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fixed: documentation for commandref

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betateilchen 2013-08-02 16:19:49 +00:00
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commit cadb7a8145

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@ -1,359 +1,359 @@
# $Id: EGPM2LAN.pm 2891 2013-07-15 19:12:50Z alexus $
# based / modified Version 98_EGPMS2LAN from ericl
# (c) 2013 Copyright: Alex Storny (moselking at arcor dot de)
# All rights reserved
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# -> Module 70_EGPM.pm (for a single Socket) needed.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Clients} = ":EGPM:";
$hash->{SetFn} = "EGPM2LAN_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "EGPM2LAN_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 stateDisplay:sockNumber,sockName autocreate:on,off";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of on:1,2,3,4,all off:1,2,3,4,all toggle:1,2,3,4 clearreadings statusrequest" if($a[1] eq "?");
my $name = shift @a;
my $setcommand = shift @a;
my $params = join(" ", @a);
my $logLevel = GetLogLevel($name,4);
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN set $name (". $hash->{IP}. ") $setcommand $params";
EGPM2LAN_Login($hash, $logLevel);
if($setcommand eq "on" || $setcommand eq "off")
if($params eq "all")
{ #switch all Sockets; thanks to eric!
for (my $count = 1; $count <= 4; $count++)
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $setcommand, $count, $logLevel);
{ #switch single Socket
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $setcommand, $params, $logLevel);
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "toggle")
my $currentstate = EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
my @powerstates = split(",", $currentstate);
my $newcommand="off";
if($powerstates[$params-1] eq "0")
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $newcommand, $params, $logLevel);
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "statusrequest")
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "clearreadings")
delete $hash->{READINGS};
return "unknown argument $setcommand, choose one of on, off, toggle, statusrequest, clearreadings";
EGPM2LAN_Logoff($hash, $logLevel);
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $setcommand;
$hash->{READINGS}{lastcommand}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{lastcommand}{VAL} = $setcommand." ".$params;
return undef;
sub EGPM2LAN_Switch($$$$) {
my ($hash, $state, $port, $logLevel) = @_;
$state = ($state eq "on" ? "1" : "0");
my $fritz = 0; #may be important for FritzBox-users
my $data = "cte1=" . ($port == "1" ? $state : "") . "&cte2=" . ($port == "2" ? $state : "") . "&cte3=" . ($port == "3" ? $state : "") . "&cte4=". ($port == "4" ? $state : "");
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN $data";
eval {
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash ,"http://".$hash->{IP}."/",10 ,$data ,$fritz ,$logLevel);
if ($@){
### catch block
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN error: $@";
return 1;
sub EGPM2LAN_Login($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
Log $logLevel,"EGPM2LAN try to Login @".$hash->{IP};
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/login.html", 10, "pw=" . (defined($hash->{PASSWORD}) ? $hash->{PASSWORD} : ""), 0, $logLevel);
if ($@){
### catch block
Log 1, "EGPM2LAN Login error: $@";
return 0;
Log $logLevel,"EGPM2LAN Login successful!";
return 1;
sub EGPM2LAN_GetDeviceInfo($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my $logLevel = GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME},4);
#try to read Device Name
my ($devicename) = $input =~ m/<h2>(.+)<\/h2><\/div>/si;
$hash->{DEVICENAME} = trim($devicename);
#try to read Socket Names
my @socketlist;
while ($input =~ m/<h2 class=\"ener\">(.+?)<\/h2>/gi)
my $socketname = trim($1);
$socketname =~ s/ /_/g; #remove spaces
push(@socketlist, $socketname);
#check 4 dublicate Names
my %seen;
foreach my $entry (@socketlist)
next unless $seen{$entry}++;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN Sorry! Can't use devicenames. ".trim($entry)." is duplicated.";
@socketlist = qw(Socket_1 Socket_2 Socket_3 Socket_4);
if(int(@socketlist) < 4)
@socketlist = qw(Socket_1 Socket_2 Socket_3 Socket_4);
return @socketlist;
sub EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $response = CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/", 10, undef, 0, $logLevel);
#Log 1,$response;
if(defined($response) && $response =~ /.,.,.,./)
my $powerstatestring = $&;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN Powerstate: " . $powerstatestring;
my @powerstates = split(",", $powerstatestring);
if(int(@powerstates) == 4)
my $index;
my $newstatestring;
my @socketlist = EGPM2LAN_GetDeviceInfo($hash,$response);
foreach my $powerstate (@powerstates)
if(AttrVal($name, "stateDisplay", "sockNumber") eq "sockName") {
$newstatestring .= $socketlist[$index-1].": ".($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off")." ";
} else {
$newstatestring .= $index.": ".($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off")." ";
#Create Socket-Object if not available
my $defptr = $modules{EGPM}{defptr}{$name.$index};
if(AttrVal($name, "autocreate", "on") eq "on" && not defined($defptr))
if(Value("autocreate") eq "active")
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Autocreate EGPM for Socket $index";
CommandDefine(undef, $name."_".$socketlist[$index-1]." EGPM $name $index");
Log 2, "EGPM2LAN: Autocreate disabled in globals section";
$attr{$name}{autocreate} = "off";
#Write state 2 related Socket-Object
if (defined($defptr))
Log $logLevel, "Update State of ".$defptr->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($defptr, "state", ($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off") ,0);
$defptr->{DEVICENAME} = $hash->{DEVICENAME};
$defptr->{SOCKETNAME} = $socketlist[$index-1];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $index."_".$socketlist[$index-1], ($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off"));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $newstatestring);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 0);
#everything is fine
return $powerstatestring;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Failed to parse powerstate";
$hash->{STATE} = "Login failed";
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Login failed";
#something went wrong :-(
return undef;
sub EGPM2LAN_Logoff($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/login.html", 10, undef, 0, $logLevel);
return 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> EGPM2LAN IP Password";
return $u if(int(@a) < 2);
$hash->{IP} = $a[2];
if(int(@a) == 4)
$hash->{PASSWORD} = $a[3];
$hash->{PASSWORD} = "";
my $result = EGPM2LAN_Login($hash, 3);
if($result == 1)
#delayed auto-create
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 3, "EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest", $hash, 4);
EGPM2LAN_Logoff($hash, 4);
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="EGPM2LAN"></a>
<a name="EGPM2LANdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; EGPM2LAN &lt;IP-Address&gt; [&lt;Password&gt;]</code><br>
Creates a Gembird &reg; <a href="http://energenie.com/item.aspx?id=7557" >Energenie EG-PM2-LAN</a> device to switch up to 4 sockets over the network.
If you have more than one device, it is helpful to connect and set names for your sockets over the web-interface first.
The name settings will be adopted to FHEM and helps you to identify the sockets. Please make sure that you&acute;re logged off from the Energenie web-interface otherwise you can&acute;t control it with FHEM at the same time.
<a name="EGPM2LANset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;[on|off|toggle]&gt &lt;socketnr.&gt;</code><br>
Switch the socket on or off.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;[on|off]&gt &lt;all&gt;</code><br>
Switch all available sockets on or off.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;staterequest&gt;</code><br>
Update the device information and the state of all sockets.<br>
If <a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a> is enabled, an <a href="#EGPM">EGPM</a> device will be created for each socket.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;clearreadings&gt;</code><br>
Removes all readings from the list to get rid of old socketnames.
<a name="EGPM2LANget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="EGPM2LANattr"></a>
Default: <b>socketNumer</b> changes between <b>socketNumer</b> and <b>socketName</b> in front of the current state. Call <b>set statusrequest</b> to update all states.
Default: <b>on</b> <a href="#EGPM">EGPM</a>-devices will be created automatically with a <b>set</b>-command.
Change this attribute to value <b>off</b> to avoid that mechanism.
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<code>define mainswitch EGPM2LAN SecretGarden</code><br>
<code>set mainswitch on 1</code><br>
=end html
# $Id: EGPM2LAN.pm 2891 2013-07-15 19:12:50Z alexus $
# based / modified Version 98_EGPMS2LAN from ericl
# (c) 2013 Copyright: Alex Storny (moselking at arcor dot de)
# All rights reserved
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# -> Module 70_EGPM.pm (for a single Socket) needed.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HttpUtils;
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Clients} = ":EGPM:";
$hash->{SetFn} = "EGPM2LAN_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "EGPM2LAN_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 stateDisplay:sockNumber,sockName autocreate:on,off";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of on:1,2,3,4,all off:1,2,3,4,all toggle:1,2,3,4 clearreadings statusrequest" if($a[1] eq "?");
my $name = shift @a;
my $setcommand = shift @a;
my $params = join(" ", @a);
my $logLevel = GetLogLevel($name,4);
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN set $name (". $hash->{IP}. ") $setcommand $params";
EGPM2LAN_Login($hash, $logLevel);
if($setcommand eq "on" || $setcommand eq "off")
if($params eq "all")
{ #switch all Sockets; thanks to eric!
for (my $count = 1; $count <= 4; $count++)
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $setcommand, $count, $logLevel);
{ #switch single Socket
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $setcommand, $params, $logLevel);
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "toggle")
my $currentstate = EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
my @powerstates = split(",", $currentstate);
my $newcommand="off";
if($powerstates[$params-1] eq "0")
EGPM2LAN_Switch($hash, $newcommand, $params, $logLevel);
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "statusrequest")
EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($hash, $logLevel);
elsif($setcommand eq "clearreadings")
delete $hash->{READINGS};
return "unknown argument $setcommand, choose one of on, off, toggle, statusrequest, clearreadings";
EGPM2LAN_Logoff($hash, $logLevel);
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $setcommand;
$hash->{READINGS}{lastcommand}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{lastcommand}{VAL} = $setcommand." ".$params;
return undef;
sub EGPM2LAN_Switch($$$$) {
my ($hash, $state, $port, $logLevel) = @_;
$state = ($state eq "on" ? "1" : "0");
my $fritz = 0; #may be important for FritzBox-users
my $data = "cte1=" . ($port == "1" ? $state : "") . "&cte2=" . ($port == "2" ? $state : "") . "&cte3=" . ($port == "3" ? $state : "") . "&cte4=". ($port == "4" ? $state : "");
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN $data";
eval {
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash ,"http://".$hash->{IP}."/",10 ,$data ,$fritz ,$logLevel);
if ($@){
### catch block
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN error: $@";
return 1;
sub EGPM2LAN_Login($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
Log $logLevel,"EGPM2LAN try to Login @".$hash->{IP};
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/login.html", 10, "pw=" . (defined($hash->{PASSWORD}) ? $hash->{PASSWORD} : ""), 0, $logLevel);
if ($@){
### catch block
Log 1, "EGPM2LAN Login error: $@";
return 0;
Log $logLevel,"EGPM2LAN Login successful!";
return 1;
sub EGPM2LAN_GetDeviceInfo($$) {
my ($hash, $input) = @_;
my $logLevel = GetLogLevel($hash->{NAME},4);
#try to read Device Name
my ($devicename) = $input =~ m/<h2>(.+)<\/h2><\/div>/si;
$hash->{DEVICENAME} = trim($devicename);
#try to read Socket Names
my @socketlist;
while ($input =~ m/<h2 class=\"ener\">(.+?)<\/h2>/gi)
my $socketname = trim($1);
$socketname =~ s/ /_/g; #remove spaces
push(@socketlist, $socketname);
#check 4 dublicate Names
my %seen;
foreach my $entry (@socketlist)
next unless $seen{$entry}++;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN Sorry! Can't use devicenames. ".trim($entry)." is duplicated.";
@socketlist = qw(Socket_1 Socket_2 Socket_3 Socket_4);
if(int(@socketlist) < 4)
@socketlist = qw(Socket_1 Socket_2 Socket_3 Socket_4);
return @socketlist;
sub EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $response = CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/", 10, undef, 0, $logLevel);
#Log 1,$response;
if(defined($response) && $response =~ /.,.,.,./)
my $powerstatestring = $&;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN Powerstate: " . $powerstatestring;
my @powerstates = split(",", $powerstatestring);
if(int(@powerstates) == 4)
my $index;
my $newstatestring;
my @socketlist = EGPM2LAN_GetDeviceInfo($hash,$response);
foreach my $powerstate (@powerstates)
if(AttrVal($name, "stateDisplay", "sockNumber") eq "sockName") {
$newstatestring .= $socketlist[$index-1].": ".($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off")." ";
} else {
$newstatestring .= $index.": ".($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off")." ";
#Create Socket-Object if not available
my $defptr = $modules{EGPM}{defptr}{$name.$index};
if(AttrVal($name, "autocreate", "on") eq "on" && not defined($defptr))
if(Value("autocreate") eq "active")
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Autocreate EGPM for Socket $index";
CommandDefine(undef, $name."_".$socketlist[$index-1]." EGPM $name $index");
Log 2, "EGPM2LAN: Autocreate disabled in globals section";
$attr{$name}{autocreate} = "off";
#Write state 2 related Socket-Object
if (defined($defptr))
Log $logLevel, "Update State of ".$defptr->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($defptr, "state", ($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off") ,0);
$defptr->{DEVICENAME} = $hash->{DEVICENAME};
$defptr->{SOCKETNAME} = $socketlist[$index-1];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $index."_".$socketlist[$index-1], ($powerstates[$index-1] ? "on" : "off"));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $newstatestring);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 0);
#everything is fine
return $powerstatestring;
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Failed to parse powerstate";
$hash->{STATE} = "Login failed";
Log $logLevel, "EGPM2LAN: Login failed";
#something went wrong :-(
return undef;
sub EGPM2LAN_Logoff($$) {
my ($hash, $logLevel) = @_;
CustomGetFileFromURL($hash, "http://".$hash->{IP}."/login.html", 10, undef, 0, $logLevel);
return 1;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> EGPM2LAN IP Password";
return $u if(int(@a) < 2);
$hash->{IP} = $a[2];
if(int(@a) == 4)
$hash->{PASSWORD} = $a[3];
$hash->{PASSWORD} = "";
my $result = EGPM2LAN_Login($hash, 3);
if($result == 1)
#delayed auto-create
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ 3, "EGPM2LAN_Statusrequest", $hash, 4);
EGPM2LAN_Logoff($hash, 4);
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
return undef;
=begin html
<a name="EGPM2LAN"></a>
<a name="EGPM2LANdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; EGPM2LAN &lt;IP-Address&gt; [&lt;Password&gt;]</code><br>
Creates a Gembird &reg; <a href="http://energenie.com/item.aspx?id=7557" >Energenie EG-PM2-LAN</a> device to switch up to 4 sockets over the network.
If you have more than one device, it is helpful to connect and set names for your sockets over the web-interface first.
The name settings will be adopted to FHEM and helps you to identify the sockets. Please make sure that you&acute;re logged off from the Energenie web-interface otherwise you can&acute;t control it with FHEM at the same time.
<a name="EGPM2LANset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;[on|off|toggle]&gt &lt;socketnr.&gt;</code><br>
Switch the socket on or off.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;[on|off]&gt &lt;all&gt;</code><br>
Switch all available sockets on or off.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;staterequest&gt;</code><br>
Update the device information and the state of all sockets.<br>
If <a href="#autocreate">autocreate</a> is enabled, an <a href="#EGPM">EGPM</a> device will be created for each socket.<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;clearreadings&gt;</code><br>
Removes all readings from the list to get rid of old socketnames.
<a name="EGPM2LANget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="EGPM2LANattr"></a>
Default: <b>socketNumer</b> changes between <b>socketNumer</b> and <b>socketName</b> in front of the current state. Call <b>set statusrequest</b> to update all states.
Default: <b>on</b> <a href="#EGPM">EGPM</a>-devices will be created automatically with a <b>set</b>-command.
Change this attribute to value <b>off</b> to avoid that mechanism.
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<code>define mainswitch EGPM2LAN SecretGarden</code><br>
<code>set mainswitch on 1</code><br>
=end html