mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00

HMinfo tempale check enahcement, WDS30 peering

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3457 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
martinp876 2013-07-20 13:28:59 +00:00
parent 23f46413e8
commit d5c3d8d561
2 changed files with 68 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -403,7 +403,13 @@ sub HMinfo_SetFn($$) {#########################################################
return HMinfo_templateSet(@a);
elsif($cmd eq "templateChk"){##template: see if it applies ------------------
return HMinfo_templateChk(@a);
my $repl;
foreach my $dName (HMinfo_getEntities($opt."v",$filter)){
unshift @a, $dName;
$repl .= HMinfo_templateChk(@a);
shift @a;
return $repl;
elsif($cmd eq "templateList"){##template: list templates --------------------
return HMinfo_templateList($a[0]);
@ -451,7 +457,7 @@ sub HMinfo_SetFn($$) {#########################################################
."\n cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer>"
."\n copy register for a channel or behavior of channel/peer"
."\n templateChk <entity> <templateName> <peer:[long|short]> [<param1> ...] "
."\n templateChk [<typeFilter>] <templateName> <peer:[long|short]> [<param1> ...] "
."\n compare whether register match the template values"
."\n templateDef <entity> <templateName> <param1[:<param2>...] <description> <reg1>:<val1> [<reg2>:<val2>] ... "
."\n define a template"
@ -504,8 +510,10 @@ sub HMinfo_SetFnDly($) {#######################################################
return "autoReadReg clear configCheck param peerCheck peerXref protoEvents models regCheck register rssi saveConfig update";
return "autoReadReg clear configCheck param peerCheck peerXref "
."protoEvents models regCheck register rssi saveConfig update "
."cpRegs templateChk templateDef templateList templateSet";
return $ret;
sub HMinfo_post($) {###########################################################
@ -722,10 +730,9 @@ my %tpl = (
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtRampOff =>"rampOff"
,BlJtRampOn =>"on"
,BlJtRampOn =>"rampOn"
,BlJtRefOff =>"rampOff"
,BlJtRefOn =>"on"
,MultiExec =>"on"
,BlStopDnSh => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for short drive down"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
@ -745,11 +752,11 @@ my %tpl = (
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtRampOff =>"off"
,BlJtRampOn =>"rampOn"
,BlJtRampOn =>"on"
,BlJtRefOff =>"off"
,BlJtRefOn =>"rampOn"
,BlStopDnSh => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for short drive up"
,BlStopUpSh => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for short drive up"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
,BlJtDlyOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtDlyOn =>"refOn"
@ -789,7 +796,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateDef(@){#####################################################
$tpl{$name}{reg}{$r} = $v;
sub HMinfo_templateSet(@){########################################################
sub HMinfo_templateSet(@){#####################################################
my ($aName,$tmpl,$pSet,@p) = @_;
$pSet = "" if (!$pSet);
my ($pName,$pTyp) = split(":",$pSet);
@ -832,32 +839,48 @@ sub HMinfo_templateSet(@){######################################################
return "";
sub HMinfo_templateChk(@){########################################################
sub HMinfo_templateChk(@){#####################################################
my ($aName,$tmpl,$pSet,@p) = @_;
$pSet = "" if (!$pSet);
my ($pName,$pTyp) = split(":",$pSet);
return "template undefined $tmpl" if(!$tpl{$tmpl});
return "aktor $aName unknown" if(!$defs{$aName});
return "give <peer>:[short|long] with peer, not $pSet" if($pName && $pTyp !~ m/(short|long)/);
my $pRnm = $pName?($pName."-".($pSet eq "long"?"lg":"sh")):"";
my @pNames;
if ($pName eq "all"){
my $dId = substr(CUL_HM_name2Id($aName),0,6);
foreach (grep !/00000000/,split(",",AttrVal($aName,"peerIDs",""))){
push @pNames,CUL_HM_peerChName($_,$dId,"").":long" if (!$pTyp || $pTyp ne "short");
push @pNames,CUL_HM_peerChName($_,$dId,"").":short" if (!$pTyp || $pTyp ne "long");
push @pNames,$pSet;
my $repl = "";
foreach my $rn (keys%{$tpl{$tmpl}{reg}}){
my $regV = ReadingsVal($aName,"R-$pRnm$rn",undef);
$regV = ReadingsVal($aName,"R-".$rn,undef) if (!defined $regV);
if (defined $regV){
$regV =~s/ .*//;#strip unit
my $tplV = $tpl{$tmpl}{reg}{$rn};
if ($tplV =~m /^p(.)$/) {#replace with User parameter
return "insufficient values - at least ".$tpl{p}." are $1 necessary" if (@p < ($1+1));
$tplV = $p[$1];
foreach my $pS (@pNames){
($pName,$pTyp) = split(":",$pS);
return "give <peer>:[short|long] with peer, not $pS" if($pName && $pTyp !~ m/(short|long)/);
my $pRnm = $pName?($pName."-".($pS eq "long"?"lg":"sh")):"";
my $replPeer="";
foreach my $rn (keys%{$tpl{$tmpl}{reg}}){
my $regV = ReadingsVal($aName,"R-$pRnm$rn",undef);
$regV = ReadingsVal($aName,"R-".$rn,undef) if (!defined $regV);
if (defined $regV){
$regV =~s/ .*//;#strip unit
my $tplV = $tpl{$tmpl}{reg}{$rn};
if ($tplV =~m /^p(.)$/) {#replace with User parameter
return "insufficient values - at least ".$tpl{p}." are $1 necessary" if (@p < ($1+1));
$tplV = $p[$1];
$replPeer .= " $rn :$regV should $tplV \n" if ($regV ne $tplV);
$repl .= " $rn :$regV should $tplV \n" if ($regV ne $tplV);
$repl .= " reg not found: $rn\n";
$replPeer .= " reg not found: $rn\n";
$repl .= "$aName $pS:".($replPeer?"\n$replPeer":"match\n");
return ($repl?$repl:"template $tmpl match actor:$aName peer:$pSet");
@ -1083,16 +1106,29 @@ sub HMinfo_cpRegs(@){#########################################################
leading sh or lg off. <br>
if parameter are used it is necessary to enter p. as value with p0 first, p1 second parameter
Examples <br>
set hm HMinfo_templateDef SwOnCond level:cond "my description" CtValLo:p0 CtDlyOn:p1 CtOn:geLo<br>
set hm templateDef SwOnCond level:cond "my description" CtValLo:p0 CtDlyOn:p1 CtOn:geLo<br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotemplateList">templateList [&lt;name&gt;]</a><br>
list defined templates. If no name is given all templates will be listed<br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotemplateChk">templateChk &lt;entity&gt; &lt;template&gt; &lt;peer:[long|short]&gt; [&lt;param1&gt; ...]</a><br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotemplateChk">templateChk <a href="HMinfoFilter">[filter]</a> &lt;template&gt; &lt;peer:[long|short]&gt; [&lt;param1&gt; ...]</a><br>
verifies if the register-readings comply to the template <br>
Parameter are identical to <a href="#HMinfotemplateSet">templateSet</a><br>
The procedure will check if the register values match the ones provided by the template
Examples <br>
set hm templateChk -f RolloNord BlStopUpLg peerName:long # verify RolloNord peerName, long match template?<br>
set hm templateChk -f RolloNord BlStopUpLg peerName # verify RolloNord peerName, long and short match template?<br>
set hm templateChk -f RolloNord BlStopUpLg peerName:all # verify RolloNord peerName, long and short match template?<br>
set hm templateChk -f RolloNord BlStopUpLg all:long # verify RolloNord all peers,long match template?<br>
set hm templateChk -f RolloNord BlStopUpLg all # verify RolloNord all peers,long and short match template?<br>
set hm templateChk -f Rollo.* BlStopUpLg all # verify all Rollo* all peers,long and short match template?<br>
set hm templateChk BlStopUpLg # verify all entities against this template<br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotemplateSet">templateSet &lt;entity&gt; &lt;template&gt; &lt;peer:[long|short]&gt; [&lt;param1&gt; ...]</a><br>
sets a bunch of register accroding to a given template. Parameter may be added depending on

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ my %culHmModel=(
"00A3" => {name=>"HM-LC-Dim1L-Pl-2" ,st=>'dimmer' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,3' ,chn=>"",},
"00A4" => {name=>"HM-LC-Dim1T-Pl-2" ,st=>'dimmer' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,3' ,chn=>"",},
"00A7" => {name=>"HM-Sen-RD-O" ,st=>'' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1:1,4:1' ,chn=>"Rain:1:1,Sw:2:2",},
"00A8" => {name=>"HM-WDS30-OT2-SM" ,st=>'THSensor' ,cyc=>'00:05' ,rxt=>'c:w' ,lst=>'1:1,4:1' ,chn=>"",},
"00A8" => {name=>"HM-WDS30-OT2-SM" ,st=>'THSensor' ,cyc=>'00:05' ,rxt=>'c:w' ,lst=>'p' ,chn=>"Th:1:2",},
"00A9" => {name=>"HM-PB-6-WM55" ,st=>'remote' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'c' ,lst=>'1,4' ,chn=>"Btn:1:6",},
#263 167 HM Smoke Detector Schueco
@ -785,6 +785,7 @@ my %culHmSubTypeSets = (# channels of this subtype
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"},
remote =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... [single|dual] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"},
threeStateSensor =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"},
THSensor =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"},
virtual =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... [single|dual] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,press =>"[long|short]..."
,valvePos =>"<position>"},#acting as TC