mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

HMCCU: Non blocking set datapoint command

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16500 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
zap 2018-03-27 08:07:03 +00:00
parent 2805738a30
commit e2334d7910
4 changed files with 204 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 4.2.003
# Version 4.2.004
# Module for communication between FHEM and Homematic CCU2.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
# get <name> dump {devtypes|datapoints} [<filter>]
# get <name> dutycycle
# get <name> exportdefaults {filename}
# get <name> firmware
# get <name> firmware [{type-expr}|full]
# get <name> parfile [<parfile>]
# get <name> rpcevents
# get <name> rpcstate
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ my %HMCCU_CUST_CHN_DEFAULTS;
# HMCCU version
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '4.2.003';
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '4.2.004';
# Default RPC port (BidCos-RF)
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ sub HMCCU_IsRPCStateBlocking ($);
sub HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($$$);
sub HMCCU_GetDeviceInfo ($$$);
sub HMCCU_FormatDeviceInfo ($);
sub HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($);
sub HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($$);
sub HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($);
sub HMCCU_GetDatapointList ($$$);
sub HMCCU_FindDatapoint ($$$$$);
@ -294,6 +294,9 @@ sub HMCCU_GetDeviceInterface ($$$);
sub HMCCU_ResetRPCQueue ($$);
sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($);
sub HMCCU_ProcessEvent ($$);
sub HMCCU_HMCommand ($$$);
sub HMCCU_HMCommandNB ($$$);
sub HMCCU_HMCommandCB ($$$);
sub HMCCU_HMScriptExt ($$$);
sub HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@);
@ -1362,7 +1365,7 @@ sub HMCCU_Get ($@)
my $opt = shift @$a;
my $options = "defaults:noArg exportdefaults devicelist dump dutycycle:noArg vars update".
" updateccu parfile configdesc firmware:noArg rpcevents:noArg rpcstate:noArg deviceinfo";
" updateccu parfile configdesc firmware rpcevents:noArg rpcstate:noArg deviceinfo";
my $usage = "HMCCU: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of $options";
my $host = $hash->{host};
@ -1644,23 +1647,38 @@ sub HMCCU_Get ($@)
return HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK", "Read $dc duty cycle values");
elsif ($opt eq 'firmware') {
my $dc = HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($hash);
my $devtype = shift @$a;
$devtype = '.*' if (!defined ($devtype));
my $dtexp = $devtype;
$dtexp = '.*' if ($devtype eq 'full');
my $dc = HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($hash, $dtexp);
return "Found no firmware downloads" if ($dc == 0);
$result = "Found $dc firmware downloads.";
my @devlist = HMCCU_FindClientDevices ($hash, "(HMCCUDEV|HMCCUCHN)", undef, undef);
return $result if (scalar (@devlist) == 0);
$result .= " Click on the new version number for download\n\n".
"Device Type Current Available Date\n".
foreach my $dev (@devlist) {
my $ch = $defs{$dev};
my $ct = uc($ch->{ccutype});
next if (!defined ($ch->{firmware}));
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}));
$result .= sprintf "%-25s %-20s %-7s <a href=\"http://www.eq-3.de/%s\">%-9s</a> %-10s\n",
$ch->{NAME}, $ct, $ch->{firmware}, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{download},
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{firmware}, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{date};
$result = "Found $dc firmware downloads. Click on the new version number for download\n\n";
if ($devtype eq 'full') {
$result .=
"Type Available Date\n".
foreach my $ct (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{type}}) {
$result .= sprintf "%-20s <a href=\"http://www.eq-3.de/%s\">%-9s</a> %-10s\n",
$ct, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{download},
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{firmware}, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{date};
else {
my @devlist = HMCCU_FindClientDevices ($hash, "(HMCCUDEV|HMCCUCHN)", undef, undef);
return $result if (scalar (@devlist) == 0);
$result .=
"Device Type Current Available Date\n".
foreach my $dev (@devlist) {
my $ch = $defs{$dev};
my $ct = uc($ch->{ccutype});
my $fw = defined ($ch->{firmware}) ? $ch->{firmware} : 'N/A';
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}));
$result .= sprintf "%-25s %-20s %-7s <a href=\"http://www.eq-3.de/%s\">%-9s</a> %-10s\n",
$ch->{NAME}, $ct, $fw, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{download},
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{firmware}, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$ct}{date};
return HMCCU_SetState ($hash, "OK", $result);
@ -3532,51 +3550,69 @@ sub HMCCU_FormatDeviceInfo ($)
# Get available firmware versions from EQ-3 server.
# Firmware version, date and download link are stored in hash
# {hmccu}{type}{$type} in elements {firmware}, {date} and {download}.
# Parameter type can be a regular expression matching valid Homematic
# device types in upper case letters. Default is '.*'.
# Return number of available firmware downloads.
sub HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($)
sub HMCCU_GetFirmwareVersions ($$)
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($hash, $type) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ccureqtimeout = AttrVal ($name, "ccuReqTimeout", $HMCCU_TIMEOUT_REQUEST);
my $url = "http://www.eq-3.de/service/downloads.html";
my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url, $ccureqtimeout, "suchtext=&suche_in=&downloadart=11");
# my @changebc = $response =~ m/href="(Downloads\/Software\/Firmware\/changelog_[^"]+)/g;
# my @changeip = $response =~ m/href="(Downloads\/Software\/Firmware\/Homematic IP\/changelog_[^"]+)/g;
my @download = $response =~ m/<a.href="(Downloads\/Software\/Firmware\/[^"]+)/g;
my $dc = 0;
my @ts = localtime (time);
$ts[4] += 1;
$ts[5] += 1900;
foreach my $dl (@download) {
my $dd;
my $mm;
my $yy;
my $date = '?';
my $dd = $ts[3];
my $mm = $ts[4];
my $yy = $ts[5];
my $fw;
my $date = "$dd.$mm.$yy";
my @path = split (/\//, $dl);
my $file = pop @path;
next if ($file !~ /(\.tgz|\.tar\.gz)/);
# Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $file";
$file =~ m/^(.+)_update_V([^.]+)/;
my ($dt, $rest) = ($1, $2);
$file =~ s/_update_V?/\|/;
my ($dt, $rest) = split (/\|/, $file);
next if (!defined ($rest));
$dt =~ s/_/-/g;
$dt = uc($dt);
if ($rest =~ /^([\d_]+)([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/) {
next if ($dt !~ /$type/);
if ($rest =~ /^([\d_]+)([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})\./) {
# Filename with version and date
($fw, $yy, $mm, $dd) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$date = "$dd.$mm.20$yy";
$yy += 2000 if ($yy < 100);
$date = "$dd.$mm.$yy";
$fw =~ s/_$//;
elsif ($rest =~ /^([\d_]+)\./) {
# Filename with version
$fw = $1;
else {
$fw = $rest;
$fw =~ s/_/\./g;
$fw =~ s/^V//;
# Compare firmware dates
if (exists ($hash->{hmccu}{type}{$dt}{date})) {
my ($dd1, $mm1, $yy1) = split (/\./, $hash->{hmccu}{type}{$dt}{date});
my $v1 = $yy1*10000+$mm1*100+$dd1;
my $v2 = $yy*10000+$mm*100+$dd;
next if ($v1 > $v2);
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$dt}{firmware} = $fw;
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$dt}{date} = $date;
$hash->{hmccu}{type}{$dt}{download} = $dl;
@ -4126,24 +4162,33 @@ sub HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($$$$$)
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($hmccu_hash->{NAME}, 'ccuflags', 'null');
return 1 if ($ccuflags =~ /dptnocheck/);
return 1 if (!exists ($hmccu_hash->{hmccu}{dp}));
my $chnno = $chn;
if (HMCCU_IsValidChannel ($hmccu_hash, $chn)) {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$chn is a valid channel address");
my ($a, $c) = split(":",$chn);
$chnno = $c;
my $chnno;
if (defined ($chn)) {
if ($chn =~ /^[0-9]{1,2}$/) {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$chn is a channel number");
$chnno = $chn;
elsif (HMCCU_IsValidChannel ($hmccu_hash, $chn)) {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$chn is a valid channel address");
my ($a, $c) = split(":",$chn);
$chnno = $c;
else {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$chn is not a valid channel address or number");
return 0;
else {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$chn is not a valid channel address");
if ($dpt =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)$/) {
elsif ($dpt =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)$/) {
$chnno = $1;
$dpt = $2;
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "$dpt contains channel number");
else {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "channel number missing in datapoint $dpt");
return 0;
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "devtype=$devtype, chnno=$chnno, dpt=$dpt");
@ -5097,6 +5142,79 @@ sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($)
# Execute Homematic command on CCU.
# If parameter mode is 1 an empty string is a valid result.
sub HMCCU_HMCommand ($$$)
my ($hash, $cmd, $mode) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $fnc = "HMCommand";
my $ccureqtimeout = AttrVal ($name, "ccuReqTimeout", $HMCCU_TIMEOUT_REQUEST);
my $url = "http://".$hash->{host}.":8181/do.exe?r1=$cmd";
my $value;
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "URL=$url");
my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url, $ccureqtimeout);
$response =~ m/<r1>(.*)<\/r1>/;
$value = $1;
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "Response = $response");
if ($mode == 1) {
return (defined ($value) && $value ne 'null') ? $value : undef;
else {
return (defined ($value) && $value ne '' && $value ne 'null') ? $value : undef;
# Execute Homematic command on CCU without waiting for response.
sub HMCCU_HMCommandNB ($$$)
my ($hash, $cmd, $cbfunc) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $fnc = "HMCommandNB";
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCU_GetHash ($hash);
my $ccureqtimeout = AttrVal ($hmccu_hash->{NAME}, "ccuReqTimeout", $HMCCU_TIMEOUT_REQUEST);
my $url = "http://".$hmccu_hash->{host}.":8181/do.exe?r1=$cmd";
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "URL=$url");
if (defined ($cbfunc)) {
my $param = { url => $url, timeout => $ccureqtimeout, method => "GET",
callback => $cbfunc, devhash => $hash };
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($param);
else {
my $param = { url => $url, timeout => $ccureqtimeout, method => "GET",
callback => \&HMCCU_HMCommandCB, devhash => $hash };
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ($param);
# Default callback function for non blocking CCU request.
sub HMCCU_HMCommandCB ($$$)
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{devhash};
my $fnc = "HMCommandCB";
HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Error during CCU request. $err", undef) if ($err ne '');
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc, "URL=".$param->{url}."<br>Response=$data");
# Execute Homematic script on CCU.
# Parameters: device-hash, script-code or script-name, parameter-hash
@ -5270,6 +5388,7 @@ sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$)
my $cdname = $hash->{NAME};
my $ccureqtimeout = AttrVal ($name, "ccuReqTimeout", $HMCCU_TIMEOUT_REQUEST);
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, "ccuflags", 'null');
my $readingformat = HMCCU_GetAttrReadingFormat ($hash, $hmccu_hash);
my $ccuverify = AttrVal ($cdname, 'ccuverify', 0);
@ -5288,7 +5407,7 @@ sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$)
$param = $1;
my $url = 'http://'.$hmccu_hash->{host}.':8181/do.exe?r1=dom.GetObject("';
my $cmd = 'dom.GetObject("';
my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($hmccu_hash, $param,
return -1 if ($flags != $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD && $flags != $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD);
@ -5306,28 +5425,32 @@ sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$)
if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD) {
$url .= $int.'.'.$add.':'.$chn.'.'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')';
$cmd .= $int.'.'.$add.':'.$chn.'.'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')';
$nam = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($hmccu_hash, $add.":".$chn, '');
elsif ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) {
$url .= $nam.'").DPByHssDP("'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')';
$cmd .= $nam.'").DPByHssDP("'.$dpt.'").State('.$value.')';
($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($hmccu_hash, $nam, '', '');
my $addr = $add.":".$chn;
my $response = GetFileFromURL ($url, $ccureqtimeout);
if ($ccuflags =~ /nonBlocking/) {
HMCCU_HMCommandNB ($hash, $cmd, undef);
return 0;
# Execute command (blocking)
my $response = HMCCU_HMCommand ($hmccu_hash, $cmd, 1);
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, $fnc,
"Addr=$addr Name=$nam<br>".
"Script response = \n".(defined ($response) ? $response: 'undef')."<br>".
"Script = \n".$url);
return -2 if (!defined ($response) || $response =~ /<r1>null</);
"Script = \n".$cmd);
return -2 if (!defined ($response));
# Verify setting of datapoint value or update reading with new datapoint value
if (HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, $addr, $dpt, 1)) {
if ($ccuverify == 1) {
# usleep (100000);
my ($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $param);
return $rc;
@ -6900,9 +7023,12 @@ sub HMCCU_CCURPC_ListDevicesCB ($$)
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; exportdefaults &lt;filename&gt;</b><br/>
Export default attributes into file.
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; firmware</b><br/>
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; firmware [{&lt;type-expr&gt; | full}]</b><br/>
Get available firmware downloads from eq-3.de. List FHEM devices with current and available
firmware version. Firmware versions are only displayed after RPC server has been started.
firmware version. By default only firmware version of defined HMCCUDEV or HMCCUCHN
devices are listet. With option 'full' all available firmware versions are listed.
With parameter <i>type-expr</i> one can filter displayed firmware versions by
Homematic device type.
<li><b>get &lt;name&gt; parfile [&lt;parfile&gt;]</b><br/>
Get values of all channels / datapoints specified in <i>parfile</i>. The parameter
@ -7009,20 +7135,27 @@ sub HMCCU_CCURPC_ListDevicesCB ($$)
practice for creating a custom default attribute file is by exporting predefined default
attributes from HMCCU with command 'get exportdefaults'.
<li><b>ccuflags {extrpc, procrpc, <u>intrpc</u>}</b><br/>
Control behaviour of several HMCCU functions:<br/>
<li><b>ccuflags {&lt;flags&gt;}</b><br/>
Control behaviour of several HMCCU functions. Parameter <i>flags</i> is a comma
seperated list of the following strings:<br/>
ackState - Acknowledge command execution by setting STATE to error or success.<br/>
dptnocheck - Do not check within set or get commands if datapoint is valid<br/>
intrpc - Use internal RPC server. This is the default.<br/>
extrpc - Use external RPC server provided by module HMCCURPC. If no HMCCURPC device
exists HMCCU will create one after command 'set rpcserver on'.<br/>
logEvents - Write events from CCU into FHEM logfile<br/>
noReadings - Do not write readings<br/>
nonBlocking - Use non blocking (asynchronous) CCU requests<br/>
noReadings - Do not create or update readings<br/>
procrpc - Use external RPC server provided by module HMCCPRPCPROC. During first RPC
server start HMCCU will create a HMCCURPCPROC device for each interface confiugured
in attribute 'rpcinterface'<br/>
Flags intrpc, extrpc and procrpc cannot be combined.
<li><b>ccuget {State | <u>Value</u>}</b><br/>
Set read access method for CCU channel datapoints. Method 'State' is slower than
'Value' because each request is sent to the device. With method 'Value' only CCU
is queried. Default is 'Value'.
is queried. Default is 'Value'. Method for write access to datapoints is always
<li><b>ccuReqTimeout &lt;Seconds&gt;</b><br/>
Set timeout for CCU request. Default is 4 seconds. This timeout affects several

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 4.2.001
# Version 4.2.002
# (c) 2018 zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 4.2
# Version 4.2.001
# (c) 2018 zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Set ($@)
return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, -8)
if (!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $ccutype, 0, $objname, 2));
if (!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $ccutype, undef, $objname, 2));
$objvalue =~ s/\\_/%20/g;
$objvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($objvalue, $statevals, 1, undef, '');
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Get ($@)
return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, -8)
if (!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $ccutype, $0, $objname, 1));
if (!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $ccutype, undef, $objname, 1));
$objname = $ccuif.'.'.$ccuaddr.':'.$objname;
($rc, $result) = HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($hash, $objname);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 4.2
# Version 4.2.002
# Configuration parameters for HomeMatic devices.
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ use vars qw(%HMCCU_SCRIPTS);
statevals => "on:true,off:false",
substitute => "STATE!(1|true):on,(0|false):off;WORKING!(1|true):yes,(0|false):no"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl|HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2|HM-LC-Sw1-SM|HM-LC-Sw1-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-PB-FM" => {
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl|HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2|HM-LC-Sw1-SM|HM-LC-Sw1-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-PB-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-DR" => {
_description => "1 Kanal Funk-Schaltaktor",
_channels => "1",
ccureadingfilter => "STATE",
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ use vars qw(%HMCCU_SCRIPTS);
statevals => "on:true,off:false",
substitute => "STATE!(1|true):on,(0|false):off;WORKING!(1|true):yes,(0|false):no"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl|HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2|HM-LC-Sw1-SM|HM-LC-Sw1-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-PB-FM" => {
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl|HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2|HM-LC-Sw1-SM|HM-LC-Sw1-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-PB-FM|HM-LC-Sw1-DR" => {
_description => "1 Kanal Funk-Schaltaktor",
ccureadingfilter => "STATE",
statedatapoint => "1.STATE",