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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
74_Unifi: get deviceData hinzugefügt
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23500 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 74_Unifi: get deviceData hinzugefügt
- feature: 74_UnifiSwitch: new setter portProfile
- bugfix: 60_Watches: avoid JS error which appeared in seldom cases
- feature: 98_WeekdayTimer: Add options WDT_sendDelay and WDT_eventMap
- change: 98_WeekdayTimer: break compability to Heating_Control
@ -77,10 +77,14 @@
# - feature: 74_Unifi: new setter to start RF-Scan
# V 3.5.0
# - feature: 74_Unifi: support UDM
# V 3.5.1
# - fixed: 74_Unifi: autocreate-naming-fallback for udm fixed to mac (from ip)
# V 3.5.2
# - feature: 74_Unifi: get deviceData hinzugefügt
package main;
my $version="3.5.0";
my $version="3.5.2";
# Default für clientReadings setzen. Die Readings waren der Standard vor Einführung des Attributes customClientReadings.
# Eine Änderung hat Auswirkungen auf (alte) Moduldefinitionen ohne dieses Attribut.
my $defaultClientReadings=".:^accesspoint|^essid|^hostname|^last_seen|^snr|^uptime"; #ist wegen snr vs rssi nur halb korrekt, wird aber auch nicht wirklich verwendet ;-)
@ -588,13 +592,14 @@ sub Unifi_Get($@) {
my $voucherNotes=join(",", keys %voucherNotesHash);
my $clientNames = Unifi_ClientNames($hash);
my $deviceNames = Unifi_ApNames($hash);
if($getName !~ /events|clientData|unarchivedAlerts|voucherList|voucher|showAccount/) {
if($getName !~ /events|clientData|unarchivedAlerts|voucherList|voucher|showAccount|deviceData/) {
return "Unknown argument $getName, choose one of "
.((defined $hash->{events}[0] && scalar @{$hash->{events}}) ? "events:noArg " : "")
.((defined $hash->{alerts_unarchived}[0] && scalar @{$hash->{alerts_unarchived}}) ? "unarchivedAlerts:noArg " : "")
.(($clientNames) ? "clientData:all,$clientNames " : "")
."voucherList:all,$voucherNotes voucher:$voucherNotes showAccount";
."voucherList:all,$voucherNotes voucher:$voucherNotes showAccount deviceData:all,$deviceNames";
elsif ($getName eq 'unarchivedAlerts' && defined $hash->{alerts_unarchived}[0] && scalar @{$hash->{alerts_unarchived}}) {
my $alerts = "====================================================\n";
@ -704,6 +709,21 @@ sub Unifi_Get($@) {
return "user: $user\npassword: $password";
elsif( $getName eq 'deviceData' ) {
my $deviceData = '';
if ($getVal && $getVal ne 'all') {
$getVal = Unifi_ApNames($hash,$getVal,'makeID');
if (!$getVal || $getVal eq 'all') {
return Unifi_FormatJson(encode_json($hash->{accespoints}));
elsif(defined($hash->{accespoints}->{$getVal})) {
return Unifi_FormatJson(encode_json($hash->{accespoints}->{$getVal}));
else {
return "$hash->{NAME}: Unknown device '$getVal' in command '$getName', choose one of: all,$deviceNames";
return undef;
@ -1264,9 +1284,9 @@ sub Unifi_GetSysinfo_Receive($) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name ($self) - state:'$data->{meta}->{rc}'";
for my $h (@{$data->{data}}) {
$hash->{UC_VERSION}=$h->{version} if defined $h->{version};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name ($self) - uc_version: ".$hash->{UC_VERSION};
$hash->{UC_VERSION}=$h->{version} if defined $h->{version};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name ($self) - uc_version: ".$hash->{UC_VERSION};
else { Unifi_ReceiveFailure($hash,$data->{meta}); }
} else {
@ -1436,11 +1456,12 @@ sub Unifi_GetAccesspoints_Receive($) {# TODO Umbenennen in Unifi_GetDevices_Rece
$hash->{accespoints}->{$h->{_id}} = $h;
#TODO: Switch-Modelle anders festlegen ? Oder passt usw?
if (defined $h->{type} && (($h->{type} eq "usw") || ($h->{type} eq "udm"))){
my $usw_name="";
my $usw_name="";
if ($h->{type} eq "udm") { $usw_name="udm_";}
if (defined $h->{name}){
($h->{type} eq "udm") ? $usw_name.=makeDeviceName($h->{mac}) : $usw_name.=makeDeviceName($h->{ip});;
@ -1703,6 +1724,7 @@ sub Unifi_SetAccesspointReadings($) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'-AP_'.$apName.'_utilizationNG',$apRef->{'ng_cu_total'}) if( defined($apRef->{'ng_cu_total'}) );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'-AP_'.$apName.'_locate',(!defined $apRef->{locating}) ? 'unknown' : ($apRef->{locating}) ? 'on' : 'off');
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,'-AP-lastUpdate', gmtime(time()));
#my $poe_power;
#for my $port (@{$apRef->{port_table}}) {
# next if( !$port->{port_poe} );
@ -2245,11 +2267,11 @@ sub Unifi_ClientNames($@) {
$ID = $1;
}elsif ( $attrCustomClientNames && defined $clientRef->{$attrCustomClientNames}){
$ID = makeReadingName($clientRef->{$attrCustomClientNames});
}elsif ( (defined $clientRef->{name} && $clientRef->{name} =~ /^([\w\.\-]+)$/)
}elsif ( (defined $clientRef->{name} && $clientRef->{name} =~ /^([\w\.\-]+)$/)
|| (defined $clientRef->{hostname} && $clientRef->{hostname} =~ /^([\w\.\-]+)$/)
$ID = $1;
return $ID;
elsif (defined $ID && defined $W && $W eq 'makeID') { # Return ID from Alias
@ -2414,7 +2436,7 @@ sub Unifi_initCustomClientReadings($){
sub Unifi_initVoucherCache($){
my ($hash) = @_;
#return if ( ! defined $hash->{hotspot}->{voucherCache}->{attr_value});
return if ( ! defined $hash->{hotspot}->{voucherCache}->{attr_value});
my @voucherCaches=split(/,/, $hash->{hotspot}->{voucherCache}->{attr_value});
my @notes=();
@ -2492,6 +2514,37 @@ sub Unifi_NextUpdateFn($$) {
sub Unifi_FormatJson($) {
my ($json) = @_;
my $ret="";
my $deep="";
foreach my $char (split('', $json)) {
if ($char eq "{" || $char eq "["){
}elsif ($char eq "}" || $char eq "]"){
if ($char eq "{" || $char eq "["){
$deep=$deep." " ;
}elsif ($char eq "}" || $char eq "]"){
}elsif ($char eq ","){
#Zeilenvorschübe vorne und hinten entfernen
$ret =~ s/^.//;
return $ret;
sub Unifi_ReceiveFailure($$) {
my ($hash,$meta) = @_;
my ($name,$self) = ($hash->{NAME},Unifi_Whowasi());
@ -2736,6 +2789,9 @@ Or you can use the other readings or set and get features to control your unifi-
<li><code>get <name> clientData <all|user_id|controllerAlias|hostname|devAlias></code><br>
Show more details about clients.</li>
<li><code>get <name> deviceData <all|AP-Name;</code><br>
Show data of the specified (or all) device(s) in (simple formatted) json. Can be used for userreadings (use decode_json(..) in myUtils.pm).</li>
<li><code>get <name> events</code><br>
Show events in specified 'eventPeriod'.</li>
@ -28,15 +28,17 @@
# V 0.0.96
# - fixed: 74_UnifiSwitch: Log-Messages
# V 0.0.97
# - fixed: 74_UnifiSwitch: new readings for general_temperature, overheating, fan_level, cpu and mem
# - feature: 74_UnifiSwitch: new readings for general_temperature, overheating, fan_level, cpu and mem
# V 1.0.00
# - fixed: 74_UnifiSwitch: supports UDM-Switch
# - feature: 74_UnifiSwitch: supports UDM-Switch
# V 1.0.01
# - feature: 74_UnifiSwitch: new setter portProfile
# TODOs:
# - state des USW für weiter state-Numbers korrekt in Worte übersetzen
package main;
my $version="1.0.00";
my $version="1.0.01";
# Laden evtl. abhängiger Perl- bzw. FHEM-Module
use strict;
use warnings;
@ -134,9 +136,9 @@ sub UnifiSwitch_Set($@){
my $portProfileDisableID=AttrVal($name,"portProfileDisableID",undef);
my $isPortprofileID = "";
$isPortprofileID ="disablePort" if (defined $portProfileDisableID);
if($setName !~ /clear|poeMode|disablePort/) {
if($setName !~ /clear|poeMode|disablePort|portProfile/) {
return "Unknown argument $setName, choose one of "
."clear:all,readings poeMode ".$isPortprofileID; #TODO: PortNamen sowie die Modes als Auswahl anhängen
."clear:all,readings poeMode ".$isPortprofileID." portProfile"; #TODO: PortNamen sowie die Modes als Auswahl anhängen
}elsif ($setName eq 'clear') {
if ($setVal eq 'readings' || $setVal eq 'all') {
for (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
@ -180,6 +182,10 @@ sub UnifiSwitch_Set($@){
if( $setName eq 'disablePort' ) {
$port_overrides->[$idx]{portconf_id} = $portProfileDisableID;
IOWrite($hash, "Unifi_DeviceRestJson_Send", $apRef->{device_id}, $port_overrides);
if( $setName eq 'portProfile' ) {
$port_overrides->[$idx]{portconf_id} = $setVal;
IOWrite($hash, "Unifi_DeviceRestJson_Send", $apRef->{device_id}, $port_overrides);
}elsif ($setName eq 'poeMode') {
return "usage: $setName <port> <off|auto|passive|passthrough|restart>" if( !$setVal );
return "port $setVal of switch '$apRef->{name}' is not poe capable" if( !@{$apRef->{port_table}}[$setVal-1]->{port_poe} );
@ -233,9 +239,9 @@ sub UnifiSwitch_Get($@){
elsif ($getName eq 'poeState') {
my $poeState;
my $apRef = $hash->{usw};
next if( $apRef->{type} ne 'usw' );
next if( !$apRef->{port_table} );
next if( $getVal && $getVal ne $apRef->{mac} && $getVal ne $apRef->{device_id} && $apRef->{name} !~ $getVal );
#next if( $apRef->{type} ne 'usw' );
return "no ports?!" if( !$apRef->{port_table} );
return "us with mac, deviceID or deviceName" if( $getVal && $getVal ne $apRef->{mac} && $getVal ne $apRef->{device_id} && $apRef->{name} !~ $getVal );
$poeState .= "\n" if( $poeState );
$poeState .= sprintf( "%-20s (mac:%-17s, id:%s)\n", $apRef->{name}, $apRef->{mac}, $apRef->{device_id} );
$poeState .= sprintf( " %2s %-15s", "id", "name" );
@ -256,20 +262,20 @@ sub UnifiSwitch_Get($@){
elsif ($getName eq 'portOverrides') {
my $portOverrides;
my $apRef = $hash->{usw};
next if( $apRef->{type} ne 'usw' );
next if( !$apRef->{port_table} );
next if( $getVal && $getVal ne $apRef->{mac} && $getVal ne $apRef->{device_id} && $apRef->{name} !~ $getVal );
#next if( $apRef->{type} ne 'usw' );
return "no ports?!" if( !$apRef->{port_table} );
return "us with mac, deviceID or deviceName" if( $getVal && $getVal ne $apRef->{mac} && $getVal ne $apRef->{device_id} && $apRef->{name} !~ $getVal );
$portOverrides .= "\n" if( $portOverrides );
$portOverrides .= sprintf( "%-20s (mac:%-17s, id:%s)\n", $apRef->{name}, $apRef->{mac}, $apRef->{device_id} );
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %2s %-15s", "id", "name" );
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %-10s %-25s", "poe_mode", "PortConfigID" );
$portOverrides .= "\n";
for my $port (@{$apRef->{port_overrides}}) {
if(defined $port->{port_idx}){
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %2i %-15s", $port->{port_idx}, $port->{name}?$port->{name}:"" );
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %-10s %-25s", $port->{poe_mode}?$port->{poe_mode}:"", $port->{portconf_id}?$port->{portconf_id}:"");
$portOverrides .= "\n";
if(defined $port->{port_idx}){
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %2i %-15s", $port->{port_idx}, $port->{name}?$port->{name}:"" );
$portOverrides .= sprintf( " %-10s %-25s", $port->{poe_mode}?$port->{poe_mode}:"", $port->{portconf_id}?$port->{portconf_id}:"");
$portOverrides .= "\n";
$portOverrides = "====================================================\n". $portOverrides;
@ -416,8 +422,10 @@ You can use the readings or set features to control your unifi-switch.
Set PoE mode for <port>. </li>
<li><code>set <name> disablePort <port></code><br>
Only visible when Attr portProfileDisableID is set.<br>
Only visible when Attr portProfileDisableID is set.<br>
Set the PortProfile from Attr portProfileDisableID for <port>. </li>
<li><code>set <name> portProfile <port></code><br>
Set the PortProfile ID. The ID can be found with get portOverrides. </li>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user