopic"></a>
<li>devicetopic value<br>
replace $DEVICETOPIC in the topic part of readingList, setList and
getList with value. if not set, $DEVICETOPIC will be replaced with the
name of the device.
<a name="devPos"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-devPos"></a>
<li>devPos value<br>
used internally by the "Show neighbor map" visualizer in FHEMWEB.
This function is active if the graphviz and devices readings are set,
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<li><a href="#disable">disable</a><br>
<a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></li><br>
<a name="getList"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-getList"></a>
<li>getList cmd reading [topic|perl-Expression] ...<br>
When the FHEM command cmd is issued, publish the topic (and optional
message, which is separated by space from the topic), wait for the answer
@ -1006,13 +1006,13 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<a name="imageLink"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-imageLink"></a>
<li>imageLink href<br>
sets the image to be shown. The "Show neighbor map" function initializes
the value automatically.
<a name="jsonMap"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-jsonMap"></a>
<li>jsonMap oldReading1:newReading1 oldReading2:newReading2...<br>
space or newline separated list of oldReading:newReading pairs.<br>
Used in the automatically generated readingList json2nameValue function
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<a name="periodicCmd"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-periodicCmd"></a>
<li>periodicCmd <cmd1>:<period1> <cmd2>:<period2>...
periodically execute the get or set command. The command will not take
@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
period is measured in minutes, and it must be an integer.
<a name="readingList"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-readingList"></a>
<li>readingList <regexp> [readingName|perl-Expression] ...
If the regexp matches topic:message or cid:topic:message either set
@ -1070,11 +1070,12 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<li><a name="setExtensionsEvent">setExtensionsEvent</a><br>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-setExtensionsEvent"></a>
If set, the event will contain the command implemented by SetExtensions
(e.g. on-for-timer 10), else the executed command (e.g. on).</li><br>
<a name="setList"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-setList"></a>
<li>setList cmd [topic|perl-Expression] ...<br>
When the FHEM command cmd is issued, publish the topic.
Multiple tuples can be specified, each of them separated by newline, the
@ -1102,7 +1103,7 @@ zigbee2mqtt_devStateIcon255($;$$)
<a name="setStateList"></a>
<a id="MQTT2_DEVICE-attr-setStateList"></a>
<li>setStateList command command ...<br>
This attribute is used to get more detailed feedback when switching
devices. I.e. when the command on is contained in the list, state will
@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ for my $lang (@lang) {
$modData{$mName}{$1} =$2 if($l =~ m/^=item\s+(summary[^ ]*)\s(.*)$/);
$modData{$mName}{modLinks}{$1} = 1
if($l =~ m/<a\s+name=['"]([^ '"]+)['"]>/);
$modData{$mName}{modLinks}{$1} = 1
if($l =~ m/<a\s+id=['"]([^ '"]+)['"]>/);
$modData{$mName}{modLangs} = join(",", @lang);
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ foreach my $row (split("\n", $fList)) {
} elsif(!$skip) {
$hasLink = ($l =~ m/<a name="$modName"/) if(!$hasLink);
$hasLink = ($l =~ m/<a id="$modName"/) if(!$hasLink);
foreach $tag (TAGS) {
my $ot = ($tagcount{$tag} ? $tagcount{$tag} : 0);
if($l =~ m/<$tag ([^>]+)>/i) {
@ -307,26 +307,35 @@ FW_jqueryReadyFn()
var sel = this;
FW_getHelp(m[2], function(data) { // show either the next or the outer li
var sel=this, devName=m[2], selType=m[1];
FW_getHelp(devName, function(data) { // show either the next or the outer li
.append("<div id='workbench' style='display:none'></div>");
$("#content > #workbench").html(data);
var mtype = $("#content > #workbench a[name]").attr("name"), aTag;
if(mtype) {
var mv = (""+mtype+val).replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/ig,'_');
aTag = $("#content > #workbench").find("a[name="+mv+"]");
var mtype = $("#content > #workbench a[id]").attr("id"), aTag;
mtype = $("#content > #workbench a[name]").attr("name"), aTag;
if(mtype) { // old style #1 syntax: MODULETYPEattrname
var mv = (""+mtype+"-"+selType+"-"+val).replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/ig,'_');
aTag = $("#content > #workbench").find("a[id="+mv+"]");
if(!$(aTag).length) {
mv = (""+mtype+val).replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/ig,'_');
aTag = $("#content > #workbench").find("a[name="+mv+"]");
if(!$(aTag).length) { // old style syntax without type
if(!$(aTag).length) { // old style #2 syntax without type
var v = (val).replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/ig,'_');
aTag = $("#content > #workbench").find("a[name="+v+"]");
if($(aTag).length) {
var liTag = $(aTag).next("li");
liTag = $(aTag).parent("li");
if($(liTag).length) {
.after('<div class="makeTable" id="devSpecHelp"></div>')
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