mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.17.7

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28775 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-04-09 09:12:19 +00:00
parent 82a8cfd7c1
commit e153ab91f1

View File

@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.17.7" => "09.04.2024 export pvHistory to CSV ",
"1.17.6" => "07.04.2024 new sub writeToHistory with many internal changes in pvHistory write process ".
"_transferInverterValues: react on inverter etotal behavior ",
"1.17.5" => "04.04.2024 currentInverterDev: check syntax of key capacity if set, change defmaxvar back from 0.8 to 0.5 ".
"currentMeterDev: [conprice=<Devicename>:<Readingname>:<Einheit>] [feedprice=<Devicename>:<Readingname>:<Einheit>] ".
"___setOpenMeteoAPIcallKeyData: new sub to calculate the minimum Open-Meteo request intervalls ",
@ -330,12 +333,6 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.77.1" => "07.05.2023 rewrite function pageRefresh ",
"0.77.0" => "03.05.2023 new attribute ctrlUserExitFn ",
"0.76.0" => "01.05.2023 new ctrlStatisticReadings SunMinutes_Remain, SunHours_Remain ",
"0.75.3" => "23.04.2023 fix Illegal division by zero at ./FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm line 6199 ",
"0.75.2" => "16.04.2023 some minor changes ",
"0.75.1" => "24.03.2023 change epieces for consumer type washingmachine, PV Vorhersage auf WR Kapazität begrenzen ",
"0.75.0" => "16.02.2023 new attribute ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq, rename attr ctrlOptimizeSolCastInterval to ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ",
"0.74.8" => "11.02.2023 change description of 'mintime', mintime with SunPath value possible ",
"0.74.7" => "23.01.2023 fix evaljson evaluation ",
"0.1.0" => "09.12.2020 initial Version "
@ -365,8 +362,9 @@ my $csmcache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCsm_SolarForecast_";
my $scpicache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/ScApi_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für Werte aus SolCast API (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $aitrained = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AItra_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Trainingsdaten (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $airaw = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AIraw_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Input Daten = Raw Trainigsdaten
my $dwdcatalog = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DWDcat_SolarForecast"; # Filename-Fragment für DWD Stationskatalog
my $dwdcatgpx = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DWDcat_SolarForecast.gpx"; # Filename-Fragment für DWD Stationskatalog
my $dwdcatalog = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DWDcat_SolarForecast"; # Filename für DWD Stationskatalog
my $dwdcatgpx = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/DWDcat_SolarForecast.gpx"; # Export Filename für DWD Stationskatalog im gpx-Format
my $pvhexprtcsv = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVH_Export_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV History Exportfile (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $aitrblto = 7200; # KI Training BlockingCall Timeout
my $aibcthhld = 0.2; # Schwelle der KI Trainigszeit ab der BlockingCall benutzt wird
@ -1035,7 +1033,7 @@ my %hfspvh = (
batoutthishour => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batout', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # Batterieentladung in Stunde
pvfc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvfc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Energieertrag
confc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'confc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Hausverbrauch
cons => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gcons', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # bezogene Energie
gcons => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gcons', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # bezogene Energie
gfeedin => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gfeedin', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # eingespeiste Energie
con => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'con', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # realer Hausverbrauch Energie
pvrl => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvrl', validkey => 'pvrlvd', fpar => 'comp99' }, # realer Energieertrag
@ -2238,7 +2236,9 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
$paref->{reorg} = 1; # den Tag Stunde "99" reorganisieren
$paref->{reorgday} = $dday;
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{reorg};
delete $paref->{reorgday};
@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ sub Get {
"html:$hol ".
"nextHours:noArg ".
"pvCircular:noArg ".
"pvHistory:#,$pvl ".
"pvHistory:#,exportToCsv,$pvl ".
"rooftopData:noArg ".
"solApiData:noArg ".
"valCurrent:noArg "
@ -6256,6 +6256,8 @@ sub centralTask {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask');
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::singleUpdateState');
return if(!$init_done);
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
my $nscc = ReadingsVal ($name, 'nextSolCastCall', ''); # 14.03.2024
@ -6285,8 +6287,6 @@ sub centralTask {
return if(!$init_done);
setModel ($hash); # Model setzen
my (undef, $disabled, $inactive) = controller ($name);
@ -6943,30 +6943,11 @@ sub _transferWeatherValues {
if ($fd == 0 && $fh1) { # Weather in pvHistory speichern
$paref->{val} = $wid;
$paref->{histname} = 'weatherid';
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $fh1;
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $neff // 0;
$paref->{histname} = 'weathercloudcover';
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $rr1c;
$paref->{histname} = 'totalrain';
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $temp;
$paref->{histname} = 'temperature';
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $don;
$paref->{histname} = 'DoN';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{val};
delete $paref->{nhour};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'weatherid', val => $wid, hour => $fh1 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'weathercloudcover', val => $neff // 0, hour => $fh1 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'totalrain', val => $rr1c, hour => $fh1 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'temperature', val => $temp, hour => $fh1 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'DoN', val => $don, hour => $fh1 } );
@ -7350,18 +7331,8 @@ sub _transferAPIRadiationValues {
if ($fd == 0 && $fh1) {
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $fh1;
$paref->{val} = $pvfc;
$paref->{histname} = 'pvfc';
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $rad1h;
$paref->{histname} = 'radiation';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{val};
delete $paref->{nhour};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'pvfc', val => $pvfc, hour => $fh1 } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'radiation', val => $rad1h, hour => $fh1 } );
@ -7413,18 +7384,8 @@ sub __calcSunPosition {
debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "Sun position: day: $wtday, hod: $hodn, $tstr, azimuth: $az, altitude: $alt");
if ($fd == 0 && $hodn) { # Sun Position in pvHistory speichern
$paref->{nhour} = $hodn;
$paref->{val} = $az;
$paref->{histname} = 'sunaz';
setPVhistory ($paref);
$paref->{val} = $alt;
$paref->{histname} = 'sunalt';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{val};
delete $paref->{nhour};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'sunaz', val => $az, hour => $hodn } );
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'sunalt', val => $alt, hour => $hodn } );
@ -7544,8 +7505,8 @@ return $pvsum;
# Complex:
# Liest bewölkungsabhängige Korrekturfaktor/Qualität und
# speichert die Werte im Nexthours / pvHistory Hash
# Liest bewölkungsabhängige Korrekturfaktor/Qualität aus pvCircular
# und speichert die Werte im Nexthours / pvHistory Hash
# Simple:
# Liest Korrekturfaktor/Qualität aus pvCircular simple und
@ -7597,16 +7558,8 @@ sub ___readCandQ {
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{"NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$num)}{pvcorrf} = $hc."/".$hq;
if($fd == 0 && $fh1) {
$paref->{val} = $hc.'/'.$hq;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $fh1;
$paref->{histname} = 'pvcorrfactor';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{val};
delete $paref->{nhour};
if ($fd == 0 && $fh1) {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'pvcorrfactor', val => $hc.'/'.$hq, hour => $fh1 } );
return ($hc, $hq);
@ -7725,7 +7678,7 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my ($pvread,$pvunit) = split ":", $h->{pv}; # Readingname/Unit für aktuelle PV Erzeugung
my ($edread,$etunit) = split ":", $h->{etotal}; # Readingname/Unit für Energie total (PV Erzeugung)
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{invertercapacity} = $h->{capacity} if($h->{capacity}); # optionale Angabe max. WR-Leistung
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{invertercapacity} = $h->{capacity} if(defined $h->{capacity}); # optionale Angabe max. WR-Leistung
return if(!$pvread || !$edread);
@ -7748,41 +7701,24 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my $nhour = $chour + 1;
my $histetot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'etotal', 0); # etotal zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $warn = '';
my ($ethishour, $etot);
my ($ethishour, $etotsvd);
if (!$histetot) { # etotal der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ?
$paref->{val} = $etotal;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'etotal';
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'etotal', val => $etotal, hour => $nhour } );
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
$etot = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', $etotal);
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $etot);
$etotsvd = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', $etotal);
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $etotsvd);
else {
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $histetot);
if ($h->{capacity} && $ethishour > 2 x $h->{capacity}) {
if (defined $h->{capacity} && $ethishour > 2 x $h->{capacity}) { # Schutz vor plötzlichem Anstieg von 0 auf mehr als doppelte WR-Kapazität
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - WARNING - The generated PV of Inverter '$indev' is much more higher than inverter capacity. It seems to be a failure and Energy Total is reinitialized.");
$warn = ' (WARNING: too much generated PV was registered - see log file)';
$paref->{val} = $etotal;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'etotal';
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'etotal', val => $etotal, hour => $nhour } );
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
$etot = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', $etotal);
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $etot);
$etotsvd = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', $etotal);
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $etotsvd);
@ -7799,17 +7735,7 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
$paref->{val} = $ethishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'pvrl';
$paref->{pvrlvd} = $aln; # 1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{pvrlvd};
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'pvrl', val => $ethishour, hour => $nhour, valid => $aln } ); # valid=1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
@ -7965,15 +7891,7 @@ sub _transferMeterValues {
storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_GridConsumption', $gctotthishour.' Wh');
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{gcons} = $gctotthishour; # Hilfshash Wert Bezug (Wh) Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$paref->{val} = $gctotthishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'cons';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'gcons', val => $gctotthishour, hour => $nhour } );
my $dofeed = 0;
@ -8004,15 +7922,7 @@ sub _transferMeterValues {
storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_GridFeedIn', $gftotthishour.' Wh');
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{gfeedin} = $gftotthishour;
$paref->{val} = $gftotthishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'gfeedin';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'gfeedin', val => $gftotthishour, hour => $nhour } );
@ -8114,15 +8024,17 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $batinthishour;
if (!defined $histbatintot) { # totale Batterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ?
$paref->{val} = $btotin;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'batintotal';
#$paref->{val} = $btotin;
#$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
#$paref->{histname} = 'batintotal';
setPVhistory ($paref);
#setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
#delete $paref->{histname};
#delete $paref->{nhour};
#delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batintotal', val => $btotin, hour => $nhour } );
my $bitot = CurrentVal ($hash, "batintotal", $btotin);
$batinthishour = int ($btotin - $bitot);
@ -8135,15 +8047,17 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{batin} = $batinthishour; # Ringspeicher Battery In Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$paref->{val} = $batinthishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'batinthishour';
#$paref->{val} = $batinthishour;
#$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
#$paref->{histname} = 'batinthishour';
setPVhistory ($paref);
#setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
#delete $paref->{histname};
#delete $paref->{nhour};
#delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batinthishour', val => $batinthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# Batterieentladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern
@ -8151,15 +8065,17 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $batoutthishour;
if (!defined $histbatouttot) { # totale Betterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ?
$paref->{val} = $btotout;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'batouttotal';
#$paref->{val} = $btotout;
#$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
#$paref->{histname} = 'batouttotal';
setPVhistory ($paref);
#setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
#delete $paref->{histname};
#delete $paref->{nhour};
#delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batouttotal', val => $btotout, hour => $nhour } );
my $botot = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batouttotal', $btotout);
$batoutthishour = int ($btotout - $botot);
@ -8172,30 +8088,34 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{batout} = $batoutthishour; # Ringspeicher Battery In Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$paref->{val} = $batoutthishour;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
$paref->{histname} = 'batoutthishour';
#$paref->{val} = $batoutthishour;
#$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
#$paref->{histname} = 'batoutthishour';
setPVhistory ($paref);
#setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
#delete $paref->{histname};
#delete $paref->{nhour};
#delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batoutthishour', val => $batoutthishour, hour => $nhour } );
# täglichen max. SOC in pvHistory speichern
my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc', 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages
if ($soc >= $batmaxsoc) {
$paref->{val} = $soc;
$paref->{nhour} = 99;
$paref->{histname} = 'batmaxsoc';
#$paref->{val} = $soc;
#$paref->{nhour} = 99;
#$paref->{histname} = 'batmaxsoc';
setPVhistory ($paref);
#setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
#delete $paref->{histname};
#delete $paref->{nhour};
#delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batmaxsoc', val => $soc, hour => 99 } );
@ -8342,16 +8262,7 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
## pvHistory/Readings schreiben
$paref->{val} = $target;
$paref->{nhour} = 99;
$paref->{histname} = 'batsetsoc';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsetsoc', val => $target, hour => 99 } );
storeReading ('Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $target.' %');
storeReading ('Battery_ChargeRequest', $chargereq);
@ -10147,16 +10058,7 @@ sub _estConsumptionForecast {
if (NexthoursVal ($hash, $k, "today", 0)) { # nur Werte des aktuellen Tag speichern
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhhr)}{confc} = $conavg;
$paref->{val} = $conavg;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhhr;
$paref->{histname} = 'confc';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'confc', val => $conavg, hour => $nhhr } );
debugLog ($paref, "consumption", "estimated Consumption for $nhday -> starttime: $nhtime, confc: $conavg, days for avg: $dnum, hist. consumption registered consumers: ".sprintf "%.2f", $consumerco);
@ -10659,24 +10561,15 @@ sub saveEnergyConsumption {
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $chour = $paref->{chour};
my $shr = $chour+1;
my $shr = $chour + 1;
my $pvrl = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$shr)."_PVreal", 0);
my $gfeedin = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$shr)."_GridFeedIn", 0);
my $gcon = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$shr)."_GridConsumption", 0);
my $batin = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$shr)."_BatIn", 0);
my $batout = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$shr)."_BatOut", 0);
my $con = $pvrl - $gfeedin + $gcon - $batin + $batout;
$paref->{val} = $con;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $shr;
$paref->{histname} = 'con';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'con', val => $con, hour => $shr } );
@ -14295,6 +14188,39 @@ sub _aiMakeIdxRaw {
return $ridx;
# einen Schlüssel-Wert in die pvHistory schreiben
# $valid - Wert für Valid-Key festgelegt in $hfspvh Hash
# z.B. pvrlvd = 1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
sub writeToHistory {
my $ph = shift;
my $paref = $ph->{paref};
my $key = $ph->{key};
my $val = $ph->{val};
my $hour = $ph->{hour};
my $valid = $ph->{valid};
$paref->{val} = $val;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $hour;
$paref->{histname} = $key;
if (defined $hfspvh{$key}{validkey}) {
$paref->{$hfspvh{$key}{validkey}} = $valid;
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
delete $paref->{nhour};
delete $paref->{val};
delete $paref->{$hfspvh{$key}{validkey}} if(defined $hfspvh{$key}{validkey});
# History-Hash verwalten
@ -14308,7 +14234,6 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $nhour = $paref->{nhour};
my $histname = $paref->{histname};
my $val = $paref->{val}; # Wert zur Speicherung in pvHistory (soll mal generell verwendet werden -> Change)
my $pvrlvd = $paref->{pvrlvd}; # 1: Eintrag 'pvrl' wird im Lernprozess berücksichtigt
my $reorg = $paref->{reorg} // 0; # Neuberechnung von Werten in Stunde "99" nach Löschen von Stunden eines Tages
my $reorgday = $paref->{reorgday} // q{}; # Tag der reorganisiert werden soll
@ -14416,7 +14341,7 @@ sub _storeVal { ## no critic "not used"
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$store} = $val;
if (defined $hfspvh{$histname}{validkey}) {
if (defined $hfspvh{$histname}{validkey}) { # 1: bestimmter Eintrag wird intern für Prozesse (z.B. Lernprozess) berücksichtigt oder nicht (0)
$validkey = $hfspvh{$histname}{validkey};
$validval = $paref->{$validkey};
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$validkey} = $validval;
@ -14452,7 +14377,13 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my ($sq,$h);
my ($sq, $h, $hexp);
my $export = q{};
if ($par eq 'exportToCsv') {
$export = 'csv';
$par = q{};
my $sub = sub {
my $day = shift;
@ -14461,7 +14392,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrl', '-');
my $pvrlvd = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrlvd', '-');
my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvfc', '-');
my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', '-');
my $gcons = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', '-');
my $con = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'con', '-');
my $confc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'confc', '-');
my $gfeedin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gfeedin', '-');
@ -14483,11 +14414,38 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $sunalt = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'sunalt', '-');
my $don = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'DoN', '-');
if ($export eq 'csv') {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{pvrl} = $pvrl;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{pvrlvd} = $pvrlvd;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{pvfc} = $pvfc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{gcons} = $gcons;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{con} = $con;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{confc} = $confc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{gfeedin} = $gfeedin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{weatherid} = $wid;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{wcc} = $wcc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{rr1c} = $rr1c;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{temp} = $temp // '';
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{pvcorrf} = $pvcorrf eq '-' ? '' : (split "/", $pvcorrf)[0];
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{quality} = $pvcorrf eq '-' ? '' : (split "/", $pvcorrf)[1];
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{dayname} = $dayname // '';
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{etotal} = $etotal;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{batin} = $batin;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{batouttotal} = $btotout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{batout} = $batout;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{batmaxsoc} = $batmsoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{batsetsoc} = $batssoc;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{rad1h} = $rad1h;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{sunaz} = $sunaz;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{sunalt} = $sunalt;
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{DoN} = $don;
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
$ret .= $key." => ";
$ret .= "etotal: $etotal, pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, pvrlvd: $pvrlvd, rad1h: $rad1h";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "confc: $confc, con: $con, gcon: $gcon, gfeedin: $gfeedin";
$ret .= "confc: $confc, con: $con, gcon: $gcons, gfeedin: $gfeedin";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "DoN: $don, sunaz: $sunaz, sunalt: $sunalt";
$ret .= "\n ";
@ -14512,6 +14470,14 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $csmm = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "minutescsm${c}", undef);
my $csmh = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "hourscsme${c}", undef);
if ($export eq 'csv') {
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"cyclescsm${c}"} = $csmc if(defined $csmc);
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"csmt${c}"} = $csmt if(defined $csmt);
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"csme${c}"} = $csme if(defined $csme);
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"minutescsm${c}"} = $csmm if(defined $csmm);
$hexp->{$day}{$key}{"hourscsme${c}"} = $csmh if(defined $csmh);
if (defined $csmc) {
$csm .= "cyclescsm${c}: $csmc";
$nl = 1;
@ -14570,6 +14536,10 @@ sub listDataPool {
next if($par && $idx ne $par);
$sq .= $idx." => ".$sub->($idx)."\n";
if ($export eq 'csv') {
return _writeAsCsv ($hash, $hexp, $pvhexprtcsv.$name.'.csv');
if ($htol eq "consumer") {
@ -14906,6 +14876,55 @@ sub _ldpspaces {
return $spn;
# Export Speicherstruktur in CSV-Datei
sub _writeAsCsv {
my $hash = shift;
my $hexp = shift;
my $outfile = shift // return "No file specified for writing data";
my @data;
## Header schreiben
my @head = qw (Day Hour);
for my $hexd (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$hexp}) {
for my $hexh (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$hexp->{$hexd}}) {
for my $hk (sort keys %{$hexp->{$hexd}{$hexh}}) {
push @head, $hk;
push @data, join(',', map { s{"}{""}g; qq{"$_"};} @head);
## Daten schreiben
for my $exd (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$hexp}) {
for my $exh (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$hexp->{$exd}}) {
my @aexp;
push @aexp, $exd;
push @aexp, $exh;
for my $k (sort keys %{$hexp->{$exd}{$exh}}) {
my $val = $hexp->{$exd}{$exh}{$k};
$val =~ s/\./,/xs;
push @aexp, $val;
push @data, join(',', map { s{"}{""}g; qq{"$_"};} @aexp);
my $err = FileWrite ($outfile, @data);
return $err if($err);
return "The memory structure was written to the file $outfile";
# validiert die aktuelle Anlagenkonfiguration
@ -17876,7 +17895,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> <b>pv</b> </td><td>Reading which provides the current PV generation </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>etotal</b> </td><td>Reading which provides the total PV energy generated (a steadily increasing counter). </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>Einheit</b> </td><td>the respective unit (W,kW,Wh,kWh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Rated power of the inverter according to data sheet (max. possible output in watts) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Rated power of the inverter according to data sheet, i.e. max. possible output in Watts </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>(The entry is optional, but is strongly recommended) </td></tr>
@ -18619,9 +18639,11 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-get-pvHistory"></a>
<li><b>pvHistory </b> <br><br>
Shows the content of the pvHistory data memory sorted by date and hour. The selection list can be used to jump to a
specific day. The drop-down list contains the days currently available in the memory.
Displays or exports the contents of the pvHistory data memory sorted by date and hour. <br>
The selection list can be used to jump to a specific day. The drop-down list contains the days currently
available in the memory.
Without an argument, the entire data storage is listed.
The 'exportToCsv' specification exports the entire content of the pvHistory to a CSV file. <br>
The hour specifications refer to the respective hour of the day, e.g. the hour 09 refers to the time from
08 o'clock to 09 o'clock. <br><br>
@ -20114,7 +20136,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> <b>pv</b> </td><td>Reading welches die aktuelle PV-Erzeugung liefert </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>etotal</b> </td><td>Reading welches die gesamte erzeugte PV-Energie liefert (ein stetig aufsteigender Zähler) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>Einheit</b> </td><td>die jeweilige Einheit (W,kW,Wh,kWh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Bemessungsleistung des Wechselrichters gemäß Datenblatt (max. möglicher Output in Watt) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>capacity</b> </td><td>Bemessungsleistung des Wechselrichters gemäß Datenblatt, d.h. max. möglicher Output in Watt </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>(Die Angabe ist optional, wird aber dringend empfohlen zu setzen) </td></tr>
@ -20867,9 +20890,11 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-get-pvHistory"></a>
<li><b>pvHistory </b> <br><br>
Zeigt den Inhalt des pvHistory Datenspeichers sortiert nach dem Tagesdatum und Stunde. Mit der Auswahlliste kann ein
bestimmter Tag angesprungen werden. Die Drop-Down Liste enthält die aktuell im Speicher verfügbaren Tage.
Zeigt oder exportiert den Inhalt des pvHistory Datenspeichers sortiert nach dem Tagesdatum und Stunde. <br>
Mit der Auswahlliste kann ein bestimmter Tag angesprungen werden. Die Drop-Down Liste enthält die aktuell
im Speicher verfügbaren Tage.
Ohne Argument wird der gesamte Datenspeicher gelistet.
Die Angabe 'exportToCsv' exportiert den gesamten Inhalt der pvHistory in eine CSV-Datei. <br>
Die Stundenangaben beziehen sich auf die jeweilige Stunde des Tages, z.B. bezieht sich die Stunde 09 auf die Zeit
von 08 Uhr bis 09 Uhr. <br><br>