diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mqtt2.template b/fhem/FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mqtt2.template
index 7a5e4ff62..ace02878b 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mqtt2.template
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mqtt2.template
@@ -3446,7 +3446,7 @@ setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
prereq:{my @devices=devspec2array("model=OpenMQTTGateway_MCU");;return 1 if $devices[0];;return 0}
-desc:use this with an OpenMQTTGateway. For further details visit https://github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway/wiki
Recommended structure of the topic pattern home/OpenMQTTGateway/.*.
NOTE: You'll be asked to provide the HEX address of your sensor. Best start with looking at what "OpenMQTTGateway_BT_scanner" povides, e.g. if you have a reading name like "6C697244245E_id", "6C697244245E" (without quotes) is what you want to enter...
NOTE: this will create a new device!
+desc:use this with an OpenMQTTGateway for temp/hum sensors like LYWSD03MMC and LYWSDCGQ. For further details visit https://github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway/wiki
Recommended structure of the topic pattern home/OpenMQTTGateway/.*.
NOTE: You'll be asked to provide the HEX address of your sensor. Best start with looking at what "OpenMQTTGateway_BT_scanner" povides, e.g. if you have a reading name like "6C697244245E_id", "6C697244245E" (without quotes) is what you want to enter...
NOTE: this will create a new device!
par:BT_ID;Pls. enter your bluetooth device ID; {undef}
par:BASE_ID;BASE_ID typically is home;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,([^:]+)[/]O[^/]*M[^/]*G[^/]*[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
@@ -3460,12 +3460,12 @@ attr OMG_BT_ID readingList\
attr OMG_BT_ID event-min-interval 300
attr OMG_BT_ID event-on-change-reading batteryPercent,temperature:0.2,humidity:0.2,rssi:5,distance:5
attr OMG_BT_ID icon temperature_humidity
-attr OMG_BT_ID jsonMap batt:batteryPercent tem:temperature hum:humidity servicedatauuid:0 servicedata:0
+attr OMG_BT_ID jsonMap batt:batteryPercent tempc:temperature tem:0 tempf:0 hum:humidity servicedatauuid:0 servicedata:0
attr OMG_BT_ID stateFormat T: temperature°C, H: humidity%rH
{ fhem "trigger $FW_wname JS:location.href='$FW_ME?detail=OMG_BT_ID'" if($cl && $cl->{TYPE} eq "FHEMWEB") }
attr OMG_BT_ID model OpenMQTTGateway_BT_temp_hum_sensor
-setreading OMG_BT_ID attrTemplateVersion 20200716
+setreading OMG_BT_ID attrTemplateVersion 20200913