diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
index 43c0afbfd..6e12da04f 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# $Id$
# fhem Modul für Geräte mit Modbus-Interface -
@@ -55,11 +53,28 @@
# 2015-07-17 added bswapRegs to reverse Byte-order on arbitrary length string (thanks to Marco)
# 2015-07-22 added encode and decode
# 2015-08-17 allow register 0, delete unused variable assignments
+# 2016-03-28 check if $po is valid before doing Win USB stuff in _Ready
+# 2016-04-07 added some logging, added tid checking
+# 2016-04-07 check if there is a good frame after one with wrong tid, add noArg for get - prevents wrong readings ...
+# 2016-06-14 new delay handling, new attrs on the physical device:
+# busDelay, clientSwitchDelay, dropQueueDoubles
+# new attrs on the logical device: alignTime, enableControlSet
+# 2016-06-30 use non blocking open, new attrs: nextOpenDelay, maxTimeoutsToReconnect, disable
+# TODO:
+# attr prüfungen bei attrs, die nur für TCP sinnvoll sind -> ist es ein TCP Device?
+# revRegs und bswapRegs for writing values
+# set textarg mit @a ab 2,
+# map mit spaces wie bei HTTPMOD
+# len aus unpack ableiten oder Meldung wenn zu klein
+# :noArg etc. für Hintlist und userattr wie in HTTPMOD optimieren
+# Input validation for define if interval is not numeric but TCP ...
+# TCP Disconnect / Reconnect testen / ggf. optimieren
+# physical device busDelay clientSwitchDelay
+# module version internal?
+# userattr handling for wildcard attributes like in HTTPMOD
+# Autoconfigure? (Combine testweise erhöhen, Fingerprinting -> DB?, ...?)
-# TODO: revRegs und bswapRegs for writing values
-# set textarg mit @a ab 2,
-# set noarg
-# map mit spaces wie bei HTTPMOD
package main;
@@ -96,6 +111,8 @@ sub ModbusLD_GetUpdate($);
sub ModbusLD_GetIOHash($);
sub ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$);
+my $Modbus_Version = '3.3.1 - 18.7.2016';
my %errCodes = (
"01" => "illegal function",
"02" => "illegal data address",
@@ -143,6 +160,9 @@ Modbus_Initialize($)
$modHash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"queueMax " .
"queueDelay " .
+ "busDelay " .
+ "clientSwitchDelay " .
+ "dropQueueDoubles " .
"profileInterval " .
@@ -588,13 +608,29 @@ Modbus_ParseFrames($)
} elsif ($logHash->{PROTOCOL} eq "TCP") {
# zerlege Frame in TID, Len, Device-Adresse, fCode und Data für Modbus TCP
- #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames TCP handles frame " . unpack ('H*', $frame);
if (length($frame) < 8) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames length too small: " . length($frame);
return (undef, undef);
($tid, $null, $dlen, $devAdr, $pdu) = unpack ('nnnCa*', $frame);
- #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames unpacked tid=$tid, dlen=$dlen, id=$devAdr, pdu=" . unpack ('H*', $pdu);
+ if ($ioHash->{REQUEST}{TID} != $tid) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames got unexpected tid: tid=$tid, dlen=$dlen, id=$devAdr, rest=" . unpack ('H*', $pdu);
+ # maybe old response after timeount, maybe rest after wrong frame is the one we're looking for
+ $frame = substr($frame, $dlen + 6); # remove wrong frame
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames takes rest after frame: " . unpack ('H*', $frame);
+ if (length($frame) < 8) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames length of rest is too small: " . length($frame);
+ return (undef, undef);
+ }
+ ($tid, $null, $dlen, $devAdr, $pdu) = unpack ('nnnCa*', $frame);
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames unpacked rest as tid=$tid, dlen=$dlen, id=$devAdr, pdu=" . unpack ('H*', $pdu);
+ if ($ioHash->{REQUEST}{TID} != $tid) {
+ $frame = substr($frame, $dlen + 6);
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames still got unexpected tid";
+ return ("wrong tid ($tid)", undef)
+ }
+ }
if (length($pdu) + 1 < $dlen) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames length smaller than header len $dlen: " . (length($pdu) + 1);
return (undef, undef);
@@ -607,7 +643,7 @@ Modbus_ParseFrames($)
if ($logHash->{MODBUSID} != $devAdr) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames got unexpected Device Id and returns";
return ("wrong Device Id", undef)
- }
+ }
if ($ioHash->{REQUEST}{FCODE} != $fCode && $fCode < 128) {
@@ -616,7 +652,7 @@ Modbus_ParseFrames($)
# frame received, now handle data
- $logHash->{helper}{lrecv} = gettimeofday();
+ $logHash->{helper}{lrecv} = gettimeofday(); # logical module side
Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Fhem");
if ($fCode == 1 || $fCode == 2) { # reply to read coils / discrete inputs
@@ -714,37 +750,59 @@ Modbus_Read($)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return if(!defined($buf));
+ my $now = gettimeofday();
Modbus_Profiler($hash, "Read");
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: raw read: " . unpack ('H*', $buf);
$hash->{helper}{buffer} .= $buf;
+ $hash->{helper}{lrecv} = $now; # physical side
my ($err, $framedata) = Modbus_ParseFrames($hash);
if ($framedata || $err) {
Modbus_EndBUSY ($hash); # set BUSY to 0, delete REQUEST, clear Buffer, do Profilig
#Modbus_Statistics($hash, "BusyTime", gettimeofday() - $hash->{helper}{lsend});
# Busy ist vorbei (hier oder bei Timeout), start in HandleSendQueue, lsend
+ delete $hash->{TIMEOUTS};
RemoveInternalTimer ("queue:$name");
Modbus_HandleSendQueue ("direct:$name"); # don't wait for next regular handle queue slot
+# ready fn for physical and tcp
- my ($hash) = @_;
- return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, undef)
- if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected");
- # This is relevant for windows/USB only
- my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
- my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $now = gettimeofday();
- return ($InBytes>0);
+ if ($hash->{BUSY_OPENDEV}) { # still waiting for callback to last open
+ if ($hash->{LASTOPEN} && $now > $hash->{LASTOPEN} + (AttrVal($name, "timeout", 2)*2)
+ && $now > $hash->{LASTOPEN} + 15) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: _Ready - still waiting for open callback, timeout is over twice - this should never happen";
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: _Ready - stop waiting and reset the flag.";
+ $hash->{BUSY_OPENDEV} = 0;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected") {
+ $hash->{BUSY_OPENDEV} = 1;
+ $hash->{nextOpenDelay} = AttrVal($name, "nextOpenDelay", 60);
+ $hash->{LASTOPEN} = $now;
+ return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, 0, \&Modbus_OpenCB);
+ }
+ # This is relevant for windows/USB only
+ my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
+ if ($po) {
+ my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
+ return ($InBytes>0);
+ }
@@ -768,6 +826,31 @@ sub Modbus_CRC($) {
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ if ($hash->{DEST}) {
+ # modbus TCP
+ if ($hash->{TIMEOUTS}) {
+ $hash->{TIMEOUTS}++;
+ if (AttrVal($name, "maxTimeoutsToReconnect", 0) && $hash->{TIMEOUTS} >= AttrVal($name, "maxTimeoutsToReconnect", 3)) {
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: $hash->{TIMEOUTS} successive timeouts, trying to reconnect";
+ DevIo_CloseDev($hash);
+ $hash->{RAWBUFFER} = "";
+ $hash->{BUSY} = 0;
+ DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $hash->{TIMEOUTS} = 1;
+ }
+ }
# Aufruf aus InternalTimer mit "timeout:$name"
# wobei name das physical device ist
@@ -786,11 +869,41 @@ Modbus_TimeoutSend($)
Modbus_Statistics($ioHash, "Timeouts", 1);
Modbus_EndBUSY ($ioHash); # set BUSY to 0, delete REQUEST, clear Buffer, do Profilig
+ Modbus_CountTimeouts ($ioHash);
Modbus_HandleSendQueue ("direct:$name"); # verwaltet auch idle und busy time statistics variables
+# prüfe delays vor dem Senden
+ my ($ioHash, $force, $title, $delay, $last) = @_;
+ return if (!$delay);
+ my $name = $ioHash->{NAME};
+ my $lNam = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{DEVICE}{NAME};
+ my $now = gettimeofday();
+ my $t2 = $last + $delay;
+ my $rest = $t2 - $now;
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue check $title ($delay) for $lNam: rest $rest";
+ if ($rest > 0) {
+ Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Delay");
+ if ($force) {
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: CheckDelay $title for $lNam not over, sleep $rest forced";
+ sleep $rest if ($rest > 0 && $rest < $delay);
+ } else {
+ InternalTimer($t2, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: CheckDelay $title for $lNam not over, try again in $rest";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
# Aufruf aus InternalTimer mit "queue:$name"
# oder direkt mit "direkt:$name
@@ -808,22 +921,12 @@ Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$)
RemoveInternalTimer ("queue:$name");
if(defined($queue) && @{$queue} > 0) {
- #if ($ioHash->{helper}{idlestart}) {
- # Modbus_Statistics($ioHash, "IdleTime", $now - $ioHash->{helper}{idlestart});
- # $ioHash->{helper}{idlestart} = 0;
- # # falls bisher idle, jetzt ist es vorbei. Start wenn HandleSendQueue nichts mehr zu tun hat.
- #}
- #if (!$ioHash->{helper}{waitstart}) {
- # $ioHash->{helper}{waitstart} = $now;
- # # Zeit vom Aufruf HandleSendQueue bis zum erfolgreichen Senden (Teil von Busytime)
- #}
my $queueDelay = AttrVal($name, "queueDelay", 1);
if ($ioHash->{STATE} eq "disconnected") {
InternalTimer($now+$queueDelay, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue: device is disconnected, dropping requests in queue";
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: handle queue: device is disconnected, dropping requests in queue";
Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Idle");
delete $ioHash->{QUEUE};
@@ -831,12 +934,12 @@ Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$)
if (!$init_done) { # fhem not initialized, wait with IO
InternalTimer($now+$queueDelay, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- Log3 $name, 3, "$name: handle queue not available yet (init not done), try again in $queueDelay seconds";
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: handle queue: not available yet (init not done), try again in $queueDelay seconds";
if ($ioHash->{BUSY}) { # still waiting for reply to last request
InternalTimer($now+$queueDelay, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue busy, try again in $queueDelay seconds";
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue: busy, try again in $queueDelay seconds";
#Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Wait");
@@ -845,68 +948,61 @@ Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$)
my $bstring = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{FRAME};
my $reading = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{READING};
my $len = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{LEN};
+ my $tid = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{TID};
+ my $adr = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{ADR};
if($bstring ne "") { # if something to send - do so
- my $logHash = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{DEVICE};
- my $sendDelay = ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "sendDelay", 0.1);
- my $commDelay = ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "commDelay", 0.1);
- my $timeout = ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "timeout", 2);
+ my $logHash = $ioHash->{REQUEST}{DEVICE};
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: checks delays: lrecv = $ioHash->{helper}{lrecv}";
- my ($t1, $t2, $tN) = (0,0,0);
- $t1 = $logHash->{helper}{lsend} + $sendDelay
- if ($logHash->{helper}{lsend});
- $t2 = $logHash->{helper}{lrecv} + $commDelay
- if ($logHash->{helper}{lrecv});
- $tN = ($t1 > $t2 ? $t1 : $t2);
- if ($now < $t1) {
- Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Delay");
- if ($force) {
- my $rest = $tN - gettimeofday();
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue sendDelay for device $logHash->{NAME} not over, sleep $rest forced";
- sleep $rest if ($rest > 0 && $rest < $sendDelay);
- $now = gettimeofday();
- } else {
- InternalTimer($tN, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue sendDelay for device $logHash->{NAME} not over, try again later";
- return;
+ # check defined delays
+ if ($ioHash->{helper}{lrecv}) {
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: check busDelay ...";
+ return if (Modbus_CheckDelay($ioHash, $force,
+ "busDelay",
+ AttrVal($name, "busDelay", 0),
+ $ioHash->{helper}{lrecv}));
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: check clientSwitchDelay ...";
+ my $clSwDelay = AttrVal($name, "clientSwitchDelay", 0);
+ if ($clSwDelay && $ioHash->{helper}{lid}
+ && $logHash->{MODBUSID} != $ioHash->{helper}{lid}) {
+ return if (Modbus_CheckDelay($ioHash, $force,
+ "clientSwitchDelay",
+ $clSwDelay,
+ $ioHash->{helper}{lrecv}));
- }
- if ($now < $t2) {
- Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Delay");
- if ($force) {
- my $rest = $tN - gettimeofday();
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue commDelay for device $logHash->{NAME} not over, sleep $rest forced";
- sleep $rest if ($rest > 0 && $rest < $commDelay);
- $now = gettimeofday();
- } else {
- InternalTimer($tN, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: handle queue commDelay for device $logHash->{NAME} not over, try again later";
- return;
- }
- }
+ }
+ if ($logHash->{helper}{lrecv}) {
+ return if (Modbus_CheckDelay($ioHash, $force,
+ "commDelay",
+ ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "commDelay", 0.1),
+ $logHash->{helper}{lrecv}));
+ }
+ if ($logHash->{helper}{lsend}) {
+ return if (Modbus_CheckDelay($ioHash, $force,
+ "sendDelay",
+ ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "sendDelay", 0.1),
+ $logHash->{helper}{lsend}));
+ }
- #if ($ioHash->{helper}{waitstart}) {
- # Modbus_Statistics($ioHash, "WaitTime", gettimeofday() - $ioHash->{helper}{waitstart});
- # # Wartezeit auf jeden Fall vorbei
- #}
Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Send");
$ioHash->{REQUESTHEX} = unpack ('H*', $bstring); # for debugging / log
$ioHash->{BUSY} = 1; # modbus bus is busy until response is received
$ioHash->{helper}{buffer} = ""; # clear Buffer for reception
- $ioHash->{helper}{lsend} = $now; # remember when last send to this bus
- $logHash->{helper}{lsend} = $now; # remember when last send to this device
- Log3 $name, 4, "$name: handle queue sends $ioHash->{REQUESTHEX} " .
- "(fcode $ioHash->{REQUEST}{FCODE} to $ioHash->{REQUEST}{DEVICE}{MODBUSID} for $reading, len $len)";
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: sends $ioHash->{REQUESTHEX} " .
+ "(fcode $ioHash->{REQUEST}{FCODE} to $ioHash->{REQUEST}{DEVICE}{MODBUSID}, tid $tid for $reading ($adr), len $len)";
DevIo_SimpleWrite($ioHash, $bstring, 0);
+ $now = gettimeofday();
+ $ioHash->{helper}{lsend} = $now; # remember when last send to this bus
+ $logHash->{helper}{lsend} = $now; # remember when last send to this device
+ $ioHash->{helper}{lid} = $logHash->{MODBUSID}; # device id we talked to
Modbus_Statistics($ioHash, "Requests", 1);
Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Wait");
+ my $timeout = ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "timing", "timeout", 2);
RemoveInternalTimer ("timeout:$name");
InternalTimer($now+$timeout, "Modbus_TimeoutSend", "timeout:$name", 0);
@@ -914,10 +1010,7 @@ Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$)
if(@{$queue} > 0) { # more items in queue -> schedule next handle
InternalTimer($now+$queueDelay, "Modbus_HandleSendQueue", "queue:$name", 0);
- } else {
- #$ioHash->{helper}{idlestart} = $now;
- #$ioHash->{helper}{waitstart} = 0;
@@ -946,6 +1039,12 @@ ModbusLD_Initialize($ )
"do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"IODev " . # fhem.pl macht dann $hash->{IODev} = $defs{$ioname}
+ "alignTime " .
+ "enableControlSet:0,1 " .
+ "nextOpenDelay " .
+ "disable:0,1 " .
+ "maxTimeoutsToReconnect " . # for Modbus over TCP/IP only
$modHash->{ObjAttrList} =
@@ -1026,6 +1125,51 @@ ModbusLD_SetIODev($)
+sub ModbusLD_SetTimer($;$)
+ my ($hash, $start) = @_;
+ my $nextTrigger;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $now = gettimeofday();
+ $start = 0 if (!$start);
+ if ($hash->{INTERVAL}) {
+ if ($hash->{TimeAlign}) {
+ my $count = int(($now - $hash->{TimeAlign} + $start) / $hash->{INTERVAL});
+ my $curCycle = $hash->{TimeAlign} + $count * $hash->{INTERVAL};
+ $nextTrigger = $curCycle + $hash->{INTERVAL};
+ } else {
+ $nextTrigger = $now + ($start ? $start : $hash->{INTERVAL});
+ }
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nextTrigger;
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($nextTrigger);
+ RemoveInternalTimer("update:$name");
+ InternalTimer($nextTrigger, "ModbusLD_GetUpdate", "update:$name", 0);
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: update timer modified: will call GetUpdate in " .
+ sprintf ("%.1f", $nextTrigger - $now) . " seconds at $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT}";
+ } else {
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = 0;
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = "";
+ }
+ my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ if ($msg) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Open callback: $msg" if ($msg);
+ }
+ delete $hash->{BUSY_OPENDEV};
@@ -1050,17 +1194,22 @@ ModbusLD_Define($$)
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{PROTOCOL} = $proto;
$hash->{DEST} = $dest;
+ $hash->{'.getList'} = "";
+ $hash->{'.setList'} = "";
$hash->{".updateSetGet"} = 1;
- $hash->{getList} = "";
- $hash->{setList} = "";
+ # debug
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: define with destination $dest, protocol $proto";
- if ($dest) { # Modbus TCP mit IP Adresse angegeben.
- $hash->{IODev} = $hash; # Modul ist selbst IODev
- $hash->{defptr}{$id} = $hash; # ID verweist zurück auf eigenes Modul
- $hash->{DeviceName} = $dest; # needed by DevIo to get Device, Port, Speed etc.
- $hash->{RAWBUFFER} = "";
- $hash->{BUSY} = 0;
- $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, 0);
+ if ($dest) { # Modbus TCP mit IP Adresse angegeben.
+ $hash->{IODev} = $hash; # Modul ist selbst IODev
+ $hash->{defptr}{$id} = $hash; # ID verweist zurück auf eigenes Modul
+ $hash->{DeviceName} = $dest; # needed by DevIo to get Device, Port, Speed etc.
+ $hash->{RAWBUFFER} = "";
+ $hash->{BUSY} = 0;
+ $hash->{BUSY_OPENDEV} = 1;
+ $hash->{nextOpenDelay} = AttrVal($name, "nextOpenDelay", 60);
+ $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, 0, \&Modbus_OpenCB);
} else {
if (ModbusLD_SetIODev($hash)) { # physical device found and asigned as IODev
$hash->{IODev}{defptr}{$id} = $hash; # register this logical device for given modbus id
@@ -1072,8 +1221,9 @@ ModbusLD_Define($$)
$dest = "none";
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "ModbusLD_GetUpdate", "update:$name", 0) # queue first request
- if ($hash->{INTERVAL});
+ ModbusLD_SetTimer($hash, 2); # first Update in 2 seconds or aligned
+ $hash->{ModuleVersion} = $Modbus_Version;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: defined with id $id, interval $interval, destination $dest, protocol $proto" .
($ret ? ": " . $ret : "");
@@ -1109,7 +1259,16 @@ ModbusLD_Attr(@)
} else {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Attr IODev can't use $aVal - device does not exist";
+ } elsif ($aName eq 'alignTime') {
+ my ($alErr, $alHr, $alMin, $alSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec($aVal);
+ return "Invalid Format $aVal in $aName : $alErr" if ($alErr);
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
+ $hash->{TimeAlign} = fhemTimeLocal($alSec, $alMin, $alHr, $mday, $mon, $year);
+ $hash->{TimeAlignFmt} = FmtDateTime($hash->{TimeAlign});
+ ModbusLD_SetTimer($hash); # change timer for alignment
addToDevAttrList($name, $aName);
$hash->{".updateSetGet"} = 1;
@@ -1139,8 +1298,13 @@ ModbusLD_UpdateGetSetList($)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $modHash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}};
my $parseInfo = $modHash->{parseInfo};
- $hash->{setList} = "";
- $hash->{getList} = "";
+ if (AttrVal($name, "enableControlSet", undef)) { # spezielle Sets freigeschaltet?
+ $hash->{'.setList'} = "interval reread:noArg reconnect:noArg stop:noArg start:noArg ";
+ } else {
+ $hash->{'.setList'} = "";
+ }
+ $hash->{'.getList'} = "";
my @ObjList = keys (%{$parseInfo});
foreach my $at (keys %{$attr{$name}}) {
@@ -1159,7 +1323,7 @@ ModbusLD_UpdateGetSetList($)
#my $type = substr($objCombi, 0, 1);
#my $adr = substr($objCombi, 1);
my $setopt;
- $hash->{getList} .= "$reading " if ($showget); # sichtbares get
+ $hash->{'.getList'} .= "$reading:noArg " if ($showget); # sichtbares get
if ($set) { # gibt es für das Reading ein SET?
if ($map){ # ist eine Map definiert, aus der Hints abgeleitet werden können?
@@ -1172,11 +1336,11 @@ ModbusLD_UpdateGetSetList($)
if ($hint){ # hints explizit definiert? (überschreibt evt. schon abgeleitete hints)
$setopt = $reading . ":" . $hint;
- $hash->{setList} .= "$setopt "; # Liste aller Sets inkl. der Hints nach ":" für Rückgabe bei Set ?
+ $hash->{'.setList'} .= "$setopt "; # Liste aller Sets inkl. der Hints nach ":" für Rückgabe bei Set ?
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: UpdateSetList: setList=$hash->{setList}";
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: UpdateSetList: getList=$hash->{getList}";
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: UpdateSetList: setList=$hash->{'.setList'}";
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: UpdateSetList: getList=$hash->{'.getList'}";
$hash->{".updateSetGet"} = 0;
@@ -1193,9 +1357,15 @@ ModbusLD_Get($@)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $getName = $a[1];
+ if (AttrVal($name, "disable", undef)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: get called with $getName but device is disabled"
+ if ($getName ne "?");
+ return undef;
+ }
my $ioHash = ModbusLD_GetIOHash($hash);
return undef if (!$ioHash);
my $objCombi;
if ($getName ne "?") {
$objCombi = ModbusLD_ObjKey($hash, $getName);
@@ -1224,9 +1394,9 @@ ModbusLD_Get($@)
return $result;
} else {
ModbusLD_UpdateGetSetList($hash) if ($hash->{".updateSetGet"});
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Get: $getName not found, return list $hash->{getList}"
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Get: $getName not found, return list $hash->{'.getList'}"
if ($getName ne "?");
- return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $hash->{getList}";
+ return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $hash->{'.getList'}";
RemoveInternalTimer ("queue:$name");
Modbus_HandleSendQueue ("direct:$name"); # don't wait for next regular handle queue slot
@@ -1234,6 +1404,51 @@ ModbusLD_Get($@)
+# SET command - handle predifined control sets
+sub ModbusLD_ControlSet($$$)
+ my ($hash, $setName, $setVal) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ if ($setName eq 'interval') {
+ if (!$setVal) {
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: no interval (sec) specified in set, continuing with $hash->{INTERVAL} (sec)";
+ return "No Interval specified";
+ } else {
+ $hash->{INTERVAL} = $setVal;
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: timer interval changed to $hash->{INTERVAL} seconds";
+ ModbusLD_SetTimer($hash);
+ return "0";
+ }
+ } elsif ($setName eq 'reread') {
+ ModbusLD_GetUpdate("reread:$name");
+ return "0";
+ } elsif ($setName eq 'reconnect') {
+ if (!$hash->{DEST} || $hash->{IODev} != $hash) {
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: not a TCP connection, reconnect not supported";
+ return "0";
+ }
+ DevIo_CloseDev($hash);
+ $hash->{RAWBUFFER} = "";
+ $hash->{BUSY} = 0;
+ DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, 0);
+ return "0";
+ } elsif ($setName eq 'stop') {
+ RemoveInternalTimer("update:$name");
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = 0;
+ $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = "";
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: internal interval timer stopped";
+ return "0";
+ } elsif ($setName eq 'start') {
+ ModbusLD_SetTimer($hash);
+ return "0";
+ }
+ return undef; # no control set identified - continue with other sets
@@ -1248,6 +1463,19 @@ ModbusLD_Set($@)
my $ioHash = ModbusLD_GetIOHash($hash);
return undef if (!$ioHash);
+ if (AttrVal($name, "enableControlSet", undef)) { # spezielle Sets freigeschaltet?
+ my $error = ModbusLD_ControlSet($hash, $setName, $setVal);
+ return undef if (defined($error) && $error eq "0"); # control set found and done.
+ return $error if ($error); # error
+ # continue if function returned undef
+ }
+ if (AttrVal($name, "disable", undef)) {
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: set called with $setName but device is disabled"
+ if ($setName ne "?");
+ return undef;
+ }
my $objCombi;
if ($setName ne "?") {
$objCombi = ModbusLD_ObjKey($hash, $setName);
@@ -1329,9 +1557,9 @@ ModbusLD_Set($@)
return undef; # no return code if no error
} else { # undefiniertes Set
ModbusLD_UpdateGetSetList($hash) if ($hash->{".updateSetGet"});
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set: $setName not found, return list $hash->{setList}"
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set: $setName not found, return list $hash->{'.setList'}"
if ($setName ne "?");
- return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $hash->{setList}";
+ return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of $hash->{'.setList'}";
RemoveInternalTimer ("queue:$name");
Modbus_HandleSendQueue ("direct:$name"); # don't wait for next regular handle queue slot
@@ -1357,10 +1585,7 @@ ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
# get timeout. In case ReadAnswer is called after a delay
# only wait for remaining time
- my $to = ModbusLD_DevInfo($hash, "timing", "timeout", 2);
- #my $to = AttrVal($name, "timeout", $hash->{deviceInfo}{timing}{timeout});
- #$to = 2 if (!$to);
+ my $to = ModbusLD_DevInfo($hash, "timing", "timeout", 2);
my $arg = "timeout:$ioHash->{NAME}"; # key in internl Timer hash
my $rest = $to;
# find internal timeout timer time and calculate remaining timeout
@@ -1393,6 +1618,7 @@ ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
$buf = $ioHash->{USBDev}->read(999);
if(length($buf) == 0) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Timeout in ReadAnswer" . ($reading ? " for $reading" : "");
+ Modbus_CountTimeouts ($ioHash);
return ("Timeout reading answer", undef)
} else {
@@ -1412,6 +1638,7 @@ ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
if($nfound == 0) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Timeout2 in ReadAnswer" . ($reading ? " for $reading" : "");
+ Modbus_CountTimeouts ($ioHash);
return ("Timeout reading answer", undef);
@@ -1424,7 +1651,9 @@ ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
if($buf) {
$ioHash->{helper}{buffer} .= $buf;
- $hash->{helper}{lrecv} = $now;
+ $now = gettimeofday();
+ $hash->{helper}{lrecv} = $now;
+ $ioHash->{helper}{lrecv} = $now;
Log3 $name, 5, "ReadAnswer got: " . unpack ("H*", $ioHash->{helper}{buffer});
@@ -1450,9 +1679,9 @@ ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
# update:name - name of logical device
-ModbusLD_GetUpdate($ ) {
+ModbusLD_GetUpdate($) {
my $param = shift;
- my (undef,$name) = split(':',$param);
+ my ($calltype,$name) = split(':',$param);
my $hash = $defs{$name}; # hash des logischen Devices, da GetUpdate aus dem logischen Modul per Timer gestartet wird
my $modHash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}};
my $parseInfo = $modHash->{parseInfo};
@@ -1460,8 +1689,14 @@ ModbusLD_GetUpdate($ ) {
my $now = gettimeofday();
my $ioHash = ModbusLD_GetIOHash($hash);
- InternalTimer($now + $hash->{INTERVAL}, "ModbusLD_GetUpdate", "update:$name", 0)
- if ($hash->{INTERVAL});
+ if ($calltype eq "update") {
+ ModbusLD_SetTimer($hash);
+ }
+ if (AttrVal($name, "disable", undef)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: GetUpdate called but device is disabled";
+ return undef;
+ }
return if (!$ioHash);
if ($ioHash->{STATE} eq "disconnected") {
@@ -1501,7 +1736,7 @@ ModbusLD_GetUpdate($ ) {
if ($now >= $lastRead + $delay) {
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: GetUpdate will request $reading";
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: GetUpdate will request $reading";
$readList{$objCombi} = 1; # include it in the list of items to read
# lastRead wird bei erfolgreichem Lesen in ParseObj gesetzt.
} else {
@@ -1590,15 +1825,31 @@ ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$){
my $len = ModbusLD_ObjInfo($hash, $objCombi, "len", "defLen", 1);
my $unpack = ModbusLD_ObjInfo($hash, $objCombi, "unpack", "defUnpack", "n");
- return undef if (!$ioHash);
- my $ioName = $ioHash->{NAME};
+ return if (!$ioHash);
+ my $ioName = $ioHash->{NAME};
+ my $qlen = ($ioHash->{QUEUE} ? scalar(@{$ioHash->{QUEUE}}) : 0);
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Send called with $type $adr len $len / span " .
+ ($span ? $span : "-") . " to id $devId, queue has $qlen requests";
+ $len = $span if ($span); # span given as parameter
+ if ($qlen && AttrVal($ioName, "dropQueueDoubles", 0)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Send is checking if request is already in queue ($qlen requests)";
+ foreach my $elem (@{$ioHash->{QUEUE}}) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: check against queue element $elem->{TYPE} $elem->{ADR} len $elem->{LEN} to id $elem->{DEVICE}{MODBUSID}";
+ if($elem->{ADR} == $adr && $elem->{TYPE} eq $type
+ && $elem->{LEN} == $len && $elem->{DEVICE}{MODBUSID} eq $devId) {
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: request already in queue - dropping";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
my $fCode = ModbusLD_DevInfo($hash, $type, $op, $defaultFCode{$type}{$op});
if (!$fCode) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Send did not find fCode for $op type $type (obj $reading)";
- $len = $span if ($span); # span given as parameter
my $data = "";
if ($fCode == 1 || $fCode == 2) { # read coils / discrete inputs, pdu format: StartAdr, Len
@@ -1636,9 +1887,9 @@ ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$){
#Log3 $name, 5, "$ioName: Send TCP frame tid=$tid, dlen=$dlen, devId=$devId, pdu=" . unpack ('H*', $pdu);
- Log3 $name, 5, "$ioName: Send adds fcode $fCode for $reading to queue: " .
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Send queues fcode $fCode for $type $adr ($reading), len / span $len : " .
unpack ('H*', $frame) . " pdu " . unpack ('H*', $pdu) .
- ($force ? ", force send" : "");
+ ($force ? ", force" : "");
my %request;
$request{FRAME} = $frame; # frame as data string
@@ -1650,8 +1901,6 @@ ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$){
$request{READING} = $reading; # reading name of the object
$request{TID} = $tid; # transaction id for Modbus TCP
- my $qlen = ($ioHash->{QUEUE} ? scalar(@{$ioHash->{QUEUE}}) : 0);
if(!$qlen) {
#Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Send is creating new queue";
$ioHash->{QUEUE} = [ \%request ];
@@ -1737,8 +1986,14 @@ ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$){