mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 14:47:00 +00:00

60_Watches: control buttons,new attr hideButtons, controlButtonSize some more changes according PBP

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22591 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-08-12 21:13:44 +00:00
parent dd28a852dc
commit cc87d28985
3 changed files with 460 additions and 156 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 60_Watches: control buttons,new attr hideButtons, controlButtonSize
some more changes according PBP
- bugfix: 73_AutoShuttersControl: change from %k to %H for better compability
with Strawberry Perl on Windows
fix Github #82

View File

@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ BEGIN {
@ -72,6 +75,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.27.0" => "12.08.2020 control buttons, new attr hideButtons, controlButtonSize, some more changes according PBP".
"fix Random triggering of alarm or random time display at start / resume ",
"0.26.0" => "01.08.2020 add attr timeAsReading -> write into reading 'currtime' if time is displayed, ".
"add \$readingFnAttributes, set release_status to stable ",
"0.25.0" => "03.06.2020 set reading 'stoptime' in type 'stopwatch' ",
@ -108,6 +113,32 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.1.0" => "13.11.2018 initial Version with modern analog clock"
my %hcb = ( # Hash der Steuertastendefinition
1 => {cmd => "start", img => "default/remotecontrol/black_btn_GREEN.png", },
2 => {cmd => "stop", img => "default/remotecontrol/black_btn_RED.png", },
3 => {cmd => "resume", img => "default/remotecontrol/black_btn_YELLOW.png", },
4 => {cmd => "reset", img => "default/remotecontrol/black_btn_STOP.png", },
my %hset = ( # Hash der Set-Werte
staticwatch => {set => "time" },
stopwatch => {set => "alarmSet alarmDel:noArg reset:noArg resume:noArg start:noArg stop:noArg" },
countdownwatch => {set => "alarmSet alarmDel:noArg reset:noArg resume:noArg start:noArg stop:noArg countDownInit" },
watch => {set => "alarmSet alarmDel:noArg" },
text => {set => "displayTextSet displayTextDel:noArg textTicker:on,off" },
time => {fn => "_setTime" },
reset => {fn => "_setReset" },
textTicker => {fn => "_setTextTicker" },
displayTextDel => {fn => "_setDisplayTextDel" },
displayTextSet => {fn => "_setDisplayTextSet" },
stop => {fn => "_setStop" },
resume => {fn => "_setResume" },
countDownInit => {fn => "_setCountDownInit" },
alarmDel => {fn => "_setAlarmDel" },
alarmSet => {fn => "_setAlarmSet" },
start => {fn => "_setStart" },
# Initialize Funktion
@ -119,7 +150,8 @@ sub Initialize {
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = \&FWebFn;
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = \&FWebFn;
$hash->{AttrFn} = \&Attr;
$hash->{AttrList} = "digitalBorderDistance:slider,0,1,40 ".
$hash->{AttrList} = "controlButtonSize:selectnumbers,50,5,150,0,lin ".
"digitalBorderDistance:slider,0,1,40 ".
"digitalColorBackground:colorpicker ".
"digitalColorDigits:colorpicker ".
"digitalDisplayPattern:countdownwatch,staticwatch,stopwatch,text,watch ".
@ -132,6 +164,7 @@ sub Initialize {
"digitalSegmentWidth:slider,0.3,0.1,3.5,1 ".
"digitalTextDigitNumber ".
"disable:1,0 ".
"hideButtons:1,0 ".
"hideDisplayName:1,0 ".
"htmlattr ".
"modernColorBackground:colorpicker ".
@ -185,9 +218,9 @@ return;
# Set Funktion
# Set Funktion
sub Set { ## no critic 'complexity'
sub Set {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return qq{"set X" needs at least an argument} if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = $a[0];
@ -195,112 +228,251 @@ sub Set { ## no critic 'compl
my $prop = $a[2];
my $prop1 = $a[3];
my $prop2 = $a[4];
my $prop3 = $a[5];
my $addp = AttrVal($name, "digitalDisplayPattern", "watch");
return if(IsDisabled($name));
my $setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ";
$setlist .= "time " if($addp =~ /staticwatch/x);
$setlist .= "alarmSet alarmDel:noArg reset:noArg resume:noArg start:noArg stop:noArg " if($addp =~ /stopwatch|countdownwatch/x);
$setlist .= "countDownInit " if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x);
$setlist .= "alarmSet alarmDel:noArg " if($addp =~ /\bwatch\b/x);
$setlist .= "displayTextSet displayTextDel:noArg textTicker:on,off " if($addp eq "text");
if ($opt eq "start") { ## no critic 'Cascading'
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
my $ms = int(time*1000);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "alarmed", 0) if($addp =~ /stopwatch|countdownwatch/x);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "starttime", $ms);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "started");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "alarmSet") {
$prop = ($prop ne "") ? $prop : 70; # Stunden
$prop1 = ($prop1 ne "") ? $prop1 : 70; # Minuten
$prop2 = ($prop2 ne "") ? $prop2 : 70; # Sekunden
return qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13".} if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
my $at = sprintf("%02d",$prop).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop1).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop2);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmed", 0, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmTime", $at, 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "alarmDel") {
delReadings ($name, "alarmTime");
delReadings ($name, "alarmed");
} elsif ($opt eq "countDownInit") {
my $ct;
if($prop && $prop1) { # Format: hh mm ss
$prop2 = ($prop2 ne "") ? $prop2 : 70; # Sekunden
return qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13" \nor alternatively only one entry in seconds.} if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
$ct = $prop*3600 + $prop1*60 + $prop2; # in Sekunden umgewandelt !
} elsif ($prop && !$prop1) { # Format: Sekundenangabe
$ct = $prop;
} else {
return qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13" \nor alternatively only one entry in seconds.};
delReadings ($name, "countInitVal");
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "countInitVal", $ct);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "initialized");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "resume") {
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
my $ms = int(time*1000);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "starttime", $ms, 0);
return if(ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") eq "started");
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "resumed", 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "stop") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "stopped", 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "displayTextSet") {
shift @a; shift @a;
my $txt = join (" ", @a);
$txt =~ s/[\r\n]//gx;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayText", $txt, 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "displayTextDel") {
delReadings ($name, "displayText");
} elsif ($opt eq "textTicker") {
if($prop eq "on") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayTextTicker", "on", 1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayTextTicker", "off", 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "reset") {
delReadings ($name);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "initialized", 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "time") {
return qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13".} if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "hour", $prop);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "minute", $prop1);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "second", $prop2);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
my $addp = AttrVal($name, "digitalDisplayPattern", "watch");
if (!$hset{$addp}) {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - ERROR - The attribute 'digitalDisplayPattern' value '$addp' is not known by module '$hash->{TYPE}'");
my $setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ";
$setlist .= "$hset{$addp}{set} ";
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
opt => $opt,
prop => $prop,
prop1 => $prop1,
prop2 => $prop2,
addp => $addp,
aref => \@a,
no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict'
if($hset{$opt}) {
my $ret = "";
$ret = &{$hset{$opt}{fn}} ($params) if(defined &{$hset{$opt}{fn}});
return $ret;
use strict "refs";
return $setlist;
# Setter start
sub _setStart { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $addp = $paref->{addp};
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
my $ms = int(time*1000);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "alarmed", 0) if($addp =~ /stopwatch|countdownwatch/x);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "starttime", $ms);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "started");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
# Setter alarmSet
sub _setAlarmSet { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // 70;
my $prop1 = $paref->{prop1} // 70;
my $prop2 = $paref->{prop2} // 70;
my $msg = qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13".};
return $msg if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
my $at = sprintf("%02d",$prop).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop1).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop2);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmed", 0, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmTime", $at, 1);
# Setter alarmDel
sub _setAlarmDel { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
delReadings ($name, "alarmTime");
delReadings ($name, "alarmed");
# Setter countDownInit
sub _setCountDownInit { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = $paref->{prop};
my $prop1 = $paref->{prop1};
my $prop2 = $paref->{prop2};
my $ct;
my $msg = qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13" \nor alternatively only one entry in seconds.};
if($prop && $prop1) { # Format: hh mm ss
$prop2 = defined $prop2 ? $prop2 : 70; # Sekunden
return $msg if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
$ct = $prop*3600 + $prop1*60 + $prop2; # in Sekunden umgewandelt !
} elsif ($prop && !$prop1) { # Format: Sekundenangabe
$ct = $prop;
} else {
return "$setlist";
return $msg;
delReadings ($name, "countInitVal");
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "countInitVal", $ct );
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "initialized");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
# Setter resume
sub _setResume { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $addp = $paref->{addp};
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
return if(ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") eq "started");
my $ms = int(time*1000);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "starttime", $ms, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "resumed", 1);
# Setter stop
sub _setStop { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "stopped", 1);
# Setter displayTextSet
sub _setDisplayTextSet { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $aref = $paref->{aref};
my @a = @$aref;
shift @a; shift @a;
my $txt = join (" ", @a);
$txt =~ s/[\r\n]//gx;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayText", $txt, 1);
# Setter displayTextDel
sub _setDisplayTextDel { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
delReadings ($name, "displayText");
# Setter textTicker
sub _setTextTicker { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $prop = $paref->{prop};
if($prop eq "on") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayTextTicker", "on", 1);
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "displayTextTicker", "off", 1);
# Setter reset
sub _setReset { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
delReadings ($name);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "initialized", 1);
# Setter time
sub _setTime { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = sprintf("%0d", $paref->{prop} // 0);
my $prop1 = sprintf("%0d", $paref->{prop1} // 0);
my $prop2 = sprintf("%0d", $paref->{prop2} // 0);
my $msg = qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13"};
return $msg if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "hour", $prop);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "minute", $prop1);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "second", $prop2);
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
@ -401,7 +573,57 @@ sub FWebFn {
$ret .= stationWatch($d) if($hash->{MODEL} =~ /station/ix);
$ret .= digitalWatch($d) if($hash->{MODEL} =~ /digital/ix);
my $ddp = AttrVal($d, "digitalDisplayPattern", ""); # Steuertastenpaneel
my $hb = AttrVal($d, "hideButtons", 0);
if($ddp =~ /countdownwatch|stopwatch/x && !$hb) {
$ret .= controlPanel ($d);
return $ret;
# Paneel für Stoppuhr Steuertasten
sub controlPanel {
my $name = shift;
my $pbs = AttrVal($name,"controlButtonSize", 100); # Größe der Druckbuttons in %
my $iconpath = "www/images";
my $ttjs = "/fhem/pgm2/sscam_tooltip.js";
my $ret = "";
$ret .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$ttjs\"></script>";
$ret .= "<style>TD.controlv1 { padding: 3px 3px; } </style>";
$ret .= "<style>TD.controlv2 { padding: 8px 8px; } </style>";
$ret .= "<style>.defsize { font-size:16px; } </style>";
$ret .= '<table class="defsize">';
$ret .= "<tr>";
for my $btn (sort keys %hcb) {
my $cmd = $hcb{$btn}{cmd};
my $img = $hcb{$btn}{img};
next if(!$cmd || !$img);
$ret .= "<td class='controlv1'>" if($pbs <= 100);
$ret .= "<td class='controlv2'>" if($pbs >= 105);
if ($img =~ m/\.svg/x) { # Verwendung für SVG's
$img = FW_makeImage($img, $cmd, "rc-button");
} else { # $FW_ME = URL-Pfad unter dem der FHEMWEB-Server via HTTP erreichbar ist, z.B. /fhem
$img = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/$iconpath/$img\" height=\"$pbs%\" width=\"$pbs%\">";
my $cmd1 = "FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name $cmd')"; # $FW_subdir = Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"$cmd1\" onmouseover=\"Tip('$cmd')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">$img</a>";
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
@ -515,7 +737,9 @@ sub digitalWatch {
var zmodulo_$d = 0; // Hilfszähler
var showCurrTime_$d = '$showct'; // Reading currtime schreiben oder nicht
var distBorderright_$d = '$bdist'; // Abstand zum rechten Rand
var distBorderleft_$d = '$bdist'; // Abstand zum linken Rand
var distBorderleft_$d = '$bdist'; // Abstand zum linken Rand
var asydone1_$d = 0; // Statusbit dass asynchrone Datenkommunikation stattgefunden hat
var asydone2_$d = 0; // Statusbit dass asynchrone Datenkommunikation stattgefunden hat
var allowSetStopTime; // erlaube / verbiete Setzen Reading stoptime
function SegmentDisplay_$d(displayId_$d) {
@ -1203,8 +1427,8 @@ sub digitalWatch {
checkAndDoAlm_$d ('$d', acttime_$d, almtime0_$d);
setrcurrtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d); // Reading currtime mit angezeigter Zeit setzen
setrcurrtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d); // Reading currtime mit angezeigter Zeit setzen
if (watchkind_$d == 'staticwatch') {
@ -1232,19 +1456,20 @@ sub digitalWatch {
url_$d = makeCommand(command);
\$.get( url_$d, function (data) {
almtime0_$d = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
zmodulo_$d = modulo2_$d;
zmodulo_$d = modulo2_$d;
return (almtime0_$d, zmodulo_$d);
// == Startzeit für CountDown ==
// == Startzeit ==
command = '{ReadingsNum("$d","starttime", 0)}';
url_$d = makeCommand(command);
\$.get( url_$d, function (data) {
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
st_$d = parseInt(data);
return st_$d;
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
st_$d = parseInt(data);
asydone1_$d = 1;
return (st_$d, asydone1_$d);
@ -1272,11 +1497,19 @@ sub digitalWatch {
ddt_$d = buildtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d);
checkAndDoAlm_$d ('$d', ddt_$d, almtime0_$d); // Alarm auslösen wenn zutreffend
if(asydone1_$d == 1) { // vermeidet zufällige Alarmierung bei start / resume
checkAndDoAlm_$d ('$d', ddt_$d, almtime0_$d); // Alarm auslösen wenn zutreffend
localStoreSet_$d (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d, NaN);
setrcurrtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d); // Reading currtime mit angezeigter Zeit setzen
if(asydone1_$d == 0) { // vermeidet zufällige Zeitanzeige bei start / resume
hours_$d = 'NaN';
minutes_$d = 'NaN';
seconds_$d = 'NaN';
if (state_$d == 'stopped') {
@ -1296,6 +1529,8 @@ sub digitalWatch {
localStoreSet_$d (NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, 0); // set Reading stoptime verbieten
asydone1_$d = 0;
if (state_$d == 'initialized') {
@ -1304,7 +1539,9 @@ sub digitalWatch {
seconds_$d = 0;
localStoreSet_$d (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d);
localStoreSetLastalm_$d ('$d', 'NaN'); // letzte Alarmzeit zurücksetzen
localStoreSetLastalm_$d ('$d', 'NaN'); // letzte Alarmzeit zurücksetzen
asydone1_$d = 0;
@ -1351,25 +1588,26 @@ sub digitalWatch {
command = '{ReadingsNum("$d","starttime", 0)}';
url_$d = makeCommand(command);
\$.get( url_$d, function (data) {
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
st_$d = parseInt(data);
return st_$d;
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
st_$d = parseInt(data);
asydone1_$d = 1;
return (st_$d, asydone1_$d);
startDate_$d = new Date(st_$d);
// aktueller Timestamp in Millisekunden
command = '{ int(time*1000) }';
url_$d = makeCommand(command);
\$.get( url_$d, function (data) {
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
ct_$d = parseInt(data);
return ct_$d;
data = data.replace(/\\n/g, '');
ct_$d = parseInt(data);
asydone2_$d = 1;
return (ct_$d, asydone2_$d);
currDate_$d = new Date(ct_$d);
elapsesec_$d = (currDate_$d.getTime() - startDate_$d.getTime())/1000; // vergangene Millisekunden in Sekunden umrechnen
if (state_$d == 'started' && elapsesec_$d <= 5) {
@ -1378,7 +1616,7 @@ sub digitalWatch {
// == Countdown errechnen ==
countcurr_$d = parseInt(countInitVal_$d) - parseInt(elapsesec_$d);
//log("countcurr_$d: "+countcurr_$d);
//log("countInitVal_$d: "+countInitVal_$d+", elapsesec_$d"+elapsesec_$d+", countcurr_$d: "+countcurr_$d);
hours_$d = parseInt(countcurr_$d / 3600);
countcurr_$d -= hours_$d * 3600;
@ -1387,11 +1625,23 @@ sub digitalWatch {
if (countcurr_$d >= 0) {
ddt_$d = buildtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d);
checkAndDoAlm_$d ('$d', ddt_$d, almtime0_$d); // Alarm auslösen wenn zutreffend
if(asydone1_$d == 1 && asydone2_$d == 1) { // vermeidet zufällige Alarmierung bei start / resume
checkAndDoAlm_$d ('$d', ddt_$d, almtime0_$d); // Alarm auslösen wenn zutreffend
localStoreSet_$d (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d, NaN);
} else {
hours_$d = 0;
minutes_$d = 0;
seconds_$d = 0;
setrcurrtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d); // Reading currtime mit angezeigter Zeit setzen
if(asydone1_$d == 0 && asydone2_$d == 0) { // vermeidet zufällige Zeitanzeige bei start / resume
hours_$d = 'NaN';
minutes_$d = 'NaN';
seconds_$d = 'NaN';
setrcurrtime (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d); // Reading currtime mit angezeigter Zeit setzen
if (state_$d == 'stopped') {
@ -1401,6 +1651,9 @@ sub digitalWatch {
pastsumsec_$d = parseInt(hours_$d*3600) + parseInt(minutes_$d*60) + parseInt(seconds_$d);
localStoreSet_$d (NaN, NaN, NaN, pastsumsec_$d);
asydone1_$d = 0;
asydone2_$d = 0;
if (state_$d == 'initialized') {
@ -1410,11 +1663,14 @@ sub digitalWatch {
localStoreSet_$d (hours_$d, minutes_$d, seconds_$d);
localStoreSetLastalm_$d ('$d', 'NaN'); // letzte Alarmzeit zurücksetzen
asydone1_$d = 0;
asydone2_$d = 0;
if (watchkind_$d == 'text') {
tlength_$d = digitxt_$d.length; // Länge des Textes
tlength_$d = digitxt_$d.length; // Länge des Textes
if($adtdn > 0) {
tlength_$d = $adtdn;
@ -2583,18 +2839,30 @@ As time source the client (browser time) as well as the FHEM server can be set
<a name="WatchesAttr"></a>
<a name="controlButtonSize"></a>
Changes the size of the control buttons if the clock type has control buttons.
<a name="disable"></a>
Activates/deactivates the Device.
<a name="hideButtons"></a>
Hides the control buttons if the watch type has control buttons.
<a name="hideDisplayName"></a>
Hides the Device/Alias name (link to detail view).
@ -3009,12 +3277,24 @@ Als Zeitquelle können sowohl der Client (Browserzeit) als auch der FHEM-Server
<a name="controlButtonSize"></a>
Ändert die Größe der Steuerdrucktasten sofern der Uhrentyp über Steuerdrucktasten verfügt.
<a name="disable"></a>
Aktiviert/deaktiviert das Device.
<a name="hideButtons"></a>
Verbirgt die Steuerdrucktasten sofern der Uhrentyp über Steuerdrucktasten verfügt.
<a name="hideDisplayName"></a>
Verbirgt den Device/Alias-Namen (Link zur Detailansicht).

View File

@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ my %hset = ( #
resume => {fn => "_setResume" },
countDownInit => {fn => "_setCountDownInit" },
alarmDel => {fn => "_setAlarmDel" },
alarmSet => {fn => "_setAlarmSet" },
start => {fn => "_setStart" },
@ -216,9 +218,9 @@ return;
# Set Funktion
# Set Funktion
sub Set { ## no critic 'complexity'
sub Set {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return qq{"set X" needs at least an argument} if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = $a[0];
@ -255,33 +257,53 @@ sub Set { ## no critic 'compl
$ret = &{$hset{$opt}{fn}} ($params) if(defined &{$hset{$opt}{fn}});
return $ret;
use strict "refs";
use strict "refs";
if ($opt eq "start") { ## no critic 'Cascading'
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
return $setlist;
# Setter start
sub _setStart { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $addp = $paref->{addp};
return qq{Please set "countDownInit" before !} if($addp =~ /countdownwatch/x && !ReadingsVal($name, "countInitVal", ""));
my $ms = int(time*1000);
my $ms = int(time*1000);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "alarmed", 0) if($addp =~ /stopwatch|countdownwatch/x);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "starttime", $ms);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "started");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "alarmSet") {
$prop = ($prop ne "") ? $prop : 70; # Stunden
$prop1 = ($prop1 ne "") ? $prop1 : 70; # Minuten
$prop2 = ($prop2 ne "") ? $prop2 : 70; # Sekunden
return qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13".} if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
my $at = sprintf("%02d",$prop).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop1).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop2);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmed", 0, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmTime", $at, 1);
} else {
return "$setlist";
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "alarmed", 0) if($addp =~ /stopwatch|countdownwatch/x);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "starttime", $ms);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "started");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
# Setter alarmSet
sub _setAlarmSet { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // 70;
my $prop1 = $paref->{prop1} // 70;
my $prop2 = $paref->{prop2} // 70;
my $msg = qq{The value for "$opt" is invalid. Use parameter "hh mm ss" like "19 45 13".};
return $msg if($prop>23 || $prop1>59 || $prop2>59);
my $at = sprintf("%02d",$prop).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop1).":".sprintf("%02d",$prop2);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmed", 0, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "alarmTime", $at, 1);