diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm b/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
index 909d5d963..dcbd84d36 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
- Module to control the FHEM/Alexa integration.
+ Module to control the integration of Amazon Alexa devices with FHEM.
@@ -511,7 +511,8 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
- reload [name]
- Reloads the device name or all devices in alexa-fhem. Subsequently you have to start a device discovery in alexa.
+ Reloads the device name or all devices in alexa-fhem. Subsequently you have to start a device discovery
+ for the home automation skill in the amazon alexa app.
@@ -536,8 +537,14 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
defaults to: der,die,das,den
- prepositions
defaults to: in,im,in der
+ - alexaMapping
+ maps spoken commands to intents for certain characteristics.
- alexaTypes
maps spoken device types to ServiceClasses. eg: attr alexa alexaTypes light:licht,lampe,lampen blind:rolladen,jalousie,rollo Outlet:steckdose TemperatureSensor:thermometer LockMechanism:schloss OccupancySensor: anwesenheit
+ - fhemIntents
+ maps spoken commands directed to fhem as a whole (i.e. not to specific devices) to events from the alexa device.
+ Note: changes to attributes of the alexa device will automatically trigger a reconfiguration of
+ alxea-fhem and there is no need to restart the service.