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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
98_MSwitch.pm: Fix Dummymode ( setlist / getlist )
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21419 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,18 +60,26 @@ use SetExtensions;
use LWP::Simple;
my $preconffile="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Byte009/MSwitch_Addons/master/MSwitch_Preconf.conf";
my $autoupdate = 'off'; #off/on
my $version = '3.02';
my $wizard = 'on'; # on/off
my $importnotify = 'on'; # on/off
my $importat = 'on'; # on/off
my $vupdate = 'V2.00'; # versionsnummer der datenstruktur . änderung der nummer löst MSwitch_VUpdate aus .
my $savecount = 50; # anzahl der zugriff im zeitraum zur auslösung des safemodes. kann durch attribut überschrieben werden .
my $savemodetime = 10000000; # Zeit für Zugriffe im Safemode
my $rename = "on"; # on/off rename in der FW_summary möglich
my $standartstartdelay = 30; # zeitraum nach fhemstart , in dem alle aktionen geblockt werden. kann durch attribut überschrieben werden .
my $eventset = '0';
#my $eventset = '0';
my $deletesavedcmds = 1800; # zeitraum nachdem gespeicherte devicecmds gelöscht werden ( beschleunugung des webinterfaces )
my $deletesavedcmdsstandart = "automatic"; # standartverhalten des attributes "MSwitch_DeleteCMDs" <manually,nosave,automatic>
my $deletesavedcmdsstandart = "nosave"; # standartverhalten des attributes "MSwitch_DeleteCMDs" <manually,nosave,automatic>
# standartlist ignorierter Devices . kann durch attribut überschrieben werden .
my @doignore =qw(notify allowed at watchdog doif fhem2fhem telnet FileLog readingsGroup FHEMWEB autocreate eventtypes readingsproxy svg cul);
@ -1078,47 +1086,17 @@ if (AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_Language',AttrVal( 'global', 'language', 'EN' ) ) e
$extension = 'sysextension:noArg';
#! deaktiviere preconf ab V3 über wizard
# if (exists $hash->{helper}{config} && $hash->{helper}{config} eq "no_config")
# {
# my $preconf = "";
# my $verzeichnis = "./FHEM/MSwitch";
# if ( -d $verzeichnis )
# {
# opendir( DIR, $verzeichnis );
# while ( my $entry = readdir(DIR) )
# {
# my $dat = $entry;
# $entry = $verzeichnis . '/' . $entry;
# next if $entry eq ".";
# next if $entry eq "..";
# unless ( -f $entry ) {
# next;
# }
# $preconf .= $dat . ",";
# }
# closedir(DIR);
# chop($preconf);
# }
# else
# {
# $preconf = "";
# }
# if ( $preconf && $preconf ne "" )
# {
# $preconf = "MSwitch_preconf:" . $preconf;
# }
# my $preconf = "";
#return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of config:noArg restore_MSwitch_Data:this_Device,all_Devices $preconf";
if ( AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_Mode', 'Notify' ) eq "Dummy" )
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of Eventlog:timeline,clear config:noArg support_info:noArg restore_MSwitch_Data:this_Device,all_Devices active_timer:show,delete";
if (AttrVal( $name, "MSwitch_Selftrigger_always", 0 ) eq "1")
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of Eventlog:timeline,clear config:noArg support_info:noArg restore_MSwitch_Data:this_Device,all_Devices active_timer:show,delete";
return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of support_info:noArg restore_MSwitch_Data:this_Device,all_Devices";
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, '.lock', 'undef' ) ne "undef" )
@ -1142,8 +1120,10 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
my $dynlist ="";
if ($cmd ne "?"){
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "########## Ausführung Routine SET " . __LINE__ );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "Befehl: Set $cmd, @args " . __LINE__ );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "----------------------------------------" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "AUSFUEHRUNG SET" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "----------------------------------------" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "eingehendr Befehl: Set $cmd, @args " );
#lösche saveddevicecmd
@ -1189,11 +1169,8 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
return if $return eq "exit";
# mswitch dyn setlist
my $mswitchsetlist = AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_setList', "undef" );
my @arraydynsetlist;
@ -1218,10 +1195,6 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
push @arraydynsetlist, $reading;
$dynlist =join( ',', @found_devices );
$dynsetlist=$dynsetlist.$reading.":".$dynlist." ";
if ($3 ne "")
@ -1244,11 +1217,6 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
# nur bei funktionen in setlist !!!!
if ( AttrVal( $name, "MSwitch_Selftrigger_always", 0 ) eq "1" and $cmd ne "?" )
@ -1280,9 +1248,6 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
MSwitch_Check_Event( $hash, "MSwitch_self:".$cmd.":".$args[0] ) if defined $setlist{$cmd};
my %setlist;
if ( !defined $args[0] ) { $args[0] = ''; }
@ -1384,7 +1349,6 @@ my %setlist;
@ -1419,9 +1383,15 @@ my %setlist;
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $dynsetlist del_repeats:noArg del_delays:noArg exec_cmd_1 exec_cmd_2 reset_device:noArg state backup_MSwitch:all_devices $setList $special";
if (AttrVal( $name, "MSwitch_Selftrigger_always", 0 ) eq "1")
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $dynsetlist del_repeats:noArg del_delays:noArg exec_cmd_1 exec_cmd_2 reset_device:noArg wait backup_MSwitch:all_devices $setList $special";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $dynsetlist reset_device:noArg backup_MSwitch:all_devices $setList $special";
@ -2914,6 +2884,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Attr(@) {
if ( $aName eq 'MSwitch_Mode' && ( $aVal eq 'Dummy' ) )
delete( $hash->{helper}{config} );
MSwitch_Delete_Delay( $hash, 'all' );
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = 'no_trigger';
@ -2948,6 +2919,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Attr(@) {
. " MSwitch_Expert:0,1"
. " stateFormat:textField-long"
. " MSwitch_Eventhistory:0,10"
. " MSwitch_Delete_Delays:0,1"
. " MSwitch_Help:0,1"
. " MSwitch_Ignore_Types:textField-long "
. " MSwitch_Extensions:0,1"
@ -3091,7 +3063,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
my $trigevent = '';
my $eventset = '0';
#my $eventset = '0';
my $execids = "0";
my $foundcmd1 = 0;
my $foundcmd2 = 0;
@ -3196,7 +3168,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
# create randomnumber wenn attr an
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "-------------waiting passiert-----------------" );
my $incommingdevice = '';
if ( defined( $own_hash->{helper}{testevent_device}) && $own_hash->{helper}{testevent_device} eq $ownName)
@ -3215,7 +3187,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
if ( ReadingsVal( $ownName, "waiting", '0' ) > time && $incommingdevice ne "MSwitch_Self")
if ( ReadingsVal( $ownName, "waiting", '0' ) > time)
@ -3232,6 +3204,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
delete( $own_hash->{READINGS}{waiting} );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "-------------waiting passiert-----------------" );
if ( !$events && $own_hash->{helper}{testevent_device} ne 'Logfile' )
@ -3418,20 +3391,12 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
#MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 0,"$_ -- $fulldev --- @sequenzarrayfull" );
foreach my $test(@sequenzarrayfull)
#MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 0,"test: ".$test );
if ( $fulldev =~ /$test/ )
#MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 0,"FOUND. $fulldev --- $test" );
$own_hash->{helper}{sequenz}{$x}{$zeit} = $fulldev;
$own_hash->{helper}{sequenz}{$x}{$zeit} = $fulldev;
# if ( grep { $_ eq $fulldev } @sequenzarrayfull )
# {
# my $zeit = time;
# $own_hash->{helper}{sequenz}{$x}{$zeit} = $fulldev;
# }
my $seqhash = $own_hash->{helper}{sequenz}{$x};
my $aktsequenz = "";
foreach my $seq ( sort keys %{$seqhash} )
@ -3567,7 +3532,8 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
if ( $testvar ne 'undef' )
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy, );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "Teste auf bridge von 3609" );
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy1, );
next EVENT if $chbridge ne "no_bridge";
$set = $testvar;
$check = 1;
@ -3589,7 +3555,8 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
if ( $testvar ne 'undef' )
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy, );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "Teste auf bridge von 3631" );
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy1, );
next EVENT if $chbridge ne "no_bridge";
$set = $testvar;
@ -3603,7 +3570,7 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
#test auf zweige cmd1/2 and switch MSwitch on/off ENDE
#test auf zweige cmd1/2 only
# ergebnisse werden in @cmdarray geschrieben
#ergebnisse werden in @cmdarray geschrieben
if ( $triggercmdoff ne 'no_trigger' )
@ -3616,7 +3583,8 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
if ( $testvar ne 'undef' )
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy, );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "Teste auf bridge von 3658" );
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy1, );
next EVENT if $chbridge ne "no_bridge";
push @cmdarray, $own_hash . ',off,check,' . $eventcopy1;
$check = 1;
@ -3639,7 +3607,8 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
if ( $testvar ne 'undef' )
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName, $eventcopy, );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "Teste auf bridge von 3684" );
my $chbridge = MSwitch_checkbridge( $own_hash, $ownName,$eventcopy1, );
next EVENT if $chbridge ne "no_bridge";
push @cmdarray, $own_hash . ',on,check,' . $eventcopy1;
$check = 1;
@ -3875,7 +3844,6 @@ delete( $own_hash->{helper}{history} );# lösche historyberechnung verschieben a
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "$ownName: Befehlsausführung -> " . $cs );
if ( $debugmode ne '2' )
my $errors = AnalyzeCommandChain( undef, $cs );
@ -3887,29 +3855,37 @@ sub MSwitch_checkbridge($$$) {
my $bridgemode = AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_Event_Id_Distributor', '0' );
my $expertmode = AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_Expert', '0' );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "starte distributor attr " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "expertmode $expertmode" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "bridgemode $bridgemode " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "event : -$event-" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "checke keys" );
return "no_bridge" if $expertmode eq "0";
return "no_bridge" if $bridgemode eq "0";
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "----------------------------------------" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "TESTE AUF ID VERTEILUNG" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "----------------------------------------" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "expertmode $expertmode" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "bridgemode $bridgemode " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "EINGEHENDES EVENTT: $event" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "checke keys" );
my $foundkey = "undef";
my $etikeys = $hash->{helper}{eventtoid};
foreach my $a ( sort keys %{$etikeys} )
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "key : $a" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "PRUEFE GESPEICHERTEN KEY : $a" );
my $re = qr/$a/;
$foundkey = $a if ( $event =~ /$re/ );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "foundkey :-$foundkey-" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "FOUNDKEY : $foundkey " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "suche nach schlüssel:-$event-" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "helper eventoid : " . $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey} )
if ( $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey} );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "suche nach schluessel: $foundkey " );
return "no_bridge" if $expertmode eq "0";
return "no_bridge" if $bridgemode eq "0";
# return "no_bridge" if !defined $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$event};
return "no_bridge" if !defined $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey};
if (!defined $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey})
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, " " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, " " );
return "NOO BRIDGE FOUND !";
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "HELPER EVENT TO ID : " . $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey} );
my @bridge = split( / /, $hash->{helper}{eventtoid}{$foundkey} );
my $zweig;
@ -3917,6 +3893,8 @@ sub MSwitch_checkbridge($$$) {
$zweig = "off" if $bridge[0] eq "cmd2";
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "distrubutorout: $bridge[2] " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, " " );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, " " );
MSwitch_Exec_Notif( $hash, $zweig, 'nocheck', '', $bridge[2] );
return "undef";
@ -4711,12 +4689,7 @@ my $hidehtml = "";
$errors = $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1}{$name};
else {
#$errors = AnalyzeCommandChain( undef, $cs );
$errors = getAllSets($name);
#Log3( $name, 0, $name."-".$errors);
if ( $savecmds ne "nosave" ) {
$hash->{helper}{devicecmds1}{$name} = $errors;
$hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} = time;
@ -4971,15 +4944,10 @@ MS-HELPdelay
$controlhtml = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Develop_Affected', $controlhtml ) ;
#### extrakt ersetzung
my $extrakt = $controlhtml;
$extrakt =~ s/\n/#/g;
my $extrakthtml = $extrakt;
# umstellen auf globales attribut !!!!!!
@ -5283,8 +5251,6 @@ $controlhtml=~ s/#/\n/g;
$savedetails{ $aktdevice . '_timeoff' } = '0';
if ( '' eq $savedetails{ $aktdevice . '_timeon' } )
$savedetails{ $aktdevice . '_timeon' } = '0';
@ -5415,8 +5381,8 @@ $controlhtml=~ s/#/\n/g;
if ( $devicenamet ne 'FreeCmd' )
# nicht freecmd
# nicht freecmd
$SET1 = "<table border ='0'><tr><td>
Set <select class=\"devdetails2\" id='"
. $_
@ -6382,6 +6348,9 @@ $extrakt1 =~ s/\n/#/g;
$MSHidedummy="style ='visibility: collapse'";
#$MSHidedummy="style ='display:none'";
$displaynot = "style='display:none;'";
@ -6799,11 +6768,14 @@ $triggerdetailhtml =~ s/$wert1/$wert2/g;
if ( AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Mode', 'Notify' ) eq "Dummy" && AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Selftrigger_always', '0' ) ne "1")
$style = " style ='visibility: collapse' ";
#$style = "";
$ret .=
"<table border='$border' class='block wide' id='MSwitchWebAF' nm='$hash->{NAME}'>
<tr class=\"even\">
<td><center><br>$DUMMYMODE<br> <br></td></tr></table>
my $MSSAVED="";
@ -7712,7 +7684,6 @@ Increase
var globaldetails3='undefined';
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('devdetails2');
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
@ -7739,8 +7710,6 @@ Increase
//var ausgabe = target + '<br>' + state + '<br>' + options;
if (state == 'no_action')
@ -7752,50 +7721,35 @@ Increase
for (var key in optionarray )
var satz = optionarray[key].split(\":\");
var wert1 = satz[0];
wert3 = satz[1];
satz.shift() ;
var wert2 = satz.join(\":\");
werte[wert1] = wert2;
//FW_okDialog('state: '+state+'<br>inhalt: '+werte[state]);
var devicecmd = new Array();
if ( werte[state] == '')
//if (typeof werte[state] === 'undefined')
// {
// werte[state]='textField';
// }
devicecmd = werte[state].split(\",\");
if (devicecmd[0] == 'noArg')
@ -7815,7 +7769,6 @@ Increase
function changesort(){
sortby = \$(\"[name=sort]\").val();
var nm = \$(t).attr(\"nm\");
@ -7966,7 +7919,6 @@ Increase
var nm = \$(t).attr(\"nm\");
devices = \$(\"[name=affected_devices]\").val();
@ -7983,8 +7935,6 @@ Increase
var check = \$(\"[name=eventmonitor]\").prop(\"checked\") ? \"1\":\"0\";
if (check == 1)
@ -8013,14 +7963,12 @@ Increase
devices = devices.replace(/:/g,'#[dp]');
devices = devices.replace(/;/g,'#[se]');
devices = devices.replace(/ /g,'#[sp]');
devices = devices.replace(/%/g,'#[pr]');
devices = encodeURIComponent(devices);
var def = nm+\" details \"+devices+\" \";
location = location.pathname+\"?detail=" . $Name . "&cmd=set \"+addcsrf(def);
@ -8457,8 +8405,6 @@ sub MSwitch_Exec_Notif($$$$$) {
MSwitch_LOG( $name,6, "Timer des devices -> " . $devicedetails{$timerkey} ." " . __LINE__);
# teste auf condition
# antwort $execute 1 oder 0 ;
@ -9157,8 +9103,6 @@ if ( $condition =~ m/DIFF|TEND|AVG|INC/ )
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Wert1", $operand, 1 )if ($debugmode > 0);
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Wert2", $operand1, 1 )if ($debugmode > 0);
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5,"$name: vergleichswert1 - $operand" );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5,"$name: vergleichswert2 - $operand1" );
my $diff = abs( $operand1 - $operand );
@ -9200,12 +9144,11 @@ if ($debugging eq "1")
if ($debugmode > 0){
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Event-History", $hash->{helper}{eventhistory}{$eventhistorie}, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Summary", $finaldiff1, 1 );
if ($debugmode > 0)
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Event-History", $hash->{helper}{eventhistory}{$eventhistorie}, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Summary", $finaldiff1, 1 );
# DIFF ende ##########################
@ -9238,8 +9181,8 @@ readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "Debug-DIFF-Summary", $finaldiff1, 1 );
my $wert1 = 0;
my $wert2 = 0;
my $count = 0;
my @wertpaar1;
my @wertpaar2;
my @wertpaar1;
my @wertpaar2;
foreach (@eventfunction) {
last if $count >= $anzahl1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user