mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

98_fhemdebug.pm: rewrite fhemdebug memusage (Forum #84372)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@20124 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2019-09-07 17:56:00 +00:00
parent 76b06e2284
commit d93f43b750

View File

@ -119,53 +119,86 @@ fhemdebug_memusage($)
$Devel::Size::warn = 0;
my @param = split(" ", $param);
my $max = 50;
my $re;
my $elName = "%main::";
$max = pop(@param) if(@param > 1 && $param[$#param] =~ m/^\d+$/);
$re = pop(@param) if(@param > 1);
$elName = pop(@param) if(@param > 1);
my %ts;
my %mh = (defs=>1, modules=>1, selectlist=>1, attr=>1, readyfnlist=>1);
my $collectSize = sub($$$$)
my ($fn, $h, $mname,$cleanUp) = @_;
return 0 if($h->{__IN__CS__}); # save us from endless recursion
return 0 if($h->{__IN__CSS__} && !$cleanUp);
$h->{__IN__CSS__} = 1 if(!$cleanUp);
$h->{__IN__CS__} = 1;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $n (sort keys %$h) {
next if(!$n || $n =~ m/^[^A-Za-z]$/ || $n eq "__IN__CS__");
my $el;
my $cmd = "\$el = \\$elName";
eval $cmd;
return $@ if($@);
my $ref = ref $h->{$n};
my $name = ($mname eq "main::" ? "$mname$n" : "${mname}::$n");
$ref = "HASH" if(!$ref && $mname eq "main::" && $mh{$n});
next if($n eq "main::" || $n eq "IODev" ||
$ref eq "CODE" || main->can($name) || $ref =~ m/::/);
Log 5, " Check $name / $mname / $n / $ref"; # Crash-debugging
if($ref eq "HASH") {
next if($mname ne "main::defs" && $h->{$n}{TYPE} && $h->{$n}{NAME});
$sum += $fn->($fn, $h->{$n}, $name, $cleanUp);
} else {
my $sz = Devel::Size::size($h->{$n});
$ts{$name} = $sz if(!$cleanUp);
$sum += $sz;
my $elName2 = $elName;
if($elName ne "%main::") {
if($elName =~ m/^%\{(\$.*)\}$/) {
$elName = $1;
$elName2 = $elName;
$elName2 =~ s/'/\\'/g;
} else {
$elName =~ s/%/\$/;
$elName2 = $elName;
delete($h->{__IN__CSS__}) if($cleanUp);
$sum += Devel::Size::size($h);
$ts{$mname} = $sum if($mname ne "main::" && !$cleanUp);
return $sum;
$collectSize->($collectSize, \%main::, "main::", 0);
$collectSize->($collectSize, \%main::, "main::", 1);
my @sts = sort { $ts{$b} <=> $ts{$a} } keys %ts;
no warnings;
if(ref $el eq "HASH") {
for my $k (keys %{$el}) {
next if($elName eq "%main::" &&
($k =~ m/[^A-Z0-9_:]/i ||
$k =~ m/^\d+$/ ||
$k =~ m/::$/ ||
exists &{$k}));
if($elName eq "%main::") {
my $t = '@';
if(eval "ref \\$t$k" eq "ARRAY") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$t$k'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$t$k)";
eval $cmd;
$t = '%';
if(eval "ref \\$t$k" eq "HASH") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$t$k'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$t$k)";
eval $cmd;
$t = '$';
if(eval "ref \\$t$k" eq "SCALAR") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$t$k'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$t$k)";
eval $cmd;
} else {
my $k2 = "{$elName\{'$k'}}";
my $k3 = "{$elName2\{\\'$k\\'}}";
my $k4 = "$elName\{$k}";
my $k5 = "$elName2\{\\'$k\\'}";
my $t = '@';
if(eval "ref \\$t$k2" eq "ARRAY") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$t$k3'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$t$k2)";
eval $cmd;
$t = '%';
if(eval "ref \\$t$k2" eq "HASH") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$t$k3'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$t$k2)";
eval $cmd;
if(eval "ref \\$k4" eq "SCALAR") {
$cmd = "\$ts{'$k5'} = Devel::Size::total_size(\\$k4)";
eval $cmd;
} else {
$ts{$elName} = Devel::Size::total_size($el);
use warnings;
my @sts = sort { $ts{$b} == $ts{$a} ? $a cmp $b :
$ts{$b} <=> $ts{$a} } keys %ts;
my @ret;
for(my $i=0; $i < @sts; $i++) {
next if($re && $sts[$i] !~ m/$re/);
push @ret, sprintf("%4d. %-30s %8d", $i+1,substr($sts[$i],6),$ts{$sts[$i]});
push @ret, sprintf("%4d. %-30s %8d", $i+1, $sts[$i], $ts{$sts[$i]});
last if(@ret >= $max);
return join("\n", @ret);
@ -212,21 +245,15 @@ fhemdebug_timerList($)
disabling it is not necessary.<br>
<li>memusage [regexp] [nr]<br>
<li>memusage [datastructure] [nr]<br>
Dump the name of the first nr datastructures with the largest memory
footprint. Filter the names by regexp, if specified.<br>
footprint. Dump only datastructure, if specified.<br>
<li>this function depends on the Devel::Size module, so this must be
installed first.</li>
<li>The used function Devel::Size::size may crash perl (and FHEM) for
functions and some other data structures. memusage tries to avoid to
call it for such data structures, but as the problem is not
identified, it may crash your currently running instance. It works
for me, but make sure you saved your fhem.cfg before calling it.</li>
<li>To avoid the crash, the size of same data is not computed, so the
size reported is probably inaccurate, it should only be used as a
hint. </li>
<li>the function will only display globally visible data (no module or
function local variables).</li>