diff --git a/fhem/www/pgm2/fhemweb_fbcalllist.js b/fhem/www/pgm2/fhemweb_fbcalllist.js
index 894c1805a..d9fe3d57a 100755
--- a/fhem/www/pgm2/fhemweb_fbcalllist.js
+++ b/fhem/www/pgm2/fhemweb_fbcalllist.js
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
-FW_version["fhemweb_fbcalllist.js"] = "$Id$";
-// WORKAROUND - should be removed if a more suitable solution is found
-// remove all similar informid's in all parent elements to ensure further updates.
-// neccessary if general attribute "group" is set.
-$(function () {
- $("div[arg=fbcalllist][informid]").each(function (index, obj) {
- name = $(obj).attr("dev");
- $(obj).parents('[informid="'+name+'"]').removeAttr("informid");
- });
-function FW_processCallListUpdate(data)
- var table = $(this).find("table.fbcalllist").first();
- var json_data = jQuery.parseJSON(data)
- // clear the list
- if(json_data.action == "clear")
- {
- // if the table isn't already empty
- if(!table.find("tr[name=empty]").length)
- {
- table.find("tr[number]").remove();
- table.append("
"+json_data.content+" |
- }
- return;
- }
- // remove deleted item
- if(json_data.action == "delete")
- {
- table.find("tr[index='"+json_data.index+"']").remove();
- FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table);
- return;
- }
- // hide the complete table
- if(json_data.action == "hide")
- {
- table.hide();
- return;
- }
- // show the complete table
- if(json_data.action == "show")
- {
- table.show();
- return;
- }
- // update a item with new data
- if(json_data.action == "update")
- {
- if(table.find("tr[index='"+json_data.index+"']").length)
- {
- $.each(json_data.item, function (key, val) {
- if(key == "line")
- { return true; }
- FW_setCallListValue(table,json_data.index,key,val);
- });
- }
- else // add new tr row with the values)
- {
- // delete the empty tr row if it may exist
- table.find("tr[name=empty]").remove();
- var new_tr = '';
- var style = "style=\"padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;\"";
- // create the corresponding tags with the received data
- $.each(json_data.item, function (key, val) {
- if(key == "line")
- { return true; }
- else if(key == "image")
- {
- new_tr += ' | | ';
- }
- else
- {
- new_tr += ''+val+' | ';
- }
- });
- new_tr += "
- // insert new tr into table
- if(json_data.order == "ascending")
- {
- table.append(new_tr);
- }
- else
- {
- table.find("tr.header").after(new_tr);
- }
- FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table);
- }
- return;
- }
-function FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table)
- count = 0;
- table.find("tr.item").each(function(index, obj) {
- var oldClass = ((parseInt($(obj).attr("number")) % 2) == 1 ? "odd" : "even");
- $(obj).attr("number", ++count);
- var newClass = ((count % 2) == 1 ? "odd" : "even");
- $(obj).removeClass(oldClass);
- $(obj).addClass(newClass);
- $(obj).find("td[name='row']").html(count);
- });
-function FW_setCallListValue(table,index,key,val)
- var el = table.find("tr[index='"+index+"'] td[name="+key+"]");
- if(key == "image")
- {
- el.children("img").attr("src", val);
- }
- else
- {
- el.html(val);
- }
-function FW_FbCalllistCreate(elName, devName, vArr, currVal, set, params, cmd)
- if(vArr[0] == "fbcalllist")
- {
- var newEl = $('div[informid="'+devName+'"]').get(0);
- newEl.setValueFn = FW_processCallListUpdate;
- return newEl;
- }
-FW_widgets['fbcalllist'] = {
- createFn:FW_FbCalllistCreate
+FW_version["fhemweb_fbcalllist.js"] = "$Id$";
+// WORKAROUND - should be removed if a more suitable solution is found
+// remove all similar informid's in all parent elements to ensure further updates.
+// neccessary if general attribute "group" is set.
+$(function () {
+ $("div[arg=fbcalllist][informid]").each(function (index, obj) {
+ name = $(obj).attr("dev");
+ $(obj).parents('[informid="'+name+'"]').removeAttr("informid");
+ });
+function FW_processCallListUpdate(data)
+ var table = $(this).find("table.fbcalllist").first();
+ var json_data = jQuery.parseJSON(data)
+ // clear the list
+ if(json_data.action == "clear")
+ {
+ // if the table isn't already empty
+ if(!table.find("tr[name=empty]").length)
+ {
+ table.find("tr[number]").remove();
+ table.append(""+json_data.content+" |
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // remove deleted item
+ if(json_data.action == "delete")
+ {
+ table.find("tr[index='"+json_data.index+"']").remove();
+ FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table);
+ return;
+ }
+ // hide the complete table
+ if(json_data.action == "hide")
+ {
+ table.hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ // show the complete table
+ if(json_data.action == "show")
+ {
+ table.show();
+ return;
+ }
+ // update a item with new data
+ if(json_data.action == "update")
+ {
+ if(table.find("tr[index='"+json_data.index+"']").length)
+ {
+ $.each(json_data.item, function (key, val) {
+ if(key == "line")
+ { return true; }
+ FW_setCallListValue(table,json_data.index,key,val);
+ });
+ }
+ else // add new tr row with the values)
+ {
+ // delete the empty tr row if it may exist
+ table.find("tr[name=empty]").remove();
+ var new_tr = '';
+ var style = "style=\"padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;\"";
+ // create the corresponding tags with the received data
+ $.each(json_data.item, function (key, val) {
+ if(key == "line")
+ { return true; }
+ else if(key == "image")
+ {
+ new_tr += ' | | ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_tr += ''+val+' | ';
+ }
+ });
+ new_tr += "
+ // insert new tr into table
+ if(json_data.order == "ascending")
+ {
+ table.append(new_tr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ table.find("tr.header").after(new_tr);
+ }
+ FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+function FW_FbCalllistUpdateRowNumbers(table)
+ count = 0;
+ table.find("tr.item").each(function(index, obj) {
+ var oldClass = ((parseInt($(obj).attr("number")) % 2) == 1 ? "odd" : "even");
+ $(obj).attr("number", ++count);
+ var newClass = ((count % 2) == 1 ? "odd" : "even");
+ $(obj).removeClass(oldClass);
+ $(obj).addClass(newClass);
+ $(obj).find("td[name='row']").html(count);
+ });
+function FW_setCallListValue(table,index,key,val)
+ var el = table.find("tr[index='"+index+"'] td[name="+key+"]");
+ if(key == "image")
+ {
+ el.children("img").attr("src", val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ el.html(val);
+ }
+function FW_FbCalllistCreate(elName, devName, vArr, currVal, set, params, cmd)
+ if(vArr[0] == "fbcalllist")
+ {
+ var newEl = $('div[informid="'+devName+'"]').get(0);
+ newEl.setValueFn = FW_processCallListUpdate;
+ return newEl;
+ }
+FW_widgets['fbcalllist'] = {
+ createFn:FW_FbCalllistCreate