mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
99_RoombaUtils.pm: Neue Version
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23791 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ my %roombastates_de = ("charge" => "Wird geladen",
sub command($$@){
my ($name,$cmd,@evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "start"){
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $iodev= $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
main::fhem("attr $iodev disconnectAfter 300");
if(main::Value($iodev) ne "opened"{
main::fhem("set $iodev connect");
$cmd = 'cmd {"command": "'.$cmd.'", "time": '.time().', "initiator": "localApp"}';
return $cmd;
@ -212,13 +220,9 @@ sub setting($$$){
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
$hash->{helper}{setting} = $key;
my (@evt,$val,$cmd);
if( $key !~ /^local.*/){
@evt = split(' ',$data);
$val = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:"false";
$cmd = 'delta {"state": {"'.$key.'":'.$val.'}}';
$cmd = 'delta {"state": {"vacHigh":'.main::ReadingsVal($name,"sVacHigh","false").'}}';
@evt = split(' ',$data);
$val = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:"false";
$cmd = 'delta {"state": {"'.$key.'":'.$val.'}}';
return $cmd;
@ -384,72 +388,34 @@ sub pose($$){
#-- Reduction not useful
my $count = $hash->{helper}{pcount};
my %ret = ("positionTheta",$theta,"position","(".$pxp.",".$pyp.")");
my %ret = ("positionTheta",$theta,"positionCount",$count,"position","(".$pxp.",".$pyp.")");
return {%ret};
sub mission($$){
my ($name,$evt) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $oldphase = main::ReadingsVal($name,"cmPhase","");
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"dock":{"known":true},"cleanMissionStatus":{"cycle":"quick","phase":"run","expireM":0,"rechrgM":0,"error":0,"notReady":0,"mssnM":0,"sqft":0,"initiator":"localApp","nmain::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";Mssn":30}}}}
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my $cyc = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'cycle'};
my $phase = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'phase'};
# Normal Sequence is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Mid mission recharge is "" -> charge -> run -> hmMidMsn -> charge
# -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Stuck is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> stuck
# -> run/charge/stop/hmUsrDock -> charge
# Start program during run is "" -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Need to identify a new mission to initialize map, and end of mission to
# finalise map.
# Assume charge -> run = start of mission (init map)
# stuck -> charge = init map ???
# Assume hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmUsrDock -> charge finalize map
# hmUsrDock -> stop finalize map
# Anything else = continue with existing map
my $oldphase=main::ReadingsVal($name,"cmPhase","");
if( $oldphase.$phase eq "stuckcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargerun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockrun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] transition $oldphase -> $phase should start intialization";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runstop" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] pausing $oldphase -> $phase";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "stoprun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] resuming $oldphase -> $phase";
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsncharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsnstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stophmUsrDock" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] transition $oldphase -> $phase should start finalization";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runrun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stopstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargestop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargecharge"){
# do nothing
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";
my $number= $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'nMssn'};
my $exp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'expireM'};
my $rech = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'rechrgM'};
#-- Manage mission
$exp = ($exp == 0)?"Never":$exp." min";
my $time = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'mssnM'};
$time = $time." min";
my $error = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'error'};
my $eemsg = $roombaerrs_en{$error};
my $demsg = $roombaerrs_de{$error};
my $notr = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'notReady'};
my $sqm = int($dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'sqft'}*10/10.7639)/10;
my $init = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'initiator'};
@ -462,6 +428,9 @@ sub mission($$){
"cmPhaseD",$roombastates_de{$phase},"cmArea",$sqm." m²","cmExpire",$exp,"cmError",$eemsg,"cmErrorD",$demsg,"cmInitiator",$init);
$ret{"cmNotReady"} = numtobool($notr)
my $bat = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'batPct'};
$ret{"battery"} = $bat
return {%ret};
@ -471,7 +440,7 @@ sub schedule($){
my @weekdays = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat");
#-- getting events of the type
# {"state":{"reported":{"cleanSchedule":{"cycle":["none","none","none","none","none","none","none"],"h":[9,9,9,9,9,9,9],"m":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]},"bbchg3":{"avgMin":374,"hOnDock":199,"nAvail":32,"estCap":12311,"nLithChrg":8,"nNimhChrg":0,"nDocks":35}}}}
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my $dec = decode_json($evt);
my @acyc = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'cycle'}};
my @ahours = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'h'}};
my @amin = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'m'}};
@ -594,10 +563,72 @@ sub numtobool($){
my $ret = (($num==1)?"true":"false");
return $ret;
# Map
# missionmanager
sub missionmanager($$$){
my ($hash,$oldphase,$phase)=@_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME};
# Normal Sequence is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Mid mission recharge is "" -> charge -> run -> hmMidMsn -> charge
# -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Stuck is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> stuck
# -> run/charge/stop/hmUsrDock -> charge
# Start program during run is "" -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge
# Need to identify a new mission to initialize map, and end of mission to
# finalise map.
# Assume charge -> run = start of mission (init map)
# stuck -> charge = init map ???
# Assume hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map)
# hmUsrDock -> charge finalize map
# hmUsrDock -> stop finalize map
# Anything else = continue with existing map
if( $oldphase.$phase eq "stuckcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargerun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockrun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name $oldphase -> $phase should start intialization";
main::fhem("attr $iodev disconnectAfter 60");
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runstop" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name pausing $oldphase -> $phase";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "stoprun" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name resuming $oldphase -> $phase";
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsncharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsnstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockcharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stophmUsrDock" ){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name $oldphase -> $phase should start intialization";
main::fhem("attr $iodev disconnectAfter 7");
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockhmUsrDock"){
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name arrived in dock after user docking";
}elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runrun" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "stopstop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargestop" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "chargecharge" ||
$oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockhmUsrDock"){
# do nothing
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";
# initmap
@ -605,20 +636,30 @@ sub initmap($){
my ($hash) = @_;
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Initialization of map for device ".$hash->{NAME};
main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap initialized");
# listmaps
sub listmaps($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $out = "";
#my $now = main::TimeNow();
my $run = 0;
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] mapping for device $name";
my ($fhb,$fhc);
my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images");
@ -642,10 +683,19 @@ sub listmaps($){
#main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList ",$out,1);
return $out;
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] setting READING cmMapList for device $name at time $now";
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList $out");
# delmap
sub delmap($$){
my ($name,$evt) = @_;
@ -654,8 +704,11 @@ sub delmap($$){
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $out = "";
#my $now = main::TimeNow();
my $run = 0;
#main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] deleting run $rundel for device $name";
my ($fhb,$fhc);
my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images");
@ -697,13 +750,21 @@ sub delmap($$){
rename $svgdir."/".$filename2b.".tmp",$svgdir."/".$filename2b;
return $out;
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList $out");
# finalizemap
sub finalizemap($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device $name not possible, path undefined";
@ -823,9 +884,7 @@ sub finalizemap($){
#-- save a lot of memory
#-- prepare content and filename for file 2
@ -955,9 +1014,8 @@ sub finalizemap($){
#-- write output to collection file
print $fhb $out2;
main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap <html>finalized as <a href=\"".$filename2c."\">".$filename2c."</a></html>");
main::fhem("setreading $name cmMap <html>finalized as <a href=\"/fhem/images/".$filename2c."\">".$filename2c."</a></html>");
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