From c3af66840fde1cf21c04a7f8e4a0e9ea79aaa635 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vuffiraa <>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 12:16:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add cleaning statistics
git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
fhem/CHANGED | 1 +
fhem/FHEM/ | 113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
2 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 8c3637921..02bc0fc05 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 70_BOTVAC: add cleaning statistics
- feature: 98_livetracking: CSV data from OwnTracks
- new: 98_Weather: add wundergroundAPI for Weather Underground
- feature: 98_backup: add support for FileLog path
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index 7a1826df0..a147c8c83 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -215,8 +215,54 @@ sub Get($@) {
} else {
return "no such reading: $what";
+ } elsif ( $what =~ /^(statistics)$/ ) {
+ if (defined( $hash->{helper}{MAPS} and @{$hash->{helper}{MAPS}} > 0)) {
+ my $ret = "";
+ my $mapcount = @{$hash->{helper}{MAPS}};
+ my $cw = 9; #column width
+ my $cws = $cw * 11 + 4; #column width sum
+ $ret .= "".sprintf("%-".($cws)."s","Report: ".ReadingsVal($name,"name","name").", ".InternalVal($name,"VENDOR","VENDOR").", ".ReadingsVal($name,"model","model"))."\n\n";
+ $ret .= "".sprintf("%-".($cw-5)."s","Map").sprintf("%-".($cw+1)."s","Expected").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Map").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Map").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Charge").sprintf("%-".($cw+1)."s","Discharge").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Area").sprintf("%-".($cw+11)."s","Cleaning").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Charge").sprintf("%-".$cw."s","Status").sprintf("%-".($cw+2)."s","Date").sprintf("%-".($cw+10)."s","Time")."\n";
+ $ret .= "".sprintf("%-".($cw-5)."s","No.").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Area").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Time").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Area").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","Time").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Delta").sprintf("%-".(($cw+1))."s","Speed").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Speed").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Cat.").sprintf("%-".($cw-3)."s","Mode").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Freq.").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","During").sprintf("%-".$cw."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw+2)."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw+10)."s","")."\n";
+ $ret .= "".sprintf("%-".($cw-5)."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","qm").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","min").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","qm").sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s","min").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","%").sprintf("%-".($cw+1)."s","%/min").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","qm/min").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw-3)."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s","Run").sprintf("%-".$cw."s","").sprintf("%-".($cw+2)."s","YYYY-MM-DD").sprintf("%-".($cw+10)."s","hh:mm:ss")."\n";
+ $ret .= sprintf("-"x($cws))."\n";
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$mapcount;$i++) {
+ my $map = \$hash->{helper}{MAPS}[$i];
+ my $t1 = GetSecondsFromString("$$map->{end_at}");
+ my $t2 = GetSecondsFromString("$$map->{start_at}");
+ my $dt = $t1-$t2-$$map->{time_in_suspended_cleaning}-$$map->{time_in_error}-$$map->{time_in_pause};
+ my $dc = $$map->{run_charge_at_start}-$$map->{run_charge_at_end};
+ my $expa = int($$map->{cleaned_area}*100/$dc+.5) if ($dc > 0);
+ my $expt = int($dt*100/$dc/60+.5) if ($dc > 0);
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-5)."s",$i+1); # Map No.
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s",($expa>0?$expa:0)); # Expected Area
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s",($expt>0?$expt:0)); # Expected Time
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s",int($$map->{cleaned_area}+.5)); # Map Area
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-4)."s",($dt>0)?(int($dt/60+.5)):0); # Map Time
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s",($dc>0?$dc:0)); # Charge Delta
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw+1)."s",($dt>0 and $dc>0)?(int($dc*600/$dt+.5)/10):0); # Discharge Speed
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s",($expt>0 and $expa>0)?(int($expa*10/$expt+.5))/10:0); # Area Speed
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s",GetCategoryText($$map->{category})); # Cleaning Category
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-3)."s",GetModeText($$map->{mode})); # Cleaning Mode
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s",GetModifierText($$map->{modifier})); # Cleaning Frequency
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cw-2)."s",$$map->{suspended_cleaning_charging_count}."x"); # Charge During Run
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".$cw."s",$$map->{status}); # Status
+ $ret .= sprintf("%-".($cws)."s",GetTimeFromString($$map->{generated_at})); # Date
+ $ret .= "\n";
+ $ret .= "
" if ($i%5==4);
+ }
+ $ret .= "\nManufacturer Specification\n";
+ $ret .= "Vorwerk VR220(VR300), battery 84 Wh, eco (90 min, 120 qm, power 65 W), turbo (60 min, 90 qm, power 85 W)\n";
+ return $ret;
+ } else {
+ return "maps for $what are not available yet";
+ }
} else {
- return "Unknown argument $what, choose one of batteryPercent:noArg";
+ return "Unknown argument $what, choose one of batteryPercent:noArg statistics:noArg";
@@ -964,7 +1010,7 @@ sub ReceiveCommand($$$) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @boundaries; $i++) {
my $currentBoundary = "{";
$currentBoundary .= "\"id\":\"".$boundaries[$i]->{id}."\"," if ($boundaries[$i]->{type} eq "polygon");
- $currentBoundary .= "\"type\":\"".$boundaries[$i]->{type}."\",";
+ $currentBoundary .= "\"type\":\"".$boundaries[$i]->{type}."\",";
if (ref($boundaries[$i]->{vertices}) eq "ARRAY") {
my @vertices = @{$boundaries[$i]->{vertices}};
$currentBoundary .= "\"vertices\":[";
@@ -974,8 +1020,8 @@ sub ReceiveCommand($$$) {
$currentBoundary .= "[".$xy[0].",".$xy[1]."],";
- $tmp = chop($currentBoundary); #remove last ","
- $currentBoundary .= "],";
+ $tmp = chop($currentBoundary); #remove last ","
+ $currentBoundary .= "],";
$currentBoundary .= "\"name\":\"".$boundaries[$i]->{name}."\",";
$currentBoundary .= "\"color\":\"".$boundaries[$i]->{color}."\",";
@@ -983,18 +1029,18 @@ sub ReceiveCommand($$$) {
$currentBoundary .= "\"enabled\":".$tmp.",";
$tmp = chop($currentBoundary); #remove last ","
$currentBoundary .= "},\n";
- if ($boundaries[$i]->{type} eq "polygon") {
- $zonesList .= $currentBoundary;
- } else {
- $boundariesList .= $currentBoundary;
- }
+ if ($boundaries[$i]->{type} eq "polygon") {
+ $zonesList .= $currentBoundary;
+ } else {
+ $boundariesList .= $currentBoundary;
+ }
$tmp = chomp($boundariesList); #remove last "\n"
- $tmp = chomp($zonesList); #remove last "\n"
- $tmp = chop($boundariesList); #remove last ","
- $tmp = chop($zonesList); #remove last ","
+ $tmp = chomp($zonesList); #remove last "\n"
+ $tmp = chop($boundariesList); #remove last ","
+ $tmp = chop($zonesList); #remove last ","
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "floorplan_".$reqId."_boundaries", $boundariesList);
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "floorplan_".$reqId."_zones", $zonesList);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "floorplan_".$reqId."_zones", $zonesList);
@@ -1135,14 +1181,28 @@ sub ReceiveCommand($$$) {
if ( ref($return) eq "HASH" ) {
if ( ref($return->{maps} ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
my @maps = @{$return->{maps}};
+ $hash->{helper}{MAPS} = $return->{maps};
if (@maps) {
# take first - newest
my $map = $maps[0];
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_status", $map->{status});
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_id", $map->{id});
+ foreach my $key (keys $map) {
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_".$key, defined($map->{$key})?$map->{$key}:"")
+ if ($key !~ "url|url_valid_for_seconds|generated_at|start_at|end_at");
+ }
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_date", GetTimeFromString($map->{generated_at}));
- readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_area", $map->{cleaned_area});
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, ".map_url", $map->{url});
+ my $t1 = GetSecondsFromString($map->{end_at});
+ my $t2 = GetSecondsFromString($map->{start_at});
+ my $dt = $t1-$t2-$map->{time_in_suspended_cleaning}-$map->{time_in_error}-$map->{time_in_pause};
+ my $dc = $map->{run_charge_at_start}-$map->{run_charge_at_end};
+ my $expa = int($map->{cleaned_area}*100/$dc+.5) if ($dc > 0);
+ my $expt = int($dt*100/$dc/60+.5) if ($dc > 0);
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_duration", int($dt/6+.5)/10); # min
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_expected_area", $expa>0?$expa:0); # qm
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_run_discharge", $dc>0?$dc:0); # %
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_expected_time", $expt>0?$expt:0); # min
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_area_per_time", ($expt>0 and $expa>0)?(int($expa*10/$expt+.5)/10):0); # qm/min
+ readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "map_discharge_per_time", ($dt>0 and $dc>0)?(int($dc*600/$dt+.5)/10):0); # %/min
$loadMap = 1;
# getPersistentMaps
push(@successor , ["robots", "persistent_maps"]);
@@ -1226,6 +1286,18 @@ sub GetTimeFromString($) {
+sub GetSecondsFromString($) {
+ my ($timeStr) = @_;
+ eval {
+ use Time::Local;
+ if(defined($timeStr) and $timeStr =~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T([0-2]\d):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d)Z$/) {
+ my $time = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900);
+ return $time;
+ }
+ }
sub SetRobot($$) {
my ( $hash, $robot ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@@ -1905,7 +1977,14 @@ sub wsMasking($$) {
get <name> batteryPercent
requests the state of the battery from Robot
+ get <name> statistics
+ display statistical data, extracted from available maps of recent cleanings