mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: attr setupInverterDevXX: new key 'limit', the key 'capacity' is now mandatory! Attr affect70percentRule, ctrlAutoRefresh, ctrlAutoRefreshFW are deleted

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29321 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-10-31 20:25:29 +00:00
parent d242102fc1
commit e325f514e6
2 changed files with 146 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- change: 76_SolarForecast: attr setupInverterDevXX: new key 'limit',
the key 'capacity' is now mandatory! Attr affect70percentRule,
ctrlAutoRefresh, ctrlAutoRefreshFW are deleted
- feature: 36_Shelly: add Shelly Plug S MTR Gen3
- change: 76_SolarForecast: Attr graphicStartHtml, graphicEndHtml removed
- feature: 49_SSCam: Compatibility (Snapshot API) to SVS version >= 9.2.1

View File

@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.37.5" => "31.10.2024 attr setupInverterDevXX: new key 'limit', the key 'capacity' is now mandatory ".
"Attr affect70percentRule, ctrlAutoRefresh, ctrlAutoRefreshFW deleted ",
"1.37.4" => "29.10.2024 both attr graphicStartHtml, graphicEndHtml removed, fix flowGraphic when device name contains '.' ",
"1.37.3" => "25.10.2024 _flowGraphic: grid, dummy and battery displacement by kask ".
"Attr flowGraphicControl: new key h2consumerdist, animate=1 is default now ",
@ -493,10 +495,10 @@ my @rconfigs = qw( pvCorrectionFactor_Auto
# Anlagenkonfiguration: maßgebliche Attribute
my @aconfigs = qw( affect70percentRule affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsForecastIdentWeekdays
my @aconfigs = qw( affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsForecastIdentWeekdays
affectConsForecastInPlanning affectSolCastPercentile
consumerLegend consumerAdviceIcon consumerLink
ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ctrlAutoRefresh ctrlAutoRefreshFW ctrlBackupFilesKeep
ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ctrlBackupFilesKeep
ctrlBatSocManagement ctrlConsRecommendReadings ctrlGenPVdeviation ctrlInterval
ctrlLanguage ctrlNextDayForecastReadings ctrlShowLink ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq
ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ctrlStatisticReadings ctrlUserExitFn
@ -1164,7 +1166,6 @@ my %hfspvh = (
sub Initialize {
my $hash = shift;
my $fwd = join ",", devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=STATE=Initialized");
my $hod = join ",", map { sprintf "%02d", $_} (1..24);
my $srd = join ",", sort keys (%hcsr);
my $gbc = 'pvReal,pvForecast,consumption,consumptionForecast,gridconsumption,energycosts,gridfeedin,feedincome';
@ -1202,8 +1203,7 @@ sub Initialize {
$hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr;
$hash->{NotifyFn} = \&Notify;
$hash->{ReadyFn} = \&runTask;
$hash->{AttrList} = "affect70percentRule:1,dynamic,0 ".
"affectBatteryPreferredCharge:slider,0,1,100 ".
$hash->{AttrList} = "affectBatteryPreferredCharge:slider,0,1,100 ".
"affectConsForecastIdentWeekdays:1,0 ".
"affectConsForecastInPlanning:1,0 ".
"affectConsForecastLastDays:slider,1,1,31 ".
@ -1213,12 +1213,10 @@ sub Initialize {
"consumerLink:0,1 ".
"ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ".
"ctrlAIshiftTrainStart:slider,1,1,23 ".
"ctrlAutoRefresh:selectnumbers,120,0.2,1800,0,log10 ".
"ctrlAutoRefreshFW:$fwd ".
"ctrlBackupFilesKeep ".
"ctrlBatSocManagement:textField-long ".
"ctrlConsRecommendReadings:multiple-strict,$allcs ".
"ctrlDebug:multiple-strict,$dm,#14 ".
"ctrlDebug:multiple-strict,$dm,#10 ".
"ctrlAreaFactorUsage:fix,trackFull,trackShared,trackFlex ".
"ctrlGenPVdeviation:daily,continuously ".
"ctrlInterval ".
@ -1282,6 +1280,8 @@ sub Initialize {
my $av = 'obsolete#-#use#attr#flowGraphicControl#instead';
$hash->{AttrList} .= " flowGraphicCss:$av flowGraphicSize:$av flowGraphicAnimate:$av flowGraphicConsumerDistance:$av flowGraphicShowConsumer:$av flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy:$av flowGraphicShowConsumerPower:$av flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime:$av flowGraphicShift:$av ";
my $av1 = "obsolete#-#the#attribute#will#be#deleted#soon";
$hash->{AttrList} .= " affect70percentRule:$av1 ctrlAutoRefresh:$av1 ctrlAutoRefreshFW:$av1 ";
$hash->{FW_hideDisplayName} = 1; # Forum 88667
@ -5329,13 +5329,16 @@ sub Attr {
return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete and replaced by 'flowGraphicControl'.};
# 29.10.2024
if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName =~ /^graphicStartHtml|graphicEndHtml$/) {
# 31.10.2024
if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName =~ /^graphicStartHtml|affect70percentRule|graphicEndHtml|ctrlAutoRefresh|ctrlAutoRefreshFW$/) {
if (!$init_done) {
my $msg = "The attribute $aName has been removed and is no longer valid.";
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg");
return qq{Device "$name" -> $msg};
else {
return qq{The attribute '$aName' is obsolete.};
@ -5348,11 +5351,6 @@ sub Attr {
singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $val, evt => 1} );
if ($aName eq 'ctrlAutoRefresh') {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{AREFRESH};
delete $hash->{AUTOREFRESH};
if ($aName eq 'ctrlNextDayForecastReadings') {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Tomorrow_Hour.*");
@ -5837,13 +5835,19 @@ sub _attrInverterDev { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{Set the first Inverter device with attribute 'setupInverterDev01'};
if (!$h->{pv} || !$h->{etotal}) {
return qq{The syntax of '$aName' is not valid. Please consider the commandref.};
if (!$h->{pv} || !$h->{etotal} || !$h->{capacity}) {
return qq{One or more of the keys 'pv, etotal, capacity' are missing . Please consider the commandref.};
if ($h->{capacity} && !isNumeric($h->{capacity})) {
return qq{The syntax of key 'capacity' is not valid. Please consider the commandref.};
if (!isNumeric($h->{capacity})) {
return qq{The value of key 'capacity' must be numeric. Please consider the commandref.};
if ($h->{limit}) {
if (!isNumeric($h->{limit}) || $h->{limit} < 0 || $h->{limit} > 100) {
return qq{The value of key 'limit' is not valid. Please consider the commandref.};
if ($h->{feed} && $h->{feed} !~ /^grid|bat$/xs) {
return qq{The value of key 'feed' is not valid. Please consider the commandref.};
@ -5860,6 +5864,7 @@ sub _attrInverterDev { ## no critic "not used"
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{attrInvChangedTs} = int time;
delete $data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{invertercap};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ilimit};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{iicon};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{istrings};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ifeed};
@ -7023,6 +7028,7 @@ sub centralTask {
_transferMeterValues ($centpars); # Energy Meter auswerten
_transferBatteryValues ($centpars); # Batteriewerte einsammeln
_batSocTarget ($centpars); # Batterie Optimum Ziel SOC berechnen
_batChargeRecmd ($centpars); # Batterie Ladeempfehlung berechnen und erstellen
_manageConsumerData ($centpars); # Consumer Daten sammeln und Zeiten planen
_estConsumptionForecast ($centpars); # Verbrauchsprognose erstellen
_evaluateThresholds ($centpars); # Schwellenwerte bewerten und signalisieren
@ -8387,16 +8393,8 @@ sub __calcPVestimates {
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{allstringspeak} = $peaksum; # temperaturbedingte Korrektur der installierten Peakleistung in W
$pvsum = $peaksum if($peaksum && $pvsum > $peaksum); # Vorhersage nicht größer als die Summe aller PV-Strings Peak
my $logao = qq{};
$paref->{pvsum} = $pvsum;
$paref->{peaksum} = $peaksum;
$pvsum = sprintf "%.0f", $pvsum;
($pvsum, $logao) = ___70percentRule ($paref);
delete $paref->{peaksum};
delete $paref->{pvsum};
if ($debug =~ /radiationProcess/xs) {
$lh = { # Log-Hash zur Ausgabe
"Starttime" => $wantdt,
@ -8404,7 +8402,7 @@ sub __calcPVestimates {
"Cloudcover" => $wcc,
"Total Rain last hour" => $rr1c." kg/m2",
"PV Correction mode" => ($acu ? $acu : 'no'),
"PV generation forecast" => $pvsum." Wh ".$logao,
"PV generation forecast" => $pvsum." Wh",
$sq = q{};
@ -8518,36 +8516,6 @@ sub ___calcPeaklossByTemp {
return ($peakloss, $modtemp);
# 70% Regel kalkulieren
sub ___70percentRule {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $pvsum = $paref->{pvsum};
my $peaksum = $paref->{peaksum};
my $num = $paref->{num}; # Nexthour
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $logao = qq{};
my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$num), "confc", 0);
my $max70 = $peaksum/100 * 70;
if (AttrVal ($name, "affect70percentRule", "0") eq "1" && $pvsum > $max70) {
$pvsum = $max70;
$logao = qq{(reduced by 70 percent rule)};
if (AttrVal ($name, "affect70percentRule", "0") eq "dynamic" && $pvsum > $max70 + $confc) {
$pvsum = $max70 + $confc;
$logao = qq{(reduced by 70 percent dynamic rule)};
$pvsum = int $pvsum;
return ($pvsum, $logao);
# den Maximalwert PV Vorhersage für Heute ermitteln
@ -8651,14 +8619,15 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my $feed = $h->{feed} // 'default';
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{igeneration} = $pv; # Hilfshash Wert current generation, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1139251.html#msg1139251
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ietotal} = $etotal; # aktuellen etotal des WR speichern
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{iname} = $indev; # Name des Inverterdevices
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ialias} = AttrVal ($indev, 'alias', $indev); # Alias Inverter
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{invertercap} = $h->{capacity} if(defined $h->{capacity}); # optionale Angabe max. WR-Leistung
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{iicon} = $h->{icon} if($h->{icon}); # Icon des Inverters
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{istrings} = $h->{strings} if($h->{strings}); # dem Inverter zugeordnete Strings
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ifeed} = $feed; # Eigenschaften der Energielieferung
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{igeneration} = $pv; # Hilfshash Wert current generation, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1139251.html#msg1139251
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ietotal} = $etotal; # aktuellen etotal des WR speichern
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{iname} = $indev; # Name des Inverterdevices
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ialias} = AttrVal ($indev, 'alias', $indev); # Alias Inverter
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{invertercap} = $h->{capacity} if(defined $h->{capacity}); # optionale Angabe max. WR-Leistung
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ilimit} = $h->{limit} // 100; # Wirkleistungsbegrenzung
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{iicon} = $h->{icon} if($h->{icon}); # Icon des Inverters
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{istrings} = $h->{strings} if($h->{strings}); # dem Inverter zugeordnete Strings
$data{$type}{$name}{inverters}{$in}{ifeed} = $feed; # Eigenschaften der Energielieferung
$pvsum += $pv;
$ethishoursum += $ethishour;
@ -9312,6 +9281,107 @@ sub __batSaveSocKeyFigures {
# Erstellung Batterie Ladeempfehlung
sub _batChargeRecmd {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $chour = $paref->{chour};
return if(!isBatteryUsed ($name));
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $rodpvfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'RestOfDayPVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose Rest des Tages
my $tompvfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Tomorrow_PVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose nächster Tag
my $confcss = CurrentVal ($hash, 'tdConFcTillSunset', 0); # Verbrauchsprognose bis Sonnenuntergang
my $tomconfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Tomorrow_ConsumptionForecast', 0);
my $pvCu = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_PV', 0); # aktuelle PV Erzeugung
my $batcap = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batinstcap', 0); # installierte Batteriekapazität Wh
my $soc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batcharge', 0); # aktueller SOC (%)
my $inpmax = 0;
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) {
$in = sprintf "%02d", $in;
my $feed = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'ifeed', '');
next if(!$feed || $feed eq 'grid'); # Inverter 'Grid' ausschließen
my $iname = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'iname', '');
my $icap = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'invertercap', 0);
my $limit = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'ilimit', 100); # Wirkleistungsbegrenzung (default keine Begrenzung)
my $aplim = $icap * $limit / 100;
$inpmax += $aplim; # max. Leistung aller WR mit Berücksichtigung Wirkleistungsbegrenzung
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Inverter '$iname' capacity: $icap, Active power limit: $limit % -> Pmax limited: $aplim");
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Summary active power limit of all Inverter (except feed 'grid'): $inpmax");
return if(!$inpmax);
my $sfmargin = $inpmax * 0.5; # Sicherheitszuschlag 50% der installierten Leistung (Wh)
my $betEneed = sprintf "%.0f", ($batcap - ($batcap * $soc / 100)); # benötigte Energie bis 100% Batteriekapazität Wh
for my $num (0..47) {
my ($fd,$fh) = calcDayHourMove ($chour, $num);
next if($fd > 1);
my $today = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.sprintf("%02d",$num), 'today', 0);
my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.sprintf("%02d",$num), 'confc', 0);
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.sprintf("%02d",$num), 'pvfc', 0);
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.sprintf("%02d",$num), 'starttime', '');
$stt = (split '-', $stt)[2] if($stt);
my $dold = 0; # Ladeempfehlung 0 per Default
my $spday = 0;
if ($today) { # (Rest) heutiger Tag
$spday = $rodpvfc - $confcss;
else { # nächster Tag
$spday = $tompvfc - $tomconfc;
$spday = 0 if($spday < 0); # PV Überschuß Prognose bis Sonnenuntergang
if ( $betEneed + $sfmargin >= $spday ) {$dold = 1} # Ladeempfehlung wenn benötigte Ladeenergie >= Restüberschuß des Tages zzgl. Sicherheitsaufschlag
if ( !$num && $pvCu >= $inpmax ) {$dold = 1} # Ladeempfehlung wenn akt. PV Leistung >= WR-Leistungsbegrenzung
my $msg = "(Eneed: $betEneed -> Surplus Day: $spday, Curr PV: $pvCu -> Limit: $inpmax)";
if ($num) {
$msg = "(Eneed: $betEneed -> Surplus Day: $spday)";
else {
storeReading ('Battery_ChargeRecommended', $dold); # Reading nur für aktuelle Stunde
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Charge activation $stt -> $dold $msg");
if ($pvfc) {
if ($today) { # (Rest) heutiger Tag
$confcss -= $confc;
$confcss = 0 if($confcss < 0);
$rodpvfc -= $pvfc;
else { # nächster Tag
$tomconfc -= $confc;
$tomconfc = 0 if($tomconfc < 0);
$tompvfc -= $pvfc;
$betEneed -= sprintf "%.0f", ($pvfc - $confc);
$betEneed = $betEneed < 0 ? 0 : $betEneed;
# Zusammenfassungen erstellen
@ -12022,48 +12092,9 @@ sub FwFn {
$ret .= entryGraphic ($name);
$ret .= "</html>";
# Autorefresh nur des aufrufenden FHEMWEB-Devices
my $al = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlAutoRefresh', 0);
if ($al) {
pageRefresh ($hash);
return $ret;
# Seitenrefresh festgelegt durch SolarForecast-Attribut "ctrlAutoRefresh"
# und "ctrlAutoRefreshFW"
sub pageRefresh {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $al = AttrVal($name, 'ctrlAutoRefresh', 0);
if ($al) {
my $rftime = gettimeofday()+$al;
if (!$hash->{HELPER}{AREFRESH} || $hash->{HELPER}{AREFRESH} <= gettimeofday()) {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, \&pageRefresh);
InternalTimer($rftime, \&pageRefresh, $hash, 0);
my $rd = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlAutoRefreshFW', $hash->{HELPER}{FW});
{ map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } $rd } ## no critic 'Map blocks'
$hash->{HELPER}{AREFRESH} = $rftime;
$hash->{AUTOREFRESH} = FmtDateTime($rftime);
else {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{AREFRESH};
delete $hash->{AUTOREFRESH};
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, \&pageRefresh);
# Grafik als HTML zurück liefern (z.B. für Widget)
@ -20537,22 +20568,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-affect70percentRule"></a>
If set, the predicted power is limited according to the 70% rule. <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>0</b> </td><td>No limit on the forecast PV generation (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>1</b> </td><td>the predicted PV generation is limited to 70% of the installed string power(s) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>dynamic</b> </td><td>the predicted PV generation is limited when 70% of the installed </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>string(s) power plus the predicted consumption is exceeded. </td></tr>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-affectBatteryPreferredCharge"></a>
<li><b>affectBatteryPreferredCharge </b><br>
Consumers with the <b>can</b> mode are only switched on when the specified battery charge (%)
@ -20862,21 +20877,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlAutoRefresh"></a>
<li><b>ctrlAutoRefresh</b> <br>
If set, active browser pages of the FHEMWEB device that has called up the SolarForecast device are
reloaded after the set time (seconds). If browser pages of a certain FHEMWEB device are to be reloaded
instead, this device can be specified with the attribute "ctrlAutoRefreshFW".
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlAutoRefreshFW"></a>
If "ctrlAutoRefresh" is activated, this attribute can be used to determine the FHEMWEB device whose active browser pages
should be regularly reloaded.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBackupFilesKeep"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBackupFilesKeep &lt;Integer&gt; </b><br>
Defines the number of generations of backup files
@ -21588,8 +21588,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-setupInverterDev" data-pattern="setupInverterDev.*"></a>
<li><b>setupInverterDevXX &lt;Inverter Device Name&gt; pv=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt;
[capacity=&lt;max. WR-Leistung&gt;] [strings=&lt;String1&gt;,&lt;String2&gt;,...]
[feed=&lt;Delivery type&gt;]
capacity=&lt;max. WR-Leistung&gt; [strings=&lt;String1&gt;,&lt;String2&gt;,...]
[feed=&lt;Delivery type&gt;] [limit=&lt;0..100&gt;]
[icon=&lt;Day&gt;[@&lt;Color&gt;][:&lt;Night&gt;[@&lt;Color&gt;]]] </b> <br><br>
Defines any inverter device or solar charger and its readings to supply the current PV generation values. <br>
@ -21600,7 +21600,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
This can also be a dummy device with corresponding readings. <br>
The values of several inverters can be combined in a dummy device, for example, and this device can
be specified with the corresponding readings. <br>
Specifying <b>capacity</b> is optional, but strongly recommended to optimize prediction accuracy.
@ -21612,7 +21611,6 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td>SolarForecast handles this error and reports the situation by means of a log message. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>Einheit</b> </td><td>the respective unit (W,kW,Wh,kWh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Rated power of the inverter according to data sheet, i.e. max. possible output in Watts </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>(The entry is optional, but is strongly recommended) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>strings</b> </td><td>Comma-separated list of the strings assigned to the inverter (optional). The string names </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>are defined in the <a href=#SolarForecast-attr-setupInverterStrings”>setupInverterStrings</a> attribute. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>If 'strings' is not specified, all defined string names are assigned to the inverter. </td></tr>
@ -21620,6 +21618,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td>If the key is not set, the device feeds the PV energy into the house's AC grid. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>bat</b> - the device supplies energy exclusively to the battery </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>grid</b> - the energy is fed exclusively into the public grid </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>limit</b> </td><td>Defines any active power limitation in % (optional). </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon for displaying the inverter in the flow chart (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>&lt;Day&gt;</b> - Icon and optional color for activity after sunrise </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>&lt;Night&gt;</b> - Icon and optional color after sunset, otherwise the moon phase is displayed </td></tr>
@ -22930,22 +22929,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-affect70percentRule"></a>
Wenn gesetzt, wird die prognostizierte Leistung entsprechend der 70% Regel begrenzt. <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>0</b> </td><td>keine Begrenzung der prognostizierten PV-Erzeugung (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>1</b> </td><td>die prognostizierte PV-Erzeugung wird auf 70% der installierten Stringleistung(en) begrenzt </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>dynamic</b> </td><td>die prognostizierte PV-Erzeugung wird begrenzt wenn 70% der installierten </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Stringleistung(en) zzgl. des prognostizierten Verbrauchs überschritten wird </td></tr>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-affectBatteryPreferredCharge"></a>
<li><b>affectBatteryPreferredCharge </b><br>
Es werden Verbraucher mit dem Mode <b>can</b> erst dann eingeschaltet, wenn die angegebene Batterieladung (%)
@ -23255,21 +23238,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlAutoRefresh"></a>
<li><b>ctrlAutoRefresh</b> <br>
Wenn gesetzt, werden aktive Browserseiten des FHEMWEB-Devices welches das SolarForecast-Device aufgerufen hat, nach der
eingestellten Zeit (Sekunden) neu geladen. Sollen statt dessen Browserseiten eines bestimmten FHEMWEB-Devices neu
geladen werden, kann dieses Device mit dem Attribut "ctrlAutoRefreshFW" festgelegt werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlAutoRefreshFW"></a>
Ist "ctrlAutoRefresh" aktiviert, kann mit diesem Attribut das FHEMWEB-Device bestimmt werden dessen aktive Browserseiten
regelmäßig neu geladen werden sollen.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlBackupFilesKeep"></a>
<li><b>ctrlBackupFilesKeep &lt;Ganzzahl&gt;</b><br>
Legt die Anzahl der Generationen von Sicherungsdateien
@ -23982,8 +23950,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-setupInverterDev" data-pattern="setupInverterDev.*"></a>
<li><b>setupInverterDevXX &lt;Inverter Device Name&gt; pv=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt;
[capacity=&lt;max. WR-Leistung&gt;] [strings=&lt;String1&gt;,&lt;String2&gt;,...]
capacity=&lt;max. WR-Leistung&gt; [strings=&lt;String1&gt;,&lt;String2&gt;,...]
[feed=&lt;Liefertyp&gt;] [limit=&lt;0..100&gt;]
[icon=&lt;Tag&gt;[@&lt;Farbe&gt;][:&lt;Nacht&gt;[@&lt;Farbe&gt;]]] </b> <br><br>
Legt ein beliebiges Wechselrichter-Gerät bzw. Solar-Ladegerät und dessen Readings zur Lieferung der aktuellen
@ -23995,7 +23963,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
Dabei kann es sich auch um ein Dummy Gerät mit entsprechenden Readings handeln. <br>
Die Werte mehrerer Wechselrichter kann man z.B. in einem Dummy Gerät zusammenführen und gibt dieses Gerät mit
den entsprechenden Readings an. <br>
Die Angabe von <b>capacity</b> ist optional, wird aber zur Optimierung der Vorhersagegenauigkeit dringend empfohlen.
@ -24007,7 +23974,6 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td>SolarForecast diesen Fehler und meldet die aufgetretene Situation durch einen Logeintrag. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>Einheit</b> </td><td>die jeweilige Einheit (W,kW,Wh,kWh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Bemessungsleistung des Wechselrichters gemäß Datenblatt, d.h. max. möglicher Output in Watt </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>(Die Angabe ist optional, wird aber dringend empfohlen zu setzen) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>strings</b> </td><td>Komma getrennte Liste der dem Wechselrichter zugeordneten Strings (optional). Die Stringnamen </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>werden im Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-setupInverterStrings">setupInverterStrings</a> definiert. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Ist 'strings' nicht angegeben, werden alle definierten Stringnamen dem Wechselrichter zugeordnet. </td></tr>
@ -24015,6 +23981,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td>Ist der Schlüssel nicht gesetzt, speist das Gerät die PV-Energie in das Wechselstromnetz des Hauses ein. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>bat</b> - das Gerät liefert die Energie ausschließlich an die Batterie </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>grid</b> - die Energie wird ausschließlich in das öffentlich Netz eingespeist </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>limit</b> </td><td>Definiert eine eventuelle Wirkleistungsbeschränkung in % (optional). </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon zur Darstellung des Inverters in der Flowgrafik (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>&lt;Tag&gt;</b> - Icon und ggf. Farbe bei Aktivität nach Sonnenaufgang </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>&lt;Nacht&gt;</b> - Icon und ggf. Farbe nach Sonnenuntergang, sonst wird die Mondphase angezeigt </td></tr>