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76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.34.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29187 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-10-03 15:05:17 +00:00
parent d48863e633
commit c7510eb9f0

View File

@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.80.16"=> "26.07.2023 new consumer type noSchedule, expand maxconsumer to 16, minor changes/fixes ",
"0.80.15"=> "24.07.2023 new sub getDebug, new key switchdev in consumer attributes, change Debug consumtion ".
"reorg data in pvHistory when a hour of day was deleted ",
"0.80.14"=> "21.07.2023 __substConsumerIcon: use isConsumerLogOn instead of isConsumerPhysOn ",
"0.80.14"=> "21.07.2023 __substituteIcon: use isConsumerLogOn instead of isConsumerPhysOn ",
"0.80.13"=> "18.07.2023 include parameter DoN in nextHours hash, new KPI's todayConForecastTillSunset, currentRunMtsConsumer_XX ".
"minor fixes and improvements ",
"0.80.12"=> "16.07.2023 preparation for alternative switch device in consumer attribute, revise CommandRef ".
@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ my $b4fontcoldef = '000000';
my $fgCDdef = 130; # Abstand Verbrauchericons zueinander
my $prodicondef = 'sani_garden_pump'; # default Producer-Icon
my $consicondef = 'light_light_dim_100'; # default Consumer-Icon
my $bPath = 'https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/SolarForecast/'; # Basispfad Abruf contrib SolarForecast Files
my $pPath = '?format=txt'; # Download Format
@ -5658,6 +5659,8 @@ sub _attrOtherProducer { ## no critic "not used"
__delProducerValues ($paref);
delete $paref->{prn};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{'iconp'.$prn};
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+0.5, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask', [$name, 0], 0);
InternalTimer (gettimeofday() + 2, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::createAssociatedWith', $hash, 0);
@ -7173,9 +7176,7 @@ sub _collectAllRegConsumers {
$interruptable = $hc->{interruptable};
($interruptable,$hyst) = $interruptable =~ /(.*):(.*)$/xs if($interruptable ne '1');
delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunriseshift};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunsetshift};
my ($riseshift, $setshift);
if (exists $hc->{mintime}) { # Check Regex
@ -7193,6 +7194,10 @@ sub _collectAllRegConsumers {
$clt = $hc->{locktime};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunriseshift};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunsetshift};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{icon};
my $rauto = $hc->{auto} // q{};
my $ctype = $hc->{type} // $defctype;
@ -7203,7 +7208,6 @@ sub _collectAllRegConsumers {
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{avgenergy} = q{}; # Initialwert Energieverbrauch (evtl. Überschreiben in manageConsumerData)
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{mintime} = $hc->{mintime} // $hef{$ctype}{mt}; # Initialwert min. Einplanungsdauer (evtl. Überschreiben in manageConsumerData)
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{mode} = $hc->{mode} // $defcmode; # Planungsmode des Verbrauchers
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{icon} = $hc->{icon} // q{}; # Icon für den Verbraucher
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{oncom} = $hc->{on} // q{}; # Setter Einschaltkommando
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{offcom} = $hc->{off} // q{}; # Setter Ausschaltkommando
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{dswitch} = $dswitch; # Switchdevice zur Kommandoausführung
@ -7234,8 +7238,9 @@ sub _collectAllRegConsumers {
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{spignorecondregex} = $spignorecondregex // q{}; # Regex der Ignore Bedingung
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{interruptable} = $interruptable; # Ein-Zustand des Verbrauchers ist unterbrechbar
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{hysteresis} = $hyst // $defhyst; # Hysterese
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunriseshift} = $riseshift if(defined $riseshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenaufgang bei SunPath Verwendung
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunsetshift} = $setshift if(defined $setshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenuntergang bei SunPath Verwendung
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunriseshift} = $riseshift if(defined $riseshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenaufgang bei SunPath Verwendung
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunsetshift} = $setshift if(defined $setshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenuntergang bei SunPath Verwendung
$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{icon} = $hc->{icon} if(defined $hc->{icon}); # Icon für den Verbraucher
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerCollected} = 1;
@ -8451,7 +8456,7 @@ sub _transferProducerValues {
next if(!$pcread || !$edread);
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{'iconp'.$prn} = $h->{icon} ? $h->{icon} : $prodicondef; # Icon des Producers
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{'iconp'.$prn} = $h->{icon} if($h->{icon}); # Icon des Producers
my $pu = $pcunit =~ /^kW$/xi ? 1000 : 1;
my $p = ReadingsNum ($prdev, $pcread, 0) * $pu; # aktuelle Erzeugung (W)
@ -11794,6 +11799,7 @@ sub entryGraphic {
my $paref = {
name => $name,
hash => $hash,
type => $hash->{TYPE},
ftui => $ftui,
pah => $pah,
@ -13879,6 +13885,7 @@ return $ret;
sub _flowGraphic {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $flowgsize = $paref->{flowgsize};
@ -13894,7 +13901,6 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $hasbat = 1; # initial Batterie vorhanden
my $flowgprods = 1; # Producer in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen per default
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $style = 'width:98%; height:'.$flowgsize.'px;';
my $animation = $flowgani ? '@keyframes dash { to { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }' : ''; # Animation Ja/Nein
my $cgc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Current_GridConsumption', 0);
@ -13924,9 +13930,6 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
$ppall = sprintf("%.0f", $ppall);
$flowgprods = 0 if(!$producercount); # Producer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Producer definiert
## definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
my $consumercount = 0;
@ -13937,9 +13940,7 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
push @consumers, $c;
$consumercount += 1;
$flowgcons = 0 if(!$consumercount); # Consumer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Consumer definiert
## Batterie + Werte festlegen
my $bat_color = $soc < 26 ? 'flowg bat25' :
@ -13959,7 +13960,7 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
$grid_color = 'flowg grid_color3' if(!$cgfi && !$cgc && $batout); # dritte Farbe
my $cgc_direction = 'M490,515 L670,590'; # Batterientladung ins Netz
if ($batout) { # Batterie wird entladen
if ($batout) { # Batterie wird entladen
my $cgfo = $cgfi - $cpv;
if ($cgfo > 1) {
@ -13982,10 +13983,16 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
$batout = $gbi;
## Werte / SteuerungVars anpassen
$flowgcons = 0 if(!$consumercount); # Consumer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Consumer definiert
$flowgprods = 0 if(!$producercount); # Producer Anzeige ausschalten wenn keine Producer definiert
my $p2home = sprintf "%.1f", ($csc + $ppall); # Energiefluß von Sonne zum Haus: Selbstverbrauch + alle Producer
$p2home = sprintf "%.0f", $p2home if($p2home > 10);
## SVG Box initialisieren
my $p2home = $csc + $ppall;
my $sun_color = $cpv ? 'flowg sun_active' : 'flowg sun_inactive';
my $batin_style = $batin ? 'flowg active_in active_bat_in' : 'flowg inactive_out';
my $csc_style = $p2home ? 'flowg active_out' : 'flowg inactive_out';
@ -14065,8 +14072,9 @@ END0
$pos_left = $producer_start + 25;
for my $prnxnum (@producers) {
my $palias = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aliasp'.$prnxnum, 'Producer'.$prnxnum);
my $picon = CurrentVal ($hash, 'iconp'.$prnxnum, $prodicondef); # Icon des Producerdevices
my $palias = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aliasp'.$prnxnum, 'Producer'.$prnxnum);
my $pcurr = CurrentVal ($hash, 'generationp'.$prnxnum, 0);
my $picon = __substituteIcon ({hash => $hash, name => $name, pn => $prnxnum, pcurr => $pcurr}); # Icon des Producerdevices
$ret .= '<g id="producer_'.$prnxnum.'" fill="grey" transform="translate('.$pos_left.',0),scale(0.15)">';
$ret .= "<title>$palias</title>".FW_makeImage($picon, '');
@ -14093,9 +14101,9 @@ END0
$pos_left = $consumer_start + 15;
for my $c (@consumers) {
my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", ""); # Name des Consumerdevices
$currentPower = ReadingsNum ($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
my $cicon = __substConsumerIcon ($hash, $c, $currentPower); # Icon des Consumerdevices
my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", ""); # Name des Consumerdevices
$currentPower = ReadingsNum ($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
my $cicon = __substituteIcon ({hash => $hash, name => $name, cn => $c, pcurr => $currentPower}); # Icon des Consumerdevices
$cc_dummy -= $currentPower;
$ret .= '<g id="consumer_'.$c.'" fill="grey" transform="translate('.$pos_left.',485),scale(0.1)">';
@ -14126,7 +14134,7 @@ END1
if ($flowgconX) { # Dummy Consumer
my $dumcol = $cc_dummy <= 0 ? '@grey' : q{}; # Einfärbung Consumer Dummy
$ret .= '<g id="consumer_X" fill="grey" transform="translate(520,360),scale(0.09)">';
$ret .= "<title>consumer_X</title>".FW_makeImage('light_light_dim_100'.$dumcol, '');
$ret .= "<title>consumer_X</title>".FW_makeImage($consicondef.$dumcol, '');
$ret .= '</g> ';
@ -14174,13 +14182,13 @@ END3
for my $producer (@producers) {
my $power = CurrentVal ($hash, 'generationp'.$producer, 0);
my $ppcurr = CurrentVal ($hash, 'generationp'.$producer, 0);
my $consumer_style = 'flowg inactive_out';
$consumer_style = 'flowg active_out' if($power > 0);
$consumer_style = 'flowg active_out' if($ppcurr > 0);
my $chain_color = ""; # Farbe der Laufkette des Producers
if ($power > 0) {
#$chain_color = 'style="stroke: #'.substr(Color::pahColor(0,50,100,$power,[0,255,0, 127,255,0, 255,255,0, 255,127,0, 255,0,0]),0,6).';"';
if ($ppcurr) {
#$chain_color = 'style="stroke: #'.substr(Color::pahColor(0,50,100,$ppcurr,[0,255,0, 127,255,0, 255,255,0, 255,127,0, 255,0,0]),0,6).';"';
$chain_color = 'style="stroke: darkorange;"';
@ -14232,11 +14240,10 @@ END3
## Textangaben an Grafikelementen
$cc_dummy = sprintf("%.0f", $cc_dummy); # Verbrauch Dummy-Consumer
my $csc_ppall = $csc + $ppall;
$cc_dummy = sprintf("%.0f", $cc_dummy); # Verbrauch Dummy-Consumer
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="pv-txt" x="800" y="320" style="text-anchor: start;">$cpv</text>} if ($cpv);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="bat-txt" x="1110" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$soc %</text>} if ($hasbat); # Lage Text Batterieladungszustand
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="pv_home-txt" x="730" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$csc_ppall</text>} if ($csc_ppall);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="pv_home-txt" x="730" y="520" style="text-anchor: start;">$p2home</text>} if ($p2home);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="pv-grid-txt" x="525" y="420" style="text-anchor: end;">$cgfi</text>} if ($cgfi);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="grid-home-txt" x="515" y="610" style="text-anchor: end;">$cgc</text>} if ($cgc);
$ret .= qq{<text class="flowg text" id="batout-txt" x="880" y="610" style="text-anchor: start;">$batout</text>} if ($batout && $hasbat);
@ -14250,7 +14257,8 @@ END3
$pos_left = ($producer_start * 2) - 50; # -XX -> Start Lage producer Beschriftung
for my $prnxnum (@producers) {
$currentPower = sprintf "%.0f", CurrentVal ($hash, 'generationp'.$prnxnum, 0);
$currentPower = sprintf "%.2f", CurrentVal ($hash, 'generationp'.$prnxnum, 0);
$currentPower = sprintf "%.0f", $currentPower if($currentPower > 10);
# Leistungszahl abhängig von der Größe entsprechend auf der x-Achse verschieben
@ -14301,7 +14309,7 @@ END3
for my $c (@consumers) {
$currentPower = sprintf "%.1f", ReadingsNum($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
$currentPower =~ s/\.0$// if (int($currentPower) > 0); # .0 am Ende interessiert nicht
$currentPower = sprintf "%.0f", $currentPower if($currentPower > 10);
my $consumerTime = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "remainTime", ""); # Restlaufzeit
my $rpcurr = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "rpcurr", ""); # Readingname f. current Power
@ -14361,32 +14369,45 @@ return $ret;
# prüfe ob Verbrauchericon + Farbe angegeben ist
# prüfe ob Icon + Farbe angegeben ist
# und setze ggf. Ersatzwerte
# $c - Consumer Nummer
# $cn - Consumernummer (01...max)
# $pn - Producernummer (01...max)
# $pcurr - aktuelle Leistung / Verbrauch
sub __substConsumerIcon {
my $hash = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $pcurr = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cicon = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "icon", ""); # Icon des Consumerdevices angegeben ?
if (!$cicon) {
$cicon = 'light_light_dim_100';
sub __substituteIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $cn = $paref->{cn};
my $pn = $paref->{pn};
my $pcurr = $paref->{pcurr};
my ($color, $icon);
if ($cn) { # Icon Consumer
$icon = ConsumerVal ($hash, $cn, 'icon', $consicondef);
elsif ($pn) {
$icon = CurrentVal ($hash, 'iconp'.$pn, $prodicondef); # Icon Producer
my $color;
($cicon,$color) = split '@', $cicon;
($icon, $color) = split '@', $icon;
if (!$color) {
$color = isConsumerLogOn ($hash, $c, $pcurr) ? 'darkorange' : '';
if ($cn) {
if (!$color) {
$color = isConsumerLogOn ($hash, $cn, $pcurr) ? 'darkorange' : '';
elsif ($pn) {
if (!$pcurr) {
$color = 'grey';
$cicon .= '@'.$color if($color);
$icon .= '@'.$color if($color);
return $cicon;
return $icon;
@ -20968,17 +20989,17 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-setupOtherProducer" data-pattern="setupOtherProducer.*"></a>
<li><b>setupOtherProducerXX &lt;Device Name&gt; pcurr=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt; [icon=&lt;Icon&gt;] </b> <br><br>
<li><b>setupOtherProducerXX &lt;Device Name&gt; pcurr=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Unit&gt; [icon=&lt;Icon&gt;[@&lt;Color&gt;]] </b> <br><br>
Defines any device and its readings for the delivery of other generation values
(e.g. CHP, wind generation, emergency generator).
(e.g. CHP, wind generation, emergency generator). This device is not intended for PV generation.
It can also be a dummy device with corresponding readings.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon for displaying the producer in the flow chart (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon and, if applicable, color for displaying the producer in the flow chart (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pcurr</b> </td><td>Reading which returns the current generation as a positive value or a self-consumption (special case) as a negative value </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>etotal</b> </td><td>Reading which supplies the total energy generated (a continuously ascending counter) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>If the reading violates the specification of a continuously rising counter, </td></tr>
@ -20990,7 +21011,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<b>Example: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; setupOtherProducer01 windwheel pcurr=total_pac:kW etotal=etotal:kWh icon=Ventilator_wind
attr &lt;name&gt; setupOtherProducer01 windwheel pcurr=total_pac:kW etotal=etotal:kWh icon=Ventilator_wind@darkorange
@ -23317,17 +23338,17 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-setupOtherProducer" data-pattern="setupOtherProducer.*"></a>
<li><b>setupOtherProducerXX &lt;Device Name&gt; pcurr=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; [icon=&lt;Icon&gt;] </b> <br><br>
<li><b>setupOtherProducerXX &lt;Device Name&gt; pcurr=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt; [icon=&lt;Icon&gt;[@&lt;Farbe&gt;]] </b> <br><br>
Legt ein beliebiges Device und dessen Readings zur Lieferung sonstiger Erzeugungswerte fest
(z.B. BHKW, Winderzeugung, Notstromaggregat).
(z.B. BHKW, Winderzeugung, Notstromaggregat). Dieses Device ist nicht für PV-Erzeugung vorgsehen.
Es kann auch ein Dummy Device mit entsprechenden Readings sein.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon zur Darstellung des Producers in der Flowgrafik (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>icon</b> </td><td>Icon und ggf. Farbe zur Darstellung des Producers in der Flowgrafik (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pcurr</b> </td><td>Reading welches die aktuelle Erzeugung als positiven Wert oder einen Eigenverbrauch (Sonderfall) als negativen Wert liefert </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>etotal</b> </td><td>Reading welches die gesamte erzeugte Energie liefert (ein stetig aufsteigender Zähler) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Sollte des Reading die Vorgabe eines stetig aufsteigenden Zählers verletzen, behandelt </td></tr>
@ -23339,7 +23360,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; setupOtherProducer01 windwheel pcurr=total_pac:kW etotal=etotal:kWh icon=Ventilator_wind
attr &lt;name&gt; setupOtherProducer01 windwheel pcurr=total_pac:kW etotal=etotal:kWh icon=Ventilator_wind@darkorange