mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
93_DbRep: contrib 8.30.4
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21035 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# 93_DbRep.pm
# (c) 2016-2019 by Heiko Maaz
# (c) 2016-2020 by Heiko Maaz
# e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This Module can be used to select and report content of databases written by 93_DbLog module
@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# Version History intern
our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
"8.30.4" => "17.01.2020 adjust timestamp in OutputWriteToDB, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920 ",
"8.30.4" => "22.01.2020 adjust behavior of OutputWriteToDB (averageValue,sumValue) - write value at every begin and also at every end of period ".
"Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920 ".
"fix Warning when Agent has detected a renamed device",
"8.30.3" => "28.11.2019 countEntries encode \$device, change count_ParseDone for \"countEntriesDetail\" ",
"8.30.2" => "24.11.2019 change order of delete(\$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) in *_ParseDone routines, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105591.msg996089.html#msg996089 ",
"8.30.1" => "22.11.2019 commandref revised ",
@ -175,6 +177,8 @@ our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
# Version History extern:
our %DbRep_vNotesExtern = (
"8.30.4" => "22.01.2020 The behavior of write back values to database is changed for functions averageValue and sumValue. The solution values of that functions now are ".
"written at every begin and also at every end of specified aggregation period. ",
"8.30.0" => "14.11.2019 A new command \"set <name> adminCredentials\" and \"get <name> storedCredentials\" ist provided. ".
"Use it to store a database priviledged user. This user DbRep can utilize for several operations which are need more (administative) ".
"user rights (e.g. index, sqlCmd). ",
@ -1451,7 +1455,7 @@ sub DbRep_Notify($$) {
my $strucChanged;
# altes in neues device in der DEF des angeschlossenen DbLog-device ändern (neues device loggen)
my $dblog_name = $own_hash->{dbloghash}{NAME}; # Name des an den DbRep-Agenten angeschlossenen DbLog-Dev
my $dblog_name = $own_hash->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}; # Name des an den DbRep-Agenten angeschlossenen DbLog-Dev
my $dblog_hash = $defs{$dblog_name};
if ( $dblog_hash->{DEF} =~ m/( |\(|\|)$evl[1]( |\)|\||:)/ ) {
@ -2718,7 +2722,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
my $st = [gettimeofday];
# DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Array-Eintrag
my $arrstr;
my ($arrstr,$wrstr,@rsf,@rsn);
foreach my $row (@ts) {
my @a = split("#", $row);
my $runtime_string = $a[0];
@ -2748,13 +2752,17 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array();
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - SQL result: $line[0]") if($line[0]);
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
@rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
@rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} elsif ($acf eq "avgDailyMeanGWS") {
@ -2804,14 +2812,18 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
} else {
$sum = "insufficient values";
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
@rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
@rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} elsif ($acf eq "avgTimeWeightMean") {
# zeitgewichteten Mittelwert berechnen
@ -2888,13 +2900,17 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - data element: $twmrow");
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - time sum: $tsum, delta time: $dt, value: $val1, twm: ".$val1*($dt/$tsum));
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
@rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
@rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
@ -2908,7 +2924,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
# Ergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
my ($wrt,$irowdone);
if($prop =~ /writeToDB/) {
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,$qlf);
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,$qlf);
if ($err) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "DbRep $name - $err";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
@ -3252,7 +3268,7 @@ sub maxval_DoParse($) {
if(!@array) {
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@array = ($runtime_string." "."0"." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@ -3479,11 +3495,11 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
return "$name|''|$device|$reading|''|$err|''";
my @array= map { $runtime_string." ".$_ -> [0]." ".$_ -> [1]."\n" } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() };
my @array = map { $runtime_string." ".$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]."\n" } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() };
if(!@array) {
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@array = ($runtime_string." "."0"." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@ -3522,7 +3538,6 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
# Test auf $value = "numeric"
if (!looks_like_number($value)) {
# $a[-1] =~ s/\s+$//g;
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - ERROR - value isn't numeric in minValue function. Faulty dataset was \nTIMESTAMP: $timestamp, DEVICE: $device, READING: $reading, VALUE: $value.");
$err = encode_base64("Value isn't numeric. Faulty dataset was - TIMESTAMP: $timestamp, VALUE: $value", "");
return "$name|''|$device|$reading|''|$err|''";
@ -3534,15 +3549,15 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
if ($runtime_string eq $lastruntimestring) {
if (!defined($min_value) || $value < $min_value) {
$min_value = $value;
$row_min_time = $timestamp;
$min_value = $value;
$row_min_time = $timestamp;
$rh{$runtime_string} = $runtime_string."|".$min_value."|".$row_min_time;
} else {
# neuer Zeitabschnitt beginnt, ersten Value-Wert erfassen
$lastruntimestring = $runtime_string;
$min_value = $value;
$row_min_time = $timestamp;
$lastruntimestring = $runtime_string;
$min_value = $value;
$row_min_time = $timestamp;
$rh{$runtime_string} = $runtime_string."|".$min_value."|".$row_min_time;
@ -3761,11 +3776,11 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
if(!@array) {
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
@array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."\n");
@array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."\n");
push(@row_array, @array);
@ -3803,13 +3818,7 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
$lastruntimestring = $runtime_string if ($i == 1);
my $timestamp = $a[2]?$a[1]."_".$a[2]:$a[1];
my $value = $a[3]?$a[3]:0;
my $diff = $a[4]?sprintf("%.4f",$a[4]):0;
# if ($uediff) {
# $diff = $diff + $uediff;
# Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - balance difference of $uediff between $rslval and $runtime_string");
# $uediff = 0;
# }
my $diff = $a[4]?sprintf("%.4f",$a[4]):0;
# Leerzeichen am Ende $timestamp entfernen
$timestamp =~ s/\s+$//g;
@ -3884,7 +3893,7 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
foreach my $key (sort(keys%{$ncp})) {
Log3 ($name, 3, $key) ;
$ncps = join('§', %$ncp);
$ncps = join('§', %$ncp);
$ncpslist = encode_base64($ncps,"");
@ -4058,7 +4067,7 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
my $st = [gettimeofday];
# DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Array-Eintrag
my $arrstr;
my ($arrstr,$wrstr,@rsf,@rsn);
foreach my $row (@ts) {
my @a = split("#", $row);
my $runtime_string = $a[0];
@ -4088,11 +4097,15 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - SQL result: $line[0]") if($line[0]);
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
@rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
} else {
my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
@rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@rsn = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
$arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
$wrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|"; # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
@ -4105,7 +4118,7 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
# Ergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
my ($wrt,$irowdone);
if($prop =~ /writeToDB/) {
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,"sum");
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,"sum");
if ($err) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "DbRep $name - $err";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
@ -10613,7 +10626,7 @@ return \%ncp;
# Funktionsergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
my ($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,$optxt) = @_;
my ($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,$optxt) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $dbloghash = $defs{$hash->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}};
my $dbconn = $dbloghash->{dbconn};
@ -10631,7 +10644,8 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
my $unit = "";
my $wrt = 0;
my $irowdone = 0;
my ($dbh,$sth_ih,$sth_uh,$sth_ic,$sth_uc,$err,$timestamp,$value,$date,$time,$rsf,$aggr,@row_array);
my ($dbh,$sth_ih,$sth_uh,$sth_ic,$sth_uc,$err,$timestamp,$value,$date,$time,$hour,$ndate,$ntime,$rsf,$rsn,$aggr,@row_array);
my ($year,$mon,$mday,$t1,$corr);
if(!$dbloghash->{HELPER}{COLSET}) {
$err = "No result of \"$hash->{LASTCMD}\" to database written. Cause: column width in \"$hash->{DEF}\" isn't set";
@ -10645,32 +10659,65 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
$type = $defs{$device}{TYPE} if($defs{$device}); # $type vom Device ableiten
if($optxt =~ /avg|sum/) {
my @arr = split("\\|", $arrstr);
my @arr = split("\\|", $wrstr);
my $ele = $#arr; # Nr des letzten Elements
my $i = 0;
foreach my $row (@arr) {
my @a = split("#", $row);
my $runtime_string = $a[0]; # Aggregations-Alias (nicht benötigt)
$value = defined($a[1])?sprintf("%.4f",$a[1]):undef;
$rsf = $a[2]; # Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
$rsf = $a[2]; # Runtime String first - Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
($date,$time) = split("_",$rsf);
$time =~ s/-/:/g if($time);
$rsn = $a[3]; # Runtime String next - Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
($ndate,$ntime) = split("_",$rsn);
$ntime =~ s/-/:/g if($ntime);
if($time !~ /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
if($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month/) {
$time = "00:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
if($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month|year/) {
$time = "00:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
$ntime = "23:59:59";
($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $ndate);
$corr = ($i != $ele) ? 86400 : 0;
$t1 = fhemTimeLocal(59, 59, 23, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900)-$corr;
($ndate,undef) = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
} elsif ($aggr =~ /hour/) {
$time = "$time:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
$hour = $time;
$time = "$hour:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
$ntime = "$hour:59:59";
if ($ntime eq "23:59:59") {
($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $ndate);
$t1 = fhemTimeLocal(59, 59, 23, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900)-86400;
($ndate,undef) = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
if ($value) {
if (defined $value) {
# Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden (DbLog-Funktion !)
($device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit) = DbLog_cutCol($dbloghash,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
if($i == 0) {
push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
push(@row_array, "$ndate $ntime|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
} else {
if ($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month|year/) {
($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $date);
$t1 = fhemTimeLocal(01, 00, 00, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900);
($date,$time) = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
} elsif ($aggr =~ /hour/) {
($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $date);
$t1 = fhemTimeLocal(01, 00, $hour, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900);
($date,$time) = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
push(@row_array, "$ndate $ntime|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
if($optxt =~ /min|max|diff/) {
my %rh = split("§", $arrstr);
my %rh = split("§", $wrstr);
foreach my $key (sort(keys(%rh))) {
my @k = split("\\|",$rh{$key});
$rsf = $k[2]; # Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
@ -10680,9 +10727,9 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
if($time !~ /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
if($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month/) {
$time = "00:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
$time = "23:59:58";
} elsif ($aggr =~ /hour/) {
$time = "$time:00:01"; # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
$time = "$time:59:58";
if ($value) {
@ -10691,7 +10738,7 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
if (@row_array) {
# Schreibzyklus aktivieren
@ -11008,8 +11055,8 @@ sub DbRep_checkUsePK ($$$){
$pkc =~ tr/"//d;
$upkh = 1 if(@pkh && @pkh ne "none");
$upkc = 1 if(@pkc && @pkc ne "none");
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.history: $pkh";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.current: $pkc";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.history: $upkh ($pkh)";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.current: $upkc ($pkc)";
return ($upkh,$upkc,$pkh,$pkc);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user