mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

59_WUup: remove prototypes and HTML entitities

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21511 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
mahowi 2020-03-25 11:43:40 +00:00
parent 51973e144f
commit e0ecea242e
2 changed files with 46 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- change: 59_WUup: remove prototypes and HTML entitities
- bugfix: 73_AutoShuttersControl: change default value for rain and wind
protection, add rain protection to commandref
- change: 73_AutoShuttersControl: remove prototyp, add weekendholiday for

View File

@ -33,17 +33,7 @@ use HttpUtils;
use UConv;
use FHEM::Meta;
my $version = "0.9.13";
# Declare functions
sub WUup_Initialize($);
sub WUup_Define($$$);
sub WUup_Undef($$);
sub WUup_Set($@);
sub WUup_Attr(@);
sub WUup_stateRequestTimer($);
sub WUup_send($);
sub WUup_receive($);
my $version = "0.9.14";
@ -51,7 +41,7 @@ sub WUup_receive($);
sub WUup_Initialize($) {
sub WUup_Initialize {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "WUup_Define";
@ -75,7 +65,7 @@ sub WUup_Initialize($) {
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
sub WUup_Define($$$) {
sub WUup_Define {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) );
@ -121,13 +111,13 @@ sub WUup_Define($$$) {
return undef;
sub WUup_Undef($$) {
sub WUup_Undef {
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
return undef;
sub WUup_Set($@) {
sub WUup_Set {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
return "\"set $name\" needs at least one argument" unless ( defined($cmd) );
@ -140,7 +130,7 @@ sub WUup_Set($@) {
sub WUup_Attr(@) {
sub WUup_Attr {
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@ -191,7 +181,7 @@ sub WUup_Attr(@) {
return undef;
sub WUup_stateRequestTimer($) {
sub WUup_stateRequestTimer {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -219,7 +209,7 @@ sub WUup_stateRequestTimer($) {
"Sub WUup_stateRequestTimer ($name) - Request Timer is called";
sub WUup_send($) {
sub WUup_send {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $version = $hash->{VERSION};
@ -312,9 +302,6 @@ sub WUup_send($) {
Log3 $name, 5, "WUup ($name) - full URL: $url";
# my $response = GetFileFromURL($url);
# readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "response", $response );
# Log3 $name, 4, "WUup ($name) - server response: $response";
else {
CommandDeleteReading( undef, "$name data" );
@ -328,7 +315,7 @@ sub WUup_send($) {
sub WUup_receive($) {
sub WUup_receive {
my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -379,6 +366,7 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
# 2019-07-05 add Meta support
# 2019-07-09 add WIKI to Meta data
# 2020-03-12 use UConv to calculate solarradiation from lux to W/m²
# 2020-03-25 remove prototypes
@ -436,7 +424,7 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
<li><b>disable</b> - disables the module</li>
<li><b><a href="#disabledForIntervals">disabledForIntervals</a></b></li>
<li><b>unit_windspeed</b> - change the units of your windspeed readings (m/s or km/h)</li>
<li><b>unit_solarradiation</b> - change the units of your solarradiation readings (lux or W/m&sup2;)</li>
<li><b>unit_solarradiation</b> - change the units of your solarradiation readings (lux or W/m²)</li>
<li><b>round</b> - round values to this number of decimals for calculation (default 4)</li>
<li><b>wu....</b> - Attribute name corresponding to
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">parameter name from api.</a>
@ -448,29 +436,29 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
network as parameter "tempf" (which indicates current temperature)
Units get converted to angloamerican system automatically
(&deg;C -> &deg;F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
(°C -> °F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
<u>The following information is supported:</u>
<li>winddir - instantaneous wind direction (0-360) [&deg;]</li>
<li>winddir - instantaneous wind direction (0-360) [°]</li>
<li>windspeedmph - instantaneous wind speed ·[mph]</li>
<li>windgustmph - current wind gust, using software specific time period [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir - current wind direction, using software specific time period [&deg;]</li>
<li>windgustdir - current wind direction, using software specific time period [°]</li>
<li>windspdmph_avg2m - 2 minute average wind speed [mph]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - 2 minute average wind direction [&deg;]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - 2 minute average wind direction [°]</li>
<li>windgustmph_10m - past 10 minutes wind gust [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - past 10 minutes wind gust direction [&deg;]</li>
<li>humidity - outdoor humidity (0-100) [&#37;]</li>
<li>dewptf- outdoor dewpoint [F]</li>
<li>tempf - outdoor temperature [F]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - past 10 minutes wind gust direction [°]</li>
<li>humidity - outdoor humidity (0-100) [%]</li>
<li>dewptf- outdoor dewpoint [°F]</li>
<li>tempf - outdoor temperature [°F]</li>
<li>rainin - rain over the past hour -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min [in]</li>
<li>dailyrainin - rain so far today in local time [in]</li>
<li>baromin - barometric pressure [inHg]</li>
<li>soiltempf - soil temperature [F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - soil moisture [&#37;]</li>
<li>solarradiation - solar radiation[W/m&sup2;]</li>
<li>soiltempf - soil temperature [°F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - soil moisture [%]</li>
<li>solarradiation - solar radiation[W/m²]</li>
<li>UV - [index]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - PM2.5 mass [&micro;g/m&sup3;]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - PM10 mass [&micro;g/m&sup3;]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - PM2.5 mass [µg/m³]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - PM10 mass [µg/m³]</li>
@ -541,40 +529,40 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
<li><b>unit_windspeed</b> - gibt die Einheit der Readings für die
Windgeschwindigkeiten an (m/s oder km/h)</li>
<li><b>unit_solarradiation</b> - gibt die Einheit der Readings für die
Sonneneinstrahlung an (lux oder W/m&sup2;)</li>
Sonneneinstrahlung an (lux oder W/m²)</li>
<li><b>round</b> - Anzahl der Nachkommastellen zur Berechnung (Standard 4)</li>
<li><b>wu....</b> - Attributname entsprechend dem
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">Parameternamen aus der API.</a><br />
Jedes dieser Attribute enth&auml;lt Informationen &uuml;ber zu sendende Wetterdaten
Jedes dieser Attribute enthält Informationen über zu sendende Wetterdaten
im Format <code>sensorName:readingName</code>.<br/>
Beispiel: <code>attr WUup wutempf outside:temperature</code> definiert
das Attribut wutempf und sendet das Reading "temperature" vom Ger&auml;t "outside" als Parameter "tempf"
das Attribut wutempf und sendet das Reading "temperature" vom Gerät "outside" als Parameter "tempf"
(welches die aktuelle Temperatur angibt).
<br />
Einheiten werden automatisch ins anglo-amerikanische System umgerechnet.
(&deg;C -> &deg;F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
<u>Unterst&uuml;tzte Angaben</u>
(°C -> °;F; km/h(m/s) -> mph; mm -> in; hPa -> inHg)<br/><br/>
<u>Unterstützte Angaben</u>
<li>winddir - momentane Windrichtung (0-360) [&deg;]</li>
<li>winddir - momentane Windrichtung (0-360) [°]</li>
<li>windspeedmph - momentane Windgeschwindigkeit [mph]</li>
<li>windgustmph - aktuelle B&ouml;e, mit Software-spezifischem Zeitraum [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir - aktuelle B&ouml;enrichtung, mit Software-spezifischer Zeitraum [&deg;]</li>
<li>windgustmph - aktuelle Böe, mit Software-spezifischem Zeitraum [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir - aktuelle Böenrichtung, mit Software-spezifischer Zeitraum [°]</li>
<li>windspdmph_avg2m - durchschnittliche Windgeschwindigkeit innerhalb 2 Minuten [mph]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - durchschnittliche Windrichtung innerhalb 2 Minuten [&deg;]</li>
<li>windgustmph_10m - B&ouml;en der vergangenen 10 Minuten [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - Richtung der B&ouml;en der letzten 10 Minuten [&deg;]</li>
<li>humidity - Luftfeuchtigkeit im Freien (0-100) [&#37;]</li>
<li>dewptf- Taupunkt im Freien [F]</li>
<li>tempf - Au&szlig;entemperatur [F]</li>
<li>winddir_avg2m - durchschnittliche Windrichtung innerhalb 2 Minuten [°]</li>
<li>windgustmph_10m - Böen der vergangenen 10 Minuten [mph]</li>
<li>windgustdir_10m - Richtung der Böen der letzten 10 Minuten [°]</li>
<li>humidity - Luftfeuchtigkeit im Freien (0-100) [%]</li>
<li>dewptf- Taupunkt im Freien [°F]</li>
<li>tempf - Außentemperatur [°F]</li>
<li>rainin - Regen in der vergangenen Stunde [in]</li>
<li>dailyrainin - Regenmenge bisher heute [in]</li>
<li>baromin - barometrischer Druck [inHg]</li>
<li>soiltempf - Bodentemperatur [F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - Bodenfeuchtigkeit [&#37;]</li>
<li>solarradiation - Sonneneinstrahlung [W/m&sup2;]</li>
<li>soiltempf - Bodentemperatur [°F]</li>
<li>soilmoisture - Bodenfeuchtigkeit [%]</li>
<li>solarradiation - Sonneneinstrahlung [W/m²]</li>
<li>UV - [Index]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - Feinstaub PM2,5 [&micro;g/m&sup3;]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - Feinstaub PM10 [&micro;g/m&sup3;]</li>
<li>AqPM2.5 - Feinstaub PM2,5 [µg/m³]</li>
<li>AqPM10 - Feinstaub PM10 [µg/m³]</li>
@ -592,7 +580,7 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
<li>Die komplette API-Beschreibung findet sich
<a href="https://feedback.weather.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2924682-pws-upload-protocol?b_id=17298">hier</a></li>
<li>Viel Spa&szlig;!</li><br/>
<li>Viel Spaß!</li><br/>
@ -612,7 +600,7 @@ sub WUup_receive($) {
"license": [
"version": "v0.9.12",
"version": "v0.9.14",
"release_status": "stable",
"author": [
"Manfred Winter <mahowi@gmail.com>"