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Support for Telldus TellStick

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1215 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
real-wusel 2012-01-23 21:36:46 +00:00
parent e3c90a69d2
commit c6e02f90b8
2 changed files with 397 additions and 6 deletions

fhem/FHEM/70_TellStick.pm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
# Copyright notice
# (c) 2012 Copyright: Kai 'wusel' Siering (wusel+fhem at uu dot org)
# All rights reserved
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# 70_TellStick.pm
# Module for FHEM
# Contributed by Kai 'wusel' Siering <wusel+fhem@uu.org> in 2012
# Based in part on work for FHEM by other authors ...
# $Id: 70_TellStick.pm 1 2011-11-12 07:51:08Z real-wusel $
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($hash) = @_;
# Consumer
$hash->{DefFn} = "TellStick_Define";
$hash->{Clients} =
my %mc = (
"1:SIS_PMS" => "^socket ..:..:..:..:.. .+ state o.*",
$hash->{MatchList} = \%mc;
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "TellStick_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "TellStick_Write";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "TellStick_Undef";
my ($hash) = @_;
my $numdetected=0;
my $currentdevice=0;
my $FH;
my $i;
my $dev = sprintf("%s", $hash->{DeviceName});
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: Using \"$dev\" as parameter to open(); trying ...";
my $tmpdev=sprintf("%s --list 2>&1 |", $dev);
open($FH, $tmpdev);
if(!$FH) {
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: Can't start $tmpdev: $!";
return "Can't start $tmpdev: $!";
local $_;
while (<$FH>) {
my $msg=<$FH>;
my ($devid, $name, $state) = split('\t', $msg);
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: read: /$devid/$name/$state/";
if(defined($devid) && defined($name) && defined($state)) {
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: $devid $name $state";
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: Initial read done, $numdetected devices found";
if ($numdetected==0) {
Log 3, "TellStick_GetCurrentConfig: No TellStick devices found.";
return "no TellStick or configured devices found.";
$hash->{NUMDEVS} = $numdetected;
$hash->{STATE} = "initialized";
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $numdetected=0;
my $currentdevice=0;
my $retval;
return "Define the /path/to/tdtool as a parameter" if(@a != 3);
my $FH;
my $dev = sprintf("%s", $a[2]);
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
Log 3, "TellStick using \"$dev\" as parameter to open(); trying ...";
Log 3, "TellStick GetCurrentConfing done";
if(defined($retval)) {
Log 3, "TellStick: An error occured: $retval";
return $retval;
if($hash->{NUMDEVS} < 1) {
return "TellStick no configured devices found.";
$hash->{Timer} = 30;
Log 3, "TellStick setting callback timer";
my $oid = $init_done;
$init_done = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "TellStick_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
$init_done = $oid;
Log 3, "TellStick initialized";
return undef;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(defined($hash->{FD})) {
delete $hash->{FD};
delete $selectlist{"$name.pipe"};
Log 3, "$name shutdown complete";
return undef;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $dnr = $hash->{DEVNR};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $FH;
my $i;
Log 4, "TellStick contacting device";
my $tmpdev=sprintf("%s --list", $dev);
$tmpdev=sprintf("%s 2>&1 |", $tmpdev);
open($FH, $tmpdev);
if(!$FH) {
return "TellStick Can't open pipe: $dev: $!";
$selectlist{"$name.pipe"} = $hash;
Log 4, "TellStick pipe opened";
$hash->{STATE} = "reading";
$hash->{pipeopentime} = time();
my ($hash) = @_;
my $dnr = $hash->{DEVNR};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $FH;
my $inputline;
Log 4, "TellStick Read entered";
if(!defined($hash->{FD})) {
Log 3, "Oops, TellStick FD undef'd";
return undef;
if(!$hash->{FD}) {
Log 3, "Oops, TellStick FD empty";
return undef;
$FH = $hash->{FD};
Log 4, "TellStick reading started";
my @lines;
my $eof;
my $i=0;
my $tn = TimeNow();
my $reading;
my $readingforstatus;
($eof, @lines) = nonblockGetLinesTellStick($FH);
if(!defined($eof)) {
Log 4, "TellStick FIXME: eof undefined?!";
Log 4, "TellStick reading ended with eof==$eof";
# FIXME! Current observed behaviour is "would block", then read of only EOF.
# Not sure if it's always that way; more correct would be checking
# for empty $inputline or undef'd $rawreading,$val. -wusel, 2010-01-04
# UPDATE: Seems to work so far, so I'll re-use this as-is ;) -wusel, 2012-01-21
if($eof != 1) {
foreach my $inputline ( @lines ) {
Log 5, "TellStick read: $inputline";
my ($devid, $name, $state) = split('\t', $inputline);
if(defined($devid) && defined($name) && defined($state)) {
my $dmsg = sprintf("socket te:ll:st:ck:01 %d state %s", $devid, $state);
$name =~ s/\W/_/;
$hash->{TMPLABEL} = $name;
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, undef);
} else {
Log 4, "TellStick line /$inputline/ ignored";
if($eof) {
delete $hash->{FD};
delete $selectlist{"$name.pipe"};
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+ $hash->{Timer}, "TellStick_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "read";
Log 4, "TellStick done reading pipe";
} else {
$hash->{STATE} = "reading";
Log 4, "TellStick (further) reading would block";
sub TellStick_Write($$$) {
my ($hash,$fn,$msg) = @_;
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my ($serial, $devid, $what) = split(' ', $msg);
Log 4, "TellStick_Write entered for $hash->{NAME}: $serial, $devid, $what";
my $cmdline;
my $cmdletter="l";
if($what eq "on") {
} elsif($what eq "off") {
$cmdline=sprintf("%s -%s %d 2>&1 >/dev/null", $dev, $cmdletter, $devid);
Log 4, "TellStick_Write executed $cmdline";
# From http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=713384 / http://davesource.com/Solutions/20080924.Perl-Non-blocking-Read-On-Pipes-Or-Files.html
# Used, hopefully, with permission ;)
# An non-blocking filehandle read that returns an array of lines read
# Returns: ($eof,@lines)
my %nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick;
sub nonblockGetLinesTellStick {
my ($fh,$timeout) = @_;
$timeout = 0 unless defined $timeout;
my $rfd = '';
$nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick{$fh} = ''
unless defined $nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick{$fh};
vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1) = 1;
return unless select($rfd, undef, undef, $timeout)>=0;
# I'm not sure the following is necessary?
return unless vec($rfd,fileno($fh),1);
my $buf = '';
my $n = sysread($fh,$buf,1024*1024);
# If we're done, make sure to send the last unfinished line
return (1,$nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick{$fh}) unless $n;
# Prepend the last unfinished line
$buf = $nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick{$fh}.$buf;
# And save any newly unfinished lines
$nonblockGetLines_lastTellStick{$fh} =
(substr($buf,-1) !~ /[\r\n]/ && $buf =~ s/([^\r\n]*)$//)
? $1 : '';
$buf ? (0,split(/\n/,$buf)) : (0);

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
<a href="#SISPM">SISPM</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#SIS_PMS">SIS_PMS</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#TCM">TCM</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#TellStick">TellStick</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#USF1000">USF1000</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#USBWX">USBWX</a> &nbsp;
<a href="#VantagePro2">VantagePro2</a> &nbsp;
@ -6203,11 +6204,6 @@ Forecast Cloudy</pre>
<!--<div style="background-color: #ffaaaa;"> -->
<i><b>PLEASE NOTE:</b> This module is still work in progess; please treat it as such.
(That is, don't but your central heating on SISPM in a cold winter just yet ;))</i><br><br>
Further tests should be done regarding the interaction between "set" commands and the sheduled
status reading. (Testing with FIFOs seems as if it's working without blocking nor interference,
but that's on a mostly unloaded, fast system.)<br><br>
When <i>using multiple SIS PMs on one host</i>, sispmctl up to and including V 2.7 has a bug:
<pre>plug-2:# sispmctl -v -s -d 1 -g all -d 2 -g all
@ -6253,7 +6249,8 @@ Terminating
"Silver Shield Power Manager" devices. Usually these are connected to the local computer
via USB, more than one "sispm" device per computer is supported. (Please note that, due
to neglections in their USB driver, AVM's Fritz!Box 7170 (and derivates, like Deutsche
Telekom's Speedport W901V) <b>is not</b> able to talk to these devices ...)
Telekom's Speedport W901V) <b>is not</b> able to talk to these devices ... The Fritz!Box
72xx and 73xx should be fine.)
The communication between FHEM and the Power Manager device is done by using the open
source <a href="http://sispmctl.sourceforge.net/">sispmctl</a> program. Thus, for the
@ -6390,6 +6387,67 @@ Terminating
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li><br>
<a name="TellStick"></a>
<a name="TellStickdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; TellStick &lt;/path/to/tdtool&gt;</code>
<!--<div style="background-color: #ffaaaa;"> -->
Defines a path to the program "tdtool", which is used to control a (locally attached)
"Telldus TellStick [Duo]" USB device. A TellStick controls a wide range of 433 MHz
devices, like the widely available switchable power outlets from InterTechno.<br><br>
To keep things simple, FHEM interfaces with the telldus-core suite (available
for Linux, Windows, Mac OSX) via the supplied tool, "tdtool". This FHEM module
will initially use "tdtool --list" to receive a list of configured devices, then let
autocreate (if enabled) create them as <a href="#SIS_PMS">SIS_PMS</a> devices.<br></br>
<i>Please make sure</i> that the user running FHEM under ("fhem" in a standard setup on
Linux) has the <i>r/w-right to access the stick's device</i> ("/dev/tellstick"
in telldus-core version 2.0) &mdash; if the state of your devices do not change when
modified im FHEM, access rights problems are the most probable cause
(<code>chmod o+rw /dev/tellstick</code> should fix that; you may want to automate it
via udev or adding the fhem user to the proper group ;))<br></br>
This module has only been tested with the 2.0 branch of teldus-core because of a known bug
in 2.1, <a href="http://www.telldus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1645"> preventing
version 2.1 working properly with some TellSticks</a> and/or "tdtool" application; FTR, the
"Batch: 8" version a was granted usage of for writing this module was impacted by it ...
To actually control any power sockets, you need to define a <a href="#SIS_PMS">SIS_PMS</a>
device &mdash; TellStick.pm uses SIS_PMS devices ("socket" is te:ll:st:ck:01, "socketnr"
is the ID of the device in "tdtool"), as as of now only on/off switching is supported and
this was the easiest implementation path. SIS_PMS is supported by <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/andfhem/">andFHEM</a>, the Android
frontend, so this make some sense. (Furthermore, I don't own dimmable devices and they are
actually not really cheap; >15 EUR/socket compared to the 15 EUR for 5 switch-only, non-self
learning socket adapters from Intertechno at your local home improvement store.)
<code>define TStick TellStick /usr/bin/tdtool</code><br>
<code>define Deckenfluter SIS_PMS te:ll:st:ck:01 2</code><br>
<a name="TellStickset"></a>
<b>Set</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="TellStickget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="TellStickattr"></a>
<li>none <!--<a href="#model">model</a> (TellStick)--></li>
<a name="IPWE"></a>