diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
index 0b0f7b018..34b1c2106 100644
--- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
+++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/76_SolarForecast.pm
@@ -4004,7 +4004,7 @@ sub _manageConsumerData {
## Verbrauch auslesen + speichern
- ##################################
+ ###################################
my $ethreshold = 0;
my $etotread = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "retotal", "");
my $u = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "uetotal", "");
@@ -4015,8 +4015,8 @@ sub _manageConsumerData {
my $ehist = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), "csmt${c}", undef); # gespeicherter Totalverbrauch
$ethreshold = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "energythreshold", 0); # Schwellenwert (Wh pro Stunde) ab der ein Verbraucher als aktiv gewertet wird
- ## aktuelle Leitung ermitteln wenn kein Reading d. aktuellen Leistung verfügbar
- ################################################################################
+ ## aktuelle Leistung ermitteln wenn kein Reading d. aktuellen Leistung verfügbar
+ ##################################################################################
my $timespan = $t - ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "old_etottime", $t);
my $delta = $etot - ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "old_etotal", $etot);
@@ -4536,17 +4536,6 @@ sub ___setConsumerPlanningState {
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planswitchoff} = $stopts;
- #my $pstate = simplifyCstate ($ps);
- #my $swtime = "";
- #if ($pstate eq "started") {
- # ($swtime, $startts) = lastConsumerSwitchtime ($hash, $c);
- # Log3 ($hash->{NAME}, 1, "$hash->{NAME} - $c, swtime: $swtime, startts: $startts");
- #}
- #elsif ($pstate eq "finished") {
- # ($swtime, $stopts) = lastConsumerSwitchtime ($hash, $c);
- # Log3 ($hash->{NAME}, 1, "$hash->{NAME} - $c, swtime: $swtime, stopts:$stopts ");
- #}
$ps .= " " if ($starttime || $stoptime);
$ps .= $starttime if ($starttime);
$ps .= $stoptime if (!$starttime && $stoptime);
@@ -8378,10 +8367,10 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
my $nok = FW_makeImage('10px-kreis-rot.png', '');
my $warn = FW_makeImage('10px-kreis-gelb.png', '');
- my $result = { # Ergebnishash
- 'String Configuration' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'fault' => 0 },
- 'DWD Weather Attributes' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'fault' => 0 },
- 'Common Settings' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'fault' => 0 },
+ my $result = { # Ergebnishash
+ 'String Configuration' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
+ 'DWD Weather Attributes' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
+ 'Common Settings' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
my $sub = sub {
@@ -8411,24 +8400,29 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
my $sp = $sn." => ".$sub->($sn)."
$result->{'String Configuration'}{note} .= $sn." => ".$sub->($sn)."
+ if ($stch->{$sn}{peak} >= 500) {
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{result} .= qq{The peak value of string "$sn" is very high. };
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{result} .= qq{It seems to be given in Wp instead of kWp.
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{state} = $warn;
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{warn} = 1;
+ }
if (!isSolCastUsed ($hash)) { # Strahlungsdevice DWD
if ($sp !~ /dir.*?peak.*?tilt/x) {
- $result->{'String Configuration'}{fault} = 1; # Test Vollständigkeit: z.B. Süddach => dir: S, peak: 5.13, tilt: 45
- }
- else {
- $result->{'String Configuration'}{result} = 'fullfilled';
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{state} = $nok;
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{fault} = 1; # Test Vollständigkeit: z.B. Süddach => dir: S, peak: 5.13, tilt: 45
else { # Strahlungsdevice SolCast-API
if($sp !~ /peak.*?pk/x) {
- $result->{'String Configuration'}{fault} = 1; # Test Vollständigkeit
- }
- else {
- $result->{'String Configuration'}{result} = 'fullfilled';
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{state} = $nok;
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{fault} = 1; # Test Vollständigkeit
+ $result->{'String Configuration'}{result} = 'fullfilled' if(!$result->{'String Configuration'}{fault} && !$result->{'String Configuration'}{warn});
## Check Attribute DWD Wetterdevice
my $fcname = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentForecastDev', '');
@@ -8516,35 +8510,43 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
## Settings bei Nutzung SolCast
if (isSolCastUsed ($hash)) {
- my $cfd = AttrVal ($name, 'cloudFactorDamping', '');
- my $rfd = AttrVal ($name, 'rainFactorDamping', '');
- my $pcf = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', '');
+ my $cfd = AttrVal ($name, 'cloudFactorDamping', '');
+ my $rfd = AttrVal ($name, 'rainFactorDamping', '');
+ my $osi = AttrVal ($name, 'optimizeSolCastAPIreqInterval', 0);
+ my $pcf = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', '');
if ($cfd eq '' || $cfd != 0) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{Attribute cloudFactorDamping is set to "$cfd"
- $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{It is recommended to set cloudFactorDamping explicitly to "0"
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{set cloudFactorDamping explicitly to "0" is recommended
$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;
if ($rfd eq '' || $rfd != 0) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{Attribute rainFactorDamping is set to "$rfd"
- $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{It is recommended to set rainFactorDamping explicitly to "0"
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{set rainFactorDamping explicitly to "0" is recommended
$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;
if (!$pcf || $pcf ne 'off') {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto is set to "$pcf"
- $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{It is recommended to set pvCorrectionFactor_Auto to "off"
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{set pvCorrectionFactor_Auto to "off" is recommended
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$osi) {
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn;
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{Attribute optimizeSolCastAPIreqInterval is set to "$osi"
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{set optimizeSolCastAPIreqInterval to "1" is recommended
$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;
if(!$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = 'fullfilled';
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{checked parameter:
- $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{cloudFactorDamping rainFactorDamping pvCorrectionFactor_Auto
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{cloudFactorDamping rainFactorDamping optimizeSolCastAPIreqInterval pvCorrectionFactor_Auto
@@ -8556,7 +8558,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
if (!$pcf || $pcf ne 'on') {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto is set to "$pcf"
- $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{It is recommended to set pvCorrectionFactor_Auto to "on"
+ $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{set pvCorrectionFactor_Auto to "on" is recommended
$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;