mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
UConv: first cleanup before HOMESTATEtk cleanup
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@19770 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ use Time::Local;
#use Data::Dumper;
sub GetSeason (;$$$);
sub _GetSeasonPheno ($$;$$);
sub _ReplaceStringByHashKey($$;$);
@ -785,7 +783,7 @@ sub mi2km($;$) {
sub direction2compasspoint($;$$) {
my ( $deg, $txt, $lang ) = @_;
my $i = floor( ( ( $deg + 11.25 ) % 360 ) / 22.5 );
return $i if (!wantarray && defined($txt) && $txt == 0. );
return $i if ( !wantarray && defined($txt) && $txt == 0. );
my $directions_txt_i18n;
$lang = main::AttrVal( "global", "language", "EN" ) unless ($lang);
@ -1561,24 +1559,6 @@ sub IsLeapYear (;$) {
return 1;
sub IsDst(;$) {
my ($time) = @_;
my $ret = _time($time);
return $ret->{isdst};
sub IsWeekend(;$) {
my ($time) = @_;
my $ret = _time($time);
return $ret->{iswe};
sub IsHoliday(;$) {
my ($time) = @_;
my $ret = _time($time);
return $ret->{isholiday};
# Get current stage of the daytime based on temporal hours
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporale_Stunden
sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
@ -1620,10 +1600,6 @@ sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
if ( $ret->{daytimeStage} < 1
|| $ret->{daytimeStage} > $ret->{daytimeStages} );
# include season data
$ret = GetSeason( $ret, $lang );
$ret = _GetSeasonPheno( $ret, $lang );
# change midnight event when season changes
$ret->{events}{ $ret->{midnight_t} }{VALUE} = 1
if ( $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} && $ret->{seasonMeteoChng} == 1 );
@ -1647,12 +1623,12 @@ sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
#TODO let user define %sdt2daytimes through attribute
$ret->{daytime} =
$sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds}
$sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds}
if (
$sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }
&& $sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& defined(
$sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds}
$sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$ds}
@ -1735,12 +1711,12 @@ sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
# find daytime
my $daytime;
$daytime = $sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i}
$daytime = $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i}
if (
$sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }
&& $sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& $sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }
&& defined(
$sdt2daytimes{ $ret->{seasonMeteo} }{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i}
$sdt2daytimes{1}{ $ret->{isdst} }{$i}
@ -1771,320 +1747,6 @@ sub GetDaytime(;$$$$) {
return $ret;
sub GetSeason (;$$$) {
my ( $time, $lang, $meteo ) = @_;
$lang = (
? $main::attr{global}{language}
: "EN"
) unless ($lang);
my $ret;
my $wanthash = 0;
if ( !$time ) {
$time = time;
elsif ( ref($time) eq "HASH" ) {
$ret = $time;
$wanthash = 1;
elsif ( $time =~ /^(?:0|1|2|3)$/ ) {
return $seasons{ lc($lang) }
? $seasons{ lc($lang) }[$time]
: $seasons{en}[$time];
elsif ( $time =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) {
my $index =
$seasons{ lc($lang) }
? _GetIndexFromArray( $time, $seasons{ lc($lang) } )
: undef;
return $index;
elsif ( $time !~ /^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
return undef;
else {
$ret = _time($time);
my $index = 0;
$index = 3 if ( $ret->{mon} <= 1 );
$index++ if ( $ret->{mon} >= 5 );
$index++ if ( $ret->{mon} >= 8 );
$index++ if ( $ret->{mon} == 11 );
$ret->{seasonMeteo} = $index;
$index = 0;
$index = 3 if ( $ret->{yday} < ( 80 + $ret->{isly} ) );
$index++ if ( $ret->{yday} >= ( 173 + $ret->{isly} ) );
$index++ if ( $ret->{yday} >= ( 265 + $ret->{isly} ) );
$index++ if ( $ret->{yday} >= ( 356 + $ret->{isly} ) );
$ret->{seasonAstro} = $index;
return ( $ret->{seasonMeteo}, $ret->{seasonAstro} ) if (wantarray);
( $ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteo}, $ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstro} ) =
GetSeason( $ret->{'-1'}{time_t}, $lang );
( $ret->{1}{seasonMeteo}, $ret->{1}{seasonAstro} ) =
GetSeason( $ret->{1}{time_t}, $lang );
# text strings
my @langs = ('EN');
push @langs, $lang unless ( $lang =~ /^EN/i );
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $seasons{$l} );
if ( $l eq 'en' ) {
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteo_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{seasonMeteo_long} = $seasons{$l}[ $ret->{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{1}{seasonMeteo_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstro_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstro} ];
$ret->{seasonAstro_long} = $seasons{$l}[ $ret->{seasonAstro} ];
$ret->{1}{seasonAstro_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonAstro} ];
else {
$ret->{'-1'}{$l}{seasonMeteo_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{$l}{seasonMeteo_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{1}{$l}{seasonMeteo_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonMeteo} ];
$ret->{'-1'}{$l}{seasonAstro_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstro} ];
$ret->{$l}{seasonAstro_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{seasonAstro} ];
$ret->{1}{$l}{seasonAstro_long} =
$seasons{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonAstro} ];
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteoChng} = 0;
$ret->{seasonMeteoChng} = 0;
$ret->{1}{seasonMeteoChng} = 0;
if ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} ne $ret->{1}{seasonMeteo} ) {
$ret->{seasonMeteoChng} = 2;
$ret->{1}{seasonMeteoChng} = 1;
elsif ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} ne $ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteo} ) {
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonMeteoChng} = 2;
$ret->{seasonMeteoChng} = 1;
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstroChng} = 0;
$ret->{seasonAstroChng} = 0;
$ret->{1}{seasonAstroChng} = 0;
if ( $ret->{seasonAstro} ne $ret->{1}{seasonAstro} ) {
$ret->{seasonAstroChng} = 2;
$ret->{1}{seasonAstroChng} = 1;
elsif ( $ret->{seasonAstro} ne $ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstro} ) {
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonAstroChng} = 2;
$ret->{seasonAstroChng} = 1;
return $ret if ($wanthash);
return $ret->{$lang}{seasonMeteo_long}
? $ret->{$lang}{seasonMeteo_long}
: $ret->{seasonMeteo_long}
if ($meteo);
return $ret->{$lang}{seasonAstro_long}
? $ret->{$lang}{seasonAstro_long}
: $ret->{seasonAstro_long};
# Estimate phenologic season from astro and meteo season
# https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ph%C3%A4nologie#Ph.C3.A4nologischer_Kalender
sub _GetSeasonPheno ($$;$$) {
my ( $time, $lang, $seasonAstro, $seasonMeteo ) = @_;
$lang = (
? $main::attr{global}{language}
: "EN"
) unless ($lang);
my $ret;
if ( ref($time) eq "HASH" ) {
$ret = $time;
else {
$ret = _time($time);
$ret->{seasonAstro} = $seasonAstro;
$ret->{seasonMeteo} = $seasonMeteo;
# stick to astro season first
my $index = $seasons{pheno}[ $ret->{seasonAstro} ];
# meteos say its spring time
if ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} == 0 ) {
$index = 0;
# meteos say its summer time
elsif ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} == 1 ) {
$index = 3;
# meteos say its fall time
elsif ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} == 2 ) {
$index = 6;
# meteos say its winter time
elsif ( $ret->{seasonMeteo} == 3 ) {
$index = 9;
# if we know our position and spring is ahead
if ( ( $index == 0 || $index == 1 || $index == 2 )
&& $main::attr{global}{latitude}
&& $main::attr{global}{longitude} )
# it starts in south-west Portugal
my $dist = distance(
37.136633, -8.817837
# TODO: let begin of early spring be set by user
my $earlySpringBegin =
main::time_str2num( $ret->{year} . '-02-28 00:00:00' );
my $days = ( $time - $earlySpringBegin ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 );
# comes with 40km per day
my $currDist = $dist - ( $days * 40 );
# when season reached location
if ( $currDist <= 0 ) {
$index = 2;
# when season made 60% of it's way
elsif ( $currDist <= $dist * 0.4 ) {
$index = 1;
# assume spring progress from calendar
elsif ( ( $index == 0 || $index == 1 || $index == 2 ) ) {
$index = 1 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 4 );
$index = 2 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 5 );
# assume summer progress from calendar
elsif ( $index == 3 ) {
$index = 4 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 7 );
$index = 5 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 8 );
# if we know our position and autumn is ahead
elsif (( $index == 6 || $index == 7 || $index == 8 )
&& $main::attr{global}{latitude}
&& $main::attr{global}{longitude} )
# it starts in Helsinki
my $dist = distance(
60.161880, 24.937267
# TODO: let begin of early fall be set by user
my $earlySpringBegin =
main::time_str2num( $ret->{year} . '-09-01 00:00:00' );
my $days = ( $time - $earlySpringBegin ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 );
# comes with 40km per day
my $currDist = $dist - ( $days * 40 );
# when season reached location
if ( $currDist <= 0 ) {
$index = 8;
# when season made 60% of it's way
elsif ( $currDist <= $dist * 0.4 ) {
$index = 7;
# assume autumn progress from calendar
elsif ( ( $index == 6 || $index == 7 || $index == 8 ) ) {
$index = 7 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 10 );
$index = 8 if ( $ret->{monISO} == 11 );
$ret->{seasonPheno} = $index;
return ( $ret->{seasonPheno} ) if (wantarray);
( $ret->{'-1'}{seasonPheno} ) = _GetSeasonPheno(
( $ret->{1}{seasonPheno} ) = _GetSeasonPheno(
# text strings
my @langs = ('EN');
push @langs, $lang unless ( $lang =~ /^EN/i );
foreach (@langs) {
my $l = lc($_);
$l =~ s/^([a-z]+).*/$1/g;
next unless ( $seasonsPheno{$l} );
if ( $l eq 'en' ) {
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonPheno} ];
$ret->{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{seasonPheno} ];
$ret->{1}{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonPheno} ];
else {
$ret->{'-1'}{$l}{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{'-1'}{seasonPheno} ];
$ret->{$l}{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{seasonPheno} ];
$ret->{1}{$l}{seasonPheno_long} =
$seasonsPheno{$l}[ $ret->{1}{seasonPheno} ];
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonPhenoChng} = 0;
$ret->{seasonPhenoChng} = 0;
$ret->{1}{seasonPhenoChng} = 0;
if ( $ret->{seasonPheno} ne $ret->{1}{seasonPheno} ) {
$ret->{seasonPhenoChng} = 2;
$ret->{1}{seasonPhenoChng} = 1;
elsif ( $ret->{seasonPheno} ne $ret->{'-1'}{seasonPheno} ) {
$ret->{'-1'}{seasonPhenoChng} = 2;
$ret->{seasonPhenoChng} = 1;
return $ret;
@ -2237,24 +1899,15 @@ sub _time(;$$$$) {
$ret{isholiday} = 0;
my $holidayDev =
&& main::IsDevice( $main::attr{global}{holiday2we}, "holiday" )
? $main::attr{global}{holiday2we}
: undef;
my $tod;
my $ytd;
my $tom;
if ($holidayDev) {
if ( main::AttrVal( 'global', 'holiday2we', undef ) ) {
my $date = sprintf( "%02d-%02d", $ret{monISO}, $ret{mday} );
$tod = main::holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $date );
$tod = main::IsWe($date);
if ($dayOffset) {
$date =
sprintf( "%02d-%02d", $ret{'-1'}{monISO}, $ret{'-1'}{mday} );
$ytd = main::holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $date );
$date = sprintf( "%02d-%02d", $ret{1}{monISO}, $ret{1}{mday} );
$tom = main::holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $date );
$ytd = main::IsWe('yesterday');
$tom = main::IsWe('tomorrow');
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user