mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 11:26:55 +00:00
hardware access changed to ioctl and syswrite/read
SMBus module not needed anymore but still usable, see attribute useHWLib possibility to swap I2C-0 to P5 for Rev. B raspberries via attribute swap_i2c0 (not tested yet) git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@6160 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Device::SMBus;
#use Device::SMBus;
#my $clientsI2C = ":I2C_PC.*:I2C_SHT21:I2C_MCP23017:I2C_BMP180:";
@ -20,16 +20,23 @@ I2C_TSL2561
my $gpioprg = "/usr/local/bin/gpio"; #WiringPi GPIO utility
my $I2C_SLAVE = 0x0703; #Variable for IOCTL (set I2C slave address)
#my %matchListI2C = ( #kann noch weg?
# "1:I2C_PCF8574"=> ".*",
# "2:FHT" => "^81..(04|09|0d)..(0909a001|83098301|c409c401)..",
my $libcheck_SMBus = 1;
my $check_ioctl_ph = 1;
sub RPII2C_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
eval "use Device::SMBus;";
$libcheck_SMBus = 0 if($@);
eval {require "sys/ioctl.ph"};
$check_ioctl_ph = 0 if($@);
# Provider
$hash->{Clients} = join (':',@clients);
#$hash->{WriteFn} = "RPII2C_Write"; #wird vom client per IOWrite($@) aufgerufen
@ -40,39 +47,46 @@ sub RPII2C_Initialize($) {
$hash->{UndefFn} = "RPII2C_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "RPII2C_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "RPII2C_Set";
#$hash->{AttrFn} = "RPII2C_Attr";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "RPII2C_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "RPII2C_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:1,0 showtime:1,0 " .
$hash->{AttrList} .= " useHWLib:IOCTL,SMBus " if( $libcheck_SMBus && $check_ioctl_ph);
$hash->{AttrList} .= " swap_i2c0:off,on";
sub RPII2C_Define($$) { #
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
unless(@a == 3) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> RPII2C <0|1>";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
if(-e $gpioprg) { #I2C Devices fuer FHEM User lesbar machen
if(-x $gpioprg) {
if(-u $gpioprg) {
my $exp = $gpioprg.' load i2c';
$exp = `$exp`;
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "file $gpioprg is not setuid";
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "file $gpioprg is not executable";
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "file $gpioprg doesnt exist";
} #system "/usr/local/bin/gpio load i2c";
my $name = $a[0];
$hash->{SMBus_exists} = $libcheck_SMBus if($libcheck_SMBus);
$hash->{ioctl_ph_exists} = $check_ioctl_ph if($check_ioctl_ph);
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
if ($check_ioctl_ph) {
$hash->{hwfn} = \&RPII2C_HWACCESS_ioctl;
} elsif ($libcheck_SMBus) {
$hash->{hwfn} = \&RPII2C_HWACCESS;
} else {
return $name . ": Error! no library for Hardware access installed";
my $device = "/dev/i2c-".$dev;
unless ( RPII2C_CHECK_GPIO_DEVICE($dev) ) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "file $device not accessible try to use gpio utility to fix it";
if ( defined(my $ret = RPII2C_CHECK_GPIO_UTIL($gpioprg)) ) {
Log3 $hash, 1, $ret if $ret;
} else { #I2C Devices mit gpio utility fuer FHEM User lesbar machen
my $exp = $gpioprg.' load i2c';
$exp = `$exp`;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#$hash->{Clients} = $clientsI2C;
@ -83,10 +97,8 @@ sub RPII2C_Define($$) { #
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
return undef;
return $name . ': Error! I2C device not found: /dev/i2c-'.$dev . '. Please check kernelmodules must loaded: i2c_bcm2708, i2c_dev' unless -e "/dev/i2c-".$dev;
return $name . ': Error! I2C device not readable: /dev/i2c-'.$dev . '. Please install wiringpi or change access rights for fhem user' unless -r "/dev/i2c-".$dev;
return $name . ': Error! I2C device not writable: /dev/i2c-'.$dev . '. Please install wiringpi or change access rights for fhem user' unless -w "/dev/i2c-".$dev;
my $check = RPII2C_CHECK_GPIO_DEVICE($dev);
return $name . $check if $check;
$hash->{DeviceName} = "/dev/i2c-".$dev;
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
@ -145,6 +157,18 @@ sub RPII2C_Undef($$) { #
return undef;
sub RPII2C_Attr(@){
my (undef, $name, $attr, $val) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($attr && $attr eq 'useHWLib') {
$hash->{hwfn} = \&RPII2C_HWACCESS_ioctl if $val eq "IOCTL";
$hash->{hwfn} = \&RPII2C_HWACCESS if $val eq "SMBus";
} elsif ($attr && $attr eq 'swap_i2c0' && defined($val)) {
return undef;
sub RPII2C_Set($@) { #writeBlock noch nicht fertig
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
@ -188,7 +212,7 @@ sub RPII2C_Set($@) { #writeBlock noch nicht fertig
$i2chash->{reg} = $reg if defined($reg); #startadresse zum lesen
$i2chash->{nbyte} = $nbyte if defined($nbyte);
$i2chash->{data} = $data if defined($data);
RPII2C_HWACCESS($hash, $i2chash);
&{$hash->{hwfn}}($hash, $i2chash);
undef $i2chash; #Hash loeschen
return undef;
@ -210,7 +234,8 @@ sub RPII2C_Get($@) { #
$i2chash->{reg} = hex($a[3]) if defined($a[3]); #startadresse zum lesen
$i2chash->{nbyte} = $a[4] if defined($a[4]);
#Log3 $hash, 1, "Reg: ". $i2chash->{reg};
my $status = RPII2C_HWACCESS($hash, $i2chash);
#my $status = RPII2C_HWACCESS_ioctl($hash, $i2chash);
my $status = &{$hash->{hwfn}}($hash, $i2chash);
#my $received = join(" ", @{$i2chash->{received}}); #als Array
my $received = $i2chash->{received}; #als Scalar
undef $i2chash; #Hash loeschen
@ -227,7 +252,8 @@ sub RPII2C_Write($$) { #wird vom Client aufgerufen
Log3 $hash, 5, $ankommen;
if ( $clientmsg->{direction} && $clientmsg->{i2caddress} ) {
$clientmsg->{$name . "_" . "SENDSTAT"} = RPII2C_HWACCESS($hash, $clientmsg);
$clientmsg->{$name . "_" . "SENDSTAT"} = &{$hash->{hwfn}}($hash, $clientmsg);
#$clientmsg->{$name . "_" . "SENDSTAT"} = RPII2C_HWACCESS($hash, $clientmsg);
foreach my $d ( sort keys %main::defs ) { #zur Botschaft passenden Clienten ermitteln geht auf Client: I2CRecFn
@ -245,6 +271,76 @@ sub RPII2C_Write($$) { #wird vom Client aufgerufen
return undef;
# my ($hash,$fn,$args) = @_;
# foreach my $d ( sort keys %main::defs ) {
# if ( defined( $main::defs{$d} )
# && defined( $main::defs{$d}{IODev} )
# && $main::defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash ) {
# &$fn($main::defs{$d},$args); #funktion mit Varianblennamen von $fn ausführen
# }
# }
# return undef;
my ($dev) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
#unless (defined($hash->{gpio_util_exists})) {
if(-e $dev) {
if(-r $dev) {
unless(-w $dev) {
$ret = ': Error! I2C device not writable: /dev/i2c-'.$dev . '. Please install wiringpi or change access rights for fhem user';
} else {
$ret = ': Error! I2C device not readable: /dev/i2c-'.$dev . '. Please install wiringpi or change access rights for fhem user';
} else {
$ret = ': Error! I2C device not found: /dev/i2c-' .$dev . '. Please check kernelmodules must loaded: i2c_bcm2708, i2c_dev';
return $ret;
my ($gpioprg) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
#unless (defined($hash->{gpio_util_exists})) {
if(-e $gpioprg) {
if(-x $gpioprg) {
unless(-u $gpioprg) {
$ret = "file $gpioprg is not setuid";
} else {
$ret = "file $gpioprg is not executable";
} else {
$ret = "file $gpioprg doesnt exist";
return $ret;
my ($hash,$set) = @_;
unless (defined(my $ret = RPII2C_CHECK_GPIO_UTIL($gpioprg))) {
if (defined($set) && $set eq "on") {
system "$gpioprg -g mode 0 in";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 1 in";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 28 ALT0";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 29 ALT0";
} else {
system "$gpioprg -g mode 28 in";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 29 in";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 0 ALT0";
system "$gpioprg -g mode 1 ALT0";
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, $ret if $ret;
my ($hash, $clientmsg) = @_;
my $status = "error";
@ -262,15 +358,15 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: Block schreiben Register: " . sprintf("0x%.2X", $clientmsg->{reg}) . " Inhalt: " . $wr . " N: ". int(@data) ." Returnvar.: $inh";
$status = "Ok" if $inh == 0;
#kommt wieder weg#################
} elsif (defined($clientmsg->{nbyte}) && defined($clientmsg->{reg}) && defined($clientmsg->{data}) && $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cwrite") { #Registerbereich (mehrfach) beschreiben
my @data = split(" ", $clientmsg->{data});
foreach (0..$#data) {
my $i = $_ -( int($_ / $clientmsg->{nbyte}) * $clientmsg->{nbyte} );
$inh = $dev->writeByteData( ($clientmsg->{reg} + $i ) ,$data[$_]);
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME} NReg schreiben; Reg: " . ($clientmsg->{reg} + $i) . " Inh: " . $data[$_] . " Returnvar.: $inh";
last if $inh != 0;
$status = "Ok" if $inh == 0;
# } elsif (defined($clientmsg->{nbyte}) && defined($clientmsg->{reg}) && defined($clientmsg->{data}) && $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cwrite") { #Registerbereich (mehrfach) beschreiben
# my @data = split(" ", $clientmsg->{data});
# foreach (0..$#data) {
# my $i = $_ -( int($_ / $clientmsg->{nbyte}) * $clientmsg->{nbyte} );
# $inh = $dev->writeByteData( ($clientmsg->{reg} + $i ) ,$data[$_]);
# Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME} NReg schreiben; Reg: " . ($clientmsg->{reg} + $i) . " Inh: " . $data[$_] . " Returnvar.: $inh";
# last if $inh != 0;
# $status = "Ok" if $inh == 0;
# }
#hier Mehrfachbeschreibung eines Registers noch entfernen und dafuer Bereich mit Registeroperationen beschreiben
} elsif (defined($clientmsg->{reg}) && defined($clientmsg->{data}) && $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cwrite") { #Register beschreiben
my @data = split(" ", $clientmsg->{data});
@ -302,7 +398,7 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
#@{$clientmsg->{received}} = split(" ", $rmsg) if($rmsg); #Daten als Array uebertragen
$clientmsg->{received} = $rmsg if($rmsg); #Daten als Scalar uebertragen
} elsif ($clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cread") { #Byte lesen
} elsif ($clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cread") { #Byte lesen #Byte lesen
my $nbyte = defined($clientmsg->{nbyte}) ? $clientmsg->{nbyte} : 1;
my $rmsg = "";
for (my $n = 0; $n < $nbyte; $n++) {
@ -319,9 +415,85 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
$hash->{STATE} = $status;
$hash->{ERRORCNT} = defined($hash->{ERRORCNT}) ? $hash->{ERRORCNT} += 1 : 1 if $status ne "Ok";
$clientmsg->{$hash->{NAME} . "_" . "RAWMSG"} = $inh;
return $status;
sub RPII2C_HWACCESS_ioctl($$) {
my ($hash, $clientmsg) = @_;
my $status = "error";
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess I2CAddr: " . sprintf("0x%.2X", $clientmsg->{i2caddress});
my ($fh, $msg) = undef;
my $ankommen = "$hash->{NAME}: vom client empfangen";
foreach my $av (keys %{$clientmsg}) { $ankommen .= "|" . $av . ": " . $clientmsg->{$av}; }
Log3 $hash, 5, $ankommen;
my $i2caddr = hex(sprintf "%x", $clientmsg->{i2caddress});
if ( sysopen(my $fh, $hash->{DeviceName}, O_RDWR) != 1) { #Datei oeffnen
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess sysopen failure: $!"
} elsif( not defined( ioctl($fh,$I2C_SLAVE,$i2caddr) ) ) { #I2C Adresse per ioctl setzen
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess (0x".unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{i2caddress}).") ioctl failure: $!"
} elsif (defined($clientmsg->{nbyte}) && defined($clientmsg->{reg}) && defined($clientmsg->{data}) && $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cblockwrite") { #Registerblock beschreiben
my $data = chr($clientmsg->{reg});
foreach (split(" ", $clientmsg->{data})) {
$data .= chr($_);
my $retval = syswrite($fh, $data, length($data));
unless (defined($retval) && $retval == length($data)) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess blockweise nach 0x".unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{i2caddress})." schreiben, Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{reg}) . " Inh: $clientmsg->{data}, laenge: ".length($data)."| -> syswrite failure: $!";
} else {
$status = "Ok";
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess block schreiben, Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{reg}) . " Inh(dec):|$clientmsg->{data}|, laenge: |".length($data)."|";
#(my $datah = $data) =~ s/(.|\n)/sprintf("%.2X ",ord($1))/eg;
#Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess block schreiben data:|$clientmsg->{data}|, laenge: |".length($data)."|";
#$status = "Ok" if $resulw == length($data);
} elsif (defined($clientmsg->{data}) && $clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cwrite") { #byteweise beschreiben
my $reg = undef;
$reg = $clientmsg->{reg} if (defined($clientmsg->{reg}));
$status = "Ok";
foreach (split(" ", $clientmsg->{data})) {
my $data = (defined($reg) ? chr($reg++) : "") . chr($_);
my $retval = syswrite($fh, $data, length($data));
unless (defined($retval) && $retval == length($data)) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess byteweise nach 0x".unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{i2caddress})." schreiben, ". (defined($reg) ? "Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", ($reg - 1)) . " " : "")."Inh: 0x" . unpack( "H2",pack "C", $_) .", laenge: ".length($data)."| -> syswrite failure: $!";
$status = "error";
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess byteweise schreiben, ". (defined($reg) ? "Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", ($reg - 1)) . " " : "")."Inh: 0x" . unpack( "H2",pack "C", $_) .", laenge: ".length($data);
} elsif ($clientmsg->{direction} eq "i2cread") { #vom I2C lesen
my $nbyte = defined($clientmsg->{nbyte}) ? $clientmsg->{nbyte} : 1;
my $rmsg = "";
foreach (my $n = 0; $n < $nbyte; $n++) {
if ( defined($clientmsg->{reg}) ) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess byteweise lesen setze Registerpointer auf " . ($clientmsg->{reg} + $n);
my $retval = syswrite($fh, chr($clientmsg->{reg} + $n), 1);
unless (defined($retval) && $retval == 1) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess byteweise von 0x".unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{i2caddress})." lesen,". (defined($clientmsg->{reg}) ? " Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", ($clientmsg->{reg} + $n)) : "") . " -> syswrite failure: $!" if $!;
my $buf = undef;
my $retval = sysread($fh, $buf, 1);
unless (defined($retval) && $retval == 1) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "$hash->{NAME}: HWaccess byteweise von 0x".unpack( "H2",pack "C", $clientmsg->{i2caddress})." lesen,". (defined($clientmsg->{reg}) ? " Reg: 0x". unpack( "H2",pack "C", ($clientmsg->{reg} + $n)) : "") . " -> sysread failure: $!" if $!;
$rmsg .= ord($buf);
$rmsg .= " " if $n <= $nbyte;
$status = "Ok" if ($n + 1) == $nbyte;
$clientmsg->{received} = $rmsg if($rmsg); #Daten als Scalar uebertragen
$hash->{STATE} = $status;
$hash->{ERRORCNT} = defined($hash->{ERRORCNT}) ? $hash->{ERRORCNT} += 1 : 1 if $status ne "Ok";
#$clientmsg->{$hash->{NAME} . "_" . "RAWMSG"} = $inh;
return $status;
=begin html
@ -336,10 +508,23 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
This module uses gpio utility from <a href="http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/">WiringPi</a> library change access rights of I2C-Interface<br>
WiringPi installation is described here: <a href="#RPI_GPIO">RPI_GPIO</a><br>
Alternatively for other systems (BeagleBone, etc.) you can manually change access rights for <code>/dev/i2c-x</code>. You will need write-/read access for user that runs FHEM. This can be doen e.g. in etc/init.d/fhem<br>
Access rights for /dev/i2c-* devices
Add following lines into <code>/etc/init.d/fhem</code> before <code>perl fhem.pl</code> line in start or into <code>/etc/rc.local</code>:<br>
sudo chown fhem /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chgrp dialout /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chmod +t /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chmod 660 /dev/i2c-*<br>
Alternatively for Raspberry Pi you can install the gpio utility from <a href="http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/">WiringPi</a> library change access rights of I2C-Interface<br>
WiringPi installation is described here: <a href="#RPI_GPIO">RPI_GPIO.</a><br>
gpio utility will be automaticly used, if installed.<br>
installation of i2c dependencies:<br>
@ -356,7 +541,8 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
To access the I2C-Bus the Device::SMBus module is necessary:<br>
Optional, access via IOCTL will be used if Device::SMBus is not present.<br>
To access the I2C-Bus via the Device::SMBus module, following steps are necessary:<br>
<code>sudo apt-get install libmoose-perl<br>
sudo cpan Device::SMBus</code><br>
@ -376,16 +562,12 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
<code>set <name> writeByte <I2C Address> <value></code><br><br>
Write one byte (or more bytes sequentially) to the specified register of an I2C device:<br>
Write n-bytes to an register range (as an series of single register write operations), beginning at the specified register:<br>
<code>set <name> writeByteReg <I2C Address> <Register Address> <value></code><br><br>
Write n-bytes to an register range, beginning at the specified register:<br>
Write n-bytes to an register range (as an block write operation), beginning at the specified register:<br>
<code>set <name> writeBlock <I2C Address> <Register Address> <value></code><br><br>
Same as writeBlock but writes register range sequentially. The numbers of byte to write must be a multipe of the number of register.
<code>set <name> writeNBlock <I2C Address> <Register Address> <number of registers> <value></code><br><br>
@ -421,6 +603,16 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
<a name="RPII2CAttr"></a>
Swap Raspberry Pi's I2C-0 from J5 to P5 rev. B<br>
This attribute is for Raspberry Pi only and needs gpio utility from <a href="http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/">WiringPi</a> library.<br>
Default: none, valid values: on, off<br><br>
Change hardware access method.<br>
Attribute exists only if both access methods are usable<br>
Default: IOCTL, valid values: IOCTL, SMBus<br><br>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
@ -442,9 +634,22 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
Dieses Modul nutzt das gpio Utility der <a href="http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/">WiringPi</a> Bibliothek um FHEM Schreibrechte auf die I2C Schnittstelle zu geben.<br>
WiringPi Installation ist hier beschrieben: <a href="#RPI_GPIO">RPI_GPIO</a><br>
Für andere Systeme (BeagleBone, etc.) oder auch für das Raspberry kann auf WiringPi verzichtet werden. In diesem Fall müssen die Dateien <code>/dev/i2c-x</code> Schreib-/Leserechte, für den User unter dem FHEM läuft, gesetzt bekommen. (z.B. in der etc/init.d/fhem)<br>
Folgende Zeilen müssen der Datei <code>/etc/init.d/fhem</code> vor <code>perl fhem.pl</code> in start hinzu, oder in die Datei <code>/etc/rc.local</code> eingefügt werden:<br>
sudo chown fhem /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chgrp dialout /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chmod +t /dev/i2c-*<br>
sudo chmod 660 /dev/i2c-*<br>
Für das Raspberry Pi kann alternativ das gpio Utility der <a href="http://wiringpi.com/download-and-install/">WiringPi</a> Bibliothek benutzt werden um FHEM Schreibrechte auf die I2C Schnittstelle zu bekommen.<br>
WiringPi Installation ist hier beschrieben: <a href="#RPI_GPIO">RPI_GPIO</a><br>
Das gpio Utility wird, wenn vorhanden, automatisch verwendet<br>
Installation der I2C Abhängigkeiten:<br>
@ -461,7 +666,8 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
Desweiteren ist das Perl Modul Device::SMBus für den Zugrff auf den I2C Bus notwendig:<br>
Optional, Hardwarezugriff via IOCTL wird standardmäßig genutzt, wenn Device::SMBus nicht installiert ist<br>
Soll der Hardwarezugriff über das Perl Modul Device::SMBus erfolgen sind diese Schritte notwendig:<br>
<code>sudo apt-get install libmoose-perl<br>
sudo cpan Device::SMBus</code><br>
@ -481,16 +687,12 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
<code>set <name> writeByte <I2C Address> <value></code><br><br>
Schreibe ein Byte (oder auch mehrere nacheinander) direkt auf ein Register des adressierten I2C device:<br>
Schreibe n-bytes auf einen Registerbereich (als Folge von Einzelbefehlen), beginnend mit dem angegebenen Register:<br>
<code>set <name> writeByteReg <I2C Address> <Register Address> <value></code><br><br>
Schreibe n-bytes auf einen Registerbereich, beginnend mit dem angegebenen Register:<br>
Schreibe n-bytes auf einen Registerbereich (als Blockoperation), beginnend mit dem angegebenen Register:<br>
<code>set <name> writeBlock <I2C Address> <Register Address> <value></code><br><br>
Identisch zu writeBlock nur kann der Registerbereich sequentiell beschrieben werden. Die Anzahl der Byte muss ein vielfaches der <number of registers> sein.
<code>set <name> writeNBlock <I2C Address> <Register Address> <number of registers> <value></code><br><br>
@ -525,6 +727,16 @@ sub RPII2C_HWACCESS($$) {
<a name="RPII2CAttr"></a>
Umschalten von I2C-0 des Raspberry Pi Rev. B von J5 auf P5<br>
Dieses Attribut ist nur für das Raspberry Pi vorgesehen und benötigt das gpio utility wie unter dem Punkt Vorbereitung beschrieben.<br>
Standard: keiner, gültige Werte: on, off<br><br>
Ändern der Methode des Hardwarezugriffs.<br>
Dieses Attribut existiert nur, wenn beide Zugriffsmethoden verfügbar sind<br>
Standard: IOCTL, gültige Werte: IOCTL, SMBus<br><br>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user