diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/10_EnOcean.pm b/fhem/FHEM/10_EnOcean.pm
index 0842d20d0..73239067a 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/10_EnOcean.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/10_EnOcean.pm
@@ -478,6 +478,9 @@ my %EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode = (
my %EnO_models = (
"Eltako_FAE14" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
"Eltako_FAH60" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
+ "Eltako_FBH55SB" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
+ "Eltako_FBH65SB" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
+ "Eltako_FBHF65SB" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
"Eltako_FHK14" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
"Eltako_FHK61" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
"Eltako_FSA12" => {attr => {manufID => "00D"}},
@@ -768,7 +771,7 @@ EnOcean_Initialize($)
"calAtEndpoints:no,yes comMode:confirm,biDir,uniDir creator:autocreate,manual " .
"daylightSavingTime:supported,not_supported dataEnc:VAES,AES-CBC " .
"defaultChannel:" . join(",", @EnO_defaultChannel) . " " .
- "demandRespAction demandRespRefDev demandRespMax:A0,AI,B0,BI,C0,CI,D0,DI ".
+ "demandRespAction:textField-long demandRespRefDev demandRespMax:A0,AI,B0,BI,C0,CI,D0,DI ".
"demandRespMin:A0,AI,B0,BI,C0,CI,D0,DI demandRespRandomTime " .
"demandRespThreshold:slider,0,1,15 demandRespTimeoutLevel:max,last destinationID " .
"devChannel devMode:master,slave devUpdate:off,auto,demand,polling,interrupt " .
@@ -779,12 +782,12 @@ EnOcean_Initialize($)
"keyRcv keySnd macAlgo:no,3,4 measurementCtrl:disable,enable measurementTypeSelect:feed,room " .
"manufID:" . join(",", sort keys %EnO_manuf) . " " .
"model:" . join(",", sort keys %EnO_models) . " " .
- "observe:on,off observeCmdRepetition:1,2,3,4,5 observeErrorAction observeInterval observeLogic:and,or " .
+ "observe:on,off observeCmdRepetition:1,2,3,4,5 observeErrorAction:textField-long observeInterval observeLogic:and,or " .
#observeCmds observeExeptions
"observeRefDev pidActorErrorAction:errorPos,freeze pidActorCallBeforeSetting pidActorErrorPos " .
"pidActorLimitLower pidActorLimitUpper pidActorTreshold pidCtrl:on,off pidDeltaTreshold pidFactor_D pidFactor_I " .
"pidFactor_P pidIPortionCallBeforeSetting pidSensorTimeout " .
- "pollInterval postmasterID productID rampTime rcvRespAction ".
+ "pollInterval postmasterID productID rampTime rcvRespAction:textField-long ".
"releasedChannel:A,B,C,D,I,0,auto repeatingAllowed:yes,no remoteCode remoteEEP remoteID remoteManufID " .
"remoteManagement:client,manager,off rlcAlgo:no,2++,3++,4++ rlcRcv rlcSnd rlcTX:true,false " .
"reposition:directly,opens,closes rltRepeat:16,32,64,128,256 rltType:1BS,4BS " .
@@ -9856,14 +9859,15 @@ sub EnOcean_Parse($$)
# Light, Temperatur and Occupancy Sensor (EEP A5-08-01)
# [Eltako FABH63, FBH55, FBH63, FIBH63, TF-BHSB]
if ($manufID eq "00D") {
- if ( $model eq 'Eltako_TF') {
+ if ($model eq 'Eltako_TF') {
+ $lux = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 2048 / 255;
+ } elsif ($model =~ m/^Eltako_FB.*SB$/) {
$lux = $db[2] << 1;
- push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux U: $voltage";
- push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
} else {
$lux = sprintf "%d", $db[2] * 2048 / 255;
- push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux";
+ push @event, "3:state:M: $motion E: $lux U: $voltage";
+ push @event, "3:voltage:$voltage";
} else {
$lux = $db[2] << 1;
$temp = sprintf "%0.1f", $db[1] * 0.2;
@@ -11091,7 +11095,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Parse($$)
} elsif ($st eq "actuator.01") {
# Electronic switches and dimmers with Energy Measurement and Local Control
- # (D2-01-00 - D2-01-12)
+ # (D2-01-00 - D2-01-14)
my $channel = (hex substr($data, 2, 2)) & 0x1F;
if ($channel == 31) {$channel = "Input";}
my $cmd = hex substr($data, 1, 1);
@@ -19135,8 +19139,8 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
set <name> <value>