mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00

76_SolarForecast.pm: contrib 0.51.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24578 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2021-06-03 16:05:30 +00:00
parent 882901ff08
commit db189d9208

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ use Encode;
use utf8;
eval "use JSON;1;" or my $jsonabs = "JSON"; ## no critic 'eval' # Debian: apt-get install libjson-perl
use FHEM::SynoModules::SMUtils qw( evaljson
use FHEM::SynoModules::SMUtils qw(
); # Hilfsroutinen Modul
@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.50.3" => "03.06.2021 some bugfixing ",
"0.51.0" => "03.06.2021 some bugfixing, Calculation of PV correction factors refined, new setter plantConfiguration ".
"delete getter stringConfig ",
"0.50.2" => "02.06.2021 more refactoring, delete attr headerAlignment, consumerlegend as table ",
"0.50.1" => "02.06.2021 switch to mathematical rounding of cloudiness range ",
"0.50.0" => "01.06.2021 real switch off time in consumerXX_planned_stop when finished, change key 'ready' to 'auto' ".
@ -209,6 +211,7 @@ my %hset = ( # Ha
currentMeterDev => { fn => \&_setmeterDevice },
currentBatteryDev => { fn => \&_setbatteryDevice },
energyH4Trigger => { fn => \&_setenergyH4Trigger },
plantConfiguration => { fn => \&_setplantConfiguration },
powerTrigger => { fn => \&_setpowerTrigger },
pvCorrectionFactor_05 => { fn => \&_setpvCorrectionFactor },
pvCorrectionFactor_06 => { fn => \&_setpvCorrectionFactor },
@ -244,7 +247,6 @@ my %hget = ( # Ha
pvCircular => { fn => \&_getlistPVCircular, needcred => 0 },
forecastQualities => { fn => \&_getForecastQualities, needcred => 0 },
nextHours => { fn => \&_getlistNextHours, needcred => 0 },
stringConfig => { fn => \&_getstringConfig, needcred => 0 },
my %hattr = ( # Hash für Attr-Funktion
@ -265,25 +267,29 @@ my %hff = (
"90" => { N => 33, NE => 43, E => 62, SE => 78, S => 85, SW => 78, W => 62, NW => 43 },
); # mt = default mintime (Minuten)
my %hqtxt = ( # Hash Setup Texte
cfd => { EN => qq{Please select the Weather forecast device with "set LINK currentForecastDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Wettervorhersage Device mit "set LINK currentForecastDev" an} },
crd => { EN => qq{Please select the Radiation forecast device with "set LINK currentRadiationDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Strahlungsvorhersage Device mit "set LINK currentRadiationDev" an} },
cid => { EN => qq{Please specify the Inverter device with "set LINK currentInverterDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Wechselrichter Device mit "set LINK currentInverterDev" an} },
mid => { EN => qq{Please specify the device for energy measurement with "set LINK currentMeterDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Device zur Energiemessung mit "set LINK currentMeterDev" an} },
ist => { EN => qq{Please define all of your used string names with "set LINK inverterStrings"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie alle von Ihnen verwendeten Stringnamen mit "set LINK inverterStrings" an} },
mps => { EN => qq{Please specify the total peak power for every string with "set LINK modulePeakString"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie die Gesamtspitzenleistung von jedem String mit "set LINK modulePeakString" an} },
mdr => { EN => qq{Please specify the module direction with "set LINK moduleDirection"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben Sie die Modulausrichtung mit "set LINK moduleDirection" an} },
mta => { EN => qq{Please specify the module tilt angle with "set LINK moduleTiltAngle"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben Sie den Modulneigungswinkel mit "set LINK moduleTiltAngle" an} },
awd => { EN => qq{Awaiting data from Solar Forecast devices ...},
DE => qq{Warten auf Daten von Solarvorhersagegeräten ...} },
my %hqtxt = ( # Hash (Setup) Texte
cfd => { EN => qq{Please select the Weather forecast device with "set LINK currentForecastDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Wettervorhersage Device mit "set LINK currentForecastDev" an} },
crd => { EN => qq{Please select the Radiation forecast device with "set LINK currentRadiationDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Strahlungsvorhersage Device mit "set LINK currentRadiationDev" an} },
cid => { EN => qq{Please specify the Inverter device with "set LINK currentInverterDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Wechselrichter Device mit "set LINK currentInverterDev" an} },
mid => { EN => qq{Please specify the device for energy measurement with "set LINK currentMeterDev"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie das Device zur Energiemessung mit "set LINK currentMeterDev" an} },
ist => { EN => qq{Please define all of your used string names with "set LINK inverterStrings"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie alle von Ihnen verwendeten Stringnamen mit "set LINK inverterStrings" an} },
mps => { EN => qq{Please specify the total peak power for every string with "set LINK modulePeakString"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben sie die Gesamtspitzenleistung von jedem String mit "set LINK modulePeakString" an} },
mdr => { EN => qq{Please specify the module direction with "set LINK moduleDirection"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben Sie die Modulausrichtung mit "set LINK moduleDirection" an} },
mta => { EN => qq{Please specify the module tilt angle with "set LINK moduleTiltAngle"},
DE => qq{Bitte geben Sie den Modulneigungswinkel mit "set LINK moduleTiltAngle" an} },
awd => { EN => qq{Awaiting data from Solar Forecast devices ...},
DE => qq{Warten auf Daten von Solarvorhersagegeräten ...} },
strok => { EN => qq{Congratulations &#128522, your string configuration checked without found errors !},
DE => qq{Herzlichen Glückwunsch &#128522, Ihre String-Konfiguration wurde ohne gefundene Fehler geprüft!} },
strnok => { EN => qq{Oh no &#128577, your string configuration is inconsistent.\nPlease check the settings of modulePeakString, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle !},
DE => qq{Oh nein &#128577, Ihre String-Konfiguration ist inkonsistent.\nBitte überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen von modulePeakString, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle !}},
my %htitles = ( # Hash Hilfetexte
@ -438,6 +444,7 @@ my $defslidenum = 3;
my $pvhcache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVH_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV History (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $pvccache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVC_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Circular (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $plantcfg = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCfg_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Anlagenkonfiguration (wird mit Devicename ergänzt)
my $calcmaxd = 30; # Anzahl Tage die zur Berechnung Vorhersagekorrektur verwendet werden
my @dweattrmust = qw(TTT Neff R101 ww SunUp SunRise SunSet); # Werte die im Attr forecastProperties des Weather-DWD_Opendata Devices mindestens gesetzt sein müssen
@ -473,7 +480,6 @@ my %hef = (
# $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist} # historische Werte
# $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours} # NextHours Werte
# $data{$type}{$name}{consumers} # Consumer Hash
# $data{$type}{$name}{html} # hfcg = hash forecast graphic
# $data{$type}{$name}{strings} # Stringkonfiguration
@ -679,6 +685,7 @@ sub Set {
"modulePeakString ".
"moduleTiltAngle ".
"moduleDirection ".
"plantConfiguration:check,save,restore ".
"powerTrigger:textField-long ".
"pvCorrectionFactor_Auto:on,off ".
"reset:$resets ".
@ -721,6 +728,7 @@ sub _setcurrentForecastDev { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentForecastDev", $prop, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -740,6 +748,7 @@ sub _setcurrentRadiationDev { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentRadiationDev", $prop, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -771,6 +780,7 @@ sub _setinverterDevice { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentInverterDev", $arg, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -784,7 +794,8 @@ sub _setinverterStrings { ## no critic "not used"
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // return qq{no inverter strings specified};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "inverterStrings", $prop, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "inverterStrings", $prop, 1);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
return qq{REMINDER - After setting or changing "inverterStrings" please check / set all module parameter (e.g. moduleTiltAngle) again !};
@ -820,6 +831,7 @@ sub _setmeterDevice { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentMeterDev", $arg, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -855,6 +867,7 @@ sub _setbatteryDevice { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "currentBatteryDev", $arg, 1);
createNotifyDev ($hash);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -884,6 +897,8 @@ sub _setpowerTrigger { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{The key "$key" is invalid. Please consider the commandref.};
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "powerTrigger", $arg, 1);
@ -915,6 +930,8 @@ sub _setenergyH4Trigger { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{The key "$key" is invalid. Please consider the commandref.};
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "energyH4Trigger", $arg, 1);
@ -948,6 +965,8 @@ sub _setmodulePeakString { ## no critic "not used"
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -978,7 +997,9 @@ sub _setmoduleTiltAngle { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "moduleTiltAngle", $arg, 1);
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
return $ret if($ret);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -1010,10 +1031,68 @@ sub _setmoduleDirection { ## no critic "not used"
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
# Setter plantConfiguration
sub _setplantConfiguration { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $arg = $paref->{arg};
if(!$arg) {
return qq{The command "$opt" needs an argument !};
if($arg eq "check") {
my $ret = checkStringConfig ($hash);
return qq{<html>$ret</html>};
if($arg eq "save") {
my $error = writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
if($error) {
return $error;
else {
return qq{Plant Configuration has been written to file "$plantcfg.$name"};
if($arg eq "restore") {
my ($error, @pvconf) = FileRead ($plantcfg.$name);
if(!$error) {
my $rbit = 0;
for my $elem (@pvconf) {
my ($reading, $val) = split "<>", $elem;
next if(!$reading || !defined $val);
CommandSetReading (undef,"$name $reading $val");
$rbit = 1;
if($rbit) {
return qq{Plant Configuration restored from file "$plantcfg.$name"};
else {
return qq{The Plant Configuration file "$plantcfg.$name" was empty, nothing restored};
else {
return $error;
# Setter pvCorrectionFactor
@ -1097,11 +1176,13 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
if($prop eq "powerTrigger") {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "powerTrigger.*");
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
if($prop eq "energyH4Trigger") {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "energyH4Trigger.*");
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@ -1119,6 +1200,8 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{autarkyrate};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{selfconsumption};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{selfconsumptionrate};
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
if($prop eq "currentBatteryDev") {
@ -1128,15 +1211,18 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{powerbatout};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{powerbatin};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{batcharge};
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
if($prop eq "currentInverterDev") {
readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_PV");
deleteReadingspec ($hash, ".*_PVreal" );
writeDataToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
if($prop eq "consumerPlanning") { # Verbraucherplanung resetten
my $c = $paref->{prop1} // ""; # bestimmten Verbraucher setzen falls angegeben
if($prop eq "consumerPlanning") { # Verbraucherplanung resetten
my $c = $paref->{prop1} // ""; # bestimmten Verbraucher setzen falls angegeben
if ($c) {
deleteConsumerPlanning ($hash, $c);
@ -1167,8 +1253,8 @@ sub _setwriteHistory { ## no critic "not used"
my $ret;
$ret = writeCacheToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
$ret = writeCacheToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
$ret = writeDataToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
$ret = writeDataToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
return $ret;
@ -1230,7 +1316,6 @@ sub Get {
"nextHours:noArg ".
"pvCircular:noArg ".
"pvHistory:noArg ".
"stringConfig:noArg ".
"valCurrent:noArg "
@ -1358,18 +1443,6 @@ sub _getlistvalConsumerMaster {
return $ret;
# Getter stringConfig
sub _getstringConfig {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $ret = checkStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret;
sub Attr {
my $cmd = shift;
@ -1568,8 +1641,8 @@ sub Shutdown {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
writeDataToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
writeDataToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
@ -1607,24 +1680,123 @@ sub Delete {
my $arg = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $file = $pvhcache.$name; # Cache File PV History löschen
my $file = $pvhcache.$name; # Cache File PV History löschen
my $error = FileDelete($file);
if ($error) {
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR deleting cache file "$file": $error});
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR deleting file "$file": $error});
$error = qq{};
$file = $pvccache.$name; # Cache File PV Circular löschen
$file = $pvccache.$name; # Cache File PV Circular löschen
$error = FileDelete($file);
if ($error) {
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR deleting cache file "$file": $error});
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR deleting file "$file": $error});
$error = qq{};
$file = $plantcfg.$name; # File Anlagenkonfiguration löschen
$error = FileDelete($file);
if ($error) {
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR deleting file "$file": $error});
# Timer für historische Daten schreiben
sub periodicWriteCachefiles {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::periodicWriteCachefiles");
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$whistrepeat, "FHEM::SolarForecast::periodicWriteCachefiles", $hash, 0);
return if(IsDisabled($name));
writeDataToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
writeDataToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
# Daten in File wegschreiben
sub writeDataToFile {
my $hash = shift;
my $cachename = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my @data;
if($cachename eq "plantconfig") {
@data = _savePlantConfig ($hash);
return "Plant configuration is empty, no data has been written" if(!@data);
else {
return if(!$data{$type}{$name}{$cachename});
my $json = encode_json ($data{$type}{$name}{$cachename});
push @data, $json;
my $error = FileWrite($file, @data);
if ($error) {
my $err = qq{ERROR writing cache file "$file": $error};
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "ERROR writing cache file $file - $error", 1);
return $err;
else {
my $lw = gettimeofday();
$hash->{HISTFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime($lw)." File: $file" if($cachename eq "pvhist");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "wrote cachefile $cachename successfully", 1);
# Anlagenkonfiguration sichern
sub _savePlantConfig {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @pvconf;
my @aconfigs = qw(
for my $cfg (@aconfigs) {
my $val = ReadingsVal($name, $cfg, "");
next if(!$val);
push @pvconf, $cfg."<>".$val;
return @pvconf;
# Zentraler Datenabruf
@ -1813,59 +1985,6 @@ sub controlParams {
return $interval;
# Timer für historische Daten schreiben
sub periodicWriteCachefiles {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::periodicWriteCachefiles");
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$whistrepeat, "FHEM::SolarForecast::periodicWriteCachefiles", $hash, 0);
return if(IsDisabled($name));
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "circular", $pvccache.$name); # Cache File für PV Circular schreiben
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "pvhist", $pvhcache.$name); # Cache File für PV History schreiben
# historische Daten in File wegschreiben
sub writeCacheToFile {
my $hash = shift;
my $cachename = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
return if(!$data{$type}{$name}{$cachename});
my @pvh;
my $json = encode_json ($data{$type}{$name}{$cachename});
push @pvh, $json;
my $error = FileWrite($file, @pvh);
if ($error) {
my $err = qq{ERROR writing cache file "$file": $error};
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "ERROR writing cache file $file - $error", 1);
return $err;
else {
my $lw = gettimeofday();
$hash->{HISTFILE} = "last write time: ".FmtTime($lw)." File: $file" if($cachename eq "pvhist");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "wrote cachefile $cachename successfully", 1);
# Zusätzliche Readings/ Events für Logging generieren und
# Sonderaufgaben !
@ -5013,11 +5132,11 @@ sub calcVariance {
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h).", Today PVreal: $pvval, PVforecast: $fcval");
$paref->{hour} = $h;
my ($pvavg,$fcavg,$anzavg,$range) = calcAvgFromHistory ($paref); # historische PV / Forecast Vergleichswerte ermitteln
$anzavg //= 1; # der aktuelle Wert ist nun der erste AVG im Store
$pvval = $pvavg ? ($pvval + $pvavg) / 2 : $pvval; # Ertrag aktuelle Stunde berücksichtigen
$fcval = $fcavg ? ($fcval + $fcavg) / 2 : $fcval; # Vorhersage aktuelle Stunde berücksichtigen
$paref->{hour} = $h;
my ($pvhis,$fchis,$dnum,$range) = calcAvgFromHistory ($paref); # historische PV / Forecast Vergleichswerte ermitteln
$dnum = $dnum ? $dnum++ : 1; # der aktuelle Wert ist nun der erste AVG im Store
$pvval = $pvhis ? ($pvval + $pvhis) / $dnum : $pvval; # Ertrag aktuelle Stunde berücksichtigen
$fcval = $fchis ? ($fcval + $fchis) / $dnum : $fcval; # Vorhersage aktuelle Stunde berücksichtigen
my ($oldfac, $oldq) = CircularAutokorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $range, 0); # bisher definierter Korrekturfaktor/KF-Qualität der Stunde des Tages der entsprechenden Bewölkungsrange
$oldfac = 1 if(1*$oldfac == 0);
@ -5038,13 +5157,13 @@ sub calcVariance {
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - write correction factor into circular Hash: Factor $factor, Hour $h, Range $range");
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$h)}{pvcorrf}{$range} = $factor; # Korrekturfaktor für Bewölkung Range 0..10 für die jeweilige Stunde als Datenquelle eintragen
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$h)}{quality}{$range} = $anzavg; # Korrekturfaktor Qualität
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$h)}{quality}{$range} = $dnum; # Korrekturfaktor Qualität
else {
$range = "";
push @da, "pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."<>".$factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, cloudiness range: $range, found history days in range: $anzavg)";
push @da, "pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."<>".$factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, cloudiness range: $range, days in range: $dnum)";
push @da, "pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."_autocalc<>done";
@ -5105,7 +5224,7 @@ sub calcAvgFromHistory {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - cloudiness range of day/hour $day/$hour is: $range");
my $anzavg = 0;
my $dnum = 0;
my ($pvrl,$pvfc) = (0,0);
for my $dayfa (@efa) {
@ -5121,24 +5240,24 @@ sub calcAvgFromHistory {
if($range == $histwcc) {
$pvrl += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvrl", 0);
$pvfc += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvfc", 0);
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - History Average -> current/historical cloudiness range identical: $range Day/hour $dayfa/$hour included.");
last if( $anzavg == $calcd);
last if( $dnum == $calcd);
else {
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - History Average -> current/historical cloudiness range different: $range/$histwcc Day/hour $dayfa/$hour discarded.");
if(!$anzavg) {
if(!$dnum) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - History Average -> all cloudiness ranges were different/not set -> no historical averages calculated");
return (undef,undef,undef,$range);
my $pvavg = sprintf "%.2f", $pvrl / $anzavg;
my $fcavg = sprintf "%.2f", $pvfc / $anzavg;
my $pvhis = sprintf "%.2f", $pvrl;
my $fchis = sprintf "%.2f", $pvfc;
return ($pvavg,$fcavg,$anzavg,$range);
return ($pvhis,$fchis,$dnum,$range);
@ -5596,6 +5715,7 @@ sub checkStringConfig {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $stch = $data{$type}{$name}{strings};
my $lang = AttrVal ("global", 'language', 'EN');
my $sub = sub {
my $string = shift;
@ -5614,16 +5734,16 @@ sub checkStringConfig {
my $sc;
my $cf = 0;
for my $sn (sort keys %{$stch}) {
my $sp = $sn." => ".$sub->($sn)."\n";
my $sp = $sn." => ".$sub->($sn)."<br>";
$cf = 1 if($sp !~ /dir.*?peak.*?tilt/x); # Test Vollständigkeit: z.B. Süddach => dir: S, peak: 5.13, tilt: 45
$sc .= $sp;
if($cf) {
$sc .= "\n\nOh no &#128577, your string configuration is inconsistent.\nPlease check the settings of modulePeakString, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle !";
$sc .= "<br><br>".encode ("utf8", $hqtxt{strnok}{$lang});
else {
$sc .= "\n\nCongratulations &#128522, your string configuration checked without found errors !";
$sc .= "<br><br>".encode ("utf8", $hqtxt{strok}{$lang});
return $sc;
@ -6143,7 +6263,7 @@ Ein/Ausschaltzeiten sowie deren Ausführung vom SolarForecast Modul übernehmen
<a id="SolarForecast-set-currentBatteryDev"></a>
<li><b>currentBatteryDev &lt;Meter Device Name&gt; pin=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; pout=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; [intotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; outtotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; charge=&lt;Readingname&gt;] </b> <br><br>
<li><b>currentBatteryDev &lt;Meter Device Name&gt; pin=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; pout=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; [intotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt;] [outtotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt;] [charge=&lt;Readingname&gt;] </b> <br><br>
Legt ein beliebiges Device und seine Readings zur Lieferung der Batterie Leistungsdaten fest.
Das Modul geht davon aus dass der numerische Wert der Readings immer positiv ist.
@ -6399,6 +6519,25 @@ Ein/Ausschaltzeiten sowie deren Ausführung vom SolarForecast Modul übernehmen
<a id="SolarForecast-set-plantConfiguration"></a>
<li><b>plantConfiguration </b> <br><br>
Je nach ausgewählter Kommandooption werden folgende Operationen ausgeführt: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=25%> <col width=75%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>check</b> </td><td>Zeigt die aktuelle Stringkonfiguration. Es wird gleichzeitig eine Plausibilitätsprüfung </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>vorgenommen und das Ergebnis sowie eventuelle Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung ausgegeben. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>save</b> </td><td>sichert wichtige Parameter der Anlagenkonfiguration </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>restore</b> </td><td>stellt eine gesicherte Anlagenkonfiguration wieder her </td></tr>
<a id="SolarForecast-set-powerTrigger"></a>
<li><b>powerTrigger &lt;1on&gt;=&lt;Wert&gt; &lt;1off&gt;=&lt;Wert&gt; [&lt;2on&gt;=&lt;Wert&gt; &lt;2off&gt;=&lt;Wert&gt; ...] </b> <br><br>
@ -6610,15 +6749,6 @@ Ein/Ausschaltzeiten sowie deren Ausführung vom SolarForecast Modul übernehmen
<a id="SolarForecast-get-stringConfig"></a>
<li><b>stringConfig </b> <br><br>
Zeigt die aktuelle Stringkonfiguration. Dabei wird gleichzeitig eine Plausibilitätsprüfung vorgenommen und das Ergebnis
sowie eventuelle Anweisungen zur Fehlerbehebung ausgegeben.
<a id="SolarForecast-get-valConsumerMaster"></a>
<li><b>valConsumerMaster </b> <br><br>